HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-1971 ~lINUTES OF THE REGULA.R MEETING OF THE CITY CCrv~lISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORID A. HELD JUNE 1, 1971 II Present: Y~yor Fox, Corom: Crawford, Turner, Carter & Vlliitehead A.bsent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:30 P.M. The min- utes of the last regular meeting held 1I1ay 18, 1971 were read and appro1.red. .~ -t-I I Cornm. Turner made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comrr:. Cra\"~ ford seconded the motion. Voted and carried. The I'~eridith Corp. bill is not to be paid until more information is obtained conserning thir bills. (A) FROM GENERA.L FUND: " 46 . 23 47.40 33.18 23 . 70 23.70,} 23 . 70 23 . 70 14.22 14.22 14.22 14..22 14..22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 23 .70 2.05 147.82 1~0.60 154.00 111.22 105.90 80 .3 2 112.45 82.09 110.90 91.85 87.55 89.75 87.45 78.85 I Ranelle Hornsbv - Dean Richards :. Ronnie Strosnider Douglas Jones James R. IYleeks James Coschignano Paul Solomon, Rupert Warr Bill Peoples' Willard H. ~addox John D. Woods Gene Nobles Earl Barnette, Jr. It Ray Ungaro Rex v.larr 11 Carl Austell It Edward Amburgey " Thomas Butler It Gary Carroll l! Samuel Zeigler It Robert Windham " Roger Enfinger " Vernon Trowell It Albert J. Holloway " Frank ~v. Turner It Ed.. Loughlin II Jerry Oliver " James D. Hood - police Ruby's Restaurant - police Melvin Duvall - mechanic Jack W. Laurence - street signs Sam Oliver - water O. G. SMith - water William R. Dykes, Jr.- water J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - santo Ronald L. Blackburn - santo Roy C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. police Fire Drill It Tl It It " It " " It IT It It IT " It Tl It " " " " " " It It It Tl " " It " " " It I II 81.35 30.72 107.78 187.44 5.10 25.60 275.80 10.90 17.39 16.15 11.43 18.00 13 .43 132.30 12.64 64.80 1,223.94 21.66 167.74 4.17 680.54 169.21 7.54 226.66 47.00 9.00 11.35 90.80 14.50 31.10 30 .00 15.20 192.00 339.50 50.00 16.33 25.10 65.00 1.38 3 9 .13 151.20 168.60 15.37 127.86 22.48 26.27 794.74 100.00 200.00 93 .00 5.25 10.00 5.25 2.16 4.97 5.25 7.35 1.05 5.25 I Freeman Moore - st. Qeor,ge Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Johnson Automotive Burlison's Atlantic Melvin L. Duvall - for son Modern Machine & Parts John Lamb Chev. Carse Oil Co. Modern Stationery, Inc. The Bray Hardware Barnette's Janitor supplies Al Ewing Ford, Inc. Jim's Equipment Co. Glenn Joiner & Son Ritten's Wrecker Service Hughes Supply, Inc. F. & R. Office Supply Jack Cocke & Co., Inc. Chemetron Corp. Badger Meter. Ocoee Gulf Service Steve & Harry's Shell Service Southeastern Municipal Supply Motorola Comm. Henry Plumbing Webb's Pharmacies Engels A. & R. Office Machines Jeans Florist National Fire Protection Assoc. Johnson & Akins Apperson Chemicals Lee Pool Supply, Inc. Jones Equipment ~tid-Florida Gas Co. Sargent-Sowell, Inc. West Orange FenceCo. Whites Pine Hills Automotive Parts Board of County Comm. Joiner Auto Parts American Cryogenics Hood Tractor. Co. Elmer Kerr Electric Highway Equipment & Service H. 1\1. BO\'mess Theodore VanDeventer - Judge John H. Rhodes - attorney Howell Bros Janitor Service Phyllis Scott - water dep. ref. George Tyndall " " II Gene Collier "" Donald Jackson II II Bil1v Cardwell II II J a varmah Gunn " ' II Mary r-lcMillan II II Larry Creech "II James W. Hiles II I II I II II II " II I Reese :f\.~cDonald - "vater dep. ref. D. L. Heath "" II Carol ton Singletary II I' " Beatrice Parish " II II Richard Yoder """ VI. S. Pounds "" II James C. Sasser-water dep.for Lav~ence McCafferty's Enco Service - wate~ de~. Seaboard Coast Line R.R. - crosslng ln William R. Dykes - water Lee P00l Supply Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - santo Ronald L. Blackburn - santo Roy C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Freeman Moore - st. Melvin Duvall - mechanic George Ho~ton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. James G. Tenney - police Garry 1. Smith - water Joseph B. Hite - santo I 4.97 4.70 5.25 10.00 7.79 5.00 Brooks4.97 ref. 10.00 S.L.H.205J..4 3 4 .13 339.50 111.22 105.90 95.61 92.09 94.79 61.43 87.55 65.20 87.45 78.85 81.35 110.70 30.72 125.24 398.19 27.61 68.29 After a discussion on the new ordinanee pertaining to a raise in commericial garbage rates Comm. Crawford made a motion to continue with the old rates on the bills for ~~y until a study is made on the new rates in the ordinance. Comm. ~Vhitehead seconded the motion. Coro~. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Crawford made a motion to send the American Legion a letter requesting they obtain their Club License for 1971 within 10 days or further action will be taken by the City. