HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-1969
PRESENT: Comm. Vandergrift, Reese, Stinnett, and Mayor Minor
Comm. Miller
Comm. Reese moved to adjourn recessed special meeting of July 7,
1969. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. No No's. Motion
Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Minor at 7:07 P.M. Comm.
Stinnett moved to dispense with the reading of minutes from last
council meeting. Vandergrift seconded. No No's. Carried.
Comm. Vandergrift motioned all bills in order to be paid. Comm.
Reese seconded the motion No No's. Carried.
Neal Dickens - Building Inspector
Jewell Stoutenburgh - Clerk
Jewell Stoutenburgh - Sick Leave
Adron Claunch - Police Dept.
William R. Hager - Police Dept.
Teddie R. Hey - Police Dept.
James G. Tenney - Police Dept.
Leroy Turner - Police Dept.
William Walker - Police Dept.
Jimmie Yawn - Witness Fee
A. & R. Office Machines - Office expense
Edward G. Loughlin - Dispatcher
Ethel Mills - Dispatcher
Rupert Warr - Dispatcher
Ouida Meeks - Dispatcher
Ruth S. Minor - Asst. Clerk
Carol J. cook - Dispatcher
David L. Wahl - Dep. Refund
Robert Anderson - Dep. Refund
Leroy Turner - Police Dept.
William Walker, Jr. - Police Dept.
James G. Tenney - Police Dept.
William R. Hager - Police Dept.
Teddie R. Hey - Police Dept.
Larry Chestney - Police Dept.
O. A. S. I. Contribution Fund
Myrtle Smith - Dep. Ref.
Orell Cawley - Sante Dept.
Jerry Carrier - Santo Dept.
Otis ':;H ensley - Sant. Dept.
J. I. Jernigan - Sante Dept.
Gary Smith - Water Dept.
Robert Keller - St. Dept.
Ezra Ramsey - St. Dept.
Dorsen Strickland - St. Dept.
Roy Strickland - St. Dept.
Otis G. Smith - water dept.
Billy D. Hagen - Po+ice Dept.
James D. Hood - Police Dept.
Harold Sasser - Police Dept.
Mary Hinds - Prisoners food
Glenn Joiner & Son - Santo Dept.
173 .72
33 .13
13 5 . Bl
139 .30
13 . 59
7 S'. '10
" 3 Q.3 0
Hughes Supp~y - Water Dept.
H. M. Bowness
Michael O~Connor - Lifeguard
Roy White -Police Dept.
W. Robert Helmick - water dep. ref.
Carol J. Cook - police dept.
Edward G. Loughlin - police dept.
Ethel Mills - police dept.
Leroy Turner - Police dept.
Orell Cawley - santo dept.
Jerry Carrier - santo dept.
Otis Hensley - sant dept.
J. I. Jernigan - santo dept.
Gary Smith - water dept.
Robert Keller - st. dept.
Ezra Ramsey - st. dept.
Dorsen Strickland - st. dept.
Roy C. Strickland - st. dept.
Otis G. Smith - water dept.
Ruth Minor - severance pay
Michael O'Connor - lifeguard
Claude Lassetter - wat dep. rf.
Leroy Turner - police dept.
Florida Power Corp.
Jimmy Yawn, witness fee
W. M. Sanderlin Corp. ref. on bldg. Permit
Ouida Meeks - dispatcher
Myrta E. Sullins - water dep. ref.
Rupert Warr - dispatcher
Fred Daughtry - police dept.
Roy White - police dept.
Roy C. Strickland - street dept.
Larry Waller - dep. refund
Melvin McCreight - dep. refund
Adron Claunch - police dept.
William R. Hager - police dept.
James G. Tenney - police dept.
William Walker, Jr. - police dept.
Teddie R. Hey - police dept.
John B. Boyd - police dept. & dispatcher
Carol J. Cook - dispatcher
Edward Loughlin - dispatcher
Ethel Mills - dispatcher
Neal Dickens - building inspector
Barbara Hooks - Clerk
James T. Vandergrift - Fire Chief
John T. Minor - Mayor
E. P. Miller - Commissoner
Nathan H. Reese - Commissioner
William E. S~innett - Commissioner
Scotty Vandergrift - Commssioner
Orell Cawley - santo dept.
Jerry Carrier - santo dept.
Otis Hensley - sant~ dept.
J. I. Jernigan - santo dept.
Gary Smith - water dept.
Robert Keller - st. dept.
Ezra Ramsey - st . dept.
Dorsen Strickland - st. dpt.
Roy C. Strickland - st. dept.
