HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1970 I 1 I ~IIIEUTES OF THE REGULAR IVLEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF TFE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD OCTOBER 6, 1970 Present: Mayor Fox; Commissioners Stinnett, ~dller and Whitehead Absent: ~Tone The meeting was called to order by Mayor ~ox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last special meeting was read and approved with the exception of Ordinance #517. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to adopt Ordinance #518 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, amending the Ocoee electrical Code and providing for the exclusive use of copper ''lire in the use of conduits for electrical wiring, repealing ordinance #517 and providing the penalties for the violation thereof. Corr~. Miller seconded the motion. Co~~.Stinnett, Miller and ~TIitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Carom. Stinnett made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: Michael Hamlin - attorney Theodore VanDevehter - ~udge Edwin Pounds - Rent on police station Mary A. Hinds . Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Sam Oliver - water O~ G. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Hensley - sante Steven P. Daly - sante Melvin Williams - sante Ronald Cox - sante Rov C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jessie Bruce -- St. George Horton - cemetery Euna ConeJand - advance William.R. Hager - advance James G. Tenney - police William S. Walker - police Teddie R~ Hey - police Adron Claunch - police \'lilliarr. R. Hager" - police Leroy Turner - police James D. Hood - police Ranelle, Hornsby - police Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel 1'.'1ills - !I Euna Copeland _ u JohnB."Hovd- II Shirley, '.'Talker II 200.00 100.00 715.00 44.60 85.10 102.$5 96.33 87.09 83 .3 7 75.74 82.44 80. 9 L~ 79.28 81.58 79.18 77.38 )0.$4 20.00 10.00 195.16 195.16 +$6.66 229.17 23 0 .3 9 282..89 173 .80 46.88 166.71 161.55 144.22 52 . $3 38.16 Barbara Hooks - 81erk' Anna M. Dodge - Ass't Clerk A. P. Clark Roper Bros. Steve & Harry's Shell Service Chemetron Corp. Elmer Kerr Elec. Florida Ornamental Iron Jack Cocke & Co. Hinely Sickroom Equip. The Bray Hardware Atlantic Hoffman Equir. Hughes Supply Davis Meter & Supply Apperson Chemicals SoutheastemMunicipal Supply Crawford Tire Service F. & R. Office Supply W. H. Wurst Agency Jean's Florist J. Z. Anderson Janitor Service Pitney Bowes Victor Comotometer Auto Parts' of Ocoee Floridian Oil Co. Carse Oil Co. Mid-Florida Gas Co. State Treasurer Leonard '\I[. Sai ne Florida Tele Corp. Dixie Uniform Orange Co. Comm. Motorola Comm. & Elect. Glenn Joiner & Son Clark H.,Beery - bldg. insp. Roy C. Strickland - st. Internal Revenue Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water' J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Steven P. Daly - santo IVle1vin Williams - sant. Ronald D~ Cox - sante MartiN L. Strickland- st Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Horton - cemetery Sandy Barnette - inspection fee O.A.S.J. Cont. Fund 191.37 50.46 948.75 80.00 98.13 5.18 3.00 152.00 35.75 21.50 7.42 3 8 . 41 2$5.78 18.70 191.70 153 .85 236.34 5.13 192.00 13 .50 61.80 81.08 60.30 51.76 123 .81 536.6L. 10.35 108.00 28.70 7.25 20.40 14L..OO 47.00 14.53 85.10 79.28 906.40 102.85 96.33 87.09 83 . 3 7 75.74 82.4L. 80.94 81.58 79.18 77.3 8 30.84 4.00 3,358.05 I I r~ayor Fox asked our attorney why it had taken him so long to prepare the ordinance on the electrical cod~. He stated it had been pre- I pared for several weeks. He had brought it to the meeting twice and the co~~issioners had indicated they were in no hurry to adopt so he had taken it back with him. A letter was read from the Department of Transportation asking for a 5 year plan on our street paving in Ocoee. Also a letter was read from the Mayor of Apopka as4:ing the commission to adopt a I I I resolution trying to get the Florida Police Academy in Central Fla. an~ have it ~ocated in Sanf?rd. Comm. Miller made a motion to adopt th~s resolutlon.. Comrn. StJ.nnett seconded the motion. Comm. Miller, Stlnnett, and ~fultehead voted YES. No NO!S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Stinnett made a motion to adopt Ordinance #519 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee requiring the dedication of Five (5%) Percent of the gross land area or a sum of money equal to the value of five percent of the gross area be provided in all new subdivisions be dedicated by the owner or developer of the same and providing that such land or money be utilized for the provision of park land. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Comrn. Stinnett, I(iller and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Sam Holland representinG West Orange Industries, Inc. asked the City to apply for permit for them to install a drainage pipe under the Railroad adjoining Spring Lake Hills at Wurst Road. The Commission authorized the Clerk to write letter :. asking for the permit. Co~~. Stinnett made a motion authorize our attorne~ to take whatever steps necessary to collect the 1969 property and per- sonel property taxes from the Ramada Inn. Comm. Miller seconded the motion. Corr~. Stinnett, Miller and ~fuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ted Midalsen presented a memorandum from the planning and zonirig board on the proposed zonin~ for property West of Kissi~mee Ave. belongin~ to the Summitt Corp. No action was taken until the developer made more definite plans for the property. There bej ng no,"further business Comm. Stinnett made a motion to recess this meeting until Monday Oct. 12, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. to balance the budget and go throu~h the registration books. Comm. vfuithead seconded the motion. Thereupon Commission meetin~ recessed at $:45 P.M. Attest: J:2~/1 Y~fiL Clerk u -I--r f'C?Zt ~~ayor MINUTES OF THE REGESSED MEETING OF THE CITY Cm1r,nSSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD OCTOBER 16, 1970 Present: Comm. Stinnett, Miller and Vfuitehead Absent: l',1ayor Fox The meeting was called to order by Co~~. Stinnett at 7:25 P.M. The purpose of the recessed, meeting was to set the budget for 1970-71 and go through the registration~ books.