HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-1970 I,:INUTES OF THE REGULAR I'.'IEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 21, 1970 I Pre sen t : Nayor Fox, Commi s s i eners , S t innet t, Farmer, 1',i11 er and Whit ehead Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.I~. The minutes of the last regular meeting held 4pril 14, 1970 were read and approved. Cornm. Sinnett made a motion to pay all bills in ordeI;'. Corum. I.:iller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROTJI GENERAL FUND: I Fields Suprex 4pperson Chemicals Co. Vermeer Southeast Sales Southeastern Mun. Supply Co. 4tlantic Chemicals Ramada Inn Valbro Corp. Pi tney Bowes Sentinel Star Co. I!;otorola Comm. Kichael E. Hamlin Leroy Turner - advance Sam Oliver - water dept. O. G. Smith - 1'later Charles H. Haynard - water J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Henslev - sante Orell Cawley - santo Steven P. Daly - sante Charlie Esco, Jr. - sante Roy Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Horton - cemetery Ore11 Cawley - sante T. R. Hey - advance Hubert W. Fox - expenses to Tallahassee Adron Claunch - police Ranelle Hornsby - police T,'lil1iam S. Walker, Jr. Shirley L. Walker - dispatcher Teddie R. Hey - police Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel Mills - dispatcher Euna Copeland - dispatcher John H. Boyd - dispatcher r/li11iam R. Hager - police James G. Tenney - police Leroy Turner - police Ja~es D. Hood - police Elmer Holtzclaw - building inspector Barbara Hooks - Clerk 7.51 191.70 2,950.00 6.50 18.00 209.70 231.08 31.55 11.36 47.00 145.00 5.00 101.95 95.63 77.28 86.39 82.87 78.64 89.84 87.44 78.78 80.78 78.68 73 .02 25.70 71.20 20.00 50.00 210.87 25.70 193 .76 59.19 173 . 76 161.55 161.55 ] 48. 82 25.44 238.39 193.76 280.19 170.00 121.05 191.37 I ~nna M. Dodge - ~sstT Clerk Hubert W. Fox - Mayor W. E. Stinnett - Commissioner E. P. I'!J.iller " Hoyt Farmer " Lewis Whitehead " James T. Vandergrift - Fire Chief Florida Power Corp. Florida Tele. Corp. Board of County Comm. - zoning Craig Copeland - fire & police William Buterbaugh - water dep. ref. Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water Charles Maynard - water J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Hensley - sante Steven P. Daly - santo Charlie Exco, Jr. - sante Lavon Burch - santo Roy Strickland - st... Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Horton - cemetery 78.06 47.60 23 .80 23 .80 23 . $0 23 . 80 95.20 1,201.19 55.91 596.64 20.00 5.42 101.95 95.63 77.28 86.39 82.87 74.84 87.44 57.29 78.7$ 80.7$ 7$.68 73 .02 25.70 I Our attorney, Michael Hamlin, reported that he had prepared the bid forms for the c~ble T. V. companies and had given them to Drange Cablevision and the T. ril. Comm., also had ,prepared the Ordinance for the taxi-cab service in Ocoee, with the necessary papers to be posted and the petition to vacate certain rights-of-way in Ocoee Cemetery. Comm. Stinnett made a lliotion to suspend the balance of Frances Hend~eyTs fine. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Miller, Farmer, and ~fuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. I Comm. Miller made a motion to draw a'resolution on the 2 percent Resort Tax. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Corr~. Miller, Stinnett, Farmer, and 'v'Jhi tehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Corr~. Miller made a motion to accept the frachise from Florida Power Corp., Ordinance #511, an ordinance granting to Florida Power Corp. its legal representatives, successors, and assigns, an electric franchise, and imposing certain conditions relating thereto. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Connn. Miller, Stinnett, Farmer, and 'v'lhitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Lee Logan, representative from Professional Insurance Co., asked if he could have permission to sell insurance to employees with payroll de- ductions at no expense to the City. The Comm. Decided to draw up spec- ifications and let insurance companies bid on the insurance. The {~yor and Leroy Turner were to see the Orange County Road Department about raising the speed limit on Kissimmee ~ve. I Cowm. Farmer made a ffiotion to adopt the Ordinance on the Taxi-Cab fran- chise. Motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to allow Mr. Johnnie ~rnold to start his taxi-cab service on a temporary basis until the commission can ~o over the <=> I I I franchise. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Corr~. STinnett, Farmer, I'uller and ~'vhi tehead voted YES. NO NO'S. Carried unanimously. Atlantic Service Station ovmer was present to see what the City wanted him to do about his station. They asked that he move all the old cars, trucks and busses off his station yard. He stated that most of the vehicles parked there had state inspection stickers and were not junked and most of them had a bill against them and he did not have any authority to move or sell them. Comm. Farmer made a motion to hire Clark H. Beery as building inspector at $100.00 per week with 10 gallons of gas per week for 90 days. Comm. Stinnett se conded the motion. Comm. Farmer, Stinnett, 'dhi tehead and ~iller voted YES. No NOTS. Carried unaimously. The polce were instructed to check all contractors in Ocoee to see if they have an occupationsl license. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to issue a permit to Raymond Crawford to close in the shed on his station for a storage room. Corr~. White- head seconded the motion. COI11I:1. Stinnett, ;,.lhi tehead, Eiller and Farmer voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimouslY.J. Corr~. Stinnett reported that there has been an oil slick in Starke Lake early in the mornings. The clerk was to contact the county authorities on this. Cormn. Farmer made a motion to issue a permit to Lakeshore Gardens, to erect an orna~ental wall at the entrance to the development. Corum. ~'lhitehead seconded the motion. Comm. STinnett was t<~ work out. t~e set back with the owners. Comm. Stinnett, Farmer, InlIer and '/Ih:!. te- head voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Comm. ~hitehead made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Thereupon the meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Attest: ~~L xtAL . Clerk / '. ~ !v~(~cl (-L) .fGrf Mayor