HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Approval of Lift Station #7 Back-up Supply (Generator) Piggybacking off of the Florida's Sheriff's Association center of Good!./ .. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 17,2009 Item # 0( Contact Name: Contact Number: Charles K. Smith, P.E. 407 -905-3159 Reviewed By: Department Director: Charles K. Smit City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Lift Station # 7 Backup Power Supply (Generator) Background Summary: City Commission previously (December 2nd, 2008 Commission Meeting) approved the relocation of Lift Station #7 and caused the relocation by approving a change order to the ongoing Lift Station #7 rehabilitation project. The previous approval by Commission authorized the City Manager to proceed with the purchase of a new generator, not to exceed $95,000, based on the City's purchasing policy. Lift Station #7's existing generator cannot be utilized by the new station due to the increased demand of higher HP pumps and thus needs to be replaced. Staff will deploy to and install the existing generator at Lift Station #35 located at the West Oaks Mall. Issue: Should the City Commission approve the purchase of a Tradewinds Generator Set for the relocated Lift Station #7 Project, piggybacking off of the Florida Sheriff's Associations 2009 Bid Contract. Recommendations Motion to authorize City Manager to purchase a Model T J125 350 KW Tradewinds Generator Set, including integrated fuel tank and transfer switch in the amount of $75,442.00, utilizing the Florida Sheriff's Associations 2009 Contract Bid. Attachments: Proposal from Tradewinds and applicable Florida's Sherriff's Association Bid Award Announcement 08-16- 0908. Financial Impact: At the December 2,2008 Commission Meeting, $95,000 was approved for the procurement of a Lift Station generator. Staff was able to utilize the Florida Sherriff's Association contract, bringing the generator purchase below $95,000, coming in under budget by $19,558. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk - Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A 1 ... Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A 2 --.- , BID AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT 08-16-0908 PURSUIT, ADMINISTRATIVE NON-PURSUIT, UTILITY VEHICLES, TRUCKS & VANS, & OTHER FLEET EQUIPMENT Partfcfpadnll sherU1's QDIces & Local Governmental Agencies of the State of Florida ); 1;l1!~ . '-~~~ i'l'l>~,_ P' . ~~ ,. .....;~ 'c.:"" \":;, ~.....'''....., ':";". ':I~l..~~. .:' \/~~" II.' I:"~ ~.(I ''1,,,,,; ",...,,1 ~.. -;:.. Coordinated By The Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs' Association FA~ FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES --- ~ A." A.houe Florida - BASIC INFORMATION REQUIRED ON A VEHICLE PURCHASE ORDER When ftWng out a p1.1l'Cha$e order for a vehicle that 18 to be purchased under the nanda Sheriffs Association. Florida Association of Counties and Florida Fire Chiefs' Association Bid No. 08-16-0908. there are certain items of information that must be on the purchase order. or enclosed with the purchase order, so as to mlnlmlze the possibility of errors on the Qrder. This information includes, but is not l1mfted to. the following: . Date or order . Purchase order rmmber . OrIgInator of ~ omm- . Name and n~ (phone &: fmd of contact person responatble for receivlr1g .Confirmatlon of OrderMand sc~edu1ing of delivery. · DelIvery date~. . Contract number (01-16-0908) . Contract spedfleatlon number of veh1cle(a). number of vehicles ordered and base pnce of vehicles . Type vehlcltJ MderM (1.~. Ford '..150 4x2) . FIN CODE. for the Florlda Shdlffs As8oCfatton (QE065) and your agencys FIN CODE when ordering FORD products. . FAN CODE fOr the FlOrida Shetlft8A8soc1atton (917872) and your agency's FAN CODE when ordering GENERAL MOTORS products . FAN CODE for the Fl(:)tfda Shm1ffs AsSocIation (49313) and your agencys FAN CODE when ordetfhg CHRYSLER.products... . Indfvtdu81 UatIDg of each 0ptlOli1 otdered under the contract. along with each option cost . IndtvlduaI Ii8tIDg of each non-contract option ordered. along wtth each option costo· Total cost of vehfcle(s) . COpy of dealer's qu0te for non-contract optton(sJ . Copy of vehfcle(s) speclflcatlons (U' different from contract speclflcatlona) Inclusion of the above mentioned items will help prevent possible misunderstanding of the order and will assist in any audit of the purchase orders. or vehicles. that may be deerned necessary in the future. BId Award Announcement (08-16-0908) 66 dedsloIl8 on dedicated fleet needs, but aJeo offers the conven.tence of shopping and purchasing from a single contract. All interested parties who wish to purchase from this contract may do so by following these simple procedures: I ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS' 1. Contact the awarded dealership (see pages 60-64) listed in the zone from which you wish to purchase and advise them of your interest to purchase from the lI1aerUlilt 0IJlaee a: ~ GoYenuaata1 Agencies of the State of Florida Bid No. 08-16-0908. They will assist you with the placement of your order a...T'ld answer any questions you may have regarding the vel'-.ides purchased throug...l1, this program. All agencies ordering any FORD. GENERAL MOTORS, or CHRYSLER product, please be advised that you rnust use the appropriate FIN CODE/FAN CODE for the Florida Sheriffs Association in order to ohl:8ln the manufacturer's concessions. Also, you must use your FIN CODE/FAN CODE as a secondary number. For further assistance cali the Fleet Customer Intormation Center for your appropriate manufactufer. Manufacturer FORD GENERAL MOTORS CHRYSLER Type Code