HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-1968 I I I IHNUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OCOEE, OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: VLARCH 19, 1968 PRESENT: Comm. Hager, Hamby, Reese, Vandergrift and Hayor Minor ABSENT: None. Meeting called to order by Mayor }unor at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of last regular meeting and Special Meeting read and approved. Comm. Hamby motioned all bills in order be paid. Comm. Reese seconded, No No's motion carried. f';; ( A) General Fund Winston Love .60 James E. Colen 94.39 West Orange Fence Co 30.00 Glenn Cornwell 4.58 Davis Meter Co 120.00 Pine Hills Automotive 10.30 Hughes Supply 71.05 Johns-V~nsville 4,187.50 Anderson Surgical 26.00 Orkin Exterminating Co 225.00 Moore's Foundry 40.00 M~cheals Engineers 95.00 Henry Plumbing 6.50 John S. Bristol & ASSOC. 425.00 Florida Power Corp d 1,026.45 Gibbs Ashley DVM 22.50 W. H. Wurst Insurance 7.63 Engles 8.95 A. P. Clark 3.75 A. P. Clark 11.47 Reeves Service 59.08 Guerney, Guerney & handly 132.45 Chester R. Anderson 67.21 Rex Gann 67.21 otis Hensley 69.78 ~. I Jernigan 71.39 Robert Keller 64.53 Lamar Matthews 65.21 Noble Riner 69.01 Roy Strickland 65.21 Grady Smith 83.24 Perry C. Johnson 52.93 Hassel J. Mobe 52.93 Sam Oliver 87.39 U. S. Postmaster 140.80 Wm. Rodgers 5.70 Chester R. Anderson 67.21 ReK Gann 67.21 otis Hensley 69.78 J. I. Jernigan 71.39 Robert Keller 64.53 Lamar V~tthews 65.21 Noble Riner 69.01 Roy Strickland 65.21 : ~'rc:..'::'~' Otis Smith Hassel J. Mobe Sam Oliver Perry C. Johnson Fla. State Bd of Hea.lth Jewell Stoutenburgh Sharon Lott James T. Vandergrift John T. Minor Betty S. Hager Cannon Hamby Nathan Reese Scott Vandergfift Adron Claunch Bernard B. Davis Wm. R. Hager Leroy Turner Raymond E. Cook St. Fred Daughtery John Green Edward Hornsby Harold Sasser Edward G. Loughlin Ethel Mills Louis vlood Paul Solomon Theron H. Barfield U. S. Postmaster Johnny Steffy Rex Gann George W. Hensley otis Hensley J. I. Jernigan James Pinkard LaIlar Matthews Noble Riner Roy Strickland Grady Smith Perry Johnson Hasseil J. Mobe Sam Oliver Robert Keller 83 . 24 52.93 87.39 52.93 25.00 157.57 96.66 47.80 47.80 20.40 23 .90 23 . 90 20.40 163 . 80 31.07 176.85 210.94 87.10 8.66 19.12 19.12 4.78 168.20 140.69 147.85 8.37 70.08 47.75 5.70 67.21 24.41 69.78 71.39 24.41 65.21 69.01 65.21 83.24 62.97 62.97 87.39 64.53 I I Mervin Lee reported that 500 Watt flood lights on water tower, would cost approx. 1M per kw hr. Comm. Hager suggested we get these lights installed as soon as possible to discourage vandalism.Comm~' Hager to get bids from two supp~ houses for the above flood lights. Mr. Lee brought several sketches of maps for city to choose one for the new city maps. Council takled this for present time. Conun. Hager to write Mr. Mallard and send map for Ocoee mailing addresses for, residents and commercial businesses in the city ,limit. Approx. 4 business on high- way 50 has a Winter Garde~ mailing address. Comm. Hager asked for permission to selr'.Adis Jernigan water for watering grove at the rate of 25i per M. y~. Jernig~to haul said water. Conuno: Hager to contact Mr. Jernigan. Council agreed. I Comm. Hager brought up the need for a bookkeeping machine for the City Hall. She pointed out the time involved in making out water bills by hand and the time saved by using a billing machine'. She stated that the overtime pay would more than pay for a machine over a period of one year. Mr. Wynn, city auditor, has knowledge of a used machine th . t . e C~ y can purchase for around $1,500.00. I I I Counc~l to consider and report at next meeting. Comm. Vandergrift read a letter from Lions Club, stating their support of the proposed sewerage system. They stated that it was their belief that such a program was essential