HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-1971 kIHljTES OF THE REGULAR I'iliETIHG OF THE CITY .:;OIJIT,II5SION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLOhID~ HELD JUNE 15, 1971 I Frese n t : ,'.ayor Fox; Carom. era wford , Turner, Carter & :'lhitel:ead Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Nayor~Fox at 7:30 }.k. The minutes of the last regular meeting held June 1, 1971 and the recessed 'meeting held June 2, 1971 were read and ar:'I-,roved with the exceptio~ if our attorneys cannet agree on the oCcufaticnal license for Florida Telephone CorpQration we will take the issue to court. Comm. ,Whi thead made a motion to P9-Y all bills in order. CO!wTI. Crawford seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENER~L FUND: I Edward ~mburgey - water dep. ref. Howard Williamson _ ~I II " Clark H. Beery - water meter Adron Claunch - police dept. Leroy Turner - police ~illiam S. Walker, Jr.-police James D. Hood - police John E. Boyd - police Raymond E. Cook, Sr. - police Ranelle Hornsby - police Euna Copeland - dispatcher Edward Loughlin - " Ethel Mills - " Shirley T;valker _ If nollis E. Dean - " John L. Vignetti - city manager Barbara Hooks - clerk 4nna M. Dodge - ass't clerk Dixie Uniform & Linen Supply Reeves Fences, Inc. of Orlando Ccoee Gulf Service Engels Pegrams Grocery Jack Cocke & Co. Shell Service Station Jeans Florist Chemetron Corp. de Guehery's Inc. F. & R. Office Supply Engels James G. Tenney - police Bank of West Orange - income tax Ted Nikalsen - zoning ordinance Florida Power Corp. The Travelers Ins. Co. George H. Horton - cemetery Orange County Sheriffs Dept. Treasurer, State of Florida - police dept. Florida State Board of Health Sam Oliver - water II 5 (. (\ . '-' J 1.Ge 24.00 243 .55 308 . 5 S 224.44 ')10 "'4 ':".J., .) 169.85 182.95 28.16 184.11 334.10 191.69 41.66 41.$6 329.50 211.77 123 .58 51.64 115.36 1.gO 176.60 2E3. 72 34.25 6.09 7.50 4.17 2.20 28.69 3 h.3 0 164.98 2 , 203 .00 600.00 1 , 555 .13 756.62 30.72 120.00 163.00 75.00 111.22 O. G. Smith - water Garry L. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - santo Ronald L. Blackburn - santo Joseph B. Hite - santo Roy L. Strickland - street lf~rtin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Freeman Moore - st. Melvin L. Duvall - mechanic Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Rebecca Thigpin - life guard W. H. Wurst ~gency - insurance Winter Garden Ti~es Sam Oliver - water Ocoee Volunteer Fire Department U. S. Postmaster Rebecca H. Thigpin - life guard Sam Oliver - water O. G. Smith - water Garrv L. Smith - water J. I: Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - santo Ronald Blackburn -santo Joseph B. Hite - santo Rov C. Strickland - st. Martin L. Strickland - st. Os car H. ~loore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Freeman Moore - st. George Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Melvin Williams - santo Melvin Williams - santo James Tenney - insp. sticker John L. Vignetti - city manager Barbara Hooks - clerk Anna M. Dodge - ass't clerk Adron Claunch - police James G. Tenney - police Leroy Turner - police William S. Walker, Jr.- police James D. Hood - police John H. Boyd - police Raymond E. Cook, Sr. - police Ranelle Hornsby - police Edward Loughlin - g.ispatcher Ethel Mills - II Euna Copeland - " Shirley Walker 1I Hollis E. Dean 1I Sam Oliver - water Hubert ~v. Fox - Mavor Raymond Crawford, Jr - Co~m. 105.90 65.79 95.61 92.09 94.79 94.79 68.29 87.55 $9.75 87.45 78.85 $1.35 110.70 107.78 58.29 3,892.00 1.15 176.86 67.28 30$.00 58.29 111.22 105.90 65.79 95.61 92.09 94.79 94.79 82.99 $7.55 89.75 87.45 78.$5 81.35 30.72 107.78 94.79 57.45 3.00 395.14 275.17 87.60 243 .55 210.54 508.79 432.76 345.42 280.65 260.45 33.79 176.08 330.10 170.28 103 .23 55.82 1.09 47.40 23 . 70 I I I. J I Frank H. Turner - Comm. John W. Carter - Comm. Lewis vfuitehead - Comm. James T. Vandergrift - fire Florida Telephone Corp. Edward G. Loughlin - Frank W. Turner - Dean Richards - Ronald Strosnider Douglas Jones James R. Heeks - James L. Coschignano - Paul Solomon - Rupert Warr - Bill Peoples - Jerry Oliver - ilillard Maddox John Woods -"' Gene Nobles - Earl Barnette - Ray Ungaro - Rex ,larr - Carl Austell - Thomas Butler - Gary Carroll - Samuel Zeigler - Robert ~{indham - Stephen Enfinger Darrell Trowell - ~lbert J. Hollowav o . ~am Cliver - water O. G. Smith - water Garry L. Smith - water J. I~ Jernigan - water Otis Hensley - santo Ronald Blackburn - santo Joseph B. Hite - santo Rov C. Strickland - street Martin L. Strickland - st. Oscar H. Moore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Freeman l'.loore - st. George H.'Horton - cemetery Clark H. 3eery - bldg. insp. Rebecca Thigpin - life guard chief 23 . 