FIN CODE FAN CODE FAN CODE FSA Code QE065 917872 49313 Fleet Center Contact Numbers L -800-34 - FLEET (1-800-343-5338) 1-800-FLEET OP (1-800-353-3867) L -800-999-FLEET (1-800-999-3533) 2. YOU MUST send a copy of the orl-,nal pn~hA.e order Clncluclln, FSA'. Contract No. OS-I6- 0908) you submitted to the partlcipatiDl dealer to: Florida Sheriffs Association P. O. Box 12519 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-2519 ATfN: Lynn Meek, Cooperative Bid Coordinator 3. Basic Information re~d on aU purch-- orders is listed on Page 66 of this Bid Award Announcement. Purchase orders lacl~ing the required basic information listed may result in the delay of placement and/or confirmation of orders. ~: Purchasers are reminded that the iss~ance of a Purchase Order does not L'1 itself guara..'1tee the placement of an order. The agency Is respcmafble far obtaining a -Conflnnation of Order" from the respective dealership. Dealers are required to complete a .ConfIrmation of Order" and send it to the purchaser within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of purchase order. Purchasers are encouraged to contact the dealer if a -Conftrmatlon of Order" has not been received within a reasonable time frame and request its issuance. 4. Agencies which elect to purchase off this contract will incur the following Adm.1nistrative Fees: . Pursuit, Administrative Non-Pursuit, Utility Vehicles, Trucks 4!t Vans (Any vehicle up to 52,000 lb. GVWR) - Dealers have included the administrative fee of $75.00 per unit in their bid prices and made it a part of the base unit's purchase price. . Trucks starting at 52,000 lb. GVWR and aU Beavy Equipment - Dealers have included the one-half percent (.005) administrative fee in the base price and all add options that are listed. The one-half percent (.005) will also be included in any additional equipment (add options) which the dealers quote to the governmental agencies. Bid Award Announcement (08-16-O908) 16 -, 5. In order to ensure quality service for our user agencies. we are requesting each of you to notify the Florida Sheriffs Association regarding any problems encountered in working with the awarded dealers. Any Issues, including but not ltmite4 ta, receipt of conIrmation of order, del1ve1y problems and communication problema, should be reported to UIl by e-mail at1meekOflsheritJa.org.ThIs Information will be considered In future bid awards In order to ensure that agencies are receiving the level of service required of dealers who wish to participate in this program. 6. Add/delete options mJght include a superscript listed by the Order Code. The purpose of the superscript is to tdentlfy which options correlate to a specific dealer. Superscrlpta will be a number between 1 and 4. and will correspond as follows: 1 = Western zone dealer 2 = Northern zone dealer 3 = Central zone dealer 4 = Soui.hern zone dealer If a dealer has becn awarded more than one zone. they will only have one superscript number assigned. and it will be the lowest numerical number that applies to their awarded zones. For exaropl~. If a df'aler i!'l awarded the northern and southern 7.Ones. their acid/delete options for both zones y"ill be represented by a "2" superscript. IMPORTANT NOTE: "le manufacturers have announced that they wIll be produdng lirnUed quantitJes of pursuit vehicles tb18 year and that orders would be processed on a first come first serve basis whlle quantities last. To be on the safe side, we are advising all &gene!" to plaee their orders for pursuit vehicles as soon as possible to ensure deUvery of product. On a fII:ial note, prospective purcha8ers are reminded that pursuant to Flortda State Statute all fees (title. application plate transfer. etc.) are included In the base price for each vehicle. Purchasing agencies which elect to do their own title work, may wish to consider seeking reimbursement from the dealership for those transfer fees already included In the base price of each vehicle. Below is a complete overview of all the 2009 vehicles that will be provided. However. the ones indicated with an (*) before the vehicle name and (RO) are the vehicles which need to be pUTchased from the Bid Award Announcement 07-15-0827 Rollover. The Florida SherifTsAssociation's. Florida Association of Counties' and Florida Fire Chiefs' Association's bid award for full size (pursuit and administrative), mid size (pursuit and administrative). utility vd11c1es, trucks and vane, and other fleet equipment are as foUows (zones indicated with a * = spedflcatlon low bid for Bid 08-16-0908 - 0 . spect8catlon low bid for Bid 07-15-0827 (RO)): OVERVIEW OF . AWARDED SPECIFICATIONS Name of Dealership Type of Vehicle Zone Base Price nJU. aM!lt PURamT 'VIUIlIM'" . ~ fItOUC1t .A~~."'(_"'aatIaB tOll Garber Ford Mercury. Inc. Duval Ford Duval Ford Duval Ford Ford Crown Victoria (P71/720A) * Western Ford Crown Victoria (p71j720A) * Northern Ford Crown Victoria (P71/720A) * Central Ford Crown Victoria (P71/720A) * Southern $20.506.00 $20,444.00 $20.444.00 $20.444.00 BJd Award Announcement (08-16-0908) 17 WESTERN ESCAMBIA SANTA OKALOOSA WALTON HOLMES WASHINGTON BAY JACKSON CALHOUN GULF UBER1Y FRANKLIN GADSDEN WAKULLA LEON JEFFERSON TAYLOR MADISON LAli'AYETIE DIXIE CENTRAL CITRUS SUMTER LAKE HERNANDO SEMINOLE ORANGE PASCO PiNELLAS HIlLSBOROUGH POLK OSCEOLA BREVARD INDIAN RIVER MANATEE HARDEE HIGHLANDS OKEECHOBEE ST. LUCIE SARASOTA DESOTO DISTRICT MAP WESTERN NORTHERN i'iOR'i'REVnT GILCHRIST ROSA ALACHUA UNION BRADFORD BAKER NASSAU DUVAL CLAY PUTNAM sr. JOHNS FLAGLER VOLUSIA MARION LEVY HAMILTON COLUMBIA SUWANNEE CENTRAL SOImlERN CHARLOTIE LEE GLADES MARTIN HENDRY PALM BEACH COLLIER BROWARD MONROE MlAMl-DADE - SOUTHERN "10 OOfJO Bid Award Announcement (08-16-0908) 67 " . * ~ FLORIDA XsroCiA'l'lON 01' COUNTIES AU Ab"'" l'lorUl& FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES & FLORIDA FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION 12SKW GENERATOR PACKAGE SPECIFICATION #63 2009 Caterpillar Dl25 2009 Magnum MMG150 2009 Tradewinds TJl2S (RO) 2009 Wacker G 160 AJ.L ITEMS FACTORY INSTALLED UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED INSDlUCTIONS: Listed above, you will find the model nwnboi'S of the vehicles that will be inl.:luded in this year's contract. 