HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-1971 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COIvlrGSSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD FEBRUARY 2, 1971 Present: Mayor Fox, Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter & Whitehead Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held January 19, 1971 and the recessed meeting held January 26, 1971 were read and approved. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENER~L FUND: Donald Hall - water dep. ref. Helen Roberts - ~Qtness fee Izona Alligood - witness fee Dean Richards - fire drill Ronnis Strosnider" TI Douglas Jones TI TI Ray Meeks TI TI James L. Coschig'nano " Paul Solomon TI " Rupert Warr I! TI Ed Loughlin TI II Bill Peoples II TI Jerry Oliver " " Willard Tfladdox ~~ TI John THoods II TI Gene Nobles 1'1 II Frank Turner II " Ivlel McCreight " " Sandy Barnette 11 II Ray Ungaro TI II Rex Warr TI TI Roger Shirley II " Carl Austell " II Ed. Amburgey II II Thomas Butler TI II Gary Carroll TI TI Sam Zeigler "" Robert Windham II " Roger Enfinger TI " Darrell Trowell TI " Charles Rodgers - water dep. ref. lVi. K. Van Duzor TI " " W. E. Robinson II II II Jack Jernigan T1"" Everet t West II TI " Auto Parts of Ocoee TI " " William S. Jones TI " II John L. Jones "II" Florence Collins TI TI " Shelton F. Wood " " II Jay Pierdominic II II II Leroy Turner - social security refund for 1970 Mid-Florida Gas Co. Clarence L. Wilson - santo dept. Otis Hensley - santo .50 3.00 3.00 47.40 33..18 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 23 . 70 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 lLI-.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 4~44 2.75 ',' 2.37 5.25 5,.25 3.25 5.25 5.25 7.50 4.97 7.25 27.42 40.02 95.79 92.09 Melvin Williams - santo Jimmie R. Keen -santo Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smi th " Roy C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland " Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Clark. H. Beery - car expense J. I. Jernigan - santo Engels Anderson Janitor Service H. IVI. Bowness Glenn Joiner & Son Vlhites Harry P. Leu, Inc. Auto Parts of Ocoee The Bray Hardware Arnolds Service Sta. Winter Garden Lumber Co. Ocoee Gulf Service Central Fla. Fire Equip. Jeans Florist Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Board of County Comm. Johnson & Akins Royal Bond Ronnie Hodge -water dep. ref. Jack Cocke & Co. Jim's Equipment Co. Motorola Comm. Pickerills Sport Shop Steve & Harry's Shell Service Southeaster Municipal Supply Ocoee Gulf Service John C. Moore - Bond Refund John H. Rhodes, Jr. - attorney Theodore Van Deventer - Judge Roy C. Strickland - inspection fee 68 Chev. Adron Claunch - inspect inn fee 70 Plymouth Bennetts Truck Equip. - garbage packer John Lam Chev. - garbage truck Adron Claunch - police James G. Tenney - " James D. Hood _ tf Leroy Turner - " William S. Walker " John H. Bovd " Raymond E."Cook " Ranelle Hornsby " Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel Fdlls " Euna Coneland Shirley.L. Walker Hollis Dean O. G. Smith - inspection fee 60 ford Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water 11 " " 94.79 90.99 113 .22 105.90 87.55 89.75 87.45 85.35 30.72 97.78 10.00 95.61 102.80 95.70 566.70 52.85 8.75 17.87 10.81 7.05 31 .40 18.82 79.25 3.40 21.60 93 .08 129.60 8.25 82.50 5.25 24.50 144.58 47.00 27.60 165.05 345.75 250.66 43 .00 200.00 100.00 3.00 3.00 6,748.52 7,098.52 /263.55 220.04 210.54 308.58 224.44 160.00 172.80 55.79 179.87 179.87 170.28 56.61 27.91 3.00 111.22 105.90 I I I I I I J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley _ II Melvin Williams II Jimmie R. Keen II Clarence Wilson II Rov C. Strickland - st. I~~tin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. George Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - inspector Byron Alfonso Martin - santo Barbara Hooks-Clerk ~nna M. Dodge - Asst Clerk Department of Motor Vehicles 95.61 92.09 94.79 90.99 95.79 87.55 89.75 87.45 85.35 30.72 107.78 15.36 211.77 93 . 85 3.50 (B) C~JlliTERY FUND: 1.^lhi tes .89 Scott Vandergrift i'ras present to ask for a donation for the First Annual Silver Dollar Boat Regetta. It will benefit the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch and will be sponsored by the Greater Miami Outboard Racing Association. Some of the events will be a parad~, Mini Boat Races, Beauty Contest and regular boat races. The County is going to survey the lake free of Charge. They would like for the City to proclaim the week prior to March 13th & 14th as Florida Boys Ranch Week. He also wanted the City to donate $1,000.00 for these races. Our attorney was askedabout the legality of -donating money in this manor. He stated he did not know but would check into it. Comm. Crawford made a motion to table this until the legality could be determined. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter & v^lhitehead voted YES. No NOIS. Carried unanimously. After discussing the prices of the cemetery lots in the Ocoee Cemetery Comm. Crawford made a motion to raise the price of the lots to $75.00. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. CraNford, Turner, Carter and Wh:i,tehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Co~~. Crawford made a motion to give the Fire Chief 10 gallons of gas a week for his truck from the City Barn. Comm. \fuitehead seconded the motion. Cowm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and ~fuite- head voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. John T. for the as much motion. No NO'S. Minor, Sr. asked for a donation to help defray expenses Fair Exhibit. Carom. Crawford made a motion to donate as $200.00 for this purpose. Cornm. Turner, seconded the Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. Carried unanimously. Harvey Ford asked permission to put his mothers trailer on her property on Cumberland Ave. He had a letter from three of the surrounding property owners stating they had no objection. Con~. Turner made a motion to grant this permission. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Cravlford, Turner, Carter and \^lhitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ford agreed that the trailer would be moved at his mothers death. Gerald Rutberg, the attorney renting the space in back of the City Hall is to draw up a lease between he and the City and present to the City Conmlission for approval. I Co~~. ~fuitehead made a motion to let Howell Brothers Janitor Service clean the City Hall once a week for $18.00 per month and the Police Station once a week for $30.00 per month. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES No NO'S. Carried unanimously. . Comm. Turner made a motion that the Mayor Proclaim Feb. 21-27, 1971 as National Engineers Week. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and vfuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Literature was received from the Department of Transportation on the expansion of roads for the next 20 years. This infor- mation-was passed on to the Planning & Zoning Comm. Comm. Crawford made a ~otion to act on the ordinance pertaining to zoning for businesses sell alcoholic or intoxicating bev- erages at the next regular meeting. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter &\1.hitehead voted YES. No NO,S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Turner made a motion to authorize our attorney to con- tact our engineer, Walter Kuhrt, to help him in the annexation of some property and Road Rights-of-Way into Ocoee. Comm. Whitehead seconded the moiton. Cormn. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. I - Offstreet parking was discussed and several residents from Brentwood made comments of their thoughts on solutions to the problem. One lady suggested that Snowden Street be made One-Way. Several suggestiDns were made by no decisions were made. Our attorney is in the process of drawing an ordinance on this. Our attorney is to write a letter to the State Road Department about installing traffic lights in 3 locations in Ocoee. Mayor Fox asked the commissioners how they felt about going ahead with the project on the airport. They all felt they should go ahead with the plans. Mayor Fox informed Leroy Turner that he wants to have a meeting with all policemen Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1971. The Planning and Zoning Corr~. have completed the zoning ordinance. The public hearing for this ordinance will be held Feb. 23, 1971. This notice is to be published in a local paper tvace before the hearing. Comm. Turner stated the merchants in the shopping center are to I erect signs for no parking parallel to the curbs in front of the stores. Comm. Crawford Hiscussed the property on South Bluford for City buildings. He stated they would have from 3~ to 4~ acres to add onto the cemetery, 5 acres for a park and 10 acres for municipal buildings. ~~. William Breeze, broker for this I I I property, stated he felt sure he could hold this property for 30 days without a binder as the 011nerS will be in this area at that time. Our engineer was to be notified to make soil samples on this property on this property to see if it is suitable for city buildings. Comm. Crawford is to get bids for a tractor for the street dept. Co~m. Carter made a motion to advertise for a mechanic for city vehicles, starting salary at $125.00 per wee~, insurance bene- fits and must have o~m hand tools. Cow~. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and \ihitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Turner made a motion to issue a carpenters license to Robert G. Hannon. Comm. ~nlitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO~S. Carried unanimously. Leroy Turner, Chief of Police, was to contact Sid Reeves and inform him either to move the junk cars off his property or erect a fence around the cars. There being no further business Cornm. Cra\'rford made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. ~fuitehead seconded the motion. Therupon Comm adjourned at 9:35 P.M. ATTEST: ~/lLct ,stL~7 Clerk fbc/.ol-v ,~ , Mayor