HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #04 Approval of Resurfacing Blackwood Avenue center of Good 1.1 ~fi AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 17, 2009 Item # Y Contact Name: Contact Number: Stephen C. Krug 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Resurfacing Blackwood Avenue from Old Winter Garden Road to SR 50. Background Summary: The City has solicited a proposal from Orlando Paving Company to mill and resurface Blackwood Avenue from Old Winter Garden Road to SR 50 as part of the CRA. This work will piggy back off of Seminole County Contract RFP-4242-05/GMG, Third Amendment to Term Contract for Purchase of Road Construction Products and Related Materials and in-Place Services (Part A). Issue: Request the City Commission to approve the resurfacing of Blackwood Ave with Orlando Paving Company for $110.961.85. Recommendations Recommend City Commission approve the resurfacing of Blackwood Ave. with Orlando Paving company for $110,961.85, based on the Seminole County Contract RFP-4242-05/GMG. Attachments: Proposal from Orlando Paving Company. Financial Impact: The $110,961.85 is adequately funded through the CRA. Type of Item: (please marl< with an "x'J Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerl<'s DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) ~ ~td- N/A N/A N/A Jan.27.2009 4:52PM 56174-2 ORLANDO PAVING COMPANY QuQ.te To: POBOX 547186 ORLANDO, FL 32854 Contact: KEVIN S. BATES Phone: 407-578-9179 EX! 396. Fal: 407-578-5251 CITY OF OCOEE 301 MAQUIRE. RD OCOEE, FL 34761 407 J90SJ3170 407-905-3176 STEVE KRUG Location COmDlotion Date Mob's in Bid Bid Dare Job Name: ~ Fax.: Conw:t Person Subject 10 credit approval. Orlando Paving Company will fumish the following work: ITEM DESCRlPTION 10 MOBlLlZA TION 20 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC 30 TYPE S-3 40 MILLING 1.25" - 3.5" 60 REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS 80 6" LINE 90 6" DOUBLE YELLOW 100 12" WHITE CROSSWALK 110 24" STOP BAR 230 ARROWS 29() TYPE F LOOPS 300 WINDOWS FOR LOOPS GRAND TOTAL UANTITY 1.00 1.00 725.00 8,.250.00 100.00 11,000,00 500.00 200.00 200.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 No, 3785 p. 2/5 BLACKWOOD AVE - sa 50 TO OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD OCOEE APRIL 20, 2009 ONE JANUARY 21,2009 UNIT L5 LS TN SY EA LF LF LF LF EA EA EA UNIT PRlCE 5,850.00 4,250.00 86.89 2.38 4.35 0.59 1.20 1.90 5.96 60.74 1,399.36 184.60 AMOUNT 5,850.00 4,250.00 62,995.25 19,635.00 435.00 6,490.00 600.00 380.00 1.192.00 1,214.80 6.996.80 923.00 5110,961.85 NOTES: DOES NOT INCLUDE LEVELING TO ACHJEVE CROSS SLOPE ON OVERLAY. ROLLING STRAIGHT EDGE ]S TO BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO AND AFTER OVELRA Y. NO CORRECTIVE WORX DUE TO EXISTING CROSS SLOPE OR RIDEABILITY IS INCLUDED IN THIS PROPOSAL. Standard Terms and Conditions of Agreement Price Includes: (No incidentals other than detailed below and clarified herein, shall be a.9Sumed to be included) I. Applicable State and/or County sales and/or usage taxes. 2. All applicable material and in-place density testing as per the c\Jl'Tent FOOT standards in place and our FOOT approved Quality Control Plan. (Any and all additional testing shall be conducted by others and is not included in this proposal) 3. Tack: coat included as required between existing and new asphalt 4. Work is to be performed during normal business hours of Monday through Friday between7am.Spm. Pricing for split-shifts or night work to be provided upon request Any work requested, but not specified, to be performed lit nights or weekends may be subject to additional plant fees for opening and loading during non operating hours S. If quoted. miscellaneous asphalt item is for placement of asphalt only. (Grading, compacting and weed control is the responsibility oftbe prime cODtractor.) Page 1 of 4 Jan.27,2009 4:53PM No.3785 p. 3/5 6. Li&ht sweeping of surfa<:e prior to asphalt application 7. The asphalt materials pric::es quoted in this document are based On the most recent FOOT aspbalt cement index 8. Turnout Construction is for asphalt ONLY and is for the pl~emeut of asphalt onl)c 9. Any pricing for milling shall be valid only for areas accessible by a conventional milling machine Price Excludes: (The following ikmS are not included unless SUBCONTRACTOR specifically includes them in the format of our proposal dcsaibcd as "Includes. It) I. EnJineering, construction layout, survey or"As-Built" drawings. 2. Bond. If required. add ODe & oD&-halfpercent (1-1/2%) to the above quoted lUDount Minimum cost is SSOO.OO. 3. SWPP Plan, implementation and maintenance of inlet protection and cleaning of debris in stann system 4. Traffic conlro~ written traffic control plan, flagging. custom signs or message boards S. Off-Duty Officer or coordination ofO~Duty Officer. 6. Lump Sum MOT Asphalt for wedges III bridge ends, edges, dropoffs, ew. 7. Permits or fees of aoy kind 8. Ins~tion or inspection costs. 9. Notification of owners, agencies, residents OT businesses affected by the work 10. Locating, adjusting, protecting and'or relocating of any utilities. 11. Cleaning of laCK lII'Id'or prime tracked on 10 adjacent roadways, driveways and bridge deck!! due to nonnal paving operations. 12. Proofrolling. 13. Repair or ~leanin& of any miscellaneous concrete damage caused by paving equipment or IIUcks that must be travekd over to aece6$ paving areas. This intludes valley gutters that are poured prior to paving 14. Saw cutting of phased pavements and'or any preparation of base materials. IS. Saw cuttinJ and removal at tio-ins to existing loadways and facilities. 16. Heavy cleaning, flushinC with wa&er or clelUtup of any kind ocher than light sweeping 17. R.cmoval of items from work area and/ or towing of vehicles from the work area 18. IDstaUation or removal of temporary or permanCDl pavement mlJidncs. signs, raised pavement markers and bollards unless specifically included in quotation. 19. Removal of vegetation. silt spots, oil, grease or any other extraneous materials on existing surface which may affect the bond of the new asphalt layer. 20. Placement of herbicide or weed sterUant 21. Removal and disposal of asphalt WaslC product 22. Reworking of shoulders and grassing of any kind 23. Post sweeping of roadway, curb and gutters It is reasonable to expect a minor amount of edge raveling to occur at the longitudinal joint at the curb and gutter. Any sweeping of this material will be done by others The following terms aod conditions will be made a part of any agreement provided by the Client and shall take precedence 1. Price includes up 10 (number of mobs listed on front page ofproposa~ mobilization. If required, additional mobilizations will be perfonned at $3,000.00 per mov&-in. 2. Work must be scheduled at least three (3) weeks (15 business days) in advance to assure aew availability. No work, including prime and. sand, will be scheduled until an executed coll11'Kt and Job Infonnation Sheet is received by Orlando Paving Company. 3. Additional work, if required and not provided for in the Agreement, will be performed at a neeotiaued price 01 on a time and materials basis. The bid is based on asphalt placed at 110 pounds per square yard inch. ADy overruns are to be paid at $100.00 per ton. 4. Owner / Prime contractor acknowledges that supply shortages in Florida for the raw materials(spec:ifically liquid asphalt and aggregates) necessary for the production and delivery of hot mix asphalt xnat.erials may occur and that the prices for these materials may increase dwing the tenn of this agreement If liquid asphalt increases by 10% or more, Orlando Paving Company will have the right to adjust the unit prices accordingly based on the liquid asphalt material pricing from FOOT asphalt price index. All FOOT index information can be accessed at the following websitc www.dot.swe.fl.uslConstJUetionlfUcl&bitlfuel&bit.1dm Page 2 of 4 Jan.27.2009 4:53PM No.3785 p. 4/5 5. This proposal is valid for 30days from the date of proposaL Failure to execute a contract Or receive it Letter oflotent within these 30 days may be cause for cancellation or price adjustment 6. The above price is based on completing all work within the oriemal COIl1l'aCt Time If the time extends beyond this period, prices will be renegotiated. These prices DO NOT provide for any acceleration of work If acceleration of work is requested, revised pricing shall be anticipated and a pr()orata share of any bonus received shal) be paid upon completion 7. Orlando PavinC Company shall require a reasonable amount of time to complete the above work Being that much of Orlando Pavinl Company's scope of work is typically performed near the end of the projecc, lack of time provided to Orlando Paving Company by the owntl/ prime conll'8Ctor shall nOlmandate acceleration or additional crews by Orlando Paving Company nor shall it open Orlando Paving Company up to the assessment of any liquidated damages 8. Prior to commencement, Orlando Paving Company will be provided an approved! conformed set of 'For Construction' specifications and drawings at no cost to OPC Prices are based On the ioformation provided in the bid documents, any changes or deviations between the bid and for construction documents are subject to a price increase 9. Within 20 days of executed contract, Owner/ Prime Contractor will provide Orlando Pavin& Company with a project schedille showing durations for all paving activities and fmal completion date This schedule will be mutually agreeable between the parties, along with any updates to the Schedille Any impacts will be measured utilizing this schedule Liquidated damages will only be as!lessed to the extent thllt Orlando Paving Compo)' solely and directly impacts the most critical path of the Schedule and to the extend Liquidated damages are assessed by the Owner Orlando Paving Company wiU NOT be responsible for any additional costs including but not limited to consequential damages Failure to provide the Schedule to Orlando Paving Company will alleviate OPC of any responsibility for liquidated damages assessed on the Project 10. The above price is bll$ed on quantities supplied by the owner I prime con1Iactor. Job will be billed by field measured quantities. Quantities on quote will be the minimum quantities billed 12. All staking, layout and eatablishment of grades to be performed by others and shan be clearly indicated prior to commencement of paving. Orlando Paving Company shall accept no responsibility for improper engineering anctlr areas where no grades were indicated prior to commencement 13. Any additional, unforeseen hand work such as trench repair, work at curb repairs. manholes, etc will be perfonned at a negotiaced unit price as occessuy. 