1. GENERATOR REOUlREMENTS: a. Standby duty rated at 125.0 EKW, 156.3 KV A, 8 power factor. b. 480 volts c. 3 phase, 60 hertz, 1800 rpm d. Directly connected to the engine flywheel housing with flex coupling. e. Generator shall meet performance class G3 ofIEC. f. Unit shall be in compliant to UL 2200 standards. 2. ENGINE: a. Water cooled diesel engine, sized for generator set. b. Emission compliant engine. 3. CONTROLS' a. Solid state, microprocessor based generator controls. b. Controls shall provide all operating, monitoring and control functions for generator set. 4. ENCLOSURFlSILENCER: a. Complate diesel engine generator set including control panel. engine starting batteries and fuel oil tank shall be enclosed in a factory assembled water protective, sound attenuated enclosure. b. Critical grade silencer. c. Companion flanges. d. Flexible stainless steel exhaust. 5. FUEL TANK: a. Double wall sub-base tank integral to enclosure. b. 24 hour capacity. c. Rupture basin with 110% capacity. d. Locking fuel caps. e. Mechanical fuel level gauge. r. Low fuel level alarm contact. g. Fuel tank rupture alarm contact. h. Must meet UL 142 and FDEP standards. Bid Award Announcement (08-16-0908) 2242 6. BATTERY CHARGER' a. Current limiting battery charger to automatically charge batteries. b. Charger shall be dual charge rate with automatic switching to boost rate when required. c. Charger shall be mounted on genset package. 7. START UP AND TESTING: a. Vendor must coordinate all start up and testing activities with the engineer and owner. After installation is completed by others and normal power is available, the vendor must perform a one ( 1) day start-up including the use of building load. The start-up technician will instruct all necessary personnel how to operate and maintain the equipment in accordance to the manufacturer's requirements. 8. CONDmONS: a. In addition to equipment specified, each generator shall be equipped with all standard equipment as specified by the manufacture for this model and shall include but not be limited to the following necessary items: b. Initial filling of oil and antifreeze. c. Shrink: wrap applied to the product to ensure a clean finish. d. During the start-up, the technician shall record the following information and provide to the owner for his records: e. Record Operating Voltage, Hz. Ph, and connected load (Amperagei f. Package information consisting of Make of generator (Cat, Wacker, or Tradewinds), Model (TJl25 TP20, DP125, etc.), Serial number of complete package, and Start-up date. g. Record engine and generator serial numbers. h. One complete set of operation and maintenance manuals. i. Two (2) year or 1500 hour standard standby generator warranty. Labor, materials. and travel for the warranty period repair will be paid by manufacturer during nonnal business hours. 9. CONDmONS In addition to equipment specified, vehicle shall be equipped with all standard equipment as specified by the manufacturer for this model and shall comply with all EP A Emission Standards and all Motor Vehicle Safety Standards as established by the U.S. Department of Transportation regarding the manufacture of motor vehicles. The successful bidder shall be responsible for delivering vehicles that are properly serviced, clean and in first class operating condition. Pre-delivery service, at a minimum, shall include the following: a. Complete lubrication. b. Check all fluid levels to assure proper fill. c. Adjustment of engine to proper operating condition. d. Inflate tires to proper pressure. e. Check to assure proper operation of all accessories, gauges, lights, and mechanical features. f. Focusing of headlights. g. Cleaning of vehicles, if necessary, and removal of all unnecessary tags, stickers, papers, etc. DO NOT remove window price sticker or supplied line sheet Bid Award Announcement (08-16-0908) 2243 * ~ FLORIDA ,\llSOClATION 0(' COUNTIES AU AlloW 1'lor/dca ~H. USIS-=>. ' Bid . FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES & FLORIDA FIRE CHIEFS' ASSOCIATION 115KW GENERATOR PACKAGE lSDeeifiution #63) Name of Dealership Type Vehiele Ring Power Corporation Ring Power Corporation Ring Power Corporation Ring Power Corporation 2009 Caterpillar Dl25 2009 Caterpillar Dl25 2009 Caterpillar D12S . 2009 Caterpillar Dl25 :.,::::\':'::::.:,~". .. ":"::~"",:,:: Tradewinds Power Corp. Tradewinds Power Corp. h<;}#~im!$\~j~;~R~~\~QW' i'""" Tradewinds Power Corp. ! 2009 Tradewinds TJl25 (RO) ! 2009 Tradewinds TJ125 (RO) \.ys~t?fjjlj~"''''.;;J"""",l.,~g,~2"!~~~i~,~"I~!