HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-1968 MINUTES OF THE RECESSED COUNCIL MEETING, CITY OF OCORE, OCOD, FLORIDA HELD: NOV>>mER 7th, 1968 I PIlIlSEIlT: COIIID. ll8eaa, Millar, st:lJmett, Vandergrift and IIqor II1Dor ABSli2JT: None Meeting called to order b7 Mayor Minor at 8:00 P. M. Minutes of la8~ regular meeting and Special meeting read and approved. City Clerk read letter from Ocoee Jqcees in reference to Christmas Parade. COIIIID. Reese motioned the city accept Jaycees invitation tor the city ofticials to ride in' Christmas Parade. COJIIIIl. St1rmett seconded motion. No No's. Motion carried. Mayor Minor appointed the following as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the various depts. Comm. Reese Chairman Water Dept. Comm. Stinnett Vice Chairman Comm,! Vander~ft Chairman Sanitation Dept. Comm. Miller Vice Chairman Comm. Miller Chairman Street Dept. Comm. Stinnett Chairman Fire Dept. Comm. Reese Vice Mayor 1 Comm. Reese Building inspector Cemm. Stinnett Electrical inspector Com. Miller Cemetery Comm. Reese Vice Chairman Comm.. Vandergrift Vice Chairman Comm. Miller motioned the city pay Comm. Reese and St1rmett tor ten gallons gas per week to detra7. cost ot inspection. Comm. Reese seconded. No No's Motion carried. Mayor Minor read the fibllowing bids for the new police car: John Lamb Chev. A. P. Clark Al Ewing Ford $3,067.33 Less trade-in 2,520.00 2,799.89 less trade-in Com. Vandergrift i1btioned the cit;r give Chief of Police Lero;r Turner permission to order police car as discussed from Al Ewing Ford Co. This includes Twin Beacon Ra;r Visibar, Blue Dome, Prisoner cage bUBble. Comm. Reese seconded. No No's. Motion carried. Raises tor all cit;r employees were approved as tollows: 1 Police Dept. Sanitation Dept. Street Dept. Sam Oliver Dispatchers City Clerk Clerk's helper $50.00 per month 5.00 per week 3.25 It " 3.25 ItI. " 10.00 per month 25.00 per month 1.75 per hour ( Chief Turner asked approval ot council to hire Ra~ond E. Cook Jr. for po~c~. _ Com. Vandergrift motioned We hire Ray Cook as policeman, with starting salary of $350.4 per month, as ot November let, 1968. Comm. Stinnett seconded. No No's Motion carried. Comm. Vandergrift motioned the city accept ordinances II &1/ being ordinances: Fixing the rate ot taxation for the City of Ocoee, Florida, for the fiscal yelL!" beginning November 1st, 1968 and ending Ocotober 31st, 196$ and ascertaUing the amount necessary to operate the City of Ocoee, Florida for the fiscal 7eab beginning November 1, 1968 and ending October the 31st, 1969. Comm. Vandergrift reported that he would. have to let one man go trom the Sanita~ion FJept. and asked that he be paced in another' department should there be an opening. Comm. Reese asked that a 12 inch drill be used to open the well in Starke Lake. Council agreed. Mr. Tompkins express his appreciation .to council tor their cooperation.in cleaning the cemetery. He stated there were three trees left that needed pruning' and demoss1ng said he had a man that would do this work for $225.00 and ask that the city pay for same out of Cemetery Fund. He also stated Mr: Bowne8s donated $165.00 for labor to clean around the house. Com. Vandergrif':t. motioned to have the three trees pruned and demos sed and pay for same trom the Cemetery Fund. Com. Stinnett seconded the motion. No No's. 1 Motion carried. Comm. Vandergrift motioned the city charge Ramada Inn $80.00 per month tor, garbage pickup. Comm. Reese seconded the motion. No No's". Motion carried. Council agreed water deposit tor Ramada Inn would be $150.00. " --.There being no further business. CODDll. Reese motioned meeting ajourn. Com. Miller seconded the motion. Thereupon mee~~ the council adjourned at 9:40 P. M. t Att..9..: A 'I 'A~ )/;;A-&"';r&- .' . C k 1