HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-16-1971 I I I .. IGNUTES OF THE REGULA-It ll.EETING OF THE CITY COIvITvIIS3IOI'; I,'EETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, F10RIDA HELD MARCH 16, 1971 Present: ~ayor Fox, Comm..Crawford, Turner, Carter & ~lhitehead Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Nayor Fox at 7:00 P.I,I. The minutes of the last regular meeting held March 2, 1971 and the re- cessed meeting held March 9, 1971 were read and approved. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to apy all bills in order. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: Ranelle Bornsby - police Edward G. Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel Mills _ II Euna CopeJand _ II Shirley L. '\"ialker _ II Hollis E. Dean _ II Roy Strickland - inspection sticker Ed Loughlin - police Edward Hornsby - police Fred Daughtr:r _ II Harry F. Carr.pbell - " Billy D. Hagan _ II Bobby J. Griffis - " Paul Armstrong - " Clarence L. Wilson - santo Turner's Malt Shop - water dep. ref. W. S. Darley & Co. John E. Newsom Kerr' s ~1arine Service Sonny's Marine Center Jim's Equipment Comfort Control Curry Electric Co. Dixie Uniform & Linen Supply Board of County Comm. F. & R. Office Supply James W. Laird Rubyls Restaurant Henry Plumbing Co. A. P. Clark Motors Floridan Oil Co. Medical Arts Lab. Webb's Fabulous Pharmacies Larry Hamby - water dep. ref. Sarr. Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water William R. Dykes - water J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - santo Clarence L. Wilson - santo Joe A. Tr~deau - santo 98.17 179.87 179.87 170.28 41.66 57.87 7.12 15.40 4.15 18.96 20.14 3.55 20.14 18.96 57.40 6.02 67.60 l2L~.35 23 .45 109.61 91.15 26.20 43 .09 20.40 144.00 3.85 9.00 78.57 14.26 18.89 3 2 . 40 40.00 58.19 6.91 111.22 105.90 63 .49 100.42 95.89 99.) 9 101.09 6$.29 Roy Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Melvin L. Duvall - city mechanic George H. Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - insp. Orange Co. Sheriffs Dept. Treasurer, State of Florida Health Dept. State 'Treasurer - Police Dept. O. G. Smith = insp. garbage truck Edwin L. & Tinyette Cortez -- tax ref. Euna Copeland - advance Adron H. Claunch -advance Florida Ornamental Iron -water dep. ref. Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin ~illiams - santo Clarence L. W.lson - santo Joe A. Trudeau - santo Roy C. Strickland - st. ~artin L. Strickland - st. Os car H. rloore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Freeman r'1oore - st. ~elvin L. Duvall - mechanic George H. Eorton - cemetery fund Clark H. Beery - inspector William R. Dykes, Jr. Ronnie Strosnider - fire dept. Barbara Hooks - Clerk 4nna N. Dodge - ~sst Clerk Adron H. Claunch - police James G. Tenney _ 11 Leroy Turner _ 11 William S. Walker, Jr. - police James D. Hood - police John H. Boyd _ II Raymond E" Cook, Sr. - police Shirley L. ~alker - dispatcher Ed,'lard G. Loughlin II Ethel 1.11115 _ I! Euna Copeland _ 11 Hollis E. Dean - d fl Ranelle Hornsby - police Hubert W. Fox - Mayor Raymond Crawford, Jr. - Co~~. Frank Turner II John Td. Carter II Lewi s :Jhi tehead 11 James T. Vandergrift - Fire 4dron H. Claunch - advance Florida Telephone Corp. Florida Power Corp. Grady C. ~{, Dorothy M. Russell - tax ref. Ted Mikalsen - zoning ord. Frank ~urner - fire 87.55 89.75 87.45 $5.35 110.70 30.72 107.7$ 40.00 75.00 90.00 3.00 1.58 25.00 3 5 .00 7.25 111.22 105.90 95.61 92.09 94.79 95.79 68.29 $7.55 $9.75 87.45 $5.35 81.35 110.70 30.72 107.78 63 .49 15.00 211.77 $9.68 226.05 220.04 308.58 224.44 210.54 160.00 172.80 56.61 179.87 179.87 145.28 41.86 157.00 47.40 23 . 