HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-1968 SS Atty. Hamlin stated a motion as to the mills for ad valorum tax should be repeated after the meeting of the Equalization Board. 1 Comm. Hager motioned the city set millage at 10 mills on all non-exempt property for 1968. Comm. Hamby seconded. Comm. Hager, Vandergrift and Mayor Minor voted yes. Comm. Reese voted no. Motion carried. . There being no further business Comm. H seconded the motion. Thereupon Counci Attest: 9/~ ho.zL.~~ council adjourn. Comm. Hamby 9 : 45 P. M. " SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD: OCTOBEH 8, 1968 PRESENT: Comm. Hager, Hamby, Reese, Vandergrift and Mayor Minor. ABSENT: None. Special meeting called to order by Mayor Minor at 7:17 P.M. I }~. Owens, representative from J. M. Smedley Publishers, Deland, Florida was quest of the council. Comm. Hager invited Mr. Owens to discuss city maps. She stated prices for city maps per telephone conversation to J. M. Smedley Publishers was: 17~ each for J~ and IJi~ each for 5~. Mr. Owens stated the maps were 15~~ each for 5M. Comm. Hager motioned the city purchase 5M city maps from J. M. Smedley Publishers, Deland, Florida at a price not to exceed 15~~ each for 5M plus $35.00 for advertising. Comm. Hamby seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. Mr. Chris Daughdrill, represenative from Valley Decorating Company and Mr. J. T. Minor Jr. with Florida Power Corp. were quest of council in reference to Christmas Decorations for city. Comm. Hager motioned the city purchase JO-7ft diamond shaped !Eas. decorations at $75.00 each. Total $2,250.00 from Valley Decorating Company. Comm. Vandergrift seconded the motion. No No's. Motion carried. Special meeting of council called for 7:00 P. M. Thursday night Oct. 10th, 1968. There being no further business Comm. Hamby motioned council adjourn. seconded the motion. Thereupon Council ad r d at 10:17 P. M. / Comm. Reese Attest: 9~ ~t- Cler ~ ~) tv; " 1