HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-1970 I I I IvIINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD FEBURARY 17, 1970 Present: Mayor Fox, Commissioners: Stinnett, Farmer, Miller & Whithead Absent: ' None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held Feb. 3, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. General Fund: A~.P. Clark Motors Roy Strickland West Orange Battery Service Davis Meter & Supply Michael E. Hamlin Dixie Barber Orlando Paving Co. Leonard W. Saine Sam Oliver - Water Dept. O. G. Smith - water dept. Charles H. Maynard - \'later dept. Orell Cawley-sante dept. Otis Hensley - sant. dept. Steven P. Daly - sant. dept. J. I. Jernigan - sant. dept. Ro bert Keller - strt. dept. Roy Stri ckland - --'strt. dept. Oscar H. Moore- stnt. dept. Martin L. Strickland - strt. dept. George H. Horton - cemetery dept Harry Campbell - '., ybuth:;center . J. I. Jernigan- inspection on garbage truck Interest & Sinking Fund- trans. from Gen. F. Cemetery Fund - trans. 'from General Fund Cash - for washing police car O. G. Smith - inspection fee Craig Copeland - cleaning piice station W. E.Stinnett u. S. Postmaster -postage Ocoee Electric Service Sam Oliver- water dept. O. G. Smith:...l water dept. Charles Maynard - water dept. Grell Cawley- sante dept. Oti s Hensley - sant. dept. Steven P. Daly - sant. dept. J. I. Jernigan - sante dept. Robert Keller - st. dept. Roy Strickland - st. dept. Oscar H. Moore - st. dept. Jesse Bruce- st. dept. Martin L. ~trickland st. d~. George Horton- cemetery fund Valbro Business Forms Walter F. Morehouse - building inspector 2,599.40 3.00 6.50 12.50 95.00 50.00 27.00 14.75 101.95 104.36 $4.35 78.64 82.$7 74.84 86.39 8.3 .18 78.78 74.92 80.78 25.70 4.76 ,3.00 2,327.95 9$7.50 1.00 3.00 10.00 .3 9.00 300.00 27.50 101.95 95.63 77.28 Bl.B) $6.19 78.03 89.60 83 .18 78.78 74.92 73.02 80.78 25.70 58.00 105.60 stat ion 210.87 193 .76 242.89 193 .76 193 .76 2$0.19 170.00 161.55 14$.$2 148.82 47.60 23 .80 23 .80 23 .80 23 .89 95.$0 191.37 78.06 12.72 25 .44 38.16 4.76 9.52 9.52 10.00 25.70 qn roofing the $495.00 375.55 I Adron Claunch - policeman''''' William Walker II William Hager Teddie R. Hey James G. Tenney Leroy Turner James D. Hood Edward G. Loughlin -dispatcher Ethel r'Iills II Euna Copeland Hubert W. Fox - Mayor W. E. Stinnett - Commissioner E. P. Miller II Hoyt Farmer II Lewis Whithead " JamBs T. Vandergrift - Fire chief Barbara Hooks - Clerk Anna M. Dodge - Ass't Cl~rk Rupert Warr - dispat cher Ouida Meeks II John H. Boyd II Billy Hagan - Youth center Bobby J. Griffis - Youth Center Roy- White - Youth Center , Craig Copeland - Cleaning police Ranelle Hornsby - policewoman II II II II II II Comm. Stinnett submitted bids he had received patio at Youth Center and remodeling Jail: Youth Center: Sam Holland &James Laird John Wood I Jail: Sam Holland & James Laird - '$115.77 John Wood 134.19 Comm. Stinnett made a motion to accept the bid from Hqlland and Laird for the Youth Center and from John Wood on the Jail. Comm. Farmer seconded the motion.. Comm. Stinnett and Farmer voted YES. Comm. iif,hitehead, ~tiller and Fox voted NO. Motion was not carried. Comm. Stinnett resigned as chairman of the building department. The Mayor asked each Commissioner if they would accept and no one felt they had the time to attend to it so the Mayor accepted the position. The Comm. discussed the expenses of the materials for-the grease pit in the aarn and it, was decided that the maErials be' divided between the Sanitation,Street and Police depart- nEnts since the water department was doing the. work. . The Mayor and Comm. Whithead were to check on prices for a new garbage truck and have the prices at the next meeting. Our attorney ViaS to write the Ford Motor Company conserning the trouble we have had with the 1969 Ford Police car. 1 Comm. Farmer made a motion to accept the agreement between the City of Ocoee and the City of Windermere for fire protection and radio service. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm Farmer, Stinnett, ~~itehead and Miller voted YES. No NO'S. r.arried unanimously. Comm. Miller and ~fuithead were appointed to:~ork on plans for City policies. I Mayor Fox and our attorney were to attend a ffieeting at the Orlando City Hall Feb. 18, 1970 at 4:00 P.M. on how to fund the Orange County Civic Center. . After a discussion as to which department Grady Smith was supposed to work on the Mayor proposed to hire a mechanic to fix, the equipment for inspection.and permit Grady to work on water department. Comm. Stinnett suggested that Grady and Charles Maynard be asked if they will work nights and fix equipment. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to let Grady and Charles work nights, if they will. Comrn. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. vfuitehead, Stinnett, ~liller and Farmer voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. After discussing the County collecting our City taxes the Commissioners agreed to leave it as it is. ~tr. Kuhrt, ~tr. Amick and ~tr. Hendricks, their surveyor were present with final plans for Brentwood Unit #4. The Council were to go over the plans and act on them next week. Ted Mikalsen was present to inform the Comm. of his status on the zoning of Ocoee. They are to have a work session with him next week. I The Atlantic Coast Line asked what the City would charge to remove the old crossties from the tracks in Ocoee. The Comm. Stated they had no way to get to them. Comm. Farmer suggested that we not take anymore che~ks for bonds, and if we do take any that we deposit them the following day. .The Mayor stated he was the Police Commissioner and that no COIT~issioner had the right to dictate to any particular one. Comm. Farmer made a motion not to take anymore checks for bonds. Motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Stinnett made a motion that the City Hall remain open 5 days per week Monday thru Friday and be closed all day on Saturday. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Whitehead, Farmer and Miller voted YES. NO NO'S. Carried unanimously. I ~~. McPhail from llrentwood was present to ask what was going to be done about the dogs. our attorney was to write the County Commissioners conserning this. COIT~. 'Stinnett reported'that the Kendall Oil Co. would furnish us with a grease gun as long as we used their products. The Council discussed purchasing more Christmas decorations and decided not to buy anymore at this time. A letter of thanks was read from Fire Chief James T. Vandergrift to the Ocoee Police Department for the assistance they gave them \rith the Campbell Child. Comrn. Stinnett made a motion to p~y for a banquet for the Fire Department and their wives at the Ramada Inn. The cost will be $5.50 per couple. Comm. vfuitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, vmitehead, ~liller and Farmer voted YES. No NO'S. ~tr. Schell from the Sub Shop was given permission to pass out flyers for the Sub Shop. ~ There being no further b~siness Comm. Miller made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Thereupon Co~ncil adjourned at 9:38 P.M. /h~1 i!or ~ Attest: L. t2/l ,1 1/Z ~ lerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD FEBURARY 24, 1970 Present: Mayor Fox, Comm. Stinnett, Farmer, Miller and villitehead Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7;00 P.M.. The purpose of the meeting was to have a work session with Ted Mikalsen from Orang7, County Zoning Office, and discuss the plans for Brentwood Unit #4. Mr. Kuhrt and ~tr. Hendricks discussed the plans for Brentwood Unit #4. They were to get plans for the houses to be built and have them at next meeting. our attorney was to have our engineers examine the drainage and paving plans for the subdivision. 'Ted Mikalsen discussed some of the things the Council and the Zoning Commission felt would be important in the future devel- opment of Ocoee as follows: Substandard houses and roads More commerical area recreation facilties sewage New City Hall Trailer park for retired people High-rise apartments Municipal airport School sites. Comm. Stinnett suggested that we require a recreational site on each new subdivision developed in the City. 11r. Mikalsen stated Maitland required 5% of the land or land value. There being no further business Comm. Miller made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motio~. There- upon Council adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Attest: ,t/ .~ / / c2 /J,1_g,~ Y'v .d_-oh~ Clerk ~4!:! ;;Lf I I 1