1,043 .20
3 ~.3 0
33 .13
13 9 .3 0
163 .76
23 .80
23 . 80
23 . 80
. "
July 15, 1969
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Dear Y~yor Nanor:
With reference to your request of Thursday, July 10, 1969, for
my resignation as City Clerk, this is to advise that said resignation
will not be forthcoming. At the time you made the request, I felt I
was entitled to a reason, since until then, there had been no indica-
tion that my work was not satisfactory. You stated that the Commission
did not have to give any explanation whatsoever. You also stated that
three commissioners had asked you to make this request and it had not
been initiated by you, nor did you have jurisdiction over City Hall.
In this regard, may I call your attention to Chapter 10591, Section
12 of the City Charter. "The Mayor shall have power to suspend any
officer of said corporation for misconduct in office, or neglect of
duty, except Councilmen, reporting his action in writing, with the
reason therefor, to the City Council at the next regular meeting
thereof for its approval or disapproval. Should such City Council
fail to approve his action such officer shall be reinstated." The
City Clerk is an officer, therefore, I request that the Council
follow the procedure as outlined in the Charter.
May I also call your attention to Personnel Policies adopted
by City Council, December 20, 1966, which states in part: "It is
requested of all employees to conscientiously give a just number of
.4 .' ..
, ~
.. .. .. ..) ..
man hours to the City. Any employee who is found guilty of misdemeanor
or infractions of City policy and orders under his department head or
City Commissioner assigned to head his department, will be brought
before entire body to be given a just and fair hearing to the satis-
faction of the commission, then if found guilty, will be severely
reprimanded. If it is necessary to bring an employee before the
commission on a second charge, and if found guilty, will be terminated
immediately with one weeks salary, less any monies owed to the City."
For the past three years, this policy has been followed by the City
in regard to all employees, and to my knowledge has not been changed.
Therefore, I feel that my whole situation has been handled in
a less than honorable way, and that the Council has a moral obligation
under the Personnel Policies and a legal obligation under the City
Charter to extend me the courtesy of a hearing before the Council
members present. I ask this not only for myself but in the interest
of developing a better employer-employee relationship. Unless this
right is granted to each and every city employee, no one can feel he
has any job security whatsoever.
Any refusal on your part to geve me a full and complete
explanation for your action in requesting my resignation shall,
without a doubt, be deemed an act of personal and political vengeance.
Respectfully submitted,
9~-,~ )E::LLOL
Jewell Stoutenburgh, City Clerk
,/f -
Otis G. Smith - water dept.
Sam Oliver - water dept.
Russell Mayhall - little league dept.
Michael O'Connor - Iifeguard
James T. Vandergrift - expanses for fire sbhobl
93 .33
3 5 .06
Russell Mayhall - Cemetery Fund
Russell Mayhall - Cemetery Fund
3 5 .06
Mayo~~Qor asked the Clerk if there was any communication. Y~s.
S~tenburgh stated she would like a letter read concerning the
Mayors request for her resignation. Copy attached. Letter was
read and Attyl Hamlin said if the Personnell Policies quoted were
not in the form of an ordinance the Policy does not legally bind
the City. Mrs. Stoutenburgh asked the Council forthe reason why
she was being fired byt was not answered. She asked Council to
have the books of the City audited as she does not want any sus-
picion cast on her. Mayor Minor said we will grant you that no
one on the Council has had any thought of mishandling of funds,
also her honesty and integrity were not being questioned. Atty.
Hamlin said if the Council were put in the position of having to
debate on letting every employee go it would create wounds,
Comm. Vandergrift stated if we were not going to go by the City
Police we would have to have a motion to over-ride it, but first
he wanted to know what were the qualms with Clerk, what are the
complaints to release this officer. He was not answered.
Atty. Hamlin brought a copy of two motions he was directed to
prepare. He gave them to the Council to read and inst~,cted
the one who making the motion to read it. Comm. Reese asked the
assistant Clerk to read the motion aloud. Comm. Reese made the
motion read by the secretary conserning doing away with the City
personnel Policies. C~mm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm.
Vandergrift said under discussion we are reducing to nothingness
the employees standing and security with the City. He stated
they may all resign if we are not to go by rules and etiquette.
He said the Policy has worked before. He further stated that it
was wrong to reduce of the highest officers of the CIty to nothing
with no chance for a hearing. What are we going to do after we let
her go. Are we going to set up the policies again, we should like
to grow closer to the employees, we were going toward it b~t now we
have taken a giant step backward. There is a just and a right way
to do it and we should take care of this that way.
