HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-1971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR I~1EETING OF THE CITY COMr,lISSION r/lEETING OF THE CITY OF OCGEE, FLOHIDA. MA.Y 19, 1971 II Present: ~ayor Fox; Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter &\fuithead t\bsent: None The meeti~g was called to order by !.1ayor Fox at 7: 00 P .1'1. The minutes of the last regular meeting held lf~y 4, 1971 and the special meeting held May 10, 1971 and the special meeting held I-:ay 13, 1971 were read and approved. Cow~. Whitehead made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Voted and carried. I ~~. James E. Russell and other developers from the area were present in regards to our Ordinance concerning copper wiring in Ocoee. They stated it was inconvenient to the electricians as well as more expensive to wire with copper wire and metal boxes than with aluminum wire and plastic boxes. Mr.Simpson of Palmer Electric explained that copper was not better than aluminum and it would last just as long. They left some liter- ature for the commissioners to study concerning aluminum wire. The Commissioners informed these men that if they will come up with laboratory specs to prove aluminum is as good as copper they will consider their request to change the ordinance. The City Manager discussed paying the City employees overtime. He suggested makinga:general policy not to pay overtime unless necessary. He recomwendedccompensatory time off rather than paying overtime. Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept lfrr. Vignetti's recow~endation. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter andWhitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The City Commissioners discussed and agreed that no one should purchase any items for the City and pay for it themselves but rather have it charged so the City can pay for it directly so as to have a better bookkeeping system. Comm. Turner made a motion to hire Rebecca Thigpen as life guard for Starke;~ Lake for the summer months. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and ~Vhite- head voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Commissioners discussed having a diving board placed at the end of the dock at the lake. An investigation was to be made concerning obtaining a diving board. I Comm. Crawford informed the commissioners some of the citizens had approached him about building a basketball backboard and a tennis court near the Youth Center. He stated the County would give us the clay to do this with. Comm. Whithead made a motion to have these facilities built for our young people. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. (A) (FROM GENERAL FUND) " 3.00 156.45 4.15 111.22 105.90 80.32 104.02 94.79 87.55 89.75 87.45 78.85 81.35 110.70 30.72 107.78 110.29 15.08 60.00 43 5 .69 56.38 224.44 243 . 55 180.05 210.54 179.87 179.87 170.28 123 .65 41.86 169.85 308.58 198.44 15.49 18.45 26.40 18.45 19.30 329.50 211.77 137.18 47.40 23 .70 23 . 70 23 . 70 23 . 70 104.28 111.22 105.90 80.32 97.81 96.99 100.46 30.72 87.55 89.75 87.45 I Lizzie I~ller - vdtness fee Euna Copeland - dispatcher Milton Peruf, Sr. - water dep. ref. Sam Oliver - water Otis G. Smith - water Wm. R. Dykes, Jr. - water J. I. Jernigan - santo Melvin Williams - santo Roy C. Strickland - str~~t Martin L. Strickland - street Oscar Moore - street Jesse Bruce - street Freman Moore - street Melvin L. Dyvall George H. Horton Clark H. Beery-bldg. insp. Otis Hensley - santo Ramada Inn Adron Claunch- loan: James R. !'.leeks - boy scout equipment Florida Telephone Corp. William S. Walker, Jr. - police Adron Claunch - police James G. Tenney - police James D. Hood - police Edward G. Loughlin- dispatcher Et.hel. Hills _ t! Euna Copeland - " Shirley Vlalker IT Hollis E. Dean _ IT John H. Boyd- police Leroy Turner - police Raymond E. Cook - police John H. Boyd - police James G. Tenney - police Leroy Turner - police James D. HOod ~ police William S. Walker- police John L. Vignetti - city manager Barbara Hooks - Clerk Anna M. Dodge-Ass't Clerk Hubert W. Fox -,Vayor Raymond Crawford, Jr. - Comm. Frank W. Turner - " John W. Carter - Lewis Whitehead - James T. Vandergrift - fire chief Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water William R. Dykes - water J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - santo Ronald Lee Blackburn - santo Roy C. Strickland - stn~et Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. f-loore - st. I IT I I I I Jesse Bruce - st. Freeman Moore - st. Kelvin L. Duvall - mechanic George H. Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Bishop Office Equipment Florida Power Corp. Ronald L. Blackburn - santo 78.85 81.35 110.70 30.72 107.78 229.92 1,639.10 15.36 Carmon Eamby was present with a petition from the Church of Christ asking the City to rebuild the sidewalk in front of the Church of Christ and their parking area. Comm. Crawford informed him this would be taken care of at the earliest time he could have the man- power and money. Mr. Vignetti has some new figures fon the sewerage system: Total Cost: $2,053,000.00 Loan eligibility 1,773,000.00 for collection system State Aid (25%) 443,250,00 PL 660 (55%) 975,150.00 Ci ty ogligations 634,600'.'00'.! amount of eligible aid $1,418,400.00 Mr. Vignetti reported that water samples were being made on the new well. As soon as the samples are completed this well will be put in operation. lf~. Vignetti asked permission to obtain information concerning a replacement pump for Well #3. This permission was granted. A letter was received from ~tr. Bill Bean tahnking the City for the cleaning of the lake front. A letter was:received from Florida Telephone Corp. stating they have applied to Department of Transportation for permission to install lines in Ocoee. Comm. vfuitehead made a motion to table this until a later date. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Corr~. Crawford, Turner, Carter &Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. ~bitehead made a motion to adopt Ordinance #526 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, amending Ordinance #5t6 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida to alter the provisions regarding mobile homes. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and ~~itehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanfumously. Cornrn. Turner made a motion to adopt Ordinance #527 being an ordinance annexing certain property into the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter & Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Turner made a motion to adopt Ordinance #528 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, establishing fees for permits and for filing applications and petitions in connection with the zoning ordinances of the City of Ocoee. Comm. \fuitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Whitehead and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carriedl.lunanimously. The first reading of an ordinance enacting speed limits in canal zone between Starke Lake and Deep Lake,was presented. Comm. Crawford made a motion to purchase the necessary street signs for ,the nei'l streets in Ocoee. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and \ihitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Glenn Thomas was to be contacted by Comm. Crawford concerning the descriptions of the property to be annexed into the City. Comm. Carter made a motion to change time of Commission meetings from 7:00 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and vfuitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Thereupon Comm. adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Attest: a~~ x/a".-I ' Cler Ilu4 !~J J~ifJ'7f I Mayor I I I