HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-1970 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD ' November 17, 1970 II Present: Mayor Fox; Comm. Carter, Crawford, Turner & Whitehead ,Absent: None The meeting was ,called to order by Mayor Fox at 7: 00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held November 3, 1970 and the special meeting held November 5, 1970 were read and approved. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Turner seconded ~he motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: II o. G. Smith - Inspection fee Eckerds Drugs Stockton, Whatley, Davin & Co. - taxes overpd. Hubert W. Fox - Expense U. S. Postmaster - stamps Ruby's Restaurant - prisoners meals Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - Sanitation Otis Hensley II Melvin \villiaIns TI Jimmie Keen II Clarence L. Wilson II '-, Roy Strickland - ,street ~, Martin Strickland TI Oscar H. Moore ~ Jesse Bruce II Clark H. Berry Building inspector William R. Hager - Loan Euna Copeland II Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith II George H. Horton - Cemetery J. I. Jernigan - sanitation Otis Hensley " Mel vin Williams ,i Jimmie Roy Keen " Clarence L. Wilson " Roy C. ~trickland - Street Martin L. St~ickland tl Oscar H. Moore " Jesse Bruce II Clark H. Beery - Building inspector Ranelle Hor~sby - Police Barbara Hooks - Clerk Anna M. Dodge " Adron Claunch - Police William R. Hager II James G. Tenney II Leroy Turner II 1 6.12 35.00 7.18 10.00 6.0-0 50.80 112.75 105.18 94.64 91.31 94.89 89.89 82.25 86.64 $$.54 86.55 84.75 106.92 20.00 90.00 112.75 105.1$ 30.84 111.95 116.73 109.2$ 115.24 106.24 86.64 88.54 86.55 84.75 106.92 47.21 210.22 7$.54 273.66 266.6$ 23 2 . 4$ 333.94 " 232.4$ 193 .3 9 178.20 104.53 41.44 28.03 14.01 150.26 47.60 23 . $0 23 .80 23 .80 23 .80 104.72 14.01 227.$8 I William S. Walker, Jr. Edward G. Loughlin Ethel Mills Euna Copeland Shirley Walker Ouida Meeks Hollis E. Dean John Boyd Police Hubert W. Fox - ~~yor Lewis Whi~ehead - Commissioner Raymond Crawford, Jr. " Frank W. Turner Tl John W. Carter II Jam~s T. Vandergrift - Fire Dept Shirley L. Walker - 'Dispatcher James O. Hood - Police - Police Dispatcher " " II " Mr. Wurst presented a representative from U.S.F.&G. Insurance Company to discuss our workmen's compensation. He stated the rates on our policies were governed by the number of claims we have. He is to 'send posters for our employees to help reduce accidents. . Our attorney had drawn some resolutions concerning traffic lights at Minorville and the corner of Silver Star Road and Bluford Avenue. This was tabled until more information could be obtained about the cost of the lights. James McPherson asked the City about paving Hill Avenue betweem Center Street and Flewelling Avenue. He stated he will pay for I half the cost and would like the City to assess the other half ~o the owner on the other side of the street. He plans to build ~17,000 -- -$1$,000 homes on th~property. He was to meet with the planning and zoning commission before any decisions were made. Comm. Crawford made a motion to~the following 'motion from the minutes of the City Council mee ng held May 23,' 1963: Council- man Holland made a motion to accept the proposal for new opening from County Owned First Street running North through Ocoee Hills to Fle- welling Avenue and closing and abandoning Reba Avenue from the now existing Apricot Drive South three blocks. Said streets being located in -the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 2$ east. Councilman Marsden seconded the motion; Councilmen Holland, Marsden, Pounds and Hazellief voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. This leaves Ocoee Hills Plat as originally platted August 26, 1959, File #643048, Plat Book X, Page ld'. 'Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Orawford, Whitehead, -Carter and Turner voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Sam Holland stated he had been asked to investigate some property for the City to build administration buildings on. He had con- tacted all owners of Sims Sub. Block C. and the cost was $80,500.00 also the Ellis property on Silver Star Road - 10 acres -for $50,000 cash or 20 'acres $95,000 with $50,000 cash and the balance in 5 I years at 7% interest. Mr. Holland was to give the City two weeks to make a decision about the property. Mayor Fox aid he felt all department heads should sign purchase orders for all purchases made for the City. Comm Whitehead made z 1 I 1 a motion to use Purchase orders with each department head signing their purchase orders and in case of their absence the Clerk will be authorized to sign their name for a purchase. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Whitehead, Crawford, Turner and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. Frank Epps was granted a license for repairing appliances in the City of Ocoee. Comm. Turner made a motion to accept the tabulated election returns a s follows: COMMISSIONER GROUP 2: Gerald E. Farrow Francis W. Turner 159 300 COMMISSIONER GROUP 3: ' Raymond Crawford, Jr. 350 COMMISSIONER GROUP 4: Richard D. Schell Lewis Whitehead 12$ 325 COMMISSIONER GROUP 5: John W. Carter Ben Holland Griffin W. E. Stinnett 176 138 156 94 69 FOR CITY CHARTER AGAINST CITY CHARTER Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, Crawford, Carter, and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Turner made a motion to send revised personal property tax bills to Ocoee T. V. Center for 1968 & 1969. Comm. Crawford sec- onded the motion. Comm. Turner, Crawford, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to authorize Florida" Power Corp. to install a street light at the corner of Flewelling Avenue and Spring Street. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Whitehead, Crawford, Carter and Turner voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Church of the Nazarene asked that their property on Center Street be annexed into the City Limits. This was recessed until legal advise could be obtained on whether or not thie property was contiguous to the City boundaries. Our attorney had drawn up some resolutions concerning our tax roll for 1970. Action on these were tabled until our attorney was present. Mr. Sims from the Ocoee Christian Church was present concerning the removal of the apartment house owned by the Church on South Bluford Avenue.' He reported he was getting bids on having the building removed. The Commission assured him they would work wi~h ~hem and give them a reasonable length of time to have the bUl1d~ng removed. - 3 ' 1- The Clerk was instructed to write Monroe Ricketson asking him to ~ _ clean up the debris where his house burned on West Ave. Also -;: write County Commissioner Benham asking him if he could have (~ Woodson Avenue paved where it intersects w~th Silver Star Road. (,Comm. Crawford made a motion to rehire Barbara Hooks, City Clerk &, and Anna M. Dodge as Assistant Clerk. Comm. Whitehead seconded I' the motion. Comm. Crawford, Whitehead, Turner and Carter voted ~ YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. . \ Comm. Crawford made a motion to rehire all Street Department employ- Iv.ees. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Carter, Turner and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Crawford made a motion to rehire George Horton as Cemetery caretaker. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Whitehead, Carter and Turner voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. ~.'comm. Turner made a motion to rehire the Fire Chief. Comm Wbi te- , head seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, Whitehead, Carter and '0- Crawford voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimo.usly. Comm. Carter made a motion to rehire all Sanitation Department employees. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Whitehead, Turner, Crawford and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. I Comm. Whitehead made a motion to rehire the Water Department employees. Comm Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Whitehead, 1 Turner, Crawford and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to rehir~ the Building Inspector, Clark H. Beery. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Comm. White- head, Carter, Crawford and Turner voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Turner made a motion t? rehire the radio. dispatchers. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. . Comm. Turner, Carter, Crawford and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm Crawford made ~ motion to rehire Leroy Turner as Chief of Police. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm.' Crawford and Turner voted YES. Comm. Carter and Mayor Fox voted NO. Comm. Whitehead refrai~d from voting. Comm. Carter made a m9tion after some Qiscussion of the police department to rehire Leroy Turner as, Chief of Police on 30 day probation with pay to straighten out the police department. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Carter, Whitehead, Crawford and Turner voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanim~usly. Comm. Turner made a motion to rehire the entire police department on 30 day probation under the jurisdiction of the Chief. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, Whitehead, Carter and Crawford voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously.. I Comm. Crawford made a motion to dismiss Michael E. Hamlin as City Attorney as of the first of January 1971. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawf~rd, Whitehead, Turner and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carrled unanimously. 