HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-20-1970 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held January 6, 1970 and the recessed -meeting held January 13, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. FROM GENERAL FUND: I Gatha Jones - prisoner meals Leroy Turner - repairing camera John Boyd - dispatcher Ouida Meeks - dispatcher Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. Smith - water dept. Orell Cawley -sante dept. Otis Hensley - sante dept. Steven P. Daly - sante dept. Rex Gann - sante dept. J. I.Jerningan - sante dept. Robert Keller - st. d~. Roy C. Strickland - st. dept. Oscar H. Moore - st. dept. martin L. Strickland - st. dept. George Horton - cemetery fund Pounds Pharmacy Wells,Laney,Ehrlich & Baer Florida Ornamental Iron Kerr's ~illrine Center Johnson & Akins, Inc. Valbro Business Forms Board of County Comm. Orange County Sheriffs Office Florida StateBoard of Health Griffin & Hamlin Great Valu Ryder Truck Lines, Inc. Al Ewing Ford, Inc. Utility Pipelayers, Inc. Florida power Corp. V.T.N. Florida Whites City of Winter Garden Everett Eastham - witness Bill West - witness Ocoee Electric Service William R.~Hager - Cemetery Fund City of Ocoee - Cemetery Fund Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher. Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. Smith - water dept. Orell Cawley - sante dept. Otis Hensley - sante dept. 105.35 13 . 67 12.72 38.16 101.95 95.63 64.05 82.87 74.84 82.44 86.19 83.18 78.78 74.92 80.78 25.70 17.64 700.00 69.00 3.90 71.70 286.45 150.00 80.00 50.00 65.00 280.00 17.30 80.05 3 87 . 00 1,309.27 632.50 3.$0 2.00 3.00 3.00 3 89.96 45.00 446.65 169.78 101.95 95.63 64.05 82.$7 I Steven P. Daly -sante dept. Rex Gann - sante dept. J. I. Jernigan - sante dept. Robert Keller - st. dept. Roy C. Strickland - st. d~pt. Oscar H. Moore - st. dept. Martil L. Strickland - st. dept. Walter H. Morehouse - building inspector Barbara Hooks - Clerk Anna M. Dodge - Ass~t Clerk William R. Hager - policeman Teddie R. Hey - policeman James G. Tenney - policeman Leroy Turner - policeman William S. Walker, Jr. - policeman James D. Hood - policeman Ethel Mills - dispatcher Euna Copeland - dispatcher Rupert warr - dispatcher Ouida Meeks - dispatcher Hollis Dean - youth center Hubert W. Fox - Mayor E. P. Miller - Commissioner Hoyt Farmer - " Lewis Whitehead - " W. E. Stinnett - " James T. Vandergrift - Fire Chief George Horton - Cemetery Fund Adron Claunch - policeman Ranelle Hornsby - police dept. 74.$4 82.44 86.39 83.1$ 78.78 74.92 80.78 _ 105.60 191.37 91.39 242.89 201.76 204.78 280.19 197.76 165.20 148.82 14$.$2 50.87 49.37 4.76 47.60 23 .80 23 . 80 23 .80 23 . 80 95.20 25.70 23 5 . 87 24.85 1 I Comm. Stinnett reported the tap had been made on the line to Lake- shore Gardens and the line was under the railroad. Comm. Miller reported that r~. Groo of r~chaels Engineers came out and looked at Lee Street and was to report his findings at our meeting either in person an by letter. John T. Minor asked for a donation for the Fair exhibit and Comm. Stinnett made a motion to donate $200.00 for this exhibit. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Whitehead, Miller and Farmer voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. John T. Minor compiained about the noise from a cow belonging to lf~. & ~~s. E. L. Griffith. The Clerk was instructed to write the Griffiths informing them of our ordinance against livestock causes a nuisance within the City Limits. . Comm. Stinnett made a motion to pay the policewoman by the hour at the rate of pay' for beginning policemen. She is to be guaranteed 30 hours per month. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Whitehead, Farmer & Miller voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Chief Leroy Turner asked about having a separate cell for women I prisoners. The Commissioners are to look into the situation and disill sss it, at a later date. I Gerald Fish and Gary Reynolds residents of Brentwood complained about the load limit signs that have been erected in Brentwood prohibiting them from taking their trucks to their homes. Comm. Farmer made a motion to allow them to take their tractors home but not the trailers. Comm. \ihitehead seconded the motion. ' Comm. Farmer, Whitehead, Stinnett and Miller voted YES. Mayor Fox voted NO. Michael E. Hamlin, attorney was instructed to write the proper authorities protesting closing our High School. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to annex the Charles McMillan property on the corner of Maguire Road and Hwy. 50 to build a Sunoco service st~tion. Comm..Farmer seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Farmer, Wh~tehead and Ml11er voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. ThlS property had been viewed by the Commissioners and agreed property was susceptible to city benefits. Mrs. Miriam Reid complained about the condition of the Ocoee Gulf Service Station on McKey Street. Our attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance amending #458, which proQibits junk cars on residential property, to include commercial property. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to draw ordinance~making 'JC 11<.1 to have a junk yard without a solid fence around it. head seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Whitehead, Farmer voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. it unlawful Comm. White- Miller and I I Mr. Groo of Michaels Engineering Firm was present pertaining to the drainage on Lee Street. He said the only solution right now was to replace the drainage ditches. He suggested we put a swell on each side of the street. This was tabled until Comm. Miller could get the feelings of the residents on that street. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to put swell type ditches and concrete the driveways subject to Comm. Miller consulting with the property owners. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Whitehead, Miller and Farmer seconded the motion. Carried unan- imously. Mayor Fox was to attend the Ninth Regional Florida Water & pOlutiOY Control Operators Association meeting at the Ramada Inn Jan 21, 1970 to represent the City of Ocoee by welcoming these people to Ocoee. The Clerk was instructed to write theAtlantic Coast Line Railroad that we are going to remove the old cross ties from the railroad rights-of-way if they do not remove them within 2 weeks. Comm. Stinnett asked about removing the old barn, water tank and the condemned houses on Kissimmee Ave. Comm. Farmer made a motion to dispose of the buildings the most feasible way. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Farmer, Miller and Whitehead v~ted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Councilman Miller made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Thereupon Council adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Attest: r2~AL ~LIL C erk ~=P1 6zf ( Mayor