HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-1970 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD MAY 19,1970 Present: Mayor Fox, Comm: Stinnett, Farmer, Miller & Whitehead Absent: - None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. .The minutes of the last regular meeting held May 5, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM-GENERAL FUND: landseair Travel of W. G. Whites Auto Store George Stuart Kuhrt &. Assoc. Valbro Business Forms Mi chael Hamlin Motorola Comm. &. Elec. Henry BumbiLng Atlantic-Hoffman Equip. Lee Pool Supply F. &. R. Office Supply Mid-Florida Gas Co. Southeastern Municipal Supply Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Colonial Corners The Burgess Press Pounds Pharmacy Gene's Atlantic Service Leroy Turner- police dept. Charlie Esco, Jr. - sante dept. Lavon Burch -sante dept. J. I. Jernigan -- sante Otis Hensley - sante Steven P. Daly - sen t. Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water Charles Maynard - water Roy Strickland - st. Martin Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - building inspector Craig Copeland - police & fire Joe Miller, Paint & Body Shop Ranelle Hornsby - police Adron-Claunch - police William R. Hager - police Teddie R. Hey - police James G. Tenney - police Leroy Turner - police William S. Walker, Jr. - police James D. Hood - police - Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel Mills - dispatcher Euna C~peland - dispatcher . . 172.20 5.67 31.00 200.00 49.20 35.00 5.00, 20.00 78.97 339.50 1.60 36.75 55.00 24.70 15 .60. 3$.55 2.66 31.09 4.19 $7.44 34.98 $6.39 82.87 74.84 101.95 95.63 77.2$ 7$.7$ 80.7$ 78.68 73.02 25.70 84.50 10.00 35.00 25.70 210.87 23 $ .39 193.76 193 .76 2$0.19 193 .76 171.80 161.55 161.55 106.32 Anna Dodge - Ass't Clerk John H. Boyd - dispatcher Shirley Walker - dispatcher Barbara Hooks ~ Cler~ Clark H. Beery - building inspector Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water Charles H. Maynard - water J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Hensley - sante Steven P. Daly - sante Charlie Esco,-Jr. - sante Lavon Burch -sante Martin Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. George Horton - cememtery Roy Strickland - st. Jesse Bruce - st. William S. Walker, Jr. - police W. E. Stinnett - Comm. Hoyt'Farmer " E. P. Miller " Lewis Whitehead - " Hubert W. Fox - Y~yor James T. Vandergrift - for trip to atlanta Craig Copeland - police & fire James T. Vandergrift - fire chief 97.10 49.37 49.37 191.37 84.50 101.95 95.63 66.66 86.39 $2.87 74.84 $7.44 15.00 80.78 78.68 25.70 81.90 76.88 3.00 23 . $0 23 .80 23 .80 23 .80 47.60 600.00 10.00 95.20 I Our attorney, Michael Hamlin, presented a new may of the City Limits. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to adopt Ordinance #513 being an Bmergency- ordinance pertaining to a current water shortage in the r ,:: City of Ocoee, Florida, providing, conditions for the use of City',,:.., ~~ '. water by the residents, penalties for the ~olation of this ordinance' and other matters. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Comm. Whitehead, Miller aod Farmer voted YES. Comm. Stipn~tt voted NO., Motion was earried. I Comm. Farmer made a motion to pay exp.nses ~nd tuition for James Tenney to atteBd police school in St. Petersburg, he is ~o pave paid receipts for his expenses. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Farmer, Stinnett, Miller and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. - . Mr. Mervin Lee of Florida Power Corp. presented a letter of accept- ance from Florida Power Corp. on the franchise between the City of Ocoee ,and Florida Power Corp. Comm. Farmer made a motion to authorize the first phase lighting-in Lakeshore Gardens. Comm. Stinnett seconded Comm. Farmer, Stinnett, Miller and Whitehead voted YES. Carried unanimoUSly. Mr. Walter Kuhrt appeared before the Comm. To accept.the position I of City Engineer. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to hire Mr. Kuhrt and Associates as our engineer subject.to contract drawn up between the City and his firm. Comm. Farmer seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Farmer, Miller and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. of street the mot ion. No NO'S. Comm. Miller reported that the contractors were tearing up the streets I I I on Maureen and Doreen Avenues with heavy equipment. Our attorney is to write the contractors informing them they will have to .pay for having the streets repaired to their original conditio~. Comm. Farmer was to get the barr.els to put around the swimming area in the lake. Carl Sanders appeared before the Comm. to ask for a master deed for two lots he bought from the City several years ago. At the time he had only received a quit claim deed..?..::Ou~ attorney was to check into the matter and see what had to be done to obtain this master deed since.; the claill against the property was dead. A request was made by Dick & Sams Sub Shop and Restaurant to ob- tain a beer license for this business. This was tabled until the next regular meeting. Bids were opened at this time on the Cabie T. V. . Orange Cablevision for First 5 years - $2,600.00 each year or T. M. Comm. """" 2,500.00 each year or 7%. i%. $%. 10%. $%. 10%. Orange Cablevision from,. 6~ to 10., years T. M. Comm. """" 3,100.00 each year or 3,000.00 each year or Orange Cablevision after 10 years 4,100.00 each year or T. M. Comm. """ 4,000.00 each year or These bids were tabled until a special meeting Monday night. A petition was filed by residents of Mobile Lane about the paving of the entrance of this street. The Street Comm. stated the re- pair had already been started. Harold Maguire appeared before the Comm. asking for water to be~ put to his property on Wurst Road for a housing project. Comm. \ Stinnett stated that no water had been installed on any property , out-side the City. After discussing the matter further Mr. Maguire was to submit plans for the development to the zoning j' Comm. for their approval. ' Johnny Doss wanted to know why he was out of water for 2 weeks and now there was plenty of water in the afternoons and evenings. The Mayor told him we had asked the prople not to water their lawns between the ours of 4 & $ P.M. Mr. Doss apoligized for calling conserning Mr. Olivers garden on City property. Comm. Stinnett stated he though as much as Mr. Oliver worked on his own time keeping the pumps working properly he was entitled to have his garden on city property and use some water. A resident of Brentwood told the Comm the house at 703 Snowden Avenue was a fire trap and over run with roaches. This house belongs to Al Ewings's daughter. Comm. Stinnett was to contact Mr. Ewing conserning this matter. The'lClerk was to write letters to lot owners on Lakeshore Drive to mow their lots or the City will mow~~hem and charge them. The Commissioners are to work on city policies at the work session Monday night. Comm. Miller reported someone wanted to buy a tire heater from the City. He was given permission to sell it. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to donate the shuffleboard equipment I to the Starke Lake Baptist Church. Comm. Whitehead seconded ,the motion. Comm. Stinnett, whitehead, Miller and Farmer.voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Mayor reported that the car that was burned had not been repaired to his satis~action. ~lr attorney advised that if they do not repair it to our satisfac~ion we will bring suit against the insurance company. Comm. Farmer asked about having two spaces!!;imarked off for the taxi-cab stand on McKey Street across from his station. The Mayor and Police Chief were to work something out. The Mayor was presented with an Ocoee High School Year Book for 1909-70 at school Tuesday afternoon. There being no further business Comm. Miller made a motion to recess this meeting until Monday, May 25, 1970 at 6:00 P.M. Thereupon Comm. recessed at 9:50 P.M. . Attest: ~ L 0"~ erk fb~f cJ \-li:t I or I I , ,