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter &Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. W. H. Wurst of the Planning & Zoning Commission asked for approval from the City Commission to have Mr. B. E. Stovall appointed as a member of Planning & Zoning-,Commission. No action was taken at.this time. A letber ViaS received from our insurance company stating our insurance would not pay if our reserves were working and being paid by a private organization. Ruth ~linor was present to ask that the "NO SV1HIT-lING II signs be removed from Lake Moxie. The Commission informed her..the signs were placed there because of the depth of the lake. The Commission discussed reopening the lake and the possibility of building a swirr~ing pool. Comm. ~fuitehead made a motion to revise the ordinance closing the lake and set up a restriction on the hours to be open and look into the possibiity of hiring a lifeguard for the lake. Comm. Turn~r secon~ed the motion. Comm. CrawTord1 Turner aDd h~itehead voted YE~. GOmLl. Carter voted ND4 Motlon was carried. I Comm. Carter made a motion.to have a mass meeting of the public to see how many residents were interested in having a swimming pool and other recreational facilities for our people. Comm. I ~fuitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter - and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The meeting was set for June 10, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. at the Ocoee Youth Center. Bobby Sasser asked the City for permission to put a trailer on the Church property on Wurst Road. He was referred to the Planning & Zoning Board. Our City Manager, ~rr. John Vignetti reported that our gasoline reading was in much better condition than in the previous months. Also that Ordinances No. 509 and 510 ware being inforced by the police department. Mr. Vignetti and Comm. Turner attended a meeting conserning the sewerage grant for Ocoee. They learned we have J more forms to be filled out before we can obtain a grant for the engineering work to be done. I\lr. Vignet ti has applied for these forms. The Commission discussed the ordinance concerning copper wiring in Ocoee. Mr. Vignetti stated aluminum was good wire, that the Southern Standard Building Code did not state which to use but copper was the better of the two. Our planning and zoning board recommended we continue with the copper and the Commission I' felt we should accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning.Board. 1~. Vignetti reported that we need 10 good water samples before our new well will be ready for use. Comm. Turner made a motion to appoint Ed Loughlin head,' of the radio dispatchers office. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Corr~. Turner, Crawford, Carter & vlliitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Three bids have ,been r~ceived on repaving McKey stree~ from Bluford ~venue to Lake Shore Drive. No action was taken at this meeting. r-Ir. Vignetti is getting bids for the brick to be removed from this street. lf~. Vignetti asked the commission about the hospital bill for Bernard Green. Our attorney stated if we take a man in custody to the hospital we are responsible for the bill. Comm. White- head made arr.otion to delay any acticn for 10 days. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter & Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The Mayor and Mr. Vignetti reported they had attended a County Commissioners meeting and the County is to make a study on I Silver Star Road and Bluford Avenue regarding a traffic light at this crossing. I Co~~. Turner made a motion to accept ordinance #529 being an ordinance of the City of Ocoee, Florida, establishing a speed limit for boats on the canal between Starke Lake and Deep Lake. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Co~n. Crawford made a motion to recess this meeting until 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, June 2, 1971. Thereupon Commission recessed at 9:20 P.M. I/-;alu/: 1<1 ,h~ lVmyor Attest:a~~ X/~ Clerk ~IINUTES OF THE RECESSED rvTEETING OF THE CITY corvrrussIoN OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JUNE 2, 1971 Present: l;layor Fox; Cornm. Crawford, Turner, Carter & -iJhi tehead Absent: None I The recessed meeting was called to order by Ivlayor Fox at 7: 25 P .r.I. The purpose of the meet.ing was to meet with representatives from the Florida ]iephone Corporation. They were to discuss with the Commissioners the study they have made concerning rates and to discuss their occupational license. They reported that they have submitted application to Florida Public Utilities Commission to expand the base rate area to include all well developed and contiguous areas of Ocoee, to eliminate the mileage charge on the 1, 2, and 4 party lines and to eliminate some of the multi-party lines. The time of com~- letion will the last of November or the first of December. Customers will be notified of the changes of the services and the discontinuation of the mileage charges bef.ore this date. In regard to their occupational license, their attorney stated that since our old charter did not authorize us to license util- ities they do not owe any license until July. 1969 when our new charter became effective which does authorize us to license utilities. I A license agreement was proDosed to the Commission. This agreement \'las agreeing to pay the Ci ty l5~ of gross local services as a license and does not include their real and personal taxes. Comm. Crawford made a motion that the license agreement be approved with the change that it be for a term of 20 years with an option on the part of the City to terminate it at the end of 10 years upon 1 year advance written notice to the Florida Telephone Corporation and with the proviso that the base rate area be extended to include the developed Ocoee area within a reasonable time. Comm. vlliitehead seconded the motion. Cornm. Crawford, Turner, Carter & vfuitehead voted YES. No NO"S. Carried unanimously. I