HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-1970 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL/OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIOA HELD JULY 7, 1970 Present: Mayor Fox; Comm. Stinnett, Farmer, Miller and Whitehead Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meering held June 16, 1970 ,and the special meeting held June 30, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. ~ (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: Euna Copeland - dispatcher - advance Fred Daughtry - police Carse Oil Co. Dixie Uniform & Linen Supply Board ,of County Comm Winter Garden Hardware Davis ,Meter & Supply Hughes Supply Co., Inc Motorola Comm. Steve & Harry Shell Sere William R. Hager - police dept. Teddie R. Hey - police James,G. Tenney - police Leroy-Turner - police James,D. Hood - police William S. Walker, Jr. -police Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel,Mills - dispatcher Euna Copeland - dispatcher A. P. ' Clark Motors Henry.Plumbing Co. Kelley's Cabinet Shop F. & R. Office Supply Michael E. Hamlin - attorney Jean!s~Florist . J. Z. Anderson Janitor Service Florida Telephone Corp. Winter Garden Lumber Co. Adron-Claunch - police Johnson Akins Barnettes Janitor Supplies Hal Watts Fla. Divers Sup. Hinely Sickroom Equip. Orange Co. Fire Chiefs Assoc. Poly Fabrics W. W..Grainger, Inc. National Cylinder Gas Reeves Service Station Winter Garden Police Dept. Ocoee Gulf Service Whites University of Gainesville 85.00 19.04 566.9$ 45.90 309.60 14.90 85.76 271.79 47.00 4.75 21.$0 16.$5 16.85 24.10 15.56 16.$5 13 . 80 13 . $0 12.61 37.53 8.50 65.00 2.75 450.00 _ 10.00 61.80 62.21 42$.7$ 227.17 , 15.44 , 96. 70 6.00 4.00 10.00 60.00 448.00 4.05 11$.67 16.50 238.31 14.55 60.00 The Bray Hardware Glenn Joiner & Son Auto Parts of Ocoee John Lamb Chev. Mary A. Hinds Leroy Turner-police George Horton - cemetery O. G. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Hensley - sante Lavon Burch - sante Aaron Hull- sante Mark Phillips - sante Grover C. Barron - sante James Haynes - sante Roy Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse ,Bruce - st. Rebecca Thigpin - life ~uard Clark-H. Beery - bldg. ~nsp. Hurschell Collins - water dep. ref. Bill Peavy "n" James 'Nobles (',Shop) II n II Donald McCrummen "" n James'Nobles(House) n " II Ocoee'Day Nursery II II n Billy-Dickson II II n Eula Mathis nil" Edward Partin n" n Mrs. Thomas Fox "n" Martha S. Egan ,," II Fields Grocery n n n C. E.,Crussell II n " J. P. Lowery nil" Bank of West Orange - income tax Michael E. Hamlin - attorney Theodore VanDeventer - Judge State,Treasurer W. H.,Wurst Agency Shirley Walker - dispatcher John Boyd - dispatcher William S. Walker - police James G. Tenney - police Leroy'Turner - police William R. Hager Teddie R. Hey - police James-D. Hood - police Ranelle Hornsby - police Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel'Mills - dispatcher Euna Copeland - dispatcher Barbara Hooks - C~erk Anna M. Dodge - Ass't Clerk OASI Contribution Fund Adron' Claunch - police Groo-Michaels Services Romona Earnhardt - water dep. ref. O. G. SMith - water J. I. Jernigan - KKkex sante 42.65 10.40 121.61 75.12 397 . $0 130.14 25.70 96.33 87.09 $3 .3 7 64.31 15.42 57.69 $.57 23.09 79.2$ $1.58 79.1$ 77.38 56.56 85.10 6.20 4.$0 7.35 7.$5 16.25 6.$0 5.42 .5.42 2.50 2.50 6.25 .60 5.97 5.57 1,025.30 200.00 100.00 43 .00 3,222.00 3 8 .16 38.16 193 .76 193.76 2$0.19 238.39 193.76 171.80 25.70 ,161.55 161.55 121.72 191.37 82:Z-$2 3,247.$7 39.91 30.00 7.50 96.33 I I I I I I Otis Hensley - sante Lavon ~lrch - sante Aaron Hull - sante Joseph Hite - sante Roy Strickland - st. Martin Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Hrton - cemetery Rebecca Thigpin - life guard Clark Beery - bldg. insp. O. G. Smith -water - overtime hours Leroy Turner - police Bank of West Orange Bad checks $3 .37 79.09 67.11 60.39 79.28 81.58 79.18 77.38 30.84 56.56 85.1ID 70.32 2$0.19 10,000.00 50.25' . Sam Holland, representative from West Orange Industries was present wanting permission to pave Apricot Street in Ocoee Hills and the remaining streets in Spring Lake Hills. It will be Miami curbing with 4" limerock and 1" asphalt top. He stated he had already appeared before the zoning commission and obtained their approval. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to accept the above proposal. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Miller, Farmer and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. W. H. Wurst, our insurance agent stated our police reserve were not covered in case of an accident, only life insurance. Mr. Wurst is going to find out about them being covered under workmen!s compensation. Mr. Ben Griffin stated no one would bond anyone out of jail in this area. He suggested that the police not put anyone in jail who lives in Orange County except DWI cases. Our attorney said to leave it at the descretion of the policemen making the arrest. Mr. Roberts of the T. M. Communications Co. was present with the 3 year payment for cable T. V. in Ocoee in the amount of $10,000.00. Cornm. Stinnett made a motion to purchase a C. D. Bond with the money from T. M. Comm. to be used on a new administration building. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Voted and carried unanimously. The Clerk was to write Mr. Ben Benham, County Commissioner stating we approve the concept of the Big Inch Sewer Line and the proposed location. Comm. Stinnett stated some tile needed to be installed on the Clarcona Road just North of Mobile Lane. The Mayor was to con- tact Mr. Benham about this. Comm. Farmer made a motion to give the Clerk 2 weeks vacation. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Farmer, Stinnett, Miller and Whitehead voted YES. No NO!S. Carried unanimously. Our attorney was to get in touch with, the American Legion attorney and ask him to send him a copy of their license and statute pertaining to them. If no decision is made by next meeting they will be closed down, until a license is obtained. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to adopt the City policies as in the minutes of the last meeting held June 30, 1970. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Miller, Farmer, and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to send two men to the Firemen's Seminar in'Miami. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Whitehead, Miller and Farmer voted YES. No NO'S.. Carried un~nimously. - Comm. Miller had obtained bids on the paving he was to have done. )Comm. Miller made a motion to accept the'bid from Basic Asphalt in the amount of $1.40 per sq. yd. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. Comm. Miller, Stinnett, Farmer, Whithead voted YES. No NO~S. 9arried unanimously. The County engineer went over the contract between the City of Ocoee and Kuhrt and Assoc. and made some changes in the prices. Our attorney was to draw a new contract. There eeing no further business Comm. Miller made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Stinnett seconded the motion. ~hereupon Comm. Adjourned at,9:00 P.M. Attest: (iJ,n ~_L~, :tko-LS Clerk '~q ?d (&I1f yor MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, -ELORIDA HELD JULY 20, 1970 Present: Mayor 'Fox, Comm: Stinnett, Farmer, Miller & Whitehead Absent: None ,The meeting was called to order by Mayor -Fox at 7:00 P.M. The purpose of the meeti,ng was to meet with the zoning commissio,n;.:~.. They reported the Peachtree Mortgage Company had 'appeared before ,them with a proposed plat for approval ,by the commissioners for 282 single dwelling homes and some apartments around Peach Lake. The name of the proposed plan will be Twin ~akes Estates and have approximately 500 units in all. Comm. Stinnett stated we would need another well and elevated tank. He said we would need an engineers report to know exactly what we would need. - ' Mr. Wurst stated he thQught each 6house should be required to have a double driveway and t~e developer should be required to have a large performanance.bond. Mr. Bowness said he felt this project would be a good thing for the City but we should make a few changes in the proposed plan such as excluding the commercial area and consult the Health Department about the location of the. sewer system. They are ~o install the streets, curbs, water ma~ns and a sewer system, I I I