HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-1969 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGUL~R MEETING OF TIlE CITy COUNCIL OF THE CITy OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD SEpTEr~ER 16, 1969 Present: Mayor Minor; Commissioners Reese, Stinnett, ~liller and Vandergrift. Absent: None The meeting v'las called to order by Ivlayor Minor at 7: 00 P.M. Comm. Vandergrift made a motion to dispense ~rith the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting held September 2, 1969. Corr~. Miller seconded the motion. Motion was voted and carried. Co~~. Vandergrift made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Vandergrift, Stinnett, Reese and Miller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. GENERAL FUND: Larry Chestney - police dept. I.Irs. Terry Kelley - ','vater dep. ref. Adron Claunch - Police Dept. william R. Hager - police dept. Teddie R. Hey - police dept. James G. Tenney - police dept. Leroy Turner - police dept. William S. Walker, Jr. - police dept. Carol J. Cook - dispatcher Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel Mills - dispatcher 'w'lhi te IS Pitney Bowes, Inc. Florida Power Corp. Central Fla. Fire Equip. Hughes Supply, Inc. Glenn Joiner & Son Griffin & Hamlin F. & R. Office Supply J. Z. Anderson Janitor Service W. H. Wurst Agency Florida Tele. Corp. Engels Pounds Pharmacy Johnson Automotive Ocoee Gulf Service Sargent-Sowell Steve & Harry's Shell Service Dixie Uniform & Linen Service Board of County Comm. Orell Cawl'ey - sant. dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Davis Burch - santo dept. Steven P. Daly - santo dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo dept. Robert Keller - st. dept. Roy C. Strickland - st. dept. Oscar H. Moore - st. dept. Howard E. Lilly - st. dept. Fred Boyd - st. d~pt. 23 .21 7.74 17.35 18.94 14.64 14.64 20.87 14.64 11.04 12.00 11.04 11.94 54.08 1,139.71 16.00 26.45 8.67 70.00 3.25 55.30 7$.84 7.25 42.10 5.91 33.27 60.30 43 .16 6.37 38.25 144.00 70.62 75.05 70.62 55.66 78.77 71.26 60.96 65.00 69.00 5$.03 otis G. Smith - water dept. Sam Oliver - water dept. Nathan Reese - police dept. Adron Claunch - police dept. William Hager - police dept. Teddie R. Hey - police dept. Leroy Turner - police dept. William S. ~alker - police dept. James G. Tenney - police dept. Carol J. Cook - dispatcher Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel Mills - ~ispatcher James T. Vandergrift - Fire dept. John T. Minor - Mavor E. P. hiller - Commissioner Nathan Reese - II William E. Stinnett _ 11 Scott Vandergrift _ It Barbara Hooks, Clerk Anna M. Dodge - Clerkfs assisstant Edward Loughlin - dance at Youth Center James Hood - Youth Center Fred Daughtry - Youth Center John Boyd - Disp~tchetcr Rupert Warr - dispatcher Ouida Meeks - diSpatcher Griffin & Hamlin - attorney John Green - police dept. McClungs 5 & 10 Store - Police Dept. Florida Tel~. Corp. K. G. Nelson - water dept. ref. Mrs. Ewell Creech - water dep. ref. A.lvie L. vfatson _ fI II Il James Ping _ II II II Kenneth Barnard _ IT II II Boi ce Smithers _ f: II I: Billy McDaniels IT II II George Pate _ II 11 It Earl George _ II II TI Floyd Shoemaker _ 11 11 11 Theodore Vandevanter - Judge Fred Sherrod - water dep. ref. Orange Co. Sheriffs Dept. - rent on T1. Ira Moser - waters dep. ref. Orell Cawley - santo dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Lavon Burch - santo dept. Steven Daly - santo Dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo dept. Robert Keller - st. dpt. Roy C. Strickland - st. dept. Oscar Moore - st. dept. Martin L. Strickland - st. dept. Howard E. Lilly - st. dept. Fred Boyd - st. dept. Otis G. Smith - water dept. Sam Oliver - water dept. error in check book in General Fund 87.91 93 .33 50.00 173 .72 210 . 13 167.30 247~18 174.40 202.80 13 9 .3 0 141.63 130. 70 47.60 47.60 23 . 80 23 .80 23 . 80 21.50 l%i:~~ 4.76 9.52 4.76 10.64 22.08 29.43 265.00 4.75 13 . 