HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-03-1970 1 1 1 1'l:r~TTT'1'2S nF 'T'~TE REG UL4R MEETING OF TI-'E C~TY Cr)J;::"TSSTPr (IF 'T'!-jF rTTv (iF 08~=E, F~ OHID4 HELTI NGV~V1ER 3, 1970 Pr,:::.sent: ~!ayor Fox; Comm. 2tinnett, I,l:iller &, W}1it-:;head Absent: Fone The rneet.:Lnq; vlaS called to order by J'.nayor Fox at 7: 40 P .r~. The minutes of the last regular meetin~ held October 20, 1970 and the special meeting h,:::.ld October 26, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. IJli11er made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comrr.. Whir,~- bead seconded th~ mction. Voted and carried. ~ A) FRC'r~ G~NERAL FUPD: ~ichae1 ~. Pamlin - attorney A.ngela VcCabe - election official Anna rF. Dodge _ l! II Estelle Johnson" " Ell~n Roon - " II 1i'tta Sand-:;rs _ II " Goldie Pary.er _" II Farrv Daniels -,:::.lection deputy Lero~ Turner - advance Clarence ~oer - water der. ref. Steve t Barr'" s ;hell ?ervj ce rv"otorola ~ichael F. Hamlin - attorney Fla. Teague of f.l:un. d~ Guehrvs cT '~an 's Florj st 1\,:orlern Statiorer-- .r . '7. AndersC'n, ,] ani tC'r ~ erv"i ce Arnolds Servic2 Station ''!hi tes Atlantic-~offman '5ad.e-er J'v'eter T f~. Co. 'T'he Sray Hardware T,ee Pool Slipply Carse Oil Co. A.uto Parts of Ocoee Glpnn Jo~nor & son Al Ewin,Q; Ti'ord Heintzelman's Ford A.B.~. H'ire Squip 3ob!~ A.uto @lass ''linter Garden T umber Co. ,Tack Cocke f Co. Sonny's Coryntry Kitchen Central Fla. Fire Fquipmsnt ~id-Flori~a nas Co. IVTar" A.. Pinds Amerj can Cr"og~nics, Tnc. William R. ~a~~r - advance Steven P. Daly - santo Euna Copeland - advance Clark ;T. Seery - bldg. insp. Sa~ Cliver - water 0. G. Smith - water 200.00 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 5.00 7.25 117.96 47.00 370 .00 200 . O(~ 3.00 7.50 3.75 61.80 143 .84 1 .38 12.75 7.S2 2.40 278.80 185.52 103 .17 44.80 185.09 38.21 5.75 17.25 68.35 228.50 49 . ll- 5 34. 53 2.00 68.35 5.00 20.00 6J .25 10.00 103 .12 112.75 106.18 J. T. Jernigan - santo Otis H~nsley - santo IV'elvin williams - santo Jimmie R. Keen - santo Roy C. Strickland - s~. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Voore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. G~orge Horton - cemetery 1;1. L. l'Jarren - vlit,ness fee Theodore VanDeventer Roy Mobley - v!ater dep. ref. J ames :~. Paulk - \'Tater den. ref. Irineo Rodri !Suez _ IT l! Il Curliss Caudill _ l! n II Havmond E. Cook _ IT If II Vicki GooJiliy _ If 11 II Robert ll.llen _ 11 11 IT ~ank of West Orange Teddie R. Hey - police James G. Tenney IT Jamps D. Hood 11 William s. ~alker, Jr. - Police Leroy Turner - police William R. Hager - police Ranelle Hornsby - police ll.dron Claunct - police Sdward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ett81 l.Tills - ,. H;una Copeland II John Boyd _ 11 Shirlev' VJa] ker If Barbara Hooks - Clerk A.nna v. Dodge - A.sst Clerk U.~.F. ~ G, Ins. Co. - refund Sa~ 01iver - water Otis G. SMith _ II J. I. Jernigan - sante Otis Fenclev _ 1! r::el vin ',v'illiams _ If <.Timmie R. Keen _ 11 Rov C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st.. Oscar H. I"loore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Clark g. Deery - bld~. insp. Richard Thibodeau - water dep. ref. 94.64 91.31 94.89 53 .12 86.64 8$.54 86.55 $4.75 30.84 3.00 100.00 3.82 6.25 6.25 5.97 2.50 4.65 4.37 1,022.50 191.66 213 .96 209.36 213 .96 302.43 242.72 50.88 251.71 178.20 178.20 170.64 53 .25 41.44 210.22 78. 