1 I I 1 Comm. Whitehead and Carter were to investigate the property .to be annexed for the Church of the Nazarene and get the lay of the land to annex the South side of Center Street. - Mr. John Broaddus of 21 E. Mc~ey Street was to be given a copy of ordinance #427 pertaining to fences and tell him he is not complying with ordinance. Ted Mikalsen stated he was no longer with ,the County and wanted the Commission to work out pay schedule with him to continue as planning aid. The Clerk was ,instructed to write all businesses in Ocoee in- forming they theFire Chief would be around to inspect their buildings after the 1st of January, 1971. Comm. Turner made a motion to adopt the National Fire Code. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, Whitehead, Carter and Crawford voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Sam Holland discussed various ways to obtain the money to purchase the land for the City Buildings. He suggested we borrow the money from the bank. The Commissioners also discussed that we need money for water and sewage. Comm. Turner made a motion that two commissioners meet with the Board of Directors at the Bank of West Orange to discuss the interest rate that we could borrow the money for. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, Carter, Crawford and Whitehaad voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comms. Turner and Carter were appointed by the Mayor to meet with the Bank officials. No decision on purchasing the land was made until the meeting with the bank. Comm. Crawford asked about signs violating littering of the streets. Leroy Turner stated this was a state law. The Clerk was instructed to write the State Road Department asking them to erect NO LITTERING signs on the State Roads through Ocoee. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to retain Walter Kuhrt and Assoc. for out City engineers. Comm. Turner.seconded the motion. Comm. Whitehead, Crawford, Turner and Carter,voted YES. No NO's. Carried unanimously. Comm. Carter made a motion to pass a Resolution for County In- spector to inspect the Septic Tanks inside the City. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Carter, Whitehead, Crawford, and Turner voted,.YES ~~;_NoL-NO' S. Carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed the use the same water minimum for free water for. the Police Reserves.as the Firemen get. Ted Mikalsen presented a tentative document on the zoning Ordinance for the City Comrn. to review. If they have any changes they should 'make them to the zoning board within 30 days. After this a final report will be made by the board and a public hearing will be held. Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept the agreement betwee~ Ted Mikalsen and the City of Ocoee conserning him work~ng with the Oco~e Zoning Board. Comm. Turner seconded the mot1on. Comm. I Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S Carried unanimously. Comm. Turner made a motion, after some discussion pertaining to rehiring the police department on probation, to rehire the police department for 15 days. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, Crawford, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Bids on gas for City was received ~rom Gulf. Oil Co. and ~r~ M. Bowness. No decision was made untl1 more blds were recelved. There being no further business Comm. Whitehead made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. There- upon Comm. adjourned at 9:25 P.M. ~7 Attest ' r9/?1L,~ d,fi.) - Clerk /I-~;{tJ tH yor MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD .DECEMBER 10, 1970 Present: Mayor Fox, Comms. Crawford, Turner, Carter & Whitehead Absent: None 1 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:30 P.M. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss purchasing land for City Administration buildings. Sam Holland stated the price of the 20 acres on Silver Star Rd, was $95,000.00. The Bank of West Orange will loan the City, at 6 % int. $40,000.00 on the ~roperty. The City can take the $10,000.00 C.D. Bond and the ~40,000.00 from-the Bank and pay West Orange Industries, Inc. $50,000.00 and they will hold a second mortgage for $45,000.00 at 7% interest. . . ~~. Holland also stated that West Orange Industries, Inc. would deed,the well at the Bank to the City. Comm. Turner and Carter were to meet with Bank officials to con- firm the interest rate for the $40,000.00 and get it in writing. Also to ask if the C. D. Bond can be withdrawn from the bank . since it has not been in one year. .' There being no further business Comm. Turner made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. vfuitehaad seconded the motion. There- upon Comm adjourned at $:30 P.M. Attest: ~/UL ~,(/~ C"lerk ;/JtLtv \ ~t- Mayor 1-