62 76.46 6.25 1.10 2.50 2.50 1.95 3.00 6.25 5.42 6.25 .30 75.00 6.25 80.00 6.25 57.44 75.05 70.62 55.66 78.77 71.26 70.96 65.00 38.56 25.70 58.03 87.91 93 .33 824.75 I I I I I I CEIv]ETERY FUND: George Horton Bank of West Orange ~ O. D. Certificate George Horton George Horton 25.70 1,000.00 25.70 25.70 An attorney, 1/11'. Dyer, representing the citizens and taxpayers of Ocoee explained the letter received from his firm conserning the fertilizer plant. He stated the land was annexed according to our Charter of 1925, and the Florida state Statutes and that in 1965 this was declared unconstitutional in Supreme Court..He said if a suit were filed against the City in Circuit Court it would follow the Supreme Court ruling and declare the annexation of the Roper property into the City of Ocoee null and void. Jill'. Roper's attorney, Mr. Egan, stated in his opiriDn that the Supreme Court ruling did not ?pply to special acts such as our charter and that the property was annexed properly. This matter iias postponed until next meeting, October 7, 1969, to give ~w. Egan a chance to look in the matter further. IVT. William Tompkins of the Ocoee Cemetery Committee asked the City to install an electric pump at the Cemetery and to build a building to house the pump and lawn mower. Comm. Miller was appointed to look into this. Mr. Tom Hazen volunteered his services to build the building in the City would furnish the materials. Comm. ~liller reported that Dean Woodard had asked the City to pay for a light to be installed on the back of the lots on Crystal Drive. Comm. Miller made a motion that the Ci~y would not pay for any lights to be installed inback of houses or in alleys. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Mililier, Stinnett, Reese and Vandergrift voted YES. NO NO'S. Carried unanimously. Cor~l. Vandergrift made a motion to contact ~xs. Dixie Barber and have the Cit.y ClerI) Barbara Hooks, deputized to register for the County. Comm. Killer seconded the motion. Comm. Vandergrift, ~:iller, Reese and Stinnett voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. I',:r. H. H. '~vurst asked what was going to be done about, the Cit,y Dock. on Starke Lake. A.fter discussing the costs of repairs this..was pos~poned until the 1969-70 budget was set. Comm. Reese made a motion to authorize our City attorney to amend our loitering ordinance to include a curfew from 11:00 P.M. until 5: 00 A. H. on week davs and from 12: 00 P .ril. until 5: 00 A. 1'-1. on weekends for anyone under age 18. Corr~. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Reese, Stinnett, Vandergrift, and 1'lliller voted YES. No NOlls. 6arried unanimously. The Commissioners discussed with the Ocoee Poli ce Chief and- 'Fire Chief about the use and refusal of the use of the Ocoee Rescue Equipment. The two departments were to have a joint meeting September 30, 1969, so tha they might have a better understanding and work together better. Comm. Miller suggested that we'install a gas pump at our new barn. No action was taken. There being no further business Comm. Reese made a motion that Council recess at 9:15 P.M. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Thereupon Council was recessed. Attest: tZ~,L ~~ 'Clerk C;;--~\j;or{}~J I r,TINuTES OF THE SPEICAL rJiEETnJG OF THE CITy COUNCIL OF THE CITy OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD - SEP'l'EHBER 23, 1969 Present: Mayor Minor; Co~~issioners, Reese, ~Iiller, Stinnett, and Vandergrift Absent: Nene The meeting was called to order by Mayor Minor at 7:10 P.M. the purpose of the meeting Ivas to figure the City's budget for 1969-70 and set the millage for the year. Comm. I'Tiller made a motion to accept the 1969-70 budget as follo,'ls. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Co~~. ~liller, Stinnett, Reese and Vandergrift voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. A.d Valorem Tax Personal Property Tax Cio-arette Tax o Utili t~r Tax J '\'!a ter Revenue Fines & Forfeitures Licenses Garbage Collection Franchise Tax Fire Contracts Bldg. Permits Radio Dispatcher Rent C.D. Interest $ 60,072.83 4,000.00 48,000.00 3.2, QOO(.'OO 80,000.00 23:,000.00 6,500.00 16,000.00 6,500.00 3,200.00 3,500.00 600.00 900.00 2,400.00 $286,672.83 $' 5$,337.55 59,200.00 24,675.28 26 ,300 .00 47,010.00 7,500.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 Im,OOO.OO 7,500.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 , 5, 000 . 00 I Police Department Street Dept. Fire Depar:bment Sanitation Dept. Water Department Clerks Salary Office Expense Legal & Auditing Telephone Bill Electricity Bill Insurance & Surety Bonds Recreation Department Notes Payable &'Interest on Tank Lake Front I