5L~ 100.00 IJ 2.75 105.18 98.45 95.03 98.06 77.64 86.64 88.54 86.55 84.75 106.92 2.50 1 I Coa~. Stinnett ~ade a rrotion to double the garb~ge collectio~ fee beginning Povember 1, 1070.. Comm. ~i11er seconded tte ~otion. Comrr.. ~tinnett, FiJler and Whi te11ead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimou,sly. I I\'~ayor Fox read a letter from th~ DepartIjler:.t of 'I'ransrortaion consernin~ traffic lights at Minorville and the corner of Silver Star Road and ]1 uford t\venue. It \,'as askinr; for a resol11t ion cnnserDin~ traffic lishts at these locations. Co~. Miller made a motion to have our attorney draw up t~e necessary resolution. CoP;1r'1. ~'ih:i,tp.head seconrled the rr:otion. COrT:f.1. Cjtinnett, Mil18r and Whltehead voted YES. Vo N01(~.. Carrried unanimously. I I 1 (;omm. Filler' made a rrotion to adoDt Ordinance ;11:520 bein- an ordinance prohibiting the distrib~tion of obsc~ne publi~ations and ~aterials; defining obscene ppblicationa and materials; and nrovidinr a penalty for the violation of t~is ordinancp. Coron. ~\lhi tehead se conded the met ion. Com.m. giller, ~)tinnett a~d ~~nitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. .fA. letter. j,'ras recejved from tl>e Chrisitan Church conserninr; tl>2 condemning of their apartment buildin; on Bluferd Avenue. The Clerk was instructed to send a le~ter asking Kr. Simes to attend the next ra~ular meeting to discuss the renovaJ. of this buildins. 'T'hpre beinr; no further businpss Comm. Miller made a motion to adjourn this meetinc. Comm. Stinnett seconned the motion. Thereupon Comm. Adjourned at 7:55 P.~'~. ATTEST: ~~~~~ CIerI-: jkLrk:~Lci ~'L r.1ayor jVIPTUTES OF THE SPECIAL JVIEETIFG OF THE CITY Cor.l"T.'I~)SION 0F THE CTTY OF OCOEF, FLORIDA HELD NCVETilBER 5, J. 970 Present: r'~avor Fox; Corr.ms. Crav'iford, Turner, Carter & "[hi tehead A.bsent: None The special meeting was called to order by Hayor Fox at 7: 55 F.I'~. The purpose of tIre soecial meetin-: was t':> appoint tre department heads and to discuss the i~dustriaJ park on Kissimmee Avenue ,'r:.. th the owners of the prr.pert v. r"ayor Fox appointed the dprartrrent heads as follovJ's: Water Department - CcrnJll. 1,\Thitehead with Comm. Crawford Ass't.. Street Depart"1ent - Comm. Cra\",ford 1foTith C:omm. 'vhitehead Ass't. Sanitation DeDart~ent - Comm. Carter ~rith Comrn. Turner Ass't. Fire Denartr1eri::, - Corm. 'T'ur'1er wi th Comm. Carter Ass' t . Dis]:atc},ers - Favor Fox ,rith Comm. Turner, Ass 't. lluiidi nfT DeDartment - Corom. ~,1lhj tehead Police Depat-tment - nayor Fcx Ce~et ery - Comm. Crai^,rfnrd 1'."r. Jim Clark vms present to discuss vrith the Com.mission tr.e industrial nark. ~e asked them to accept the proposed zonin~ submitted to them by the planning and zoning board on October 6, 1970. !ie stated this 1'Tas a lar2;8 area for an irdustrial park and \^!heD c'JJ11Dleted it WO'1] d 'Crovide e1"1]:lovm~nt for a largc' num'ier of pccplp. f\~r. Wal ter Fritz. J. of r,ri chaels ~n>:;ineering; Co. stAted - they would put in proper drainafSe, streets to Ci t~r and Count:r soecifications and that 1tlater was available from tIre Ocoee water system. Kr. Clark had a maD chan~ing the zonin~ from the proposal submitted to the commission by the olannin:; & zoning comm. He want~d them to accept the zoning proposal drav-m up bv the r;lann,ing boara and to acceot the zoning Droposal he had Dr~pared also to ~rant