~~,~9)"'.' ..... ....... ..' . c' ; 2009 Tradewinds TJ12S (RO) . .:,:.,:::::;',..:;':::::";:'.:-:::'~;;,:_;.:; :.: Zone Base Unit Price Western $36,200.00 *Northem $36,200.00 . . i *Central : $36,200.00 ! *Southem : $36,200.00 Western : $30,324.00' Northern . $30,264.00' , CentralL$29,889.00, ';," '~""'" - ..... , Southern : $29,739.00 United Rentals 2009 Wacker Gl60 *Westem $33,880.00 Kelly Tractor Co. 2009 Wacker Gl60 Northern $38,240.00 Kelly Tractor Co. 2009 Wacker 0160 Central $38,240.00 Kelly Tmctor Co. 2009 Wacker Gl60 Southern $38,240.00 Bid Award Announcement (08-16-0908) 2241 N... of o.alenbip Type of V.'licle Zone Base Price Rlr.qr.NI.RATIVE AIR STREET SWEEPER {~.......... ~\ (continued) Environmental Products of FL Corp. Elgin Crosswiad (J Plus) Northern $184,816.00 Environmental Products of FL Corp. Elgin. CrosswiDd (J Plus) Central $184,816.00 Envitonmental Products of FL Corp. Elgin. Crosswind (J Plus) Southern $184,116.00 Container Systems &i Equip. Co., lac. Schwarze A 7000 Western $149,458.00 Cordaincr Systems A: Equip. Co., Inc. Schwarze A 7000 Northern 5149,451.00 COII1aiaer Systems & Equip. Co., Inc. Schwarze A 7000 Central 5149,451.00 ComaiRer Systems & Equip. Co., loc. Schwarze A 7000 Southern $149,451.00 Southern Sewer Equipment Sales 1)mco 600 * Western $139,500.00 Soudlem Sewer Equipment Sales 1}mco 600 * Northern $139.500.00 Southern Sewer EquipmeBt Sales 1)mco600 * Central $139,500.00 Sou1llem Sewer Equipment Sales T)'mco600 * Southern $139.500.00 lUKW GENERATOR PACKAGE (S-uIa.....I6.1\ RiBg Power Corporation Clterpillar OPUS Western $33,886.00 RinI Power Corporation Caterpillar DPl2S Northern $33,886.00 Rifta Power Corporation CaterpUlar OPl2S Central $33,186.00 RiDl Power Corporation Caterpillar DP125 Southern $33,186.00 Trldewinda Power Corp Trade Winds TJI2S * Western $30,324.00 Traclcwinds Power Corp TI'Ide Winds T J 125 * Northern 530,264.00 Tradewinds Power Corp TrIde Winds TJl2S * Central $29,819.00 Tradewinds Power COrp Trade Winds TJl2S * Southern $29,739.00 Wacker G 160 Western -NB- Wacker G 160 Northern -NB- Kelly Tractor Co Wacker 0160 Central $35,368.00 Kelly Tractor Co Wacker GI60 Southern $35,368.00 * .. Specification Low Bid - Indicated for vehicles which were bid on 07-15-0827. o = Specification Low Bid - Indicated for vehicles which rolled over from bid 06-14-0811 and 06-U-0811A. PLEASE NOTE: Nissa Vehicles, bid by Alan Jay, which are indicated with an (.) and rolled over from the Bid Award Announcement 06-14-0821 were bid UIlder the name of Alay Jay Import Center, Inc. On the present Bid Award Announcement 07~ 1s..0827. all NissaD Vehicles .warded Alan Jay will use the DllDe Alay Jay Nissan, loc. Bid Award Announcement (07-15-0827) 54 VEHICLE: TJl25 TJt25 TJl25 T1l25 DEALER: Tradewinds Power Corp Tradewinds Power Corp Tradewinds Power Corp Tradewinds Power Corp WNE: Western Northern Central Southern BASE PRICE: $30,324.00 $30,264.00 $29,889.00 $29,739.00 Order Code TP20-UL-FS 1 TI40-UL-FS I TP60-UL-FS I TP8()..UL-FS 1 TPloo-UL-FS 1 TP20- TP_FS.1 TGM45-UL-FS1 lITL4628-FS 1 UTL4810H-FS 1 Delete Options Downgrade generator package to 20kwe DolVrlgI'I1tk grlMrator from 1251&we to 201&we. TIER 2 Perlci1t3 404C.22. 50ga1 tank, 8lkz!np breaker. NFP.A. 110 i controller. 3m/lller martne grade ahml/mlm UICIO&IITII.ngtIt and IUfit TIOIf-proprletary I. . Downgrade generator package to 45kwe Dowrlgl'l1tk pllllrator from 125/nl1e to 40hre T1ER 2 l~ 4JG 1 TP V. 50gal tarrlc. 175mrrp breaks. NFP A 1I 0 c01ltTolJer. 3m/lller IIIarine grt1tU aluntImun mclomre kngth and unit rIOn-proprletol')l 1 · Downgrade generator package to 60kwe Domrgrat.f4 p".rator from 125/nl1. to 60fare TIER 2 Perlriru II04C.#TG1, 75 gallon en umk. 225amp breaker, NFPA 110 controller. IIft1rine lff'ade alunrimun ellCIOSlll't l.ngth and unit __proprllltory 1 Downgrade generator package to 75kwe Downgradc gmten:lC1' from J 15klr. to 801l1,e TLER 3 Pctrldns 1 J04C.41TAGl. 75 gallon en tanlr. BOlwe ratir.g. 300amp breaker, NFP II 1 J 0 controller. IIUJTine grat.f4 aluminum encl03l1T1length and unit non-proprietory 1 i Downgrade generator package to 100kwe : Downgrr.ICR ~tor.front J25kIVe to lOOhr. TIER J Perldns J J04C.44TAG1. 75 gallon Ul tank. 400anrp breaksr. : NFP A / I 0 controller. lllarlne gratl8 allDrlimml enclo.ture lerrgih and unit norr-proprietary 1 Delete option - specify Downgrade to 20l&we rotal Pac with TIER 2 Perldm #J4C.22. automatic tranqer 3Irltch pmrired imide marine lff'ade ahmI/mmI encUoure. 150amp "ainluI3teel nrrlce di3_CU, J 50 gallon ULfiJel tank. and 0Yer3/zed alfn7lator. Unit norr-propr/e/llTy. 1 DeleteoptlOn~. specifY Downgradefrom I25fare dienl to 4SI&w. natural gru or propt11I8 with 1rIIlri1Ie grade 8Qund atlerruated enclosure. alutntnunr ,rubba.Se. 225a/fIP motn line brea~r. Gmeral motor 4.3 engi1lll, 6ODB.A. @23', 1800RPM. NFPA 110 co1llT01Ier. Unit __proprietary. 1 , Delete option - specifY To purcJwe 31ngle aJd, low profi"/railer for model& TP20-UL-FS and TI40-UL-FS. Note /hi& Wl/w 18 to M deducted from TJI25 bldpriceforaUfourdi&trlctmop-. 1 ; Delete option - specifY . To purchm, dual axle trailer for nwd.l8 TP60-CJL.FS. TP80-UL-FS, TP IOO-CJL.FS and TJ 125-UL-FS. Note thi31/(ll1le : /.1 to M deducted from T J 125 bid price for all four d18trlct 1IIlIp %0frU. 1 All Zones $13,598.001 $11,966.001 $8,532.001 $5,586.001 $5,100.001 $1,663.00] $10,894.001 $27,348.001 $25,692.001. . . UTL51010H-FS 1 : Delete option _ specifY i $23,010.001 . To purcJwe dual axl, traIler for models TP 150-CJL.FS. T noo- UL-FS, and 1riD/e wele trailer for T J250-UL-FS. Nore tht.s! value i:s tu be tkJucJ6dfivlll TJJ25 bidJlfu;,furallfuurdi.stric:t mapmfllll. I I Order Code TP150-UL-FS f TJ200-UL-FS 1 >i>T.J.270-UL-FS 1 :,::~":':..., '.' Add Options : Upgrade generator package to 150kwe . Upgrade gwrerator f/'ORl125kwe to J5Okw,. TIER 3 Per/riM 1106DTAG3. 150if" tank, 600amp breaker. NFPA 110 COlllroller, larger marllUl grade aluminum enclonlT8 and unit non-f"017I'Wtary l Upgnule generator package to 20Skwe : UpgrtIIh ge".rator from 125klre to 200kw.. TIER 3 John De,re 6fJ68H485. 15()gal trmlr. 