HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-1971
The life guard "tias to be instructed to keep dogs out of the lake.
There being no further business Comm.
recess thi s meeting. Comm. il'lhi tehead
recessed at 10: 25 P .1':. .
Crawford made a motion to
seconded the ~otion. ~eeting
. /1 . .
Ih~i~f- tJ \~f
4.ttest :clJ~AL X~
. Clerk
JUL"Yi 7, 1971
Present: Nayor Fox; Comm. Crawford, Turner and Carter
4.bsent: Comm. Whitehead
The meeting Vias called to order by l',iayor Fox at 7:30 P .J'.l. The
recessed meet~ng was a continuation of the meeting held July 6,
1971 to discuss the new well and the sewer plant in Lakeshore
l.~r. ~1al ter Kuhrt, our engineer and I'T. Ned DeNarce of Eeridi th
Corp. was present. l',T. DeI.:arce gave a short resume of the well
bid and the drilling of the well. He stated they had given the
City a bid for drilling the well and installing a 150 tiP motor.
It was determined that the water had 2 parts per million hidro
sulfide and I.:r. Kunht stated "tie would have to aerorate the Hater
and \'lOuld not heed this large a pump.
The original cost for the 150 HP motor
added column ~ shaft
late charges
;[;6 , 641.00
The 100 HP motor will be
This will be a. savings to the City of
~p6,3 61.3 4
~l , 975 .43
I.'ir. Kuhrt stated our present facilities would pump g50 gpm.
The aerator vlOuld pump 902 gpm. and this \'lOuld supply 1550
connection~. Our ground storag~ tank had a capacity of 56,000
gallons for 960 connections.
He outlined what we needed to upgrade our water system. A ground
storage tank of 250,000 gal] ons, high servi ce pump, possi bili t:-
of expanding the buildmng and another chlorinator. This will
serve 3,660 connections at 2,000 gpm and will cost approximately
Conun. Cra"tlford made a motion to authoriz e Kr. Kuhrt to put the nell
well in operation through our present facilities. Comm. Carter
seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, and Carter voted YES.
No NO'S. Carried unanimously.
COBlr.1. Turner made a motion to pay the !'leridith Corporation their
. present bill less 10/~ as recommendedb~ hr. Kuhrt. Conun. Carter
seconded the motion. Cornm. Crmvford, 1 urner &. Carter voted YES/
No NO'S. Carried unanimously.
~r. Kuhrt informed the Commissioners that the grant we applied for
in regards to money for engineering fees for a sewer system had
been discontinued in January 1970. He stated there was a poss- I
ibility the Farmers Horr..e Committee would grant money for this ,"-
The Pla~~ing and Zoning Board met with the co~~ission to discuss
~~. Tyus of Lakeshore Gardens dedicating his sewer plant to the
City. They discussed some of the things that would have to be
done: (1) determine size of the site and the availability of
more land (2) the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council
would have to review the location (3) we would have to have a
qualified operator - there was a possibility we could get part
time help from another utility company. I\Iayor Fox felt we should
build our now plant and not consider the Tyus plant. }rr. Kuhrt had
suggested that we not accept this plant. The Cor.unissioners and the
Planning and Zoning Board members present agreed not to accept
the plant on the engineers recormnendation.
Ted Mikalsen had presented a new contract to the Commission for
approval to work with the Planning and Zoning Board until September.
By request of the Planning and Zoning Board Co~n. Turner made a
motion to accept the contract from Mr. Mikalsen. Cow~. Crawford
seconded the motion. Conun. Cral'lford, Turner, Carter vot ed YES.
No NO'S. Carried unanimously.
There being no further business Co~n. Turner made a motion to
adjourn this meeting. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion.
Comm. meeting adjourned at 9:40 f.M.
attest: cRA2AL 5<./~
, Clerk
lI~ctjctf(d Irq