HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1971 I I I 1-=IHUTES GF THE REGULf.R I\ilEETING OF ThE CITY CG?>ihI3SIGH OF TEE CITY OF OCOEE, F1CRID4 HELD JULY 6, 1971 Present: I\:;ayor Fox; COIl1In. Crawford, Turner, Carter & ~Jhi tehead f~bsent : None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7 :3G P .1'.. The minutes of the last regular meeting held June 15, 1971 were read and approved. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to aFprove all bills in order. Comm. Crawford seconded the.motion. Voted and carried. (4) GENERAL FUND: Carroll Coleman - \~tness fee ~eredith Corp. - Water Dept. Charles Burke - water dep. ref. Vernon Covert _ If IT II William Bortle " IT " Leo Fleming I' I! IT J. D. Avera "11" O. G. Smith - water Garry L. Smith - water J. I. Jernigan - santo I\.el vin 1:1il1iams - sant. Ronald Blackburn - santo Joseph Hite - santo Eddie Czarnecke - santo Roy Strickland - st. Oscar H. Hoore - st. Jesse Bruce - st. Freemah Moore - st. George Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Rebecca Thigpin - life guard James E. Pickels - mechanic Johnson ~utomotive Auto Electric Co. Pitney Bowes, Inc. Board of County Cow~. ~ebb's Pharmacies Grimes Auto Service Joiner Auto Parts Hood Tractor Co. Hughes SUPFly, Inc. Whites Ocoee Gulf Service Apperson Chemicals Davis Meter & Supply ~inter Garden ~umber The Bray Hardware Co. George Stuart, Inc. Glenn Joiner & Son Lawton Printers ~merican Cryogenics 3.00 6,409.65 2.77 5.97 6.52 3.50 4.70 105.90 65.79 95.61 85.17 87.29 82.99 68.29 137.55 87.45 78.85 81.35 30.72 107.78 64.82 105.40 205 .73 20.40 128.00 151.20 3.38 125.0G 40.61 15.68 678.06 16.52 147.13 320.00 45.49 16.40 38.82 59.86 2.13 118.00 ll.OO High'l"lay Equipment & Supply Co. Atlantic-Hoffman Equip. Co. ~cres 4uto Parts Steve & Harry's Shell Sta. Ruby's Restaurant Carse Oil Co. Kuhrt & A.ssoc. Jean's Florist ~rnolds Service Sta. Frank's Enco. Jim I s Equipment de Guehery's, Inc. Elmer Kerr Electric Sargent-Sowell, Inc. Howell Bros., Janitor Service Sonnvls Marine Center Barn~tte's Janitor Supply. John H. Rhodes, Jr. Leroy Turner - Police Adron Claunch - IT James Tenney II William '\1alker IT James D. Hood I! John H. Bovd IT Raymond E.v Cook, Sr. - police Edward Loughlin - dispatcher Ethel Mills 1 Eima Copeland II hollis E. Dean It John L. Vignetti - City Manager Barbara Hooks - Clerk A.nna M. Dodge - ~ss't Clerk Ranelle U. Hornsby - police Rebecca Thigpin - life guard O. G. Smith - water Garrv L. Smith -water J. r: Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - sante Joseph B. Hite - sante Eddie Czarnecke - santo Bobby D. Grogan - santo Roy C. Stri ckland - street Martin L. Strickland - street Oscar H. r':oore - street Jesse Bruce - street Freeman Moore - street Jarp.es E. Pickels - mechanic George H. Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. Insp. 12.88 12.95 3 5 .00 12.89 3 9 .64 6.12 425.00 12.50 8.40 79.25 41.75 1.60 15.24 23 .96 93 .00 32.95 76.00 200.00 331.78 283 .21 225.79 224.44 225.79 183 .44 196.84 191.70 191.70 181.51 83 . 73 329.50 211.77 109.49 28.16 64.82 105.90 E 5 .7.9 95.61 92.09 85.17 82.99 82.99 56.13 91.12 89.75 240.$6 78.85 81.35 105.40 30.72 107.78 I I Robert Davis of Cappleman Realtors and John ~. Beall of Herb Ross Builders were present to find out about the zoning in II Ocoee Hills Subdivision, to get permission to install septic tanks as approved by the Orange County Health Department, to ask for water to be run to their lots and permission to build on existing streets. A.fter much discussion on the streets CO~E. Turner made a motion that the builder be responsiQ\~ for streets ""utter and curbs to be built ..,,,here they bu1. homes. COffim.o~lhithead seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, C~ter and Hhiteh$ad voted YES. Co~n. Crawford voted No. Mot1.0n was carr1.ed I I I ~ Jim Clark of the West Orange Industrial Park was present to ask for permission to build streets, install water and se\ver lines in the industrial park. Comm. \mithead made a motion to grant him permission. Con:m. Cravlford seconded the motion. COl1'lr.1. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. EO NO"S. Carried unanimously. L. N. Zeigler informed the Commissioners his drive way had been torn up when a ditch was dug along Lakewood Avenue and never replaced. He wants -; to have his drain pipe Imvered and th8 black top replaced. Comm. Crawford agreed to lower the drain pipe and to replace the blacktop the next time he buys some blacktop. :r,'h~. iHilliam Breeze gave a progress report on the recreation conun- ittee. He stated they were cleaning up the area around the Youth Center for a park. Approximately 1300 questionaries were sent out to residents to determine what type of recreation they would like to have, and only about 51 have been returned. The time was extended until July 15, 1971 to have these forms returned. He asked the press to publicize this.date. Cormn. Crawford made a motion to use the $2,250.00 from Amick Construction Co. for" the recreation program. All expenditures I'fill come through the City unless funds are raised through the committee. Comm. Hhitehead seconded,:the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and tTIitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. ~~. Breeze and our attorney, John H. Rhodes, are to meet and discuss ways of organizing the cO~Hittee. I\'Ir. Vignetti reported to the commissioners that I've are having numerous complaints concerning the price increase on the garbage rates for commercial properties. It was also reported that Carroll Garbage Service was contracting garbage service from businesses on Highway 50. Mr. Vignetti proposed the following schedule for garbage rates for commercial establishments: I pick up per week $ 5.00 per month 2 pick up per week 8.00 per month 3 pick up per week 10.00 per month 4 pick up per week 15.00 per month 5 pi ck up per 1:1eek 20.00 per month COlnmercial establishments with excess amount of garbage and trash - $25.00 per month. " Comm. Crawford made a motion to amend Garbage ordinance J528, Paragraph 3 (b) to the above rates. Comm. ~TIitehead seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner and vihi tehead voted YES. Comm. Carter voted NO. :r:otion l,vas carried. These rates to be billed on the July water bills. ~~. Vignetti had received 3 bids for the paving of McKey Street from Bluford ~venue to Lakeshore Drive. Basic Asphalt - ~,424.00, Amick Construction Co. - $4,950.00 and Orlando Paving Co. - ~5,100.00. Comm. Turner made a motion to have the street paved and Mr. Vignetti to use his descretion as to which bid to accept. Comm. ~mitehead seconded the mot ion. Comm. Cra1tiford, Turner, Carter and -ilhi tehead voted YES. Ko NO'S, Carried unanimously. Bids were received on the brick to be sold and the high bid was from John Talton at $60.00 per tr...ousand. He rut up a $500.00 deposit on the brick. The Commiss . ers asked l':r. Vignetti to get a lett er from I'1r. Jimmy Russell agreeing to fix the damaged entrance to BrentvlOod. , , It had been reported the drainage ditch from Ocoee Hills and- Brentwood Unit 4 lacked about 50 feet going into Spring Lake and 'Has causing water to overflow onto some of the residents around this lake. ?vIr. Vignet ti VIas to contact the proper person to correct this. --.-......., Comn.vfuitheaQ made a motion to change the life guards hours so she vall be off on Tuesday and \v-ark Saturday the regular hours and 5unday from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. which will be an additional 4 hours. Con~. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crai.vford, Turner, Carter and vVhitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unaniQously. COITl1U. 1:lhitehead made a motion to adopt Ordinance 71530 being an ordinance of the City of Gcoee providing for the annexation of certain additional lands to the City of Ocoee, Florida, and re- refining the City boundaries to give the City jurisdiction over said property. Discription as follows: The existing right-oE-way of State Road No. 437 from the North City Limit of Ocoee at north line of Section 7, Tovm-. ship 22 South, Range 28 East, North to the South line of the Northeast quarter (NEk) of the Northeast quarter (NEk) of Section 31, TOv'ffiship 21 South, Range 28 East, lying \"-Ti thin 30 feet, more or less. Cornm. Turner seconded the motion. and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter Carried unanimously. ~ petition was received from Frank Roper to annex the following described property: From the SE corner of the NE~ of the SEi of Section 19, TO'l'ffiship 22 South, Range 28 East; run S 89023 '12" W along the 40 acre line a distance of 1057.78 feet for a point of beginning; run thence S 89023' 12" ':1 a distance of 2H3.04 feet; thence N 22051'3111 E a distance of 394.58 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of, I<Iaguire Road extension; thence S 67008'2911 E along said right-os-way line a distance of 200 feet; thence S 22051'31" 'oJ a distance of 307.74 feet to the point of beginning. Comm. Turner made a motion to reject this petition. Cornm. Carter seconded the motion. Cormn. Carter, Turner, Crawford and \'ihi tehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Our attorney reported he was doing sam research on the occupational license for the Telephone Company and felt we could collect the back licenses. Comm. Carter reported that we have narcotics in Ocoee and since we have a man on our police force that has had schooling in this field that we should set up an agency and let this man be in charge to work on the narcotics. No action was taken. Camm. Turner reported the riremen had attended the Fire College in Ocala and the cost was $67.28. The Mayor suggested we mark off the swi~~ing area with floats to keep boats out of the area. II I II I I I The life guard "tias to be instructed to keep dogs out of the lake. There being no further business Comm. recess thi s meeting. Comm. il'lhi tehead recessed at 10: 25 P .1':. . Crawford made a motion to seconded the ~otion. ~eeting . /1 . . Ih~i~f- tJ \~f r:.ayor 4.ttest :clJ~AL X~ . Clerk I(IHUTES OF THE RECESSED MEETING OF TIlE CQI.:MISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JUL"Yi 7, 1971 Present: Nayor Fox; Comm. Crawford, Turner and Carter 4.bsent: Comm. Whitehead The meeting Vias called to order by l',iayor Fox at 7:30 P .J'.l. The recessed meet~ng was a continuation of the meeting held July 6, 1971 to discuss the new well and the sewer plant in Lakeshore Gardens. l.~r. ~1al ter Kuhrt, our engineer and I'T. Ned DeNarce of Eeridi th Corp. was present. l',T. DeI.:arce gave a short resume of the well bid and the drilling of the well. He stated they had given the City a bid for drilling the well and installing a 150 tiP motor. It was determined that the water had 2 parts per million hidro sulfide and I.:r. Kunht stated "tie would have to aerorate the Hater and \'lOuld not heed this large a pump. The original cost for the 150 HP motor added column ~ shaft late charges ;[;6 , 641.00 937.88 75'7.89 $8,336.77 The 100 HP motor will be This will be a. savings to the City of ~p6,3 61.3 4 ~l , 975 .43 I.'ir. Kuhrt stated our present facilities would pump g50 gpm. The aerator vlOuld pump 902 gpm. and this \'lOuld supply 1550 connection~. Our ground storag~ tank had a capacity of 56,000 gallons for 960 connections. He outlined what we needed to upgrade our water system. A ground storage tank of 250,000 gal] ons, high servi ce pump, possi bili t:- of expanding the buildmng and another chlorinator. This will serve 3,660 connections at 2,000 gpm and will cost approximately $80,000.00. Conun. Cra"tlford made a motion to authoriz e Kr. Kuhrt to put the nell well in operation through our present facilities. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. COBlr.1. Turner made a motion to pay the !'leridith Corporation their . present bill less 10/~ as recommendedb~ hr. Kuhrt. Conun. Carter seconded the motion. Cornm. Crmvford, 1 urner &. Carter voted YES/ No NO'S. Carried unanimously.