800anrp breala!r. NFPA 110 . control"r, larger 1IIllrl". grade alUlllillum enclomre and IOrit nan-proprietory 1 ; Upgrade generator package to 250kwe : Upgrade gwrerator from 125kwe to 270kwe. TIER 3 John Deere 6090HF485, 300gql tank. 1000 amp breaksr, NFPA , II 0 controll~r. lDrger marlM grade aIlImirtunr enclomre and II1Iit non-proprl./IlTy 1 ; Bid Award Announcement (07-15-0827) AU Zones $3,618.001 $18,596.001 $26,367.001 1725 VEHICLE: TJl25 TJ125 TJl25 TJI25 DEALER: Tradewinds Power Corp Tradewinds Power Corp Tradewinds Power Corp Tradewinds Power Corp ZONE: Western Northern Central Southern BASE PRICE: $30.324.00 $30,264.00 $29,889.00 $29,739.00 TJ50-M-FS I TP80-M-FS I TJ200-M-FS 1 TP45- TP-FS 1 TP80- TP-FS 1 TJ125-TP-FS 1 . Upgrade - specify . John Det!1'6 JX1IHrrd, 501cW~ 1201208. 1201140. 21714803 po.rltlo" change owr $I,11dt, slngl8 camlock out box. 225amp main maMr. 200 gallnbtue slnet I8gal alllmbnnn trailer with hydraulic bralr4s. 2 Ir/Ch ball. emd tOl'TfW spring axlu. UnltllOn-proprietary 1 . ; Upgrade - specify . i PerlcJn.r powerrd, 80kwe, 1201208. 1201240. 2711480 3 po.rllion change over switch. stng/e camlocJc Ollt box, 300amp : mat" breaker, 200 fallnbase street legal ahmrhrIIm trailer with Iryc/raIIllc bra1u!s. 2 I1Ich baU. torque spring axlu. Unit ; non-proprietary. ; Upgrade- specifj , John Deere powered. 2ookwe, 1201208, 1201240, 271/480 3 po.rltton change aver switch, single camlock OIIt boJc, ! 800amp mat" brwaker, 300 gal irrbase slnet legals"1 trailer with Irydrauiic brakn. mililJIry hitch, torque spring axles. : UlIIllIOn-proprletary. 1 . Upgrade - specify , Upgrade 10 45/npe Tolal PQ& with automatic tranVer switch prrwlrrd inside enclosllTfl. 200mnp service with stai"Jess ) me! ~rvlct dfscormect.s. marlne grade aluml""", smmd tmClo.rure and ! 50 gallon UL rank. Unit lIOn-proprielaT)'. I Upgrade - specify Upgrade to 80kl,e Total Pac with automalic irrzn8fer switch pm,ired inside encICMurt!. 4fJOcmrp stlrviClf with stalnle~ steel Serv;CIf discQ,,,,ectR. marine grade allllll"II"".WII1Id ellClo8vre and 150 gallOll UL tonk. Unit r/Cl1l-fl"!JP'Wtary. 1 Optional equipment - specify Upgrade 10 125kwe Toml PQ& with automatic I1'a1I4fer SI,ltch prrwired Inside enclosllre. 600amp serviClf with sta/lIlus steel stlrIIlce discorrnecls, marl", grade allfIfIlmmI &ormd er/Closure and 300 gallon UL lant lhrit 1I01I-fJI'OPrletary, 1 TGMIOO-UL.FS I : Optional equipment - Speci1)1 i Upgrade 10 1ooA:we Mtrmd gas or~, rnarirre grade sormd a/tf1l1lHlted ellCl&Ollrr with alumi"lIm SIIbbase and .. 400amp brealw. Unit __proprietary. 1 1 TPloo-M-FS 1 TP150-M-FS I 5yr-FS I 0% Discount 1 : Optional equipment - specifY . Upgrade 10 Perkins powerrd. 100kwe, 1201208, 120lUO, 217/480 3 posit/em chimp owr .n,ltch, single camlock out : bo:t. 500amp main breaMr. 200 gallnbase /liel tank trailer with lryc/ralllic brakes, military hitch. torque sprtllg axju, i Unit non-proprietary. 1 i Optional equipment - speci1)1 Upgrade 10 Perldns powered, 15()/a,e. 12atl(}8. 1201240, 27114803 position change owr swilch. sillgle camJock olll box, 800amp main breahr, 300 gal illbase fuel tallk trall8r with h)Idrallllc bralc.&, military hitch, torqw spring axles. .. Unit 1Il11I-fJ"OfJrtary. I : Optional equipment - specify , Warranty - Specify 5 yt1QT, 2500 hour slartby IJJCterrded l'arranlytO Inclllde e1lglne. alternator. brea/cer. co1llro1 panel, jackel water heater, battery cllorger. Imt excludes fuel tanIc. PrIce t.r 1.5" oflOtal plll'Chase price, I - Warranty - Specify Discount percentage off manufilcturer's current published retail prices for non-specified options and any optional models bid. (The discount is applied to the manufacturer's current published retail prices.) The prices quoted are Cll.JlOIII6r net prices. No jiJrther dlscormtl.t awli lable. 1 Bid Award Announcement (07-15-0827) $2,454.001 $4,837.001 $26,637.001 $3,987.001 $8,380.001 $19,149.001 I $2,849.00 $6,897.001 $18,353.001 IncI. Stell Stel Stell 1726 I CONFIRMATION OF ORDER' Florida Sheriffs Association. Florida Association of Counties & Florida Fire Chiefs' Association PURSUIT. ADMINISTRATIVE NON-PURSUIT. UTILITY VEHICLES. TRUCKS & VANS. & OTHER FLEET EQUIPMENT BID NO. 08-16-0908. Dalen 11ft to .cemplete ad retwa CII8 ~.. ef order lona lay .... er mall to tile following location Usted below within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of purchase order. TO BE COMPLETED BY DEALERSHIP: Dealership: Address: City: State: Zip: Contact Person: Phone Number: Fax: spedftcat10n No. Type Vehicle Purchase Order Number: Purchase Order Received: Order Was Placed With the Manufacturer on: Under Production Number: Delivery should occur within calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order. A Copy of the Production Sheet(s) are Attached for Your FUes. Comments: Agency: Contact Person: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Fax: E-Mail: .: TRADEWINDS ... ., POWER CORP> 5820 NW 84th Avanue Miami. FJorid1l33166 Tel 305-592.9745 ~ 305-692.7461 WYNI.tredewindsJllOW8r.com TO: City Of Ocoee 1800 A.D. Mima Road Ocoee, FL 34761- Tel: (407)-9Q5.31oo Fax: (407)-656-7416 Attn: Mr. Charles Sm~h Quolation t# PS10487Q January 27,2009 We are Amount 1 Model T J126 Base Awarded Tradewlnds Generator Set under FSA connct No. 07.1s.o827, Spec #083 Low Bid. Cost Adder for Tradewlnds Model T J270.UL.FS OptIon Generator Set Cost Adder for Tredewlnds Model T J3SO.UL-FS Non-Contract Option Generator Set 350 '&N (437 KVA) Standby, 330 KW (412 KVA) Prime Power 277/480 Volts [reconnectable], 60 Hz, Three Phase, 0.8 Power Factor Amp Load Capacity: 528; Load Bank tested. John Deere Diesel engine, Model 6135HF485 @ 1800 RPM complele with 24 VolI Electrlcs, Radiator & Guard BruahlHs Single Bearing Alternator with PMG and PM 300 AutomaUc Voltage Regulator & Vibration Isolallon Mounls TradeWlnds NFPA 110 Dlgilalln8lrumenllConlrol