HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-1968 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF OCOEE, OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: June 18, 1968 I PRESENT: Conun. Hager, Vandergrift, Reeae, Hamby & Mayor Minor ABSENT: None Meeting called to order by Mayor Minor at 7:40 P. M. Minutes of the last meeting read corrected and approved. Comm. Vandergrift motioned all bills in order be paid. Comm. Hamby seconded. No No's. Motion carried. I (A) GENERAL FUNDS Edward Hornsby Charles R. Comache Florida Power Corp George Stuart Winter Garden Lumb~r CO. Ocoee Auto Parts M & M Welding Albrittons Service Bekemeyers Sporting Gds. McCord's Feed Hughes Supply Co Winter Garden Hardware Bill Kuydendall William J. Payne Rex Gann Samuel Gann Otis Hensley J. I. Jernigan Mike Silet ta Bobby Taylor Robert Keller Lamar Matthews Noble Riner Roy C. Strickland Otis Smith Perry Johnson Sam Oliver Leonard Harris Billy D. Hagan Fla. Sheriff Boy's Ranch Rosie Strickland Ethel Mills Bill Kuykendall William J. Payne Rex Gann Robert Keller Lamar Matthews Noble Riner Roy C. Strickland Grady Smith Perry Johnson Sam Oliver Bobby Taylor Jewell Stoutenburgh James T. Vandergrift I 13 .75 6.75 1,220.19 2.40 39.59 61.22 12.80 13 .50 4.55 5.00 136 .17 19.35 59.25 135 .95 67.21 61. 27 66.21 69.94 48.51 69.01 69.31 72.33 76.23 72.33 87.70 60.31 92.57 6.50 4.78 100.00 3.00 110.73 29.58 67.96 67.21 69.31 68.77 72,67 68.77 87.80 60.31 92.57 69.01 165.93 47.80 :)~ ,,-. ~..{;:... ~. ~ John T. Minor Carmon Hamby Nathan Reese Scott Vandergrift Adron Claunch Wm. R. Hager Leroy Turner Harold Sasser James G. Tenney George Horton Edward G. Loughlin Louis R. Wood Raymond E. Cook Stockton Whatley Davin Fred Daughtry John Green Edward Hornsby Sharon I. Lott E. J. Metts U. S. Postmaster Theron H. Barfield L.47.80 23.90 23 .90 22.60 179.57 191.14 228.25 4.78 4.78 47.80 138.20 119.62 185.07 13 . 25 19.12 27.48 9.56 110.89 2.40 50.00 19.12 I Mr. Gillis and Mr. Strine were guests of the Council. They stated that the American Legion has applied to the State for a liquor license. The beverage dept. must know if the city approves before issuing a license. They would like a permit or resolution from the city to this effect. Comm. Vandergrift motioned we issue the American Legion a liquor permit. Comm. Hamby seconded. Comm. Hager akstained on the basis of her objection to their being open on Sunday. Mayor Minor o~posed. Atty. Hamlin to draw up the needed resolution. Mr. Wm. Tomkins was guest of counciL He stated he would like to know what could be done to improve the city cemetery. I Comm. Vandergrift motioned Mr. Tomkins be made cemetery committee chairman, to look into the needed improvements. Comm. Reese seconded the motion. No No's. Motion carried. ~ Atty. Hamlin to write Overland Hauling about removing the fence enclosing Columbus from Bluford St. to Cumberland St., which is city property. Mr. Dvaid R. Henry came before the council to get the city to ask Ocoee Builders and Development Co., to pay the $100.00 street assessment that is still owed on 621 Jay Street. It was stated in the minutes of the Council Meeting March 12, 1959 that the owners as of that date'were to pay for the paving. Mr. Henry purchased this property June 1959 and Ocoee Builders and Development shoul be responsible for this assessment. Atty. Hamlin to write Ocoee Builders and Development for this payment. Atty. Hamlin r,aceived'Ja letter on the tax code. He stated there was no problem on the extension ask for on the ad valorem tax roll. Also, that he would draw up the annexation resolubtion this week. He also received a letter that the ordinances are ready to be mailed. 