Mayor Minor stated there sould be an ordinance drawn to set up
policy. The one we have is three years and not binding on this
Council. Comm. Vandergrift this firing was a personal vendetta,
and that the city employees and officers should operate on 10%
politics and 90% service. ~~yor Minor called for votes on Comm.
Reese motion. Councilmen Reese and Stinnett voted AYE. Comm.
Vandergrift voted NO. Motion was carried.
Comm~ Stinnett read second motion prepared by Att. Hamlin and put
it in form of a motion. Comm. Stinnett made the folloiring motion:
I MOVE that in as much as certain member of the Council have
evidenced displeasure with the manner in whichoour City Clerk has
performed her duties that the City Clerk be asked either to resign
, '-'
or that her serviees be terminated immediately and that she be given
two weeks severance pay, effective today. Comm. Reese seconded the
motion. r~:ayor Minor asked was there and discussion. Comm. Van-
dergrift asked about the displeasure mentioned in the motion. He
asked does the CityClerk have to give the Councilman peasure to
stay on her job. No one answered him. He asked again why was
the clerk being asked to resign and again no one answered. He
asked why the recommendation for dismissal did not come from the
Mayor. Mayor Minor stated a majority of the Council came to him
and asked that the Clerk be discharged. Comm. Vandergrift asked
was this in a council meeting. The ~myor replied, No it was not
in a Council meeting. Mayor Minor stated he thought it was his
place to tell the Clerk to resign and that it would have been the
best and most polite way to handle the situation. He further
stated the Clerks bookkeeping was up-to-date and there was no
problem with that part of her work.
Comm. Vandergrift stated he would like to give his compliments to
the Clerk for the excellent job she has done but that his efforts
in her behalf ap~eared defeated bofre it ever came to the Council
meeting. He stated she came into a difficult job, she got an
excellent system of bookkeeping set up and saved the City $5,000
the first year she was on the job. She has not complained abqut
being called from.! home any hour of the night, winter or summer,
and days off th type warrants, subpeonas, and also was on hand for
all special and regular council meetinss and now because of someone
being caused displeasure \'Te are ready to release her without a .l
hearing. I think this is wrong whether it is Jewell, a police-
man, a garbageman or any employee. Also who are we going to
hire in her place. Mayor I-linor said we should vote on the motion
before we disuuss the last question. Commissioners Reese and
Stinnett voted Al1E. Commissioner Vandergrift voted NO. Motion
vTas carried.
~~yor Minor read letter ofcresignation from Ruth lfdnor, assistant
to CityClerk effective July 15tV. He asked her to reconsider as
they were satisfied with her work but she declined. Motion was
made 'Qy Comm. Stinnett to accept the resignation. Comm. Reese.". '.:,)
f seconde& the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Reese and Vandergrift voted
AYE.~ No NO"S. Carried unanimously.
In other new business, Torn Ustler appeared for Phillips Petroleum
Company in regard to some land they had bought from ~rr. Frank
Fernandez. The land is on the SE corner of Highway 50 and Maguire
Road; 200 feet on H~7 50 and 75 ft on ~mguire Rd. They desire to
annex this land into the City of Ocoee. He stated the survey is
up to date, the legal description is correct and he brought the
building plans for the building inspection to look at. They plan
to put up a new type Phillips station, noe of which have been built
in Orange County, that will be red brick, black roof, 3 bay, 23 ft.
back from right of way. They only want to annex enough land for
the station as plans are imcomplete on use of rest of land. It may
be used for motel or shopping center. They will want to annex the
other land as they develop it.
Comm. Vandergrift asked what commitments did they want from the City.
Ivrr. Ustler replied nothing b~t City water. Comm. Reese said there
was vlater lines on both sides of r-Iaguire Road. rJIr. Ustler said
property would be developed according to site plans and spec-
lfications and would go by the Southern Building Dode. Comm. Reese
amde motion to prepare intent to annex papers for the property.
- if
Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Councilmen Stinnett, Reese and
Vandergrift voted AYE. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mayor lfLinor
instnucted Atty. Hamlin to draw up annexation papers whereupon Atty
Hamlin presented the desired papers to the ~~yor and said he had
them already prepared as he had been in touch with the developers
earlier in the week.
Roger and Margie Freeman came before the Council t9 protest the
loitering ordinance adopted last Council meeting. Roger asked what
the City planned do With the Youth in this town if they are going
to be arrested for gathering by the fire station to tak and buy
cold drinks from the machine. Margie wanted to know who was res-
ponsible for the article in the Sentinel calling the boys ~Hippie
Type~. Police Chief Turner said no one insinuated all the boys
were bad but you ,:have to apply the same law to all the boys. r.1rs.