Panel with Safely Shutdowns Complete with DC Voltmeler, Hourmeter, on and Temperature Gauges Frequency Meter, Ammeter & Voltmeter with Phase Selector Switch, Engine Cool Down TImer, Remote "e" Stop Contacts, Remole Auto Start Control, Low Fuel Level Alarm, Breakers for AlC and DIC, and 8 Emergency Stop Push Button. Optional Equipmenllncluded In above pricing: Battery Cables Battery Rack Battery Charger Clllcel Silencer Stainless Sleel Flex Exhaust Connection Heavy Duly Canister Type Air Cleaner Jacket Waler Heater Electronic Governor 600 Amp Circuit Breaker, UL Rated 300 Gallon, UL Approved, Steel Subbase Fuel Tank with Rear Electrical Stub- lip Area, 4 - 20ma for Fuel Level and Low Fuel level Alarm. Drop Over, Aluminum Sound Enclosure with.. Vertical Discharge Air, alnless Steel Hardware, Keyed Alike Doors, lexon Panel Cover, IInd MUffler Mounted In Fronl Turn Hood. A 1a Thick Sound Barrierwill be Installed on Interior Walls For Add~lonal Sound Absorption. OU and Water Drain Lines with Braas Ball Valves and Bulk Head Flltlngs. IniUal Fill of Oil and Antifreeze Full load Factory Test with Safely Shutdown checks One Complete Operation and Maintenance Manual Shipped with Un~. -? O~lnal Bid tank was 300 gallon's. This tank Is an upgrade to 500 gaBons. Sub Total, FOB our warehouse, Miami, Florida Onslta Start-up and building load test Delivery to Ocoee, Fl. Curbside Total State & local Tax as Applicable Estimated Sh i date from reee t of order: 10 - 12 Weeks PJlce Valid' : 45 de . 2 % . R ulred: 15% Cancellation ha for Res . letter of Credit Invocable, confinned on any U.S. bank th payment at 81ght in U.S. dollars. All bank! ch es for account of 8 1ic8nt. YNe- Trensf8r: Tredewinds Power Corp Division of Southeast Diesel Corp FIBIO PNC Bank At:d# 8025724597 ABA#031207607 Flltera Pump Sets P_, Units G,n,rator sets AutoIMllo Enfl"e Controls Each 29,739 26,367 13,047 1,997 Inc. Inc. Paul Sta 1e8 Extended 29,739 28.367 13,047 IS i~' rc,JJ,~jor .:P'S c~ j c. cot" r ? 1,997 71,150 Inc. Inc. 71,150 .: TRADEWINDS ~ ., POWER CC>RP 5820 NW 84th Avenue Miami, Florida 33166 TeI305-592-9745 ~ 305-592.7461 www.tradewindspcwer.com TO: City Of Ocoee 1800 A.D. Mlms Road Ocoee, FL 34761- Tel: (407)-90~3100 Fax: (407)-666-7416 Aftn: Mr. Charles Smith Quotation # PS10487Q January 27. 2009 We afe leased to offer this Quotation as detailed below ~ount Deserl tion 1 Model TIaOO Automatic Transfer Switch wae Awarded to Tradewlnde under FSA Contract No. 08-18..0908, Spec #064 Low Bid. 600amp, 277/480vac, 3ph, 60hz, Thomson Technology Automatic Transfer SWItch with the following features: Enclosed Contact Power Switching Units: .. Fully enclosed silver alloy contacts provide high withstand rating & 100% continuous current rating. .. 3 cycle short circuit current withstand tested allows use of non-series rated upstream protection devices. .. completely separate utility and generator side switching units provide superior reliability through redundancy (no common parts), as well as excellent serviceability .. power switching units can Incorporate over current protection. .. not damaged if manually switched while In service since contacts have inherent spring over center design. Reliable Motor-Operated Transfer Mechanism: .. heavy duty brushless gear motor and operating mechanism provide mechanical interlocking and extreme long life with minimal maintenance .. safe manual operation permits easy operation even under adverse conditions. Superior Serviceability .. all mechanical control devices are visible and read accessible .. all control wires and power busses are front accessible Control Features .. TSc-aO microprocessor base controller .. Isolation plug permits disconnecting control circuits from all power sources for safety and convenience. Safety Standards .. UL 1008 AutomaUc Transfer Switches for use In Emergency Systems · CSA C22.2 No. 178 Automatic Transfer Switches Sub Total, FOB our warehouse, Miami, Florida Onsite Start-up and building load test Delivery to Ocoee, Fl. Curbside Total State & Local Tax as Applicable Estimated Shl In date from recel t of order: 3 - 4 weeks Price Valid = 45 da s; 5 De it R uired' 15% Cancellation Cha e for Restockl . Letter of Credit: Irrevoca , conllnned on any U.S. bank with payment at sight In U.S. dollars. AU bankln cha 88 for account of a Ilcant. Wire-Transfer: Tra ewinds Power Corp lvis on of Soul e8st Diesel Corp FIBIO PNC Bank AcctI# 8025724597 ABA# 031207607 tlFMA-.3(( - ? ..h /l.vx~ a.Dni~(.+.s -I FilteT8 Pump Sets Power UnHs Generstor Sets AutomsUc Engine ConIrol8 Each Extended 4,292 4,292 4,292 Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Paul 5ta lea EPS EMERGENCY POWER Systems, Ltd. A Division of Lotke Well & Pump Co. 3685 Old Winter Garden Rd. Orfando. FL 32805 Ph. (407) 199-8888 Fal (407) 578-1840 City of Ocoee Lift Station #7 Standby Generator Set Load Profile Run Run Run Start Start Volt Freq Volt (L-N) Qty kW kVA pF kW kVA Dip Dip THO Step #1 Load Step #1 Pump #1 (865.0/139.0 A, 3 phase, code Gt loaded motor, wI A.T.L. starting) Rated motor torque from full voltage starting = 49.8% tOO.47 115.56 0.87 209.88 719.15 . Transformer 15 kV A (15.00 kW misc. load) 15.00 15.00 1.00 15.00 15.00 Step Totals 115.41 128.82 0.90 224.88 723.67 29.42 8.94 0.00/010.0%/0.0% Cum. Totals 115.47 128.82 0.90 Step #2 Load Step #2 Pump #2 (865.0/139.0 A, 3 pbase, code G, loaded motor, wI A.T.L. starting) Rated motor torque from full voltage starting = 49.5% 100.47 115.56 0.87 209.88 719.15 Step Totals 100.47 115.56 0.87 209.88 719.15 29.65 8.17 0.00/010.00/010.0% Cum. Totals 215.94 244.38 0.88 Grand Totals 215.94 244.38 0.88 0.00/010.00/010.0% .Frequency dip calculation based on estimated data. ~ TRADEWINDS " , CENERATOR SETS Powered by: II JOHN DEERE s....,.. Un! Generator Ratings @ 1800 RPM Voltage Ph Hz Standby Oulput kW (kVA) 120/208 3 60 350 (438) 120/240 3 60 350 (438) 277/480 3 60 350 (438) Prime Output Standby Max Amp Number kW (kVA) Output of WIres 315 (394) 1214 12 315 (394) 1052 12 315 (394) 526 12 I I Optional EquIpment Standard Generator Set Features · John Deere Diesel Engine Model 8135HF485 TIer 3 · AC/_ Single bearing direct coupled alternator with class 'H'IIIIUIiIion, 81zea for 13O"C tempelBlUl8 rise. · Engine and altemator moun1ed on vibration Isolators. · Radiator aIzed for 12O"F ambient c188/811C8 · High cooIantt~., Low 011 pressUI8 safety shutdowns. . Dry type air cleaner. · 24-VDC 81ar1er, engine mounted baltely ~ing alternator, baII8IY c8bles and rack aJong with grounding 81n1p. · Microprocessor based control panel wi metering, alanns, 81M clown. under / over frequency & voIlage prolecllon. · Weather protective encIo8ul8 constructed of marine _ aluminum 0.125 thickness, SS hardware while ~r coatl!ainl finish on boIh sides. SOund InaulatIoil raslatant to I@ 1emJl918ll/res, fuel and oll. H1naed, removable, kevea alike doors. R88Iden~al rated ln1er1or mounted exhaust silencer. VerUcaI radiator and exhaust dl&charge oll & cooIanl drain Dnes wlIh brass check valves · MaInlIne circuit breaker. · D1g11a1 or anelog control anels. · Automallc transfer switch . StarlIng beltely · Automallc battery chargers 8 or 10 amps · Thenno8tet controlled jacket water healer · Low cooIanIleveJ swltch · Single waH tanks . UL 142 fuellanks . Day tanks · Water separator fuel filler · Space heater · Permanent Magnel Generator (pMG) with voIlage regulator upgr8de · Generator drip ClOVers · 17 Ught remote annunciator panel · 120V Receptacle for battery charger and I or coolant heater. · O.O.T trlple axle trailer with btelces · Custom color palnl c~vus 'SIInd Irt IlIIi19t Il'IIPIbbII for lie dlnIIan 0111I1 /lOItII 0IUge. No ~"mIIIbI.Il"'IlI. PrImI req.1III conllnuout per BS 5514, DIN 6271. lS0304e & lee 34-1. CMdoed CIpIICiIy on ~ ratinglll10ll0 for _ hocI' In elCh MelYe holn 01 cperaIon. AI.. p/II$e rdngs ere bned on .1.0 pllW8C faclor, Ill'll' (3) p/*& rdnge beIed on . 0.8 power ledlir. ~ ere IIIabIi8hed bMed on 85"F ( 29'0 ) end III efevalion or 1,000 feel ( 305 melerI ). PIeIIee conUlyou' Traclewlnda ~ for IrIon11allon COIIll8lIirv de1a1el for~. dllude & /u111c11'f. Manufactured bYl Tradewlnda Power Corp · 5820 NW 84th Avenue · Miami, FL 3316& . 800-223-3288 www.TradewlndsPower.com . :.: :; :' .'. :: ~ . : ,; :. ',' : . '. .'. .; . .,"', - . ...,.......'. . ", ....:..- ",", ,",-' . II 'Ii""':'''':' ", .....,...,.. jill :,..11, :-,,:: >/:"1<' ... ..........11I..... ........ .. , . ...... . .. , .... . . , .,.....:"....,',....... "-, " ", "'. ....:. r;: ... ....' , ., ......,. ,.,., .... ""-.' ;:1.... ...:.,.,....::....:',.. ",. " "" . " .,'........"., ." ". ......-.,...':,....... . .... . :.......'.:.,-.':'....'::.'. \."'-li" . .::::~ .."..:.:~ '.. "....,. . ", ",. ".'.., .,..:......'../:i.:.:' .. "ga' ". . ...~. . <uE ,:.... , ....0...... ....:,....: ..- - . .$:.' '. ii:"'" ...<Qj .......:....,!I:' . "" -. . . '.'. '"'- '. ....:.::1' : ....'.'..'.'......:. :.....'. . .... ',' . . ", ,"-" ..... . ........ ...,.........i,.., ,..,.............~ """"""':i~'" '.... ...... ',' \i . ." ....... . ,..<......'.':.'.'.'..':D'.....'. '. '. ... . " .,. ....' . .."..~.......... . - -,. ,.- .. ."., " . .. .. Engine Specifications Model: John Deere Diesel EngIne 6135HF485 ner 3 Fuel Consumption: US gallon (liters) 1 hr 0 1800 rpm MaxImum power: 538 blip 1401 kWm 0 1800 rpm 500/0 load. 11.8 (44.7) Cubic capacity : 824 In' 113.5 L 76% load .17.8 (67.4) Bore & stroke: 5.20" x 8.50" (132mm x 165mm) 1000/0 load. 23.7(89.7) Turbocharged air 10 air, 6 cylinder vertical In"ne, 4 stroke General: drect Injection Oillilter . Sp/n-on type Governor type . Elecllonlc ECU L 14 controller Air filter- Dry element type Frequency regulation: Isochronous, Sleady-stale ElectllcaI aysI8m: 24VDC slener, 90 amp allemalor Flulda: Oil capacity Iotal system . 63.2 qual18 ( m Ihers ) Minimum recommended battery size: (2) 40 12 Volt 11 00 CCA Coolant capaclty w/radlalor . 68.1 qll8lls (64.5l11era) Fueltypt: BS 2868: Part 21998 CI861A2 or ASTM 0975 D2 Alternator Specifications MllIthon Electric: Brushless, 4 pole rotating 1Ie1d. F8Ituree: Self ventilated dIlp1lfOO! oonslIuclIon. Superior voIlage Voltage regulation: + I. 1%, VolI8IHertz. eleclronlc. EMI flll8red waveform achieved by a 213 pitch and skewed rotor. Clas8lnsulatfon: 'Ii' to NEMA MG.1.1.66 Vacuum-lmpregnated windings with fungus-resl8lanl epoxy for rated temperature stancl)y: 130 C. rise 1 40 CO ambient dependablUty and Iong-Bfe. CompItance with NEMA, IEEE and ANSI Coupling: SAE 1/14 adapter, flexible dsc, dlrect. 8I8nd8Jda for lemperature rise. SUstained short-drcUll capability Load acceplance: One step, 100% pet NFPA 110 enabling down.llne drcuit breakerato lIlp wIlboul collapsing lhe generator lIeld. No load to full-load regulallon 01 +/. 20/0. DGC2020 MIctoprocessor based navigation key with IaJge LCD d'l8pIay. Event recoaIing transfer swllch control (main failUres) SAE J1939 CANBUS communIcation mulllDnguaI capability suII8bIe for rental appIlcaIIon. Remote COfllINIIIIC8t1on capablliIy (oplIonaI) Control Panel Specifications Operational featUI'8l . Alternator protection: under I over voltage. under 1 over frequency. . Engine protection: Low oil pressul8, high coolant temperalUre, over speed & over CI8Ilk. sender unit failure, fuel leak 1 fuel lI8Ilder failure, battery charger falIure. . All protections are programmable as aIannI or prHlarms . Operating power. Nomlnal12-24 Vdc consumption 14.2W run mode · Melering (ample range): Vo/l8, current, Hz. walls, VA, Pf. on pressure, cooI8nl temperature. rpm, DC volts, fuel level, engIne running time. · Engine control wIIh timers · External remole s!art Input (on or off load) · 16 programmable conIact Inputs. · 7 Contact outputs Agency Approvals: UL 508 R CSA C22.2 No 14 NFPA 110 CE Compliance: EC LVD-73I23IEEC EN 81CJ00.