HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-29-1971 SS MINUTES OF THE SPECIlL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OE:~THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDil HELD JULY 27, 1971 I Present: Mayor Fox; Comm. Crawford, Turner & Whitehead Absent: Comm. Carter The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 12:05 P.M. The purpose of the meeting was fro the purpose df discussing Bowness Road. The Commissioners discussed the ownership of this road. Comm. Crawford stated.he had been informed that a right-of-way for this road had never been deeded to anyone and the portion in the West Orange Industrial Park belonged to them. Mr. Jim Clark, representing the park stated they do not own this road that the Summitt Corp. deedea. this to the County in the late 1960's. Mr. Vignetti has talked to the County Commissioners and they have stated they do maintain this street but it belongs to the City of Ocoee. Mr. Clark stated if the road does belong thethe County they can pave it up their road that will front the Orlando Boat po. 1 meeting was to arranged with the City Commission and representatives I from the County Commissioners and County Engineers to determine' the ownership of Bowness Road. 'There being no further business Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motiop. Commission meeting adjourned at 1:20 P.M. ~ 4-<,t4t;) ~P4 I Mayor Attest:a k All -a. ~~ Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JULY 29, 1971 Present: Mayor Fox; Comm. Crawford & Turner Absent: Comm. Whitehead & Ca~ter The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 3110 P.M. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss,the ownership of Bowness Road. Mr. Benham, County Commissioner, stated this road had been constructed about 3~ years ago, a right-of-way had been I acquired from the property owners but the road had never been accepted by the County for maintenance and there was no stip- ulation regarding paving the road. ~ A county Engineer represe~tative, Mr. Yarborough stated the ~ounty is not responsible for maintenance after it is annexed 1nto the.Cit~ but if it is made part of a State Road it would be sta~e ,ma1nta1ned. I I I - Mr. Pickett stated that for the County to maintain any road they have to have complete control of the road such as: setting the speed limits, load limits, zoning, curb cuts and drainage and the road in question is within the City of Ocoee and they do not have any control. The County Commissioners also stated they do not pave any ~oads inside any ind~ial parks in Orange County. Mr. Benham read a letter from a former planner and he stated this road should be made part of SR 437 and would be paved within five years. The Mayor stated he felt we should wait. until the state paves it. Mr. Roper stated when the right-oj-way was deeded to the County it was supposed to be paved. Now he would like to have the road abandoned. The Ccunty Commissioners felt it ~ould not be abandoned. Jim Clark stated they could pave the first 400ft of the road from Kissimmee Ave. Comm. Crawford made a motion to give them permission to pave this portion of the road according to the County Industrial Park Road specifications. Comm. Turner sec- onded the motion. Comm. Crawford and Turner voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. Clark asked the City to send a letter to the County Commissioners asking that this road be included in the State secondary systems. Comm. Turner made a motion to give the Mayor authority to inform the attorney for the First National Bank the existing conditions as faD as maintenance of Bowness Road is concerned. Comm. Craw- ford seconded the motion. Comm. Turner and Crawford voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. There being no further business Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Commission meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. Attest: cR/lnLn d~ . rk ;hi! d-/J; [~t'tl/ I {/ ( Ptf~ f Mayor