HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-1970 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COIvIl'ilISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 7, 1970 Present: Mayor Fox; Comm. Stinnett, Farmer, Miller &Whitehead Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held March 17, 1970, the special meetings held March 24, 1970 and March 31, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to approve all bills in order. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: James Clark - water dep. ref. Albert N. Curtis - water dep. ref. Michael E. Hamlin - attorney Motorola Comm. - Fire & Police Depts. Board of Co. Comm. Leonard 'tJ. Saine Johnson & Akins, Inc. Barnettes Janitor Supply Central Fla. Fire Equip. Chemstron Corp. - Fire Dept. Harry P. Leu, Inc. - Fire Dept. Hal Watts' Fla. Divers Supply Dixie Uniform & Linen Supply Ocoee Gulf Service A. & R. Office Machines Whi tes ' Davis Meter & Supply Southeastern Municipal Supply Hughes Supply, Inc. Orlando Paving Co. Glenn Joiner & Son Ocoee Electric Service Winter Garden Lumber Co. George Stuart, Inc. J. Z. Anderson, Janitor Service Mary A. Hinds - prisoners meals Jean's Florist A. P. Clark Motors Steve & Harry's Shell Service Al Swing Ford, Inc. The Bray Hardware West Orange Battery Service H. fil. Bowness Sentinal=Star Co. Great Valu Rupert Warr Mid-Florida Gas Co. George Horton - Cemetery John Wood - Police Dept. Engel's State Treasurer 6.25 6.25 100.00 98.00 115.20 86.00 75.45 7.50 16.68 4.05 4.03 266.11 41.11 155.11 106.50 11.05 167.51 118.75 584.93 27.00 26.38 24.00 2.00 23 .90 61.80 247.45 21.50 4.89 6.50 17.96 79.76 11$.70 669.92 17.04 20.00 12.72 73 .71 25.70 204.19 363 .00 82.00 Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water Charles H. Maynard - water J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Hensl ey - sant. Orell Cawley - sante Steven P. Daly - sante Charlie Esco, Jr. - sante Roy C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. O.A.S.I. Contribution Fund Bank of West Orange John E. Lenko - water dep. ref. Ranelle Hornsby - police dept. James G. Tenney - police Leroy Turner - police Teddie R. Hey - police William R. Hager - police Adron Claunch - police James D. Hood - police Craig Copeland - police & fire dept~. William S. Walker, Jr. - police Shirley L. Walker - dispatcher Barbara Hooks - Clerk Ethel Mills - dispatcher Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Euna Copeland - dispatcher Ouida Meeks - dispatcher John Boyd - dispatcher Elmer Holtzclaw - building inspector Anna ~. Dodge - ass't clerk Ocoee Little League - donation Adron Claunch - advance Ronald Myers - water dep. ref. Robert Sumner - water dep. ref. Lessie Windham - water dep. ref. Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water George Horton - cemetery Charles H. Maynard - water J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Hensley - santo Orell Cawley - sante Steven P. Daly - sante Charlie Esco, Jr. - sante Roy C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. James Laird - youth center 101.95 95.63 77.28 76.39 72.87 78.64 59.84 77.11 78.7$ 80.78 78.68 73.02 3 ,239.39 981.00 7.50 25.70 193 .76 230 .19 193 .76 218.39 210.87 170.00 3 0 .00 193 .76 72.09 191.37 161.55 161.55 148.82 12.72 12.72 112.70 , 42.84 3 00 .00 50.00 2.50 5.97 6.25 101.95 95.63 25.70 54.44 86.39 82.87 78.64 74.84 77.11 7$.78 80.78 78.68 73 .02 545.00 I I City attorney, Michael Hamlin, reported to the commissioners that he was working on the petition to close the road in the Ocoee Cemetery and that he had looked over the new franchise with Florida Power Corp. and that he thought it would benefit the City to accept it. I I I I Iir. Lowe of the Orange County School Board discussed \'liththe Commissioners the plans of the Board for schools in West Orange C~unty. He stated their plans were for a West Orange County Hlgh School centrally located between Ocoee, Winter Garden and Windermere, to make Lakview a Juniro High and Ocoee an elementary. Ted Mikalsen reported that they were progressing with the planning and zoning for Ocoee. The zoning commission are to have a meeting tieh him next Tuesday night. Representatives from the Ocoee Womens Club were present to ask help from the City Commissioners to clean up the entrances to Ocoee. The Mayor stated to them that the City would do \'lhat they could in the best interest of the businesses and tax payers. Pat Patterson asked help from the Commissioners for the Ocoee Little League Assoc. Comm. Farmer made a motion to donate $300.00 to the League to help buy uniforms. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Comm. Farmer, ~liller, Stinnett and \Vhitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Farmer was to contact George Horton about cleaning the field once a week. Johnnie Arnold had secured an agreement with the taxi service in Winter Garden giving him permission to operate his service in :/inter Garden and thev in Ocoee. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to have our attorney draw up an agreement granting him an ex- clusive franchise to operate a taxi service in Ocoee, for a five year period. Comm. Farmer seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Farmer and Miller, voted YES. Comm. vmitehead voted NO. ~lotion was carried. Leonard Witte, from.Sfg Segal Realtors, and Zeke Evans were pre- sent to ask the Cernmissioners about paving Hill Avenue. The Commissioners i~formed them that it would be after the first of November, i970 before this could be done, because it \'las not included in the budget this year. Mr. E. L. Griffith asked the Commissioners to open Dela1tTare Street from Bluford Avenue thru to Kissimmee past his worm farm. The Commissioners were to investigate this before making a decision. Cliff Paul from Orange Cablevision and Buddy Dykes of T. t:. Comm. appeared before theCommissian in regards to the franchise on the Cable T. V. They are to have sealed bids submitted to the City Hall before 4:30 p.ril. Hay 5, 1970. Our attorney will have the bid forms at the next meeting. Jerry Coone, of Cornett Enterprises left 2 sets of plans for houses in Peach Lake ~~nor for approval by the Commissioners. The Clerk was to put an add in the paper for a full time building inspector. Comm. Miller made a motion to buy a trencher and trailer from Ver- meer Southeast Sales and Service in the amount of $2,950.00. Comm. Farmer seconded the motion. Comm. l'.:iller, Farmer, Stinnett and \fhitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comrn. Whitehead made a motion to buy new tires for the fire truck, Comrn. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comrn. T;'Jhi tehead, Stinnett, Miller and Farmer voted'YES. NO NO'S. Carried unanimously. Leroy Turner \'las to inform the A.tlantic Service Station on Hwy. 50 that they are violating a City ordinance by keeping junk cars on their property. Comm. I'liller made a motion that we not issue any more vacation pay until after July 1, 1970. Motion died for lack of a second. There being no further business Comm. vfuithead made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. There- upon Council adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Attest:cRLi'AL/lA., W~ Clerk Jj~L~f (r(J ~: I Mayor ., I I I