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Co~~. Carter asked about purchasing the property for City building~/
Comm. Crawford stated that without a City Manager we could not /
obtain federal aid and he was not for purchasing any property /'
until a City Manager was hired. The entire Commission agreed.
Comm. Turner made a motion to accept the new contract with Winder-
mere for fire protection and radio dispatching for $1,800.00
per year. Con~. ~fuitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Turner,
Crawfor9, Carter and ~fuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried
Comm. Whitehead made a motion to accept the insurance for the
City from W. H. Wurst Agency, in the amount of $4,726.60. Comm.
Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Whitehead, Turner, Crawford
and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business Comm. Crawford made a motion to
adjourn this meeting. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion.
Thereupon Commission adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
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Attest:&'tL ~#h tr~4Lur Ie) \Tt5-zf
Clerk Mayor
JANUARY 8, 1971
Present: Mayor Fox, Comm: Crawford, Turner, Carter & ~hitehead
The special meeting was called to order by ~~yor Fox at 7:35 A. M.
Mayor Fox stated that Lt. William R. Hager had been on suspension
for the past 'three weeks and he felt tht matter should be dis-
posed of and he recommended to terminate him from his duties.
Chief of Police Leroy Turner stated he had known Lt. Hager for
many years, he was a good police officer, had the experience
necessary and he would like for him to be put back to work.
Comm. Turner asked out City attorney if it was legal for the
Mayor to suspend Lt. Hager. Mr. Rhodes stated he did not really
know but he felt he had the power to temporarily suspend him.
Comm. Crawford stated he had talked to $0% of the police depart-
ment and they had indicated they could not work with Lt. Hager.
He said he thoug~t he was a good investigating officer but he
is not able to work with the rest of the department.
Comm. Carter made a motion, under these circumstances to relieve
Lt. Hager of his duties.
Our attorney, Mr. Rhodes said he felt that Lt. Hager was interupted
at our regular meeting Tuesday and felt that he should be allowed
to speak to the commission at this time if he had anything further
to say. Lt. Hager stated he had/the complaint because of another
police officer, and that he was not asking for anyone to be sus-
pended, just that an investigation be made. According to Lt.
Hager the Mayor said he was not going to suspend anyone at Christ- I
mas. Lt. Hager said Patrolman Tenney had admitted he was wrong,
during the meeting and deserved to be punished. The Chief suggested
that he work 2 or 3 of his off days without pay, but the Mayor
was not in favor of this. Lt. Hager stated he had a signed
statement from a dispatcher saying Patrolman Tenney had been
called numerous times arid he had refused to come out to run the
breathalyzer tests. The Mayor stated that Lt. Hager had been
trying to run the department. Lt. Hager denied this statement.
Chief Turner had informed Patrolman Tenney that he was to go when
he was called to run a test.
Mayor Fox had called a meeting of the police department to work
out a solution to their problem. He stated to the men that they
needed harmony and unity in their department and they 'should work
out their differences and get along together. The Mayor stated
after the meeting Lt. Hager said he was not satisfied ahd he was
still going to the Commissioners with his complaint.
Lt. Hager asked Chief Turner if he told Patrolman Tenney to work
his off days. Chief Turner stated he told Tenney that if he felt
he owed the City two days he could work them without pay.
Mayor Fox gave Chief Turner a work sheet to log each man who came
out to run the breathalyzer tests and they would take turns running I
them on their off duty hours and when a patrolman was not avail-
able the Chief or Lietentant would run the test~.
Lt. Hagers, Attorney, Tom Kirkland, stated he felt the charter
was very vague as to who had charge of the police department.
He thought that if the Mayor had suspended him the Commission
should decide what was to happen now. He felt that Lt. Hager had
done the right thing by taking his complaint to the Chief as had
been discussed at the regular meeting Tuesday night. He stated he
was not here to try to run the City's business or push any-
thing off on anyone but he would like to help smooth things out
if he could. lftr. Kirkland said he felt since a schedule had
been set up by the Mayor they they would not have anymore trouble
with their off duty hours. Comm. Carter stated to Mr. Kirkland
that a policeman was on call 24 hours a day and actually did not
have any off duty hours.
After this discussion Comm. vfuitehead seconded the motion made
by Comm. Carter to dismiss Lt. Hager. Comm. Carter, Crawford
and Whitehead voted YES. Comm. Turner voted NO. Motion was
carried. Comm. Turner stated he didn't think Lt. Hager had been
out of line to take his complaint to the Chief. The Commision
agreed to pay Lt. Hager one months servance pay.
Florida Power Corporation asked permission to install underground I
lighting system in the undeveloped portion of Spring Lake Hills.
~tr. Mervin Lee of FloridaPower stated nothing would be showing
except the light poles. Comm. Crawford made arrotion to give
Florida Power permission to install the lighting system as per
their plans with concrete light poles, as the development is
built. Comrn. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford,
Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried
Comm. Whitehead was appointed to fix the place where the air
condi tioner ,,,as removed from the City Hall building.
'there being nO..further business Comm. Crawford made a motion to
adjourn this meeting. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motioQ.
Thereupon Corr~. adjourned at 8:20 A. M.
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