HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-20-1970 1 1 1 15INUTES OF THE REGULA.R MEETINC OF T~IE CITY CmillviTSSION OF THE CITY OF or,nEE, FLORID A. HELD OCTOBER 20, 1970 Present: Comma Stinnett, Vlhithead and Miller ~bsent: Mayor Fo~ The m~eting was called to order by Comma Stinnett at 71.05 p.r.". The minutes of the last regular meering held Oct. 6, 1970 and t~e recessed meeting held Oct. 16, 1970 were read and anprcved. Co~~. MiJler made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comma ~~itehead seconded the notion. Voted and carried. ( A) FROM GENF:RAL FTJI\TD: Florida POvTOr (;orr. EngeJs Harold rj~cCaffert'. Johnson ~ A.kjns. Inc. BowBn Supply, Co., Inc. John Larr.b Chev. F. & R. 0ffice Supply ~adger rfeter JlfSc;. Co. George ~orton - Cemetery Jlfartil J. Strj_cyland - St. LerovTurner - advanc~ Clark H. lleerv - bldg. ins D. ~una Copeland - advance . Sam Oliver - water O. G. Snith - water J. T. Jernigan - san~. Ot~ s J-Iensle'~ - sant. Steven P. Dalv - santo Melvin Wi11ia~s - sante Ronald Cox - santo Ro~ C. Strickland - st. Oscar Moore - st. Jesse Sruce - st. Glenn Thomas - surveyor Otis FHel DS Const. " Jack Cocke & Co., Inc. A.. & R. Office Machines William R. Hager - advance Ronnie Davis - court cost u. S. Postmaster ~. J. Comforti - refund on septic tank Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Penslev - sante Steven P. Dalv - santo Melvin Williams - saute Ronald Cox - santo Roy Stricklar.d - st. Martin Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Horton - cemetery Clark. H. Beer~T Euna Copeland ~ dispatcher 1,187.14- 219. J 0 93 .19 12.00 79.05 58.53 70.25 218.J3 3 0 . 8/+ 81.58 '5.00 85.10 30 .00 102.85 96.:33 87.09 83 . 3 7 75.74 82.44 80.94 79.28 79. J 8 77 .38 25.50 1,591.80 1,351.00 16.25 10.00 3.00 300.00 per<;lO.OO 102.$5 96.33 87.09 83 . 3 7 75.7L~ 87 .1,,4 80.94 79.28 81.58 79.18 77.38 30.84 85.10 134.22 Ethel Mills - dispatcher Edward Loughlin fl Ranel1e Hornsby-police dept. John Boyd - dispatcher Shirley Walker - II Adron Claunch - police William R. Hager - II Teddie R. Hey~- fl Jam9s G. Tenney " Lerov Turner II William S. ~valker fl James D. Hood II Barbara Hooks - Clerk Anna M. Dodge - Ass't Clerk Hubert W. Fox - Mayor 1,'1. E. Stinnet.t - Comm. E. P. Miller II Le\ori s it1hi tehead " James T. Vandergrift - fire CleoDhas Bonner & John H. Rhodes - , appeal refund for bond Florida Telephone Corp. Tri-City Airport Authority 161.55 162.55 56.38 49.37 59.19 229.17 230.39 186.66 195.16 277.89 195.16 173 . 80 191.37 148.8$ 47.60 23 .80 23 .80 23 . 80 95.20 243 .00 47.41 3 00 . 00 I The Commissioners discussed the mileage we : pay on our telephone bills. Since it was so close to election they dicided to table this discussion until next meeting. Comrn. Tviiller made a motion to this effect. Comm. vfuitehead seconded the motion. Comrn. ~iller and I vfuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. COITL'TI. Miller made a motion to keep the City Hall open Saturday morning until 1:00 P:V. for people to register for the upcomine election. Comm. Whithead seconded the motion. COmr.1. Miller and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Commissioners and election candidates discussed having a political rally. Frank Turner, Le'lris Whitehead were for havins one, Raymond Crawford, ,} ohn Carter and \.;[. E. Stinnett l,vere against having one. Com~. Miller made a motion not to have a rally this year. The motion died for lack of a second. Stokes Taxi Service wanted to know if he had to have a license in Ocoee. Accoring to our franchise with Arnold Taxi Service no one is allowed to have a license in Ocoee since he has an exclusive franchise. Taxi Services can only brin~ people into Ocoee but cannot come in and pick anyone up. The Clerk was authorized to set a stamp for water bills inforrdng the people the garbage collectinn will be doubled be~inning Nov. 1, 1970. J. O. Paynes, Jr., asked about the trash pick-up at his home on Palm Drive. Comm. Miller stated it would be picked up this week as soon as his men could ~et to it. 1 1 1 1 Corrm. Stinnett stated h? had been served a supeona for tt~ trial of Dick ~ Sams Sub Shop vs the City of Ocoee. He said WA were to have until rct. 19, 1970 to decide if we would issu~ them a beer lice~se and the papers vlere not served unt il Oct. 20, 1970. Our attcrney was to examine the papers and take the necessary legal steps in the case. There being no further business COJ11.m. Miller made a motion to adjourn this meAtj np;. Comm. Whitehead seconded t~e motion. 'T'hereupon CO!"lf1. adiourned at 7:55 P.V. f\trest:~~ dL_- Clerk --.tJTayor Pro-Teo IiTINUTE;- OF TnE SPErIA.L MEETING OF THE CT'TY CmrmJ3SION OF TPS CTTY OF OC0EE, FLORIDA lIEi.Jl OCTORER 26, 1970 Present: I1ayor Fox and COffi/l. Whi tehead Absent: r.omn. Stinrett h MilJer :No Quorum. I:o meetinf ""as held. A.ttest :.SJ..1.a.- c:: / / ~ J1;jl..;/7L./ 4 - ~'ayor