HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-1969 I I I I(INUTES OF T!-E REGULA.R I\EETII\G OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. HELD OCTOBER 7, 1969 Present: Eayor r~inor; Commissioners: Heese, Stinnett, I\~il1er and Vandergrift A.bsent: None The meeting was called to order by :rv:ayor Minor at 7: 05 P .1,1. COmfl. Vandergrift made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the meeting held September 16, 1969. Comm. I'liller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. COlrJn. I'.:iller made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Vandergrift seconded the motion. Voted and carried. FROlvi GENER I\L F UED : Teddie R. Hey - Police Dept. Jeanette A.dkinson - water dep. ref. Governors Highway Safety Conference \jvinter Garden Hard",'mre The Brav Hardware Ramada Inn - Police Dept. Botorola Steve & Harry Shell Service Ocoee Gulf Service Orkin Exterminating Co Ocoee Electric Service Johnson A.utomotive Central Fla. Fire Equip. Pounds Pharmacv Valbro Business Forms I~ary A.. Hinds Hood Tractor Co. Griffith Jire Co., Inc. Engels J. 1<. :r.:iller Paint & Body Shop '/1. E. Wurst Agency Glenn Joiner & Son Joiner A.uto Parts Tne Graves Co. of Kisiw~ee Florida Netal Craft Dixie Uniform & Supply J. Z. A.nderson Janitor Service ~he Burgess Press Kodern Stationery Pi tney Bm'les The Winter Garden Times Groo-hichael Services West Orange Letter Shop Board of County Comm. Hughes Supply Davis Meter H. K. Bowness Orell Cm'lley Otis Hensley Lavon Burch Steven Daly J. 1. Jernigan 20.00 1.25 3 0 .00 15.75 20.69 6.76 41.50 7.75 128.76 20.00 29.80 47.48 1.00 3.76 110.80 133.10 97.90 182.52 35.30 20.00 180.00 87.94 2.50 11,761.00 7.00 30 .60 55.30 20.~0 4.30 24.00 .85 111.41 2.45 13 6 . 80 1,071.01 91.38 544.46 82.91 75.05 70.62 66.72 78.77 Robert Keller - St. Dept. Roy C. Strickland - St. Dept. Oscar Moore - St. Dept. ~~rtin L. Strickland - St. Dept. Otis Smith - Water Dept. Sam Oliver - Nater dept. Angela I'flcHenry - i-'raterc dep. ref. Bank of Vest Orange Teddie R. Hey - police dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk Ethel Kills - Dispatcher Leroy Turner - police dept. Adron Claunch - police dept. William R. Hager - police dept. James G. Tenney - police dept. William S~ Walker - police dept. Carol J. Cook" - dispatcher Edward J. Loughlin - dispatcher Eagle Army & Nayy Store Rupert Warr - dispatcher Anna M. Dodge - Ass't Clerk Ouida Meeks - dispatcher Rov I:lhi te - youth center Ja~es D. Hoo~ - youth center John B. Bovd - y~uth center Orell Cawl~y - ~ant. dept. Otis Hensley - santo dept. Davis L. Burch - santo dept. Steven P. Daly - santo dept. J. I. Jernigan - santo dept. Robert Keller - st. dept. Roy C. Strickland - st. dept. Os car II. I'-ioore - st. dept. Martin L. Strickland - st. dept. Otis G. Smith - water dept. Sam Oliver - water dept. OASI Contribution Fund Walter F. Moorehouse - building inspector CEMETERY FUND: George Horton George Horton 71.26 70.96 65.00 65.00 87.91 9J .JJ 7.50 688.74 182.86 16J .76 IJ 0 . 70 268.05 198.72 210.1J 165.42 174.40 IJ 9 . J 0 141.6J 191.70 J J . IJ 29.99 29.4J 9.52 4.76 4.76 70.62 75.05 70.62 66.72 78.77 71.26 70.96 65.00 77.21 87.91 9J .JJ J,114.25 55.90 I I 25.70 25.70 The attorneys for the Citizens and taxpayers of Ocoee and ~~. Frank Roper were again present to discuss the legality of the annex- ation of the Roper property. Mr. Egan, attorney for ~tr. Roper stated he thought the property had been annexed properly according to our charter. Mr. Dyer, attorney for the citiiens stated that this case was identical to other cases that had been declared null and void and the property had been taken into the City unconstitutionally. Comm. Vandergrift made a motion to reconsider the motion for annexing the property. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Vandergrift, Stinnett and Reese voted YES. Con~. Miller and I:inor voted NO. I-lotion \'laS carried. de- Comm. Mayor I ~r. Eagan stated that on one had filed any action against the ord- inance with the Circuit Court within the JO day peri on from the date of the ordinance. ~:r. Dyer stated that this was not necessary. I I I Corr~. Vandergrift said he would withdraw his motion for reconsidering the deannexing if Comm. Stinnett would withdraw his second. .Co~n. Stinnett agreed and motion was withdrawn. Our attorney, I':ichael Har:;lin, informed the City Commissioners that the City would be finanicially liable if they voluntarily recind the building permit fer the fertilizer plant. Comm. Vandergrift asked the Commissioners how they would feel if the location was changed. No one had any o~jections if the plant ':lere relocated. I'I. D:rer and the prople he represented went outside to discuss this issue. Kr. Hubert Fox spoke for the prople and said they had no objections if it was put on Story Road as far "Jest tOi'lard Hockland as possible. , i,:r. Eagan stated that he would not advise Er. Roper to change the location of his site and they they have the permit and they planned to start constnuction irrmediately. Our attorney stated he thought from a legal viewDoint the City ~hould let the prople do what they want and the bity would noi be liable. Com.rn. Stinnett said he thought the commissioners VJere here to represent the people of Ocoee. Comm. Reese had no co~~ent. Comm. l~ller and Kayar Minor said they ~hought everything should be left like it is. Com.~. Vandergrift said he thought we should represent the prople of Ocoee to the best of cur ability. Comm. Vandergrift made a motion to reconsider the building permit for the fertilizer plant. Kotion died for lack of a second. Two representatives fror:l Orange Crn nty zoning, Hr. Ted I'likaelson and l~. King Heile ffiet with the Council to outline the steps to be taken hy the Cityin order to establish zoning in the City of Ocoee. They stated they 1.'lould work with the City in setting up the zoning for the City and would take approximatel:! 6 months and cost $3,000.00. r.:iss Lillian ~.:aguire met vIi th the Commissioners to see about getting something done about a ditch through her property vlhi ch 1;JaS endanger- ing her pillap house. Our attorney was instructed to write the State Road Department, Crange County, and Seaboard Railroad about this problem since this is a state ditch. Several citizens from Brentwood were present asking if the City of Ocoee was going to adopt Orange County's ordinance pertaining to dogs. Comm. I-Tiller made a motion to adopt the resolution as follows: Be it resolved by the City of Ccoee: It hereby authorizes Orange County to enforce the County Animal and Livestock Pet Law and Ordinance within the City of Ocoee. Co~n. Stinnett seconded lthe motion. Cornm. Stinnett, 'Reese, :rc:iller and Vandergrift voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unainimously. I'-'Iavor I-linor recomIEerided that the City send $30.00 registration fe~s for the Chief of Police and Nayor to attend the Governors Highway Safety Conference in Daytona Beach, Florida on Novenber 6 & 7, 1969. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to hire I;'J'. VJalter F. Eorehouse as building inspector of the City of Ocoee at the ~alary of $250.00 per month plus 10 gallons of gas per week and if at any time the amount of the permits exceed $250.00 he will receive half of the permits above this amount. Comm. Reese seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnet, Vandergrift, Reese and Miller voted YES. I Co~~. Stinnett reported that he attended the Windermere Council meeting and that they agreed to pay the City of Ocoee $600.00 per :"ear for dispatching. Our attorney '.'Vas to draw a contract between the City of Ocoee and Winderemere for the Fire Contract and the Radio Dispatching Contract combined. Comm. Reese opened bids from three companies for a new truck for the water department. The decision of which truck to buy was left up to Sam Oliver of the water department. Our attorney was to draft a letter to be sent to the prople out- side our City limits who were to be able to vote on the new charter, and also have the ballots printed for this purpose. Comm. Hiller was given permission to let 1'.'Irs. .Adams on Bay St. pay for her culvert by the month. 6omm. I':Iillervlas supposed to get bids on a new lavm mower for the City. The Kayor "'las to contact Ed\vin Pounds conserning the repairs on the wires that burned on the Police Station. Comm. Stinnett viaS to make a drawing for the electrical work on the new barn for the contractors to bid on. I There being no further business Comm. Vandergrift made a motion to recess. Comm; ~t~.nnett seconded the ~Thereupon cou~ recessed at 10: 4) r.l\". ' dlaAL~ ~,~ ~ .;1 ~ . , Clerk ' ,Ivlayor. .J I