7. Comm. Hager ask that a letter to Mr. Harold Maguire at his business address, stating that if his past due bill is not paid infull by July 25th his water will be cut off and we will then require a $10.00 deposit plus the $3.00 cut on charge and full payment I before his water service will be reinstated. This has the full ag reement of Council. Comm. Hager brought up retirement of bonds., and upon her recommendation, Cornm. Hamby motioned we retire $10,000.00 in bonds. Comm. Reese seconded the motion stating we retire the oldest ones first. Clerk to write and give the necessary six months notice. Comm. Reese stated that Mittie Howard is going to pay for the pipe to take the water water away from her house. The street department will do the work. I Comm. Hamby said he would like to get bids on replacing the dock at Starke Lake rather than repair the existing dock. Council agreed. Comm. Hamby to get three estimates. Comm. Vandergrift went to Apopka with Chief Turner today to discuss the Mutual Aid on Riot Control. This would be a help to all neighbD~~g cities at anytime assistance was needed. They also touraaJthe Fire Station, Police Station and City Hall. Comm. Vandergrift ask Atty. Hamlin what we would have to do to change our election laws. He stated immediate change in council, after an election is not usually made in other cities and we should take action on changing this matter. Atty. Hamlin ask the council to figure up any changes and at the next couldil meeting they would check the ordinances on any changes needed. Comm. Hamby motioned we change our council meeting from 7:30 P. M. to 7:00 P. M. and a copy of the minutes be given each Comm. and not read aloud by the clerk. Comm. Hager seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. Comm. Hager stated that the minutes of the meetings should be typed the following day after council meeting and the bills paid shown at the end of the minutes. Also, all correspondence taken care of as soon as possible. Comm. Hager motioned we advertise the old water tank in a local newspaper, for the cost of removing it from the premises minus the legs. I ~omm. Vandergrift said the people working on the Recreation Program would like to know how the icty is going to take care of their pay. They prefer the city pay them each week, rather than the Athletic Association as was done in previous years. Commissioners agreed the city would pay as requested and charge to Recreation Fund. Comm. H~ger motioned we work in conjuctmon with Winter Garden on radar for Ocoee. Comm. Vandergrift seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. Mayor Minor stated Chief Turner is getting the radar signs and payment for these will coma, out of the Police Department. Comm. Reese ask city clerk to write Cliff Freeman, asking him to please get in touch with Mr. Reese. Also, wrtie Seaboard Coastline R. R. in Sanford and ask them to open ditch, closed by them, along the railroad from Geneva St. down and behind the new water tower. Comm. Hamby motioned to change City Hall hours from 8:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 5:00 P. M. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. and 8:30 to 12:30 on Wed. & Saturdays effective 7/1/68. Comm. Hager seconded. Comm. Vandergrift voted no. Motion carried. Comm. Hamby ask Comm. Reese when they were going to pave more streets and scrape the dirt~ streets. Comm. Reese replied all streets will be scraped tomorrow, but they cannot pave the streets during this rainy season. I Comm. Hager motioned we buy $100.00 worth of tickets from the Fla. Sheriff's Boy Ranch Day/and that said tickets be given to the underprivilege children, and charged to the Recreation Fund. Comm. Hamby seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried/ Aug. 3rd,1968. Comm. Vandergrift stated he is contacting the merchants in this area to put up $200.00 for fireworks display for July 4th Celebration at Starke Lake. The Ocoee Jaycees will sponsor this if they can raise the needed money. Comm. Vandergrift is to check. on the price charged by other garbage companies in this area. Raising our prices tabled for next council meeting. Comm. Vandergrift confer~ed with Hazel Griffith and she agreed to be our arbitrator I on buying the property owned by Mr. Palvisak on Starke Lake. City will hold off until checking on what would be the least they will take for this property. There being no further business Comm. Hamby meeting adjourn. Aomm. Hager seconded Thereupon meeting adjourned at 11:00 PM. Attest~ ~ Y~ir nj~ C~-n- /az ~~ ) I I