HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-1968 I I ._~ I l1INllTES OF THE HEGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OCOEE, FLORIDA. HELD: May 7, 1968 PRESENT: Cemm. Hager, Hamby, Reese, Vandergrift ~d Mayer ~~n8r ABSENT: NONE Meeting called te order by May.r Miner at 8:30 P. l-1. !1inutes.f last regular meeting read and appr~ved. Comm. Vandergrift meti..ed all bills in erder be paid. Cemm. ~eese secended moti... Ne Ne's. M.ti.n carried. (A) GENEEAL FUND: 'f. H. VanDeventer Ett<:\ Sar.ders 75.CO 15.CC =-5.00 15 .00 15.00 15.00 15.00 13.00 15.36 38.36 144 .00 166.25 444.86 40.10 21. 00 1,440.00 93 .12 16.95 315.00 19.95 106.31 215.56 104 .15 24.90 179.70 5.00 54.52 26.31 41.50 15 . 27 27 .00 55.03 47. 70 8.66 5.18 107.50 48.00 4.12 42.50 7.87 1";88.80 8.95 25.00 100.00 E5t~1J.e t""~hn.JO!l ~v~ :~uck.les Ellen Be.n AM. LaDa.~an Gee. H. H.rt.n Albritt.. Service J. A.Anders.n Janiter Anders.n Surgical Supply Bd. .r C.. C.Jr\Il. B.wen Supply BeWRes8 Service Sta. Bray Hardware Central Fla. Fire Equip. ;rack Cecke & C. Del Chemical C.rp D.nnelly Publishing Grifrin & Halllin H.ed Tracter GleAn J.iner Elmer Kerr Electric Griffith Tire C. J.hn Lamb Chev. C. Lee P..l Supply McC.rd Feed M & M. WeldiJlg C. M.dern Statienery M.t.r.la Oceee Gulf Service Orland.~ Pavi.g C. Paafting Lumber Ce. Pickett Printing C. P.unds Pharmacy Natha. Reese Le.Jlard H. Saine Wm. Stin!\~tt Geerge Stuart Valbr. White St.re W. Garden LUJIlber W. Garden Hardware Fla. State Bd. Health7 Emergency Fund Bank .f West Oraiige Jimmie V. Birdyshaw Rex Ganl'l Otis HeRsley J. 1. JerRigan B.bby H. Ta.yl.r Rebert Keller Lamar Matthews l'htble Riner R.y C. Strickland Otis G . Smith Perry C. J.hnsen Sam Oliver Arthur Br.wder Stephen J.hns.n Atty. June Claunch Hughes Supply Davis Meter Bank .r West Orange E. H. Haugham Char les Adal1s Jewell C. St.utenburgh Shar.n I. L.tt Adr.n Claunch Raym.nd E. C..k Bernard B. Davie WJn. R. Ha.ger Ler.y Turner Raym.nd E. C..k, Jr. Har.ld Sasser Ther.n H. Barfield Edward G. L.ughlin Ethel Mills L.uis R. W.ed Bank .r West Orange Charley E. McCulley City .f Winter Park U. S. P.stl1aster Brinklin Builders Supply Sam Oliver Perry C. J.hns.n Grady SJIlith R.y C' Strickland N.ble Riner Lamar Matthews Robert Keller Jimmie V. Birdyshaw Rex.Gann Otis Hensley J. I. Jernigan R.bert Tayl.r Terminal Transp.rt 137.00 62.31 67.21 69.78 71.33 69.01 69.31 65.21 69.01 65.21 83 .24 83.39 87.39 1.32 275.00 2.00 59.60 823 .78 350 .00 3.00 6.00 157.57 77.76 170.90 175.20 31.07 176.85 210.94 9.56 9.56 54.06 130 .82 110 . 73 114 .49 513.50 .25 17.00 30.00 43 .43 87.39 60.31 83 . 24 65.21 69.01 65.21 60.31 63.21 67.21 69.78 71.39 69.01 10 .15 I I .,.1>"- Cenoo. Hager m.ti.ned we accept the re~erendum v.te en sewerage by electi.n beard. The v.te being: 521 against and 103 f.r sewerage. C.mm. Hamby sec.nded m.ti.n. N. N.'s. Meti.n carried. Cemm. H~ger rep.rted the new pump at well #1 has been installed and the water tewer is in .peratien.. I C.mm. Vandergrift inquired ab.ut the city .rdinances, given to Atty. Hamlin, several weeks age te have revised. Atty. Hamlin stated the .rdinances~ were I I I in Tallahassee 'and should be returned to the City in a short time. Atty. Hamlin brought new ordinance restricting Trailer Parks, within the City limits as follows: AN ORDINANCE RESTRICTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TRAILER PARKS OR ADDITIONAL TRAILER FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. This Ordinance is inacted to restrict the establishment of any further trailer parks or trailer facilities within the city limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida. In as much as the City of Ocoee feels that the the further development of trmler parks or trailer facilities without the planning and approval of the City Council will do irreperable harm and will consitute a nuisance and threat to the general welfare 6f the people of the City of Ocoee: BE IT THEREFORE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCCOEE THAT: Any person, persons, corponation, association or other enities which, may in the' future desire to develop trailer parks or trailer facilities shall prior to con- structing any such park or facilities submit to the ~ity of Ocoee a legal description of the real property to be used for such park or facilites along with specifications and plans for said trailer parks or trailer facilities and the manner in which the trailers will be placed on said property. The City Council after reviewing such plans and specifications shall afford the applicant an early public hearing at which time saind applicant will be given an opportunity to explain his proposals and the City Council may then approve or disapprove the application as the interest of the City of Ocoee shal dict.at.e. ' THIS ORDINANCE shall become effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Council CITY ORDINANCE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA NO. Adopted this 7th day of May, 1968 ATTESTY OJ ~ By;,bAU/..