&.4:2001 EMC EN 60178:1997 !Me. 8913361EEC EN 81??oo 8.2:2001 EMC Immunity One complete set Owners I Operators, Engine, Alternator and Accessory manuals Dimensional and Mounting Specifications Inches (mm): 157 (3988) L x 57 (1448) W x n (1995.8)H wI Enclosure Only Less Fuel Tank Estimated Dry Weight lb. (kg): 8570(3891) Without Fuel Tank Hots: The above dimenelons and weights would change If a eub-base fuel lank was 8dded. An elecIricaJ stub area 18 poeilioned at the Ie8I' of \he StJb.base fuellanks. SpacIng from rear access cover to \he tank Is approxllll8te1y 9 Inches (228.8 nun). SpeclflcaUonl are subJect to change without noUce Authorized Dealer: ~ 'I' Manufactured by! Trlldewfnd. Power Corp . 5820 NW 84th Avenue. Miami, FL 33188 . 800-2234289 www.tradewlndspower.com TJ350.ULT3.011709 e e 0 UIIIII!II ~~U jJ I~B aln Ilia hl~ i M'I u~ I hi II I ; ~ i it r Ii ~ ~ 111.11 I ! I II I I I U I I : ~~ m Iii! I iii I i ~ I ~ I Ii ~ E t I i i i ~ ~ I ~ j I I I I !t ! I I iil i I ! I I i I ~ ~ i I :>0 z ~D ~ ;! I I ..... -- , 1'1' iii ilHl lqq IJ '1 II I I ~III @) II iie c:tn . ""--1 jlim ~ fCl f~ I: I. I I: m z ~ ~I;I en s; III iil I a ij I ~ --===--~- . ! ~~ - iI!.~ z L~-'\ ~~I ~ I ! ~i!il ; I ~ ~~i ~ .. ill i j ! d q MARATHON ELECTRIC MAGNAPLUS GENERATORS Section 3800 Pag885 Baalc Model 433PSL8218 Tnt Report No. WC1107 Date: 1-1.00 TYPICAL SUBMITTAL DATA Kilowatt ratings at 1800 RPM 80 Hertz 12 Leads kW IkVA\ 3 Phase 0.8 Power Factor DrlDDroof or Ooen Encloaure Class B Clau F CIIIS8 H 10~C 12~C WC(I) WC(J) I~ C (I) British 10r C (I) 130" C (I) Brltlah 12~ C (I) 151)0 C (I) Voltaa.. Continuous L1ovd. ASS Standard Continuous Standbv Standard Continuous StandbY UGI480 280 (350) 307 (334) 321 (401) 342 (428) 342 (428) 380 (475) 357 (446) 370 (463) 400 (500) 230/480 285 (356) 312 (390) 325 (406) 346 (433) 348 (433) 380 (475) 359 (449) 372 (465) 395 (494) 220/440 290 (363) 316 (395) 327 (409) 348 (435) 348 (435) 280 (350) 359 (449) 372 (465) 395 (494) 2081418 290 (363) 313 (391) 325 (406) 343 (429) 343 (429) 375 (489) 352 (440) 366 (458) 387 (484) 11013BO 281 (351) 302 (378) 311 (389) 330 (413) 330 (413) 357 (446) 336 (420) 350 (438) 370 (463) ID RJs/IlTj IU<<anclIIIIIlIIIod. AIl-Std-706, Melhod 88O.1b. ~ perBS IlOOQ. Submittal Data: 2401480 Volta., 437 kYA, 1800 RPM, 80 Hz. 3 Ph... MIf.Std-705B MII-8td-7OSB Method Delcrlptlon Value Method Delcrlptlon Value 301.1b Insulallon Reslstance >1.5Meg 505.3b 0Wnpeed 2250 RPM 302.1a High PotenIIal Tesl 507.1c Pha.. Sequence CCWQOE ABC Main Stator 2000 Volls 508.1c VoIIage Balance. L-L or L-N 0.2% MaIn Rotor 1500 Volta 601.4a L-L Harmonic Maximum - Total 5.0% Exciter Stator 1500 VolIs (DIstodIon Factor) Exciter Rotor 1500 Volls 601.4a L-L H8I1TIonlc Maximum - SIngle 3.0% PMG Stator 1500 VolIs*" 601.1c Deviation Factor 5.0% 401.1a Stator Rellatanoe. Une to Una - TIF (1960 Welghllngs) <50 High Wye ConneclIon 0.0124 Ohms 625.1c Mechanical strength (High 'Ny. Rotor Resistance 1.079 Ohms Connection. Sustained 3 Phase Exeller Stator 18.6 Ohms Short Ckcult Current) (3) < 300% Exciter Rotor 0.116 Ohms 652.1a Shaft CUrrenI < 0.1 ma PMG stator 2.1 Ohms" 852.18 Main stator Capacitance to 410.1a No Load Exciter Field Amps Ground 0.028 mfd at 480 Volts LIne to Une 0.78ADC 420.1 a Short Circuit Rallo 0.6 Additional Prototype MU-8td Methods . 421.1a Xd Synchronous Reactance 2pu are Available on Requ8llt. 422.1a X2 Negallve Sequence Readanoe 0.179pu - Genel1llor Frame 433 423.1 a XO Zero Sequence Reactance 0.035 pu - ~ ExI. VoIIage Regulated, Bru8h1888 425.1a X'd Transient Readance 0.104 pu - InsuIaUon Class H 426.1 a X.d SUbtranslent Reactance 0.099 pu - Coupll~ - Single BeaJ1ng Flexible - Xq Quadrature Synchronous - AmoItI88eur Wndlngs Full Reactance 1.034 sec. - Cooling Air Volume 880 CFM 427.1 a rd Transient Short Circuit - Exciter Rotallng TIme Constant 0.067 sec. - Voltage Regulator SE350... 428.1. T"d SUblranslent Short Circuit - VoI\sge RegulaUon 1%." TIme Constant 0.015 sec. - Sensing 1 Phase- 430.1a roo Transient Open Circuit TIme Constant 2.06 lee. 432.18 Ta Short CIrcuIt TIme Constant of Annature Wilding 0.013 sec. Ill. ExcilaIion ItJIlPOft 'Y1lem or PUO IIq\.bd to IUIlIIn IlICllt drait anents. . VClll8ll- ,... to W'Ja 1M) alM8dlon. "'*- 0l/lIIr\0Ya epadlIed. ..NotIUJlllllad ..1IandW~ ."~ -.dtage ~ -.pflfIlId lMlh PMO opIIon. DVRezooo.obgll AIQUI8lIon iI'%, 1 or 3 PhulI MNlng. MARA THON ELECTRIC MAGNAPLUS GENERA TORS Section 3600 Page 86 Date: 1.1-00 Balle Model 433PSL6216 Te,t Report No. WC1907 TYPICAL DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS 80 HERTZ r~1 !Eo 208I41ev I I I I 240/480V LOAD APPLICATION 30 .e- o 20 t ~ 10 ~ 240VOELTA 2801416V 24Of480V o o 100 200 300 400 600 kW at 0.8 Power Factor H' i= 0 . , . . 208141ev I I I I 2401480V LOAD REJECTION 30 120 f 10 ~ .1 I I 1 240VDELTA 2801416V 2401480V o o 100 200 300 400 600 kW at 0.8 Power Factor 40 lYPlCAL MOTOR STARTING CHARACTERISTICS a. 30 is J 20 ~ ~ 10 240V DEL + AI .. , , 2081416V , .. , , .. 24Of480V , .. , - , o o 400 800 200 SE350 : ----- D~OOO : 800 1000 Locked Rotor kVA 1400 1800 1800 1200 100 TYPICAL GENERATOR EFFICIENCY 100 95 I- ~ 85 1=416V 1.0pf= O.8Df 80 o 200 400 kW Output Voltage refers to WO/8 (star) connection, un1eu otheIwIse specIfted. rr 95 i I 90 ~ 86 I=480V 1.0 pf a.8pt 800 80 o 800 200 400 kW Output