70 23 . 70 23 . 70 104.28 64.24 14.22 14.22 47.40 33':'18 23..70 23 . 70 23 .70 23 .70 14.22 14.22 23 .70 14.22 14.22 14.22 lLI-.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 813 .28 356.69 65.79 322.62 409.41 86.21 82.99 280.33 300.32 262.55 274.32 130.72 30.72 3 40 . 25 58.29 fire drill 11 IT I IT II 1I II II T! II IT IT IT II IT IT 11 IT tr II II 11 T; 11 II IT IT II IT II " II IT IT IT II IT IT II IT n II II " 11 II " IT 11 Kent Tyus of Lakeshore Gardens reported they were to begin building in this area again. They n2ed a letter stat~ng this property has annexed into the City, that the City will furnish water to this area and that their sewerage system was\n1ithin the City limits. This letter was given tD him. - He also stated they needed a third party on their sewerage system and would like to deed it to the City. He was advised to meet with the Planning & Zoning Con~. I l'Jlr. A. H. IIPete" 1-1alcom has volunteered to donate the City :P500.00 for tractor repair and give us a Gravely tractor. Comm. wnitehead made a motion to accept these items from I.1r. Malcom. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and ;iliitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. " Jim Clark was present vlith the engineering plans and the plat for the West Orange Industrial Park to be signed. He stated they are willing to donate the City $17,000.00 toward connecting to City sewer 1rlnen ,available,. If this is done they want ,us to II reduce their sewer rates 50% until the cost of their septic tanks are recovered. He stated they needed permission to cut the roads in the park. Co~n. :fuitehead made a motion to give them permission to move dirt and cut the grades on the road~. Co~~.'Turner seconded the motion. Corr~. ;mitehead, Turner, Crawford and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. Vignetti had received J bids on wiring the City barn: ~pproved Electric $630.00 Elmer Kerr Electric 432.57 Ocoee Electric 324.12 Comm.-Vfuithead made a motion to table this decision until a later date. Co~~. Carter seconded the motion. COffin. Crawford, Turner, Carter &~fuitehead voted YES. No NO~S. Carried unanimously. Hr. Vignetti proposed that employees sick leave be accumulative and payable at time of termination of employment with City, instead of the way it now is. Comm. ~~itehead made a motion to accept vrr. Vignetti's proposal. Comm. Turner secontled the motion. Corr~. Whitehead, Turner, Carter and Crawford voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Copy of City policies attached to the minutes. A copy of the Ocoee High School Annual was presented to the City II and was gratefully accepted by the Mayor. A second reading of an ordinance annexing certain properties into the City of Ocoee was read. COI1'~. Turner fire college to pay their the motion. Crawford and reported eight (8) firemen want to attend the in Ocala for two days.. Comm. Turner made a motion expenses not to exceed $75.00. Corom. Carter seconded Comm. Turner, Carter and Mayor Fox voted YES. Comm. ~'mitehead voted NO. hotion was carried. It was reported that trash is being burned in Brentwood Unit #4 and is dangerous to homes in that area. The fire chief is to be notified to contact the persons responsible before anymore burning is done. Corum. Crawford stated he thought Patrolman Tenney should be paid for the time he vias suspended. After a discussion of the subject Comm. Crawford made a motion to pay him for the time off at patrol- man's pay. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, 9-nd Vlhitehead voted YES, c.ortuh;:,Carter."vo-ced.N6. Ivlotion \'las carrled. There being nO.further business Comm. Turner made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Thereupon Corom. meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.~. fh,tf1u(/~Yor I A.ttest: r&LlALA.. ~12L CJe:-k