{ L~/!.-' :/ ' City Cle ~ ~ Comm. Hager motioned to accept this ordinance. Comm. Reese seconded. No No's. Motion carried. A group of citizens representing the Brentwood Sub-Division came before the Council in regards to the increase in their water bills. Corom. Hager explained the new rate system and compared our rates to Cities in Florida with Approx. the same amount of water users, and showed where' our water rates were lower on comparable to these cities. She also stated the meters would be 'read and checked, and if the meters were out of order they would ee replaced. Mr. J. B. Bernard was guest of Council and requested a report on the referendum vote, as to what the Council had in mind now, that the referendum vote had been counted and the citizens voted 5 to 1 against sewerage. He intimated that the Council would ram the sewerage down the people's throat. Council ref~sed to discuss anthing pertaining to sewerage at this meeting, stating that the Council had City business to take care of and this would be discussed later. Mr. Wm. Stinnett asked that a letter of apoligy be written to Gieger-Jones and a copy I of said letter mailed to Mr. Leek, the electrician, doing work for Geiger-Jones, regarding the stoppage of work by Stinnett on Atlantic Service Station. This w.s done, due to an error at City Hall. City Clerk was asked if Atlantic Service Station had an electrical permit and was told they did not. However, the permit was taken out in Mr. L Leeks anme and not Atlantic Service Station. After Mr. Leek called his permiL~ number in to City City Clerk, the same aas checked and corrected. Comm. Hager reported that she would like to hire Mr. Perry Johnson to work in the water department with Sam Oliver. She said she had investigated Mr. Johnson and found him to be aloyal and hard worker. She asked that his salary be increased to $72.50 per week, the amount paid workers in the Street and lanitation Department. ' Council agreed. Comm. Hager, asked that an ordinance on dogs in heat should be made, stating that anyone owning a female dog in heat should keep said dog epnned during this periord. Atty. Hamlin will caeck into this. She also stated, that a lady employed by Jackson Minute Market reported young children were reading obscene literature displayed at said market and ask that the council do something about this. Council asked that aletter be written Mr. Jackson, asking him to remove all obscene literature from display and to cooperated with the City Council in reggrds to ~ame. Comm. Hamby stated it was mentioned by the Jaycees, to beautify Bluford Avenue where the street divides, as one of their projects for 1968, Council agreed and commended the Jaycees for their interest in beautifying the City. Mayor Minor read letter from Windermere Civil Defense Area. A letter to be written Mr. Zeigler head of this organization to attend one of our council meetings and further discuss the proposal. Comm. Vandergrift motioned we cooperate with Orange Semin~le Joint Planning Commission study of City and Cpunty Taxes, by Rollins College Center for Practival Politics and pay the $17.00 for this service. Comm. Hamby seconded. No No's. Motion carried. I Comm. Hager read a letter from My Wynn, City Cuditor, with enclosed itemized saatement. She stated she thought the amount was a little out of line and ask that this letter be mailed to Atty. Hamlin for his opinion. Comm. Hager also stated .he would contact Mr. Beebee with National Cash Register, in regards to billing machin~.:for the City Hall. Comm. Vandergfift motioned the ciy payoff the Fire Department, Rescue Boat in the ,amount of $350.00 out of the fire departments budget fund. Comm. Hager seconded motion. No No's Motion carried. '" Council agreed to give cemetery lot to one of our elderly citizens as she was on welfare and had no living relatives. There being no further business. Comm. Reese motioned council adjourn. Comm. Hamby seconded, Thereupon, Council adjourned at 10:15 P. M. Attest:,C),<A,.l( ,$2L.'r {/ City Cler~ I . Off\C\A\. 6A\.\.01 C\i'!' Of OCOE E 5AtlI1 AR~ 5EWER REfEREtlDUt.I ~A'!'71'968 NO.----- I h"eby ,e,tily that I am a ,egi,teted eleda' 01 the OW 01 Ocoee. \ Signed) I he' eby ,e,t' Iy th at \ am a iteeha I de' 01 ,ea\ p,ap e,ty in th e City of Ocoee. \ S'\gned) IN\iIALS Of ISSUING OffICIAL ------ .,~-----,~---------,. - --~ INS1RUC110NS 10 V01ERS II you a,e in lava' 01 the i"uan,e 01 5ewage Revenue and A",,,ment Ce,tili,ate' la' the implementation 01 the Sewe' Sy,tem la' the City 01 o,aee, pla,e an (X) in the ,pa,e to the ,i ght 01 the wo,d "Fo' Sewel". I I you o,e (Agoi", t Sew"), plo,e an (X) in the ,pa,e to the tight 01 the wOld "Agoinst Sewer". 103 ~1 to ~4 t,~t<-- 5J~'-:o.>' fOR SEWER AGA\NS1 SEWER