70 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 104.2$ 17.50 47.28 1 , 23 8 .3 8 21.35 600.00 47.33 I I I I Sa~ Oliver - vJater O. G. Seith - water ~iilliam R. Dykes, Jr. - I'later J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Ee~slev - santo Eolvin Williams - santo Clarence L. ~ilson Joe A Trudeau -santo Rov C. Strickland - st. . ~'~artiY1 L. Strickland ~ s.t Oscar H. Hoore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Freeman Moore - st. Melvin L. Duvall - mechanic George H. Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - inSpictor Morris D. Richards - fire Ronald D. Strosnider II DO'J.[:hlas G. Jones II Jar:les R. IJIeeks II James L. Coschignano " Paul R. Solomon t! Jerrv A. Oliver II Edward G. Loughlin II Frank v'!. Turner " Rupert J. '11arr .. Bill. W. Peoples " Williard H. IvIadday: II John D. Woods n Gene C. Nobles " Earl E. Barnette, Jr. 1, Ray Q. Ungaro II Rex Warr I: Carl W. Austell II Edvrard Amburgey " Thomas G. Butler " Gary W. Carroll " Samuel H. Zeigler II Ro bert 'dindham " Stephen R. Enfinger II Vernon D. Tro1tJell II I 111.22 105.90 73 . 49 95.61 92.09 9Li-.79 95.79 68.29 S7.55 gO 7[: ~)./. ) 87.45 78.85 81.35 110.70 30.72 107.78 drill 47.1;.0 " 33.18 n 23 .70 II 23 . 70 II 23 . 70 II 23 . 70 II 23 . 70 111 11+.22 II 14.22 II 14.22 II 14.22 II 14.22 II 14.22 II 14.22 II 14.22 II 14.22 If 14.22 II 14.22 Ir 14.22 Ir 14.22 Ir 14.22 " 14.22 " 14.22, Ir 14.22 " 14.22 Fire Chief, James T. Vandergrift, had three bids for a tandem trailer for the Fire Department's rescue boat. Kerr's Marine Center $500.00 with t~ade Heygood's Marine Center $735.00 wlo tradeJ $500.00 wit. Sonny's Marine Center $590.00 wlo trade, ,;)340.00 wit. Comma \\Thitehead made a motion to purchase the trailer from Sonnv's Earine Center for 0340.00 '\vith trade. CorrJTI. Turner seconded the motion. Comma vVhitehead, Turner, Crawford and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. I The minister from the Nazarene Church t,o be built on Center Street was present to learn about the annexation 6f~the pro- perty to the City Boundaries and whether or not they would be furnished city water. The Corr.m. assured him they would be ~Mrnished City water and that the annexation should be com- / pleted \rithin 30 days. Th3 Comm. discussed the possibilit:r of prohibiting camping of any I kind in the City, such as tents, campers & etc. ~~. Bowness, chairman of the planning a~d zoning co~~ l1as asked to bring this up at their meeting and bring a reco~mendation to the City Comm. Co~~. Crawford made a motion to get bids for wiring and lighting the City Barn. Co~~. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and vfuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried un- animously. Co~n. ~mitehead made a motion to purchase a battery charger for the City Barn. Co~~. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter' and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. CO~T.. Turner made a motion to purchase a jack for the City Barn. Comm. ~\fui tehead seco~ded the motion. COl1'llll. Crawford, Turner, Car- ter and ~~itehead voted YES. No NO~S. Carried unanimously. The ~~yor recommended a Ways and Means Committee for recreation for the Young People and senior citizens of Ocoee. He is asking for any volunteers to appear before the City CO~T.. who have any sugg- estions for recreation for Occee. r~yor Fox asked the represent- atives from the press to place his request in the paper. Complaints have been received about the glass on the beach and in the Lake at Lake Iv'Ioxie. A suggestion was made to post signs that the City is not reliable for any accidents around the lake area. CO~~l. Crawford made a motion to authorize our attorney to draw an Ordinance prohibiting swimming in Lake ~~xie. Comm. ~~itehead seconded the motion. Comrn. Crawford, Turner, Carter and l:fuitehead voted YES. Ho t!O'S. Carried unanimously. I The Comm. discussed whether or not to pay Ranelle Hornsby the number of hours s~e is attending s:Chool. She stated she was hired at a minimum of 30 hours per month and was supposed to be paid for all over 30 hours she worked. Some of the Commissioners felt, she should be paid for each hour she attends school and some felt she should only be paid the 30 hours per mont~. Comm. Crawford made a motion, on the II'Iayor's recommendation, to pay her for a 48 hour week for the 5 weeks she attends school. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner and Carter voted YES. Comm. Vfuitehead voted NO. ~otion was carried. Comrn. Carter made a motj,on not to hire any more police officers unless they have completed their schooling in all phases. Comm. 1tfuitehead seconded the motion. COrnJrl. Crm'rford, Turner, Carter and vfuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to ~~ite the three applicants who responded to the letters for City Manager and ask that they appear before the I commissioners for an interview Wednesday, lf~rch 2h, 1971 at 1 hour intervals. I I I I\:~ayor Fox has proclaimed ~;:arch 17-]0 as SPRING CLEI\N UP TIME. The ~~ayor urges all residents to clean up their homes and property during this time. Comm. ~fuitehead made a motion to write Overland Hauling Co., Inc. informin~ them their occupational license is overdue and please remit a~ their earliost convenience. Corr~. Crawford seconded tr.e Dotion. Conm. Crawford, Carter, Turner and Whitehead voted YES. 1';0 i';O' S . Carried unanicously. Co~~. Turner had contacted several ~urrounding cities to determine what perce~tage and vmat maximum if any, they charged for utility taxes and all of them were rr.ore than ours. ~fter some discussion Come. Cra~ford made a motion to change our ordinance to charbe a straight 10% instead of the 10% we now charge with a maximum of $5,.00. Corp.m. Whitehead seconded the motion. Cor.nn. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NC':=;. Carried unanir.:ously. Hayor Fox stated that J"~ayor Barley of V!inter Garden had challenged }1irr. to walk 20 miles in the \'!alk for ~'.1an Kind sponsored by the West Orar..ge J a~'Cees. The Ccoee Poli ce Department vlaS given per- mission to provide police protection to those walking while they'w~re within the City Limits of Ocoee. Our attor~1ey, J o11n II. Rhodes, Jr., had dra\'ffi t'JVO resolutinns asking the County to help us get tW9 traffi c light s for Gcoee. These vrere approved and signed by the proper authorities. COf.1.m. Cravlford made a motion to authori z e our attorney to consult a surveyor to help with the discriptions of the annexations to our Ci t~, Limits. COrnr.l. Turner seconded the motion. Cormn. Crawford, Turner, Carter and ~lliitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. COOD. Turner reported the Fireman's Banquet Will be held Saturday night, 8:00 P.}l. at the Ramada Inn, with special guesm present. Corr~~. ~~itehead made a cotion to pay Clarence L. Wilson the time he \^TaS docked last vleek ar.d take the days off his si ck leave. Com.TJ. Carter seconded the motion. Carom. Crawford, Turner, Carter and l;,[hi tehead voted YES. No EO'S. Carried unanirr.ously. Comm. Carter reported he vfould either have to "Out on another garbage truck, whi ch \'\Till cost the City approximately ~13, 000.00 for the remainder of the fiscal year or the street department could pick up the boxes from tl:e s"'.:,ores" in the business sections. Corom. Crm'J'ford agreed to try for one month letting his men pick up the boxes to see how it will work out. Tom Hazen asked about the State ditch that runs throueh Ocoee, to see if \'[e could stop the pollution. Gom.~. CraNford stated he had tried to get the ~Ieal th Department & f)ollution authorities to do something~about it and had-made no progress. rrr. Hazen was to in- vestigate and see what he could find out. There beinb no further business Comm. Crnwford made a mot inn to adjourn this meeting. Co~. Whitehead seconded the moti0n~ Thereupon Co~n. Adjourned at 9:07 P.~. , r attest: 6? o..tkw )(/~~7~ .; erk kh if"tJ ~,* I"'layor