HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-18-1970 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGUL~R MEETING OF THE CITY CO~1ISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD AUGUST 18, 1970 Present: Mayor- Fox, Comm. Stinnett, Miller, Whitehead and Farmer Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held August 4, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: Euna Copeland - advance fVlary A. Hinds Comfort Control F. & R. Office Supply, Inc. W. H. Wurst Agency Michael E. Hamlin - attorney A. & R. Office Machines Valbro Business Forms Henry Plumbing Sargent-Sowell, Inc. Engels Florida Power Corp. Billy Tipton William R. Hager - advance Sam Oliver - Water J. I. Jernigan - sante Steven P. Daly - sante Joseph Hite - sante Melvin Williams - sante Eugene Daniel - sante Roy C. Strickland -- st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Johnny Whitehead - st. George H. Horton - cemetery Rebecca Thigpin - lifeguard Clark H. Beery - building insp. James E. Daniel - santo Leroy Turner - advance W. H. Wurst - water dep. ref. Hubert W. Fox - mayors expense The Graves Co. of Kissimmee - ref. ~ yr. lic Ocoee T. V. Center - ref. O. Lic. paid twice Fla. Tele. Corp. Great Valu Rebecca Thigpin - lifeguard George Horton - cemetery Sam Oliver - water - O. G. Smith - water Joseph Hite - sante J. I. Jernigan - sante Steven P. Daly - sante Melvin Williams - sante Roy Strickland - st. 85.00 94.85 60.00 10.60 50.00 110 ..00 1.50 201.58 80.00 9.15 39.00 1,327.76 1~.00 75.00 102.85 94.91 75.74 88.76 95.66 8.57 79.28 81.58 79.18 77.38 78.02 30.84 56.56 85.10 7.20 5.00 10.00 10.00 18.75 20.00 47.74 1.22 56.56 30.84 102.85 96.33 16.71 87.09 75.74 60.50 79.28 ~, ; Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Johnny Whitehead - st. Clark H. Beery - bUlding insp. Euna Copeland - dispatcher Edward G. Loughlin - II Ethel Mills - II Hubert W. Fox - Mayor W. E. Stinnett - commissioner K. P. Mi'ller II Hoyt Farmer II Le,vis Whitehead IT James T. Vandergrift - fire chief Barbara Hooks - Clerk Anna M. Dodge - Ass't Clerk Adron Claunch - police Teddie R. Hey - II James G. Tenney II Leroy Turner II William S.- Walker IT James D. Hood II Ranelle Hornsby IT Shirley Walker-dispatcher John H. Boyd IT William R. Hager - police 81.58 79.18 77.38 66.35 85.10 124.22 162.55 161.55 47.60 23 .80 2) . 80 23 . 80 23 . 80 95.20 191.37 97.10 204.17 " 181.66 195.16- 277.89 195.16 1 73 . 80 - 25.70 49.37 38.16 165.39 I Mr. Norman Collins was present to ask what would have to be done to have a water line to the future site of a Nazarene Church on Center Street. He was informed he would have to annex the pro- ' perty before we could install a water line. He is to bring in the discription of the property for annexation. Mr. Archie Campbell read a letter to the Commission thanking them for the help of the Ocoee Fire and Police ,Departments when their son passed away. He stated he thought we should have separate telephones for,fire and police departments so that they might be easier reached in time of emergencies. I . The Mayor reported a meeting to be held at the Ramada Inn, Friday, August 21, 1970 at 11:)0 A.M. with representatives from Federal Aviation Administration of Miami and Bureau of Public Transportation of Tallahassee'conserning a Tri-City Airport for Ocoee, Winter Garden and Apopka. All the commissioners were invited, to attend. Mr. Jim Bailey'was present with a,price list of the employees insurance premiums. Comm. Stinnett reported the Orange, County Health Department would like to meet with the commissioners. The Clerk was to write them a letter invitin~ them to the next regular meeting. The Commissioners discussed the modular homes that D. & M. Modular I Homes had applied for permits for in Ocoee. They did not feel they would meet~the building requirements according to the Southern Standard Building Code. The entire Commission and our attorney felt we should be very particular about any new homes and developments to be built in Ocoee. I': I, 1 t: i The Planning and Zoning had the proposal of changes for Twin Lakes Estates. The Commission accepted the changes as they had proposed. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to adopt Ordinance #514 being an ord- nance granting to the TM. Communications Company of Florida a non-exclusive franchise to install, maintain and operate a Cable system for the distribution of television signals, frequency modulated radio signals and closed circuit television programs for a term ending ; providing conditions, limitations and requirements; stipulating protective and indemnity provisions; providing for the purchase of the system by the City of Ocoee; providing for charges and rates; providing for certain payments to the City of Ocoee: Providing for acceptance by com- pany; imposing duties on Company at the expiration of its franchise; prohibiting assignments, sub-leases and encumbrances; providing for extension of franchise to newly annexed territories; providing for the separability of the parts hereof; and providing an effective date. Comm. \fuitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Stinnett, Whitehead, Miller and Farmer voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to adopt Ordinance #515 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, de-annexing a certain tract of land from the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida and situated in Orange County, Florida, to-Wit; The NE ~ of the SE k lying westerly of the Seaboard Coast- line Railroad and northeasterly of the ~~guire Road ex- tension, less: Begin at the SE corner of the NE k of the SE ~, run N 89023' 12" W, along the 40 acre line, a distance of 183.20 feet to the northerly R/W line of Maguire Road thence from a tangent bearing of N 510 06' 41" W, run northwesterly, along the arc of a curve concave to the SW, having a radius of 468.73 feet, an arc distance of 131.30 feet, to the P.T., thence N 670 09' 41" W, 166.55 feet to the centerline of a ditch, rhence along said centerline N 750 45' 4911 E, 343.30 feet, then N 500 33' 19" E, 93.24 feet to the westerly R/W of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad, thence S 350 38'41" E along said R/W a distance of 76.27 feet to the east line of said Section 19, thence S 00 02' 34" W, 211.45 feet to the point of beginning; subject to R/W for Story Road and the Ocoee-Beulah Road, all being in Section 19, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, and con- sisting of 20.50 acres more or less, not including R/W. Cornm. ~liller seconded the motion. Comm. Miller, Stinnett, Farmer and ~fuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Our attorney stated Mr. Frank Roper wanted the Commission to pass an ordinance de-annexing the property West of Kissimmee Avenue. This was tabled until the next meeting. The Mayor stated Orlando had adopted some new ordinances on loitering and the usage of dope. He is to obtain copies of them for the Commission to study. He also reported that the Big Inch was getting under way in Orange County. There being no further business Comm. adjourn this meeting. Cornm. Stinnett upon Council adjourned at 8:28 P.M. Attest: cJt,ALA.JxJ,..,~ . Clerk Miller made a motion to seconded the motion. There- /J- ~iA } .!/ t?li- r Mayor