HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #10 Approval of Arden Park North - Preliminary Sub. Plan center of Goocl LJ .~ ~~. AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: February 17, 2009 Item # j 0 Contact Name: Contact Number: 1\ u Reviewed By: Bobby Howell, MPA Il!.l- Department Director: Development 407-905-3100, Ext. 1044 Services Director: City Manager: -~ , Subject: Arden Park North - Preliminary Subdivision Plan Project # LS-2007 -016 Commission District # 1 - Gary Hood ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Arden Park North? BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the north side of Clarcona-Ocoee Road, west of Hobson Road, and east of Ingram Road. The subject property is 316.38 acres in size and is currently zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). The Future Land Use Map designates the property as Low Density Residential, with areas around Lakes Sims and Trout designated Conservation/Floodplains. Direction Future Land Use Zoning Classification Existina Land Use North Low Density Residential City of Ocoee R-1 AA Undeveloped residential properties and City of Ocoee A-1 , single-family residences Orange County - Citrus Rural East Low Density City of Ocoee PUD, Undeveloped residential properties and Residential, Orange County - Citrus single-family residences Conservation/Floodolai n Rural South Low Density City of Ocoee PUD Phase 1 of Arden Park (a.k.a Arden Park Residential, South) Conservation/Floodolain West Low Density City of Ocoee owned Single Family Residences, Forest Lake Residential, Forest Lake Golf Golf Course Recreation/Open Space Course, City of Ocoee R-1 A, Orange County - Citrus Rural The West Orange Trail and Clarcona-Ocoee Road run along the southern boundary of the property. The property exhibits significant topographic relief. Lake Sims is in the center of the property, and Trout Lake is in the northeast corner of the property. The property slopes downward toward each of the lakes, with each lake having an associated wetland system. There are rows of planted pine trees along the northern and eastern portions of the property, and a cleared area that consists of abandoned agricultural buildings along the western portion of the property that fronts Ingram Road. DISCUSSION: The Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) for Arden Park North specifies how the remaining phases (2-6) of the development will be subdivided and ultimately developed. The project will have a net density of 2.95 dwelling units per acre, with a total of 767 lots. Of the 767 total lots, 445 will be detached and 322 will be attached. For the attached lots, the lot size will be 20' x 110', while the detached lots will have sizes of 55' x 125', 75' x 125', and 85' x 125' respectively. The developer has indicated that Final Subdivision Plans for each phase will be submitted individually. As was indicated during the presentation of the PUD Land Use Plan, there are many areas on the property where tree protection and preservation of trees that are 24-inches and above will be required. In order to expedite the review of the PSP, it was agreed that tree protection and preservation will be addressed in detail during the review of the FSP for each respective phase. Each of the lots will be graded on an individual basis to allow for increased tree protection on the site. The developer has agreed to construct a portion of the proposed Clarke Road extension along the eastern portion of the property, and will dedicate varying widths of right-of-way for the road. One of the main access points will be constructed along this segment of Clarke Road. In addition, approximately 15 acres in the northeastern portion of the site are reserved for an elementary school. The elementary school site will be accessed from the Clarke Road extension at a secondary entry point. Access to the remaining portions of the development will be from two points, one on Clarcona-Ocoee Road, and one on Ingram Road. The developer has indicated that right-of-way will be dedicated along Ingram Road to maintain a 60-foot wide right-of-way. Orange County has indicated that Clarcona-Ocoee Road will be widened into a 4-lane segment throughout this area sometime in the future. The property owner has reserved a sufficient amount of right-of-way to maintain a 180-foot section of right-of-way along Clarcona-Ocoee Road to allow for the future widening. On the portion of the property that is accessible from Clarcona-Ocoee Road, the access point will converge into a loop road that will circle the perimeter of Lake Sims. As each phase is constructed, access roads leading from the loop road to each individual phase will be constructed to form the internal street network. The PSP designates a large area around the perimeter of Lake Sims for amenities. The area around Lake Sims will contain a community meeting room, swimming pool, gazebos, tot lot, barbeque area, workout circuit, and basketball court. The homeowners association will be responsible for maintenance of these amenities. This area will be contained within a preservation area that is associated with the wetlands and 100-year floodplain areas that surround the lake. In addition, stormwater facilities are proposed to be constructed within the 100-year floodplain of Lakes Sims in accordance with a waiver that was granted with the approval of the PUD Land Use Plan. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on January 7, 2009 and reviewed the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. After their deliberations, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning & Zoning Commission met on January 13, 2009 to consider the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Arden Park North. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to the developer to put a note on the plans to state "not final grading." Following the deliberations, the members of the Planning & Zoning Commission made a motion to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan contingent upon the grading shown in the plan set being conceptual. Following this motion, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Arden Park North. 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approval the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Arden Park North. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Future Land Use Map Zoning Map Preliminary Subdivision Plan - Arden Park North FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. TYPE OF ITEM: (please mark with an "x'J X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk == Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A 3 - - f- = II ~I-l- m \-- ~ ~ 'r f.:i\.'f;~ Y'\ r:: I I I I I _H III y;:-, 'Y- f- lor:: R l v'~0 ~J I II I f- II ~or.; h' / /1111 f- 10 .f..., //11111 ~H - IT j ..: ~ IIII1I III IIII I I I II . . . 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E ..c: m C U .0 ~ .0 'E '0 ;> 0) Cl 0 0 Cl 0) 0 0) ::::l m ~::::>ffi.3~Ia:U::JIUo::a.....J om _111111111 Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published Orlando SentInel THURSDA Y, FEBRUARY 5, 2009 F3 Advertisement ,..a...",,'o1.'V II " , ...l..I.... CASE NUMBER: 15.2001-016 ~gT'f; ~r~i~~~BrV~~~~tra"n'~~4 G. (l) (c)(2), Ocoee Land Development Code, t t on Tuesday, FEBRUARY 17 7:15 p.m., or os soon ~'Ifv ocb~MYiJI~~I'wme 0 0 PUBLIC HEARING at the Ocoee City Commission Cham. I bers, 150 North Lokeshare Drive, Ocoee, Florida, to consider the Preliminary ~~~~i~~~~~. ~~en p~~p~~~1~ located on the north side of Clorcono.Ocoee Rood, op. proximately 500 feet west of the intersection of Clorcana. Ocoee Rood and Clorke Road. The parcel identif/ca. tion number is 00-001. I nteresfed POrties may ap. pear at the public hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed actions. The complete case file may be inspected at the Ocoee Development Services De. partment/Planning Division located at 150 North Lake. shore Drive, Ocoeel Florida between the hours Of 8: 00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Ie. gai holidays. The City Commission may; continue the public hearing to other dotes and times, as it deems necessary. Any In. terested party Shall be ad. vised of the dates, times, and places of any continuo. tion of these or continued public hearings. Any cantin. uonces shall be announced during these hearings and no further notices regarding these matters will be pub. lished. You ore advised that any person who desires to appeal any decision made at the public hearing will need a record of the pro. ceedings and for this pur. pose may need to ensure that 0 verbatim record of ' the proceedings .is made which includes the testlmo. ny and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Per. i r~~~s~I~~a~~~am'~tJ~M:~~ ~~gCrd ~~6~1~cn~;e~7f: Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 407.905.3105. Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk OLS927733.FE B.5 NnTlr~. ^ 0,,"'11_ "._.'__