14. All prices are based on !he U~ of RAP (Recycled Asphah Product) in the production of the hot-mi)( asphalt, as per FDOT Standards, unless the item ofworlc: is noted otherwise to specifically be virgin materials onl)' IS. Orlando Paving Company, at its decision, can and will suspend all operations when, in our opinion, maintenance ofll'affic provided by the prime contractor is insufficient or has become unsafe 10 our crews 16. Unless quoted separately, prime & sand shall be applied at the rate of 0.10 gals/sy for $0.45/5Y. Sand shall be provided by the prime contractor. lfno sand is provided there will be an additional charge A minimum trip charge of$6S0.00 wiU be assessed for any prime and sand Same prKing will apply to any ro-prime work which is perfonned at no fault of Orlando Paving Company. 17. Owner I Prime Contractor acknowledges that asphalt p~eIlt generates a minimal amount of waste product which will need to be left on site to be cleaned and disposed ofb)' other&. 18. Unless quoted as a separate lump sum item, thjs quotation does not include any asphalt for MOT items such as wedges at bridge decks, longitudinal drop-offs, etc. Should this worle be required, these materials will be priced separately as additional work. 19. Orlando Paving Company cannot and win not guarantee drainage on pavements with a rate of fall less thant 1/2% slope on the plans or in The field conditions. Orlando Paving Company wiD Dot be rcspoosible to notity customers of any conditions that exist that would pre~nt this problem. If there are puddles that arise from These conditions none of Orlando Paving Company's payments will be withheld and it will not be responsibility of the Subc;ontracror to repair this simation unless all payments are Page 3 of 4 Jan.27. 2009 4:54PM No.37B5 p. 5/5 made to the Subcontractor and a signed Change Order is issued to Orlando Pavin& Company for this work 20. Owner 1 Prime ContraCtor to provide Orlando Paving Company with a suitable staging area for Orlando Paving Company', operations to stockpile miscellaneous nwcrials, park and fuel eqUipment 21. Orlando Paving Company's ability to attain acceptable inoplace density on the asphalt pavement is directly dependant on the condition and density of the base and subo&rade. which was placed and. prepared by other& 22. If work is not completed prior to the campletion date of the conb'act, Orlando Paving Company may cancel this contract with a 10 day written notice. If the contract is cancelled. Orlando Paving Company shall not be held liable for any remaining contract work and shall be entiUed to receive fmal payment for all work performed by U8 to the date of cancellation within15 days. 23. Any and all bituminoUs adjustmenl:$ and applicable fuel adjustments shall be paid to Orlando Paving Company Payment is due monthly. 24. This proposal, word for word, in its entirety shall be included In and become a governing part of any executed 'Contractual Agreement' when issued. Orlando Paving Company reserves the right to review and decline acceptance of any tenns Or conditions modified by Owner 1 Prime Contractor. Orlando Paving Company reserves the right to amend. revise or revoke this proposal Up to the time the bid is opened. 25. Orlando Paving Company will invoice Ownerl Prime ContrKtor for all work in place at end of each month All balances for work completed are due within30 days of invoice date and interest will accrue at a rate ofl-I/2% monthly on all unpaid balances. Orlando Paving Company reserves the right not to schedule future work on any contract that bas an unpaid balance over 60 days. 26. Any retainage withheld nom Orlando PaviDg Company must be paid. within90 days nom the last day worked by OPe reprdless of date Prime Contractor is to be paid 27. Orlando Paving Company must be notified, in writing. of any disputed amounts within! 0 days of the date of invoice, otherwise invoice will be considered acceptable by the Owner/ Prime Conlr8ctor and must be paid in fun in a timely manne&: 28. The proposal and. any subsequent 'Contractllal Ag1eement' are contingent UJlOD strikes, accidents, uprisinp. weather, material shortages and other delays or circumstances beyond OW' conlrOl OrlaDdo Paving Company will NOT be responsible for severe material shortages in the Florida Market which may imp8CI the schedule OPe will provide workman's compensation at the statutory rate, general liability and auto liability insurance 81$1,000,000 each, a certificate shall be made available if required. 29. All disputes will be subject to Mediatioo then Binding Arbib'8tion if not settled in Mediation Arbitration shall commence upon a written demand by either party 8Dd served upon 1he olber party Such arbitration shall be in accordance with the constrUction indusuy arbitration rules of the Florida Arbitration Code, and the venue for such arbitration shall be the county in which the work transpired or Orange County I Florida ~ vin 8.Bm!, Project Manager ACCEPTANCE: I. We the UJ1dersiSaed, accept the above propoial and authorize you to proceed with the work as spec:ified, subject to all terms contained herein CUSTOMER DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY TI11.E Page 4 of 4