Freeman asked if they would set a specific time that the boys could
stay uptown at night and leave them alone until then. Roger stated
their group pf boys were not lawbreakers and just needed a place to
go and talk. Comm. Vandergrift mentioned a plan used in Ft. Laud-
erdale where they organized the boys and let them participate in
police patrol. Roger asked that they be allowed to congregate and
not be arrested if they were not breaking the law. Atty. Hamlin
said they could not arrest anyone for just standing on the corner
if he was not breaking the law as quoted in the ordinance in
question and he, as City Atty. would not prosecute them if they
were. Mayor Minor said they would call a Council meeting when
all members could be present and the young people in town could
meet with them and the. police and work out something satisfactory
to all.
1,~s. Betty Hager came before Council and said that as a taxpayer she
would like to know what Council planned to do for a City Clerk
as no applications had been taken. That the job should be open to
the public in general in Ocoee, that 'there are competent women
and men inside the City limits who should have a chance at the job.
Further, that it should oot be a cut and dried affair \'lith only
one person considered for the position. She stated the entire
situation was immoral and degrading to all employees 'of the City.
She asked how many to\~ have personnel policiesunder ordinance.
She stated she was a schoolteacher and their policies were not
under ordinance but if they tried to treat her in any such manner
without a hearing she vrould have every recourse under the law to
find out why. No one replied to her question or suggestions.
Comm. Vandergrift reported the dock on Starke Lake was in bad shape.
He said it mould be fixed before July 25 when 1f~s. Carolyn
Haight will take registrations for Red Cross swimming lessons
to start July 28 and she will need the dock. The registratin is
from 1 to 5 and the lessons from 9 to 12:30. After discussion
it was decided to wait for Sam Oliver to get back from vacation
and work out a plan to jet dovm new poles to replace the rotten
one with high pressure water hoses. He also reported the ~ycees
recreation departments soft ball league was playing every Wed-
nesday in Winter Garden and that four teams were participating.
Comm. Reese reported the water line on Clarcona Road was installed,
also the fire plug and they expected several residents to connect
to line.
-1' .
Under unfinished business Comm. Vandergrift asked what we were
going to do concerning vacations and holidays for employees since
we had thrown that policy out. Comm. Reese stated we would use that
section of the policy concerning vacations and holidays. Atty.
Hamlin said the City needs a comprehensive policy for employees
and he would call other City attys. and see what they used and look
into the problem. Comm. Vandergrift stated what do we do in the
meantime, we need something to go by now. Comm. Stinnett said,
alright do you want to draw up a city policy right now, we'll
work on it now. I just don't think we should make any hasty de-
cisions without giving it more thought and I do have a right to
say that. We run the City Commiss~on, not Scott Vandergrift.
I think the sick leave part should be changed, that whole
paragraph is crazy, we should not have let that street employee
that left have all that sick pay and we all knew it when we_c
were sitting here byt we let it go through. Comm. Reese said the
Council should gpon record as seeing all employees get vacation
and sick leave as described in the old policy until such time as
we can draw up a new ordinance as the City employees are not pro-
tected now. Comm. Stinnett said he would like to see the Council
remodel the old policy.
Comm. Reese made a motion all employees continue at same salary,
same vacation, same days off and same fiick leave until new City
ordinance can be drawn up. Comm. Vandergrift seconded the
motion. Comm. Reese, Stinnett and Vandergrift voted YES. No
NO'S. Carried unanimously.
Comm. Stinnett reported ~trs. Foots Vandergrift had donated a new
flag to the fire station. He would like the City to write a letter
thanking for the flag given in memory of her husband. Comm.
Stinnett put this im form of a motion. Comm~ Reese seconded the
motion. Mayor Minor and Comm. Reese, Stinnett, and Vandergrift
voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously.
Comm. Vandergrift under new business asked what are we going to do
about a new clerk. Mayor ~dnor asked if the council had anyone
in mind and mentioned a secretary at the high school who had
applied for the Clerk job previously. Comm. Vandergrift said he
would like to see applications taken.
Comm. Reese made a motion to hire Barbara Hooks back, an experienced
City Clerk and he had knowledge that she would take the job back.
Gomm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Under discussion Comm.
Vandergrift said he would like to make an ammendment to the motion
making her a temporary employee until applications can be accepted
to find a permanent clerk. Ammendment died for lack of a second.
Comm. Vandergrift said he did not want to see the council make the
same mistake in hiring a clerk in a hast manner and then have to
through the''',same preceedure of firing a clerk as they had tonight.
He said Mrs Stoutenburgh had resurected the bookkeeping system and
had it "se~ up in the appro~~e manner and that until a bookkeeper
could be found to carryon that system only a temporary employee
should be hired, that Barbara may not be able to hack it under the
new system and may be here only J or 4 months and then would have
to go through the same hurt and anxiety as the Clerk that Council
had just fired.
Mayor Il1inor said Barbara had kept the books in her own way and the
CPA sa recommended this other way. He suggested getting the CPA
who works with the City to work with her several days to show her
, " -
I. hOvl to keep the books and she would appreciate it. Atty. HaIi1lin
J- said this was a good idea as the City has a good CPA on the payroll
3- Comm. Stinnett said the ''lork was too complicated for one person
'I, alone in the City Hall, as there was an awful lot to do and we
~ should consider 2 full time girls. He said he knew it was impossible
G.to be pleasant to every person who comes in or calls when you are
," involved \n th balancing the books. He agree vlith Comm. Vandergrift
that the Clerk is the City and should be the most important employee.
~,Mayor Minor said all employees are voted on in November by the new
" mayor and commissioners and anyone could be voted out. Comm.
-Vandergrift sUGgested making the chmice temporary until November
and in the meantime advertise for employees and screen each one.
co~~ Stinnett agreed the Council should hire someone to do the
job in the manner it should be done. \Vhoever is here will be on
. trial, he stated.
,~'Comm. Vandergrift said in large corporations hiring of relatives
I,is not accepted and \nth Barbara there ,rill be 3 relatives on C~ty
'I' payroll, is this a good policy? Let's not make a hasty decision
I," to use a phrase used by a councilman a fe,', minutes ago continued
Vandergrift. Comm. Reese said Barbara should be hired at the same
salary ~trs. Stoutenburgh got, which was $205.95 (?) twice a month.
Comm. Reese made a motion that the City hire Barbara as Clerk
and advertise for other he~p. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion.
Comm. Reese and Stinnet voted YES. Councilman Vandergrift ab-
; stained fro, voPing. M~tion was carried.
. IvIayor r....d.nor said since he ,,,,as going to be away /Comm. Reese to run
an ad in the papers. Comm. Reese appointed Atty. Hamlin to run the
"~Atty. Hamlin said the City Enginaers were preparing a map with City
,limitsoutlined in red to post in public place before voting time.
'"Comm. Vandergrift made a motion to propose the Countil meet every
~J'Tuesday as there was much business to take care of and the tax
J)-roll was coming up and would take time. This would eliminate calling
~r,special meetings. This died for lack of a second.
Comm. Stinnett said Fire Chief Vandergrift had been attending Arson
1. Seminars put on by the University of Fla. for the past 15 years
in the Summer and this one ~nll be in Daytona Beach and theChief
rwould like to attend during his vacation. There is a $30.00
~registration fee and 4 days hotel bill. Stinnett madea motion to
. send Chief Vandergrift to the meeting. Comm. Reese srconded the
'motion. Comm. Vandergrift, Reese andStinnett voted YES. No NO'S
: carried unanimously.
Atty. Hamlin said concering annexation of Roper property the Council
did not have to read the papers 3 times just accept it and its in.
Comm. Reese said are we bound and obligated if we vote to bring
this in for them to put a fertilizer plant on it. Hamlin said we
don~ have zoning, they can build anything they want except a
trailer park. Also you cannot have piece-meal Z€8ing,if the plans
meet the Southern Standard Bldg. Code. You have make the agree-
ment before the property is annexed what:they want to use it
for. He suggested having them submit their plans before passing
on the ordinance also they should tell exactly what they are going
to do with the whole piece of property or annex only 2 or 3 acres
at the time as they show their plans. Mayor :f\:iinor asked Comm.
Reese to contact C. H. Johnson about bringing the plans in.
, ~ -
Comm. Stinnett made a motion to pay Ruth Minor one extra weeks pay.
Comm. Reese seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Reese, and Van-
dergrift voted YES. No NO's. Carried unanimously.
lf~yor Minor said to have Comm. Reese and Barbara Hooks sign a card
to be taken to the bank so their signatures can be accepted on
City checks. He instructed qhief Turner to post annexation
papers on SE corner of Hwy. 50 and ~~guire Rd and 3 other places
in town.
Discussion was made on extra pay for policemen for the 4th of July.
Comm. Reese made a motion to pay them for this holiday. Councilman
Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Reese and Vander-
grift voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business Comm. Reese motioned to adjourn.
Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjourned
Asst. ityClerk
,y bJ.~~)