HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #06 Approval of Misc. Resurfacing center of Good 1.1 ~. AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: February 17, 2009 Item # lo Contact Name: Contact Number: Stephen C. Krug 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ,~/' ,c,~ ~- ~ - Subject: Miscellaneous Resurfacing. Background Summary: $300,000.00 has been budgeted this fiscal year for miscellaneous resurfacing of streets within the City. $6,124.00 has already been expended for paving the approaches to the reconstructed railroad crossing at Bluford Avenue. The Public Works Team is proposing to resurface the West Orange Industrial Park which includes Enterprise Street, Capitol Court and Roper Parkway at a cost of $124,467.70. The following residential streets are also proposed for resurfacing; Little Rock Street, Sand Pine Avenue, Springfoot Street, Blue Spring Court and Freedom Court at a cost of $57,487.75. Additionally, 408 linear feet of EI Marra Drive west of Canyon Trail in the Windstone Subdivision has experienced premature failure of the asphalt pavement and will be milled and resurfaced for $13,885.50. The total cost of resurfacing these three areas is $195,840.95 based on the proposals from Orlando Paving Company which will piggy back off of Seminole County Contract RFP-4242-05/GMG, Third Amendment to Term Contract for Purchase of Road Construction Products and Related Materials and in- Place Services (Part A). Issue: Request the City Commission to approve miscellaneous resurfacing of City streets with Orlando Paving Company for $195,840.95. Recommendations Recommend City Commission approve the miscellaneous resurfacing of City streets with Orlando Paving company for $195,840.95, based on the Seminole County Contract RFP-4242-05/GMG. Attachments: Proposals from Orlando Paving Company. Financial Impact: The $195,840.95 is adequately funded through the Public Works Streets Division budget. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: _ Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) df ~t1- N/A N/A N/A 1 Jan.19. 2009 12:16PM No.3282 p. 3 - 09- 026- 0II0te To; Orlando Paving Company PO Box 541186 Orlando, FL 32854.7186 Contact: KEVIN BATES Phone: 407 578.'779 Fall:: 407 578-5251 CITY OF OCOEE Job Na~: Location Bid Date ComDletion Date Mobs in Bid ~h IDdex Mo. CITY OF OCOEE ENTERPRISE 81 OCOEE CA,'J fro '- C., 1/15/09 R.O?~ r?/L."r( 1 ~ EM;. Contact Person 407-905-3170 407-90S-3176 KEN BRUCE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT P.RJCE AMOUNT 10 CURB REVEAL MILLING 8,784.00 Sy 2.25 19,764.00 20 1" TYPE S-3 INCL. TACK 1,17S.00 TN 88.99 104,563.25 30 MANHOLE ADJ. 1.00 EA 140.45 140.45 GRAND TOTAL $124,467.70 NOTES: These term and conditions will be made part of any agreement provided by the Client and shall take precedence I.The project is price based on 'piggy-back in,' the current and iD-force contract with Seminole County for providing paving and Il$sociated services and includes all tenns and conditions thereof NOTE: THIS PROPOSAL VOID IF NOT ACCEPTED WllHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM ABOVE DATE. ACCEPTANCE: 1, We the undersigned, accept the above proposal and authorize you to proceed with the work as specified, subject to all terms contained herein. CUSTOMER. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE TITLE BY Page 1 of 1 Jan.19. 2009 12:15PM No.3282 p. 2 -09- 027- Quote To: Orlando Paving Company PO Bex 547186 Orlando, FL U854.7186 Contact: KliVlN S. BATES Pbone: 407 578-9"9 F u: 407 578-5151 CITY OF OCOEE 10b Name: Location Bid Date Co~letion Dat~ Mobs in Bid A$ph 1M"" Mo. CITY OF OCOEE WILD FERN OCOEE L-, T7LE;;. i<o c fe:-. ':>.., 1/15109 SA7Jo pl/Ve Avt: 5p~ if\J(;,RJcJ, ST B L.. v e 5.p(2...1 N G. C-:-r Fr.z-~ C., ~ Fax.: Contact Person 407-905-3170 407-905.3176 KEN SRUCE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10 CURB REVEAL MILLING 4,288.00 SY 2.25 9,648.00 20 I" TYPE $-3 INCL. TACK :52S.oo TN 88.99 46,719.75 30 MANHOLE ADJ. 8.00 EA 140.00 1,120.00 GRAND TOTAL $57,487.75 NOTES: These tenn and conditions will be made part of any agreement provided by the Client and shall take precedence I.The project is price based on 'piggy- backing' the cmrent and in-force contract with Seminole COWlty for providing paving and associated services and includes all terms and conditions thereof NOTE: THIS PROPOSAL VOID IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN nlIRTY (30) DAYS FROM ABOVE DATE. ACCEPTANCE: I, We the undersigned, accept the above proposal and authorize you to proceed with the work as specified, subject to all tems contained herein. CUSTOMER. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY TITLE Page 1 of 1 Feb.IO. 2009 12:28PM No.4347 P.3/3 - 09- 088- Ouote To: Orlando Paving Company PO BO:l 547186 Orlando, FL 318S4-7186 Cootaet: KEVIN S. BATES Pbone: 407 578-9779 Fax: 487 578-5251 CITY OF OCOEE ~ ~ Contact PersQD 407.905-3170 407 -905-3176 KBN BR.UCE Job Name: Location Bid Date ~Jetion Date Mobs in Bid A$pb. Index Mo. CITY OF OCOEE - PATCH' CITY OF OCOEE 2/10/09 EL_M~,e, W ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTIlY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10 I" lYPE S.) INeL. TACK 75.00 TN 107.14 8,035.50 20 MILL 1" 1.250.00 SY 4.68 5,850.00 GRAND TOTAL 513,88550 NOTES: These tenn and conditions will be made part of any agreement provided by the Client and shall take precedence 1. The project is price based 00 'piggy-backinl' the CWTeIl.t and iD-force COI1~t with Seminole COWlty for providing paving and associated services and includes a11leJmS and conditions thereof ORLANDO PA VlNa COMPANY ~L-/ Kevin S Bates. Project Manager NOTE: THIS PROPOSAL vom IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM ABOVE DATE. ACCEPTANCE: I, We the undersigned, accept the above proposal and authoriu you to proceed with the work as specified, subject to all terms contained herein. CUSTOMER. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY TITLE Page 1 of 1