HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-1970 SS I I 1 (;omm. Filler' made a rrotion to adoDt Ordinance ;11:520 bein- an ordinance prohibiting the distrib~tion of obsc~ne publi~ations and ~aterials; defining obscene ppblicationa and materials; and nrovidinr a penalty for the violation of t~is ordinancp. Coron. ~\lhi tehead se conded the met ion. Com.m. giller, ~)tinnett a~d ~~nitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. .fA. letter. j,'ras recejved from tl>e Chrisitan Church conserninr; tl>2 condemning of their apartment buildin; on Bluferd Avenue. The Clerk was instructed to send a le~ter asking Kr. Simes to attend the next ra~ular meeting to discuss the renovaJ. of this buildins. 'T'hpre beinr; no further businpss Comm. Miller made a motion to adjourn this meetinc. Comm. Stinnett seconned the motion. Thereupon Comm. Adjourned at 7:55 P.~'~. ATTEST: ~~~~~ CIerI-: jkLrk:~Lci ~'L r.1ayor jVIPTUTES OF THE SPECIAL JVIEETIFG OF THE CITY Cor.l"T.'I~)SION 0F THE CTTY OF OCOEF, FLORIDA HELD NCVETilBER 5, J. 970 Present: r'~avor Fox; Corr.ms. Crav'iford, Turner, Carter & "[hi tehead A.bsent: None The special meeting was called to order by Hayor Fox at 7: 55 F.I'~. The purpose of tIre soecial meetin-: was t':> appoint tre department heads and to discuss the i~dustriaJ park on Kissimmee Avenue ,'r:.. th the owners of the prr.pert v. r"ayor Fox appointed the dprartrrent heads as follovJ's: Water Department - CcrnJll. 1,\Thitehead with Comm. Crawford Ass't.. Street Depart"1ent - Comm. Cra\",ford 1foTith C:omm. 'vhitehead Ass't. Sanitation DeDart~ent - Comm. Carter ~rith Comrn. Turner Ass't. Fire Denartr1eri::, - Corm. 'T'ur'1er wi th Comm. Carter Ass' t . Dis]:atc},ers - Favor Fox ,rith Comm. Turner, Ass 't. lluiidi nfT DeDartment - Corom. ~,1lhj tehead Police Depat-tment - nayor Fcx Ce~et ery - Comm. Crai^,rfnrd 1'."r. Jim Clark vms present to discuss vrith the Com.mission tr.e industrial nark. ~e asked them to accept the proposed zonin~ submitted to them by the planning and zoning board on October 6, 1970. !ie stated this 1'Tas a lar2;8 area for an irdustrial park and \^!heD c'JJ11Dleted it WO'1] d 'Crovide e1"1]:lovm~nt for a largc' num'ier of pccplp. f\~r. Wal ter Fritz. J. of r,ri chaels ~n>:;ineering; Co. stAted - they would put in proper drainafSe, streets to Ci t~r and Count:r soecifications and that 1tlater was available from tIre Ocoee water system. Kr. Clark had a maD chan~ing the zonin~ from the proposal submitted to the commission by the olannin:; & zoning comm. He want~d them to accept the zoning proposal drav-m up bv the r;lann,ing boara and to acceot the zoning Droposal he had Dr~pared also to ~rant permission for them to build their s~wage tr~atment plant in the NW corner of the property and to build a concrete hatching plant approximately 650 feet West of lassimmee Avenue and 800 feet North of Story Road behind F.~.C. plant, sell the first 10 sites for industry in metes and bounds, defer City taxes until sold to users and taker the maintenance of the streets after they first year. I Mr. Gieger of Geiger-Jones asked that they make a decision as their contract to purchase the land expj,red tomorrow, November 6, 1970. The Commission recessed and the planninfS and zoning board met in tte'Legion Hall to discuss the change of zoning and the other proposals of the locations of the seNage treatment pland and concrete plant. The plannin~ and zoning board felt they could not make a deci sion on so short notice and they would have a weetinG Tuesda~r ni2;ht and 1^lOuld let the City Commissioners know' their decision after the meeting. i\fter a discussion between the City Commissioners and the Plannin~ and Zoning Board Comm. Crawford made a motion to table the de- cisions until we receive a report from the Planning & Zoning Board. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whjtehead voted YES. No NO'~. Carried unanimously. Pr. Geiger was to let us know of any change in their plans co~-, serning the sale of the prorerty. There being no further business Comm. Turner made a motion to adjourn this rr:.eet:Lng. Comm. Crawford seconded t,he motion. Thereupon Comm. adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Attest: QlCULh d. L( , ~lerk JJh?t?k~1tr4 I An i~formal meetin~ of the Ocoes City Commissioners was held rovemb~r, 10, 1970 with tte City employees. ~ach department head vms introduced to thej r Corunissioner. A discussion was held on the Sanitation Department. Comm. Carter said a letter should be sent 01,lt tc. the-Douses wh:~re it is hard for t,:r e r.;en to pielr 'J,p th8ir garbac;e, alsc. to peo}'le 1tJ'ho hav.~ ccmplai ned about. thp increase in rates. Com~. Crawford stated somethins had to be done about the inspectton of th~ s~ptic tanks. He thousht a letter should be sent to Orange Cou.nty asld D.S them the proper I'1ethod. COr.lm. Carter stated there will be a qualified man at the next re~ular naetin3. Coml11. Cra\'rford also stated th8 Ci t:: should install a 2, 000 ~allon ~as tank and pu~p and hire a.~an tc ma~ntain the City vehicles. lIe said Gas cou] d be bought at 26 ;or 27~ a Gallo:1. pJ,us' a tax rebate. Gomm. Crawford su?;[';ested the 1951 Chevrolet truck be put up f0r auctfuon a:1.d sold to hj~hest bjdder and use the money to bu~r a street sweeper. I