to the growth and development of the city. Comm. Hamby stated that the fire department needed a rack to hold the new water hose. Council agreed that Comm. Hamby purchase this rack. Comm. Vandergrift motioned that a regerendum vote on the proposed revenue certificates to finance the sewerage system for the city be held May 7th in conjunction with the first primary election in Orange Co. Comm. Hamby seconded. Cormn. Reese, Hamby and 11ayor 11inor voted yes. Comm. Hager had to leave early and didnot vote. Motion carried. The Council agreed that a letter to all free holders setting forth the proposal, need and cost of system be mailed by April 16th and that a public meeting will be held in the High School Auditorium, Ocoee, Florida April 23rd to discuss this letter. Comm. Hamby suggested that any business picking up and delivering in the city should have city occupational license. City Clerk to contact other municipalities as or ordinance on this. Comrn. Hamby reported that the ABC Liquor Store, which has been broken into twice recently, would like to know if they could put an alarm system hookup connection in the dispatchers station. Council agreed. r.fayor Minor discussed ways the city might make employment in the Police Dept. more attractive. He stated after June 1st, the state would require 200 hrs. of training before hiring a policeman. Mayor Vunor pointed out that in order to attract qualified men, we must compete with other cities our size. He suggested a starting salary of $375.00 per month and across the board raise of $25.00 per month for all policemen now employed by the city. Comm. Vandergrift suggested that fringe benefits, such as hospital Ins. retirement, etc., might be a better solution for the time being. Council tabled this for further investigation and discussion. Comm. Hamby asked for retroactive pay for dispatchers, based on weekly pay, rather than semi-monthly for the period Dec. 1st throught Dec. 31st. 1967. Council agreed. ~~yor Minor stated that he talked with one of the Orange Co. Deputy Sheriffs regarding marijuana cigarettes and other sources of dope being brought in from Pine Hills and Orlando area to the Youth Center in Ocoee. Mayor ~~nor suggested that the Youth Council meetings at the Youth Center be required to leave all lights on al all time. Also, to instruct the Reserve Police, if they can't handle this, that we will get someone that can. Comm. Hamby motioned that all lights in Youth Center for all Teen Council dances will be left burning at all time. Comm. Vandergrift ammended the motion, that all dances have lights on. Comm. Hamby seconded amendment. Comm. H.;i.ger and l-~Yglr ~anor opposed amendment. Cornm. Reese voted yes, then withdrew his vote on the amendment. Amendment died for lack of second. The original motion was seconded by Comrn. Reese. Comm. Hager, Reese, Hamby and Mayor Y~or voted yes. Comm. Vandergrift voted no. Original motion carried. Delma Fields addressed the Council regarding water bill for Ocoee Motors Inc. He asked for consideration on water bill due to the city using well on said property. Comrn. Hager to work with Mr. Fields and other officers in the Corporation, regarding this bill and well. The third reading of Tri-City Airport Ordinance was read by Mayor ~linor. Comm. Reese motioned to accept the reading of the Tri-City Airport Ordinance. Comm. Hamby seconded. No No's. Motion carried. Comm. Hager stated she cannot be here April 2nd for Council meeting and ask that metting be changed until April 9th. Council agreed. A Special Meeting of the council was called for April 4th, regarding letter to free holders about the sewerage program. There being no further business Comm. Reese motioned council adjourn, Comm. Hamby seconded. Thereupon Council ad 11"05 P. M. AttestCl" , ~H JJ~AJ.-jMrf1: ~ erk I I I