HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-1971 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD AUGUST 3, 1971 ~resent: Mayor Fox; Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead A.bsent: None The meeting,was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:30,P.M. The min~tes of the last regular meeting held July 20, 1971 and the special meeting held July 27, 1971 and the special meeting held July 29, 1971 were read and approved. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to pay all bills in order. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Voted and carried. (A) FROM GENERAL FUND: John T. Minor, Jr. -water dep. ref. Theodore VanDeventer - Judge John H.Rhodes, Jr., - attorney Phil Cross - witness fee EdwiJl.'~Pounds - rent on police station Morris-D. Richards - drill pay Ronald, Strosnider "" Paul Solomon - "" Douglas Jones _ II" Ray Meeks - "" James Coschignano - " " Jerry Oliver - "" Rupert. Warr "" Ed Loughlin "" Bill Peoples II" Willard Maddox t1" John Woods It" Gene Nobles "" Frank .Turner "" EarlBarnette, Jr. "" Ray Ungaro "" Rex Warr " " Edward. Amburgey I." Thomas Butler "" Gary Carroll "" Sam Zeigler "" Robert Windham "" Stephen Enfinger "" Darrell Trowell "" Albert J. Holloway " " Mike Jernigan "" Mike Williams - street Harry .Hensley - street Rebecca Thigpin - lifeguard Sam Oliver - water O. G. ,Smith ~ water Garry.L. Smith - water James .Czarnecke -water J. I. .Jernigan - santo Otis Hensley - santo Melvin Williams - santo Doaald E. Coleman - ~a:nt,~t. Bennie P. Coleman - santo 10.00 lQO.Oe 200.00 3.00 195.00 47.40 33.18 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 23 .40 23 .40 64.82 lll.22 529.50 65.79 ,73.49 95.01 92.09 . 85.17 08.29 62.06 Roy C. Strickland - st~ Oscar H. Moore - st. Freeman Moore - st. James E. Pickels - mechanic George H. Horton - cemetery Clark H. Beery - bldg. insp. Ruby's Restaurant Thomas S. Crawford, - street Rick Williams - street Denneth Sasser - street Rickey Campbell - street. Cleavern Davis - street Robert W. Flowers - street Adron Claunch - police Orlando Generator Service Modern Stationery, Inc. Glenn Joiner &Son Ocoee Gulf Service Euna Copeland - loaa U-Tote-M # 708 Robert, Flowers - street Hughes.Supply,lnc. West Orange Shopper H. M. Bowness Jones Equipment Reeves.Fences, Inc. John B. Newsom Jack Cocke & Co., Inc. Howell. Bros. Janitor Sere Jeans Florist Bill Breeze John W. Carter Davis Meter & Supply The Bray Hardware Board of Connty Comm. Colonial Corners Steve & Harry's Shell Sere City of Orlando Hood Tractor Co. Carse Oil Co. WhitesAuto Glass & RAdiator Co. Modern Machine & Parts Pounds Motor Co. West Orange LuWber Motorola Comm. Frank "s Enco Service Burlisons Atlantic Service Iloridan Oil Co. Johnson Automotive Wintef Garden Hardware Thomas S. Crawford - street Kenneth Sasser - street Whites Auto Euna Copeland - dispatcher Edward G. Loughlin - " Rebecca Thigpin - lifesgard Wm. S. Walker, Jr. - police Shirley Walker - dispatcher Leroy ,Turner - police Adron.Claunch - police 91.12 93 .85 81.35 10i.40 30.72 107.78 88.69 22.18 43.67 30.72 6.83 56.13 15.36 263 .55 3 5 .00 25.39 45.71 344.38 30.00 1.02 23 .89 1,2l3.22lrJeat .3.40 3 46 .06 95 '. 00 228.60 33.60 133.85 93 .00 5.00 81.44 42.26 32.34 3.95 129.60 10.00 9.71 289.60 31.52 11.08 146.69 2.54 3.30 5.00 47.0Q 74.70 . 1.75 7.31 294. 83TJlin 9.90 56 .13 14.86 2.80 140.28 179.87 64.82 224.44 41.66 308.58 . 4.00 I I I I Shirley Walker - dispatcher Raymond E. Cook - police Ranelle Hornsby - police Ethel Mills - dispatcher Linda Watkins - dispatcher John H. Boyd - police James G. Tenney - police James D. Hood - police John L. Vignetti - City Manager Richey Campbell - street Richard L. Sapp - street Rick Williams - street Cli~~n Lawler - street Clarence Rhoten - street Roy::: C. Strickland - street Oscar H. Mooee -" street" Jesse Bruce - st. George H. Horto~ - ceme~erY Sam Oliver - water James Czarnecke - water "J. I. Jernigan - santo Otis Hen~ley - ~ant. Melvin Williams - santo Leon Adams - re~Und on overcharge of pipe Clark H. Beery - Bldg. Insp. Manual Ramos - santo James E. Pickels - mechanic Barbara Hooks -Clerk Anna M. Dodge - asst.. clerk l3 .95 182.95 28.16 l79.87 ~8 .03 169.85 104.80 210.54 329.50 69.29 49.70 62.06 68.29 68.29 105.43 93 .85 78.85 30.72 111.22 87.45 95.61 92.09 94.'79 5.00 107.78 71.39 105.40 . 2l1.77 109.49 I Mr. Bill Breeze game a resume of the findings of the recreational committee. He gave a briefing on the work that had been done by the committee: 1. ConclusmDns: Survey response ~ow in response by / the percentage was enthusiastic. 2. Development of recreation faculty by vmlunteers not practical. 3. Operation of recreations progaaa py Volunteers possible in City Directed~ , 4. Compared with other Cities, Ocoee could afford$lO,000 $l5.000 per year for a recreation budget. I Their recommendations were: To create a recreation board Create City Department of Parks & recreation Employ a director ~f parkasand recreation Complete !~park W of Youth Center Cleanebeaches, post rules & rope off swimming area. Construct teanis, basketball, shuf~leboard courts Begin rehabilitation of Youth Center . Convert Youth Center kitchen into a commercial snack bar City to reqnmre all new developments to include ~ully ;::di developed park or recreational land deeded to the City Abandon ~und raising projects. City to encourage comme~ial re~reational enterprises. Ocoe~ recreation committee be dissolved. The City Commissioners postponed any discussion of these reQommendations until the next meeting. Mr. Vignetti reported that McKe~ Street was to be to~n up starting August 4, 1971 and BaS1C Asphalt was to beg1n paving August- 9, 1971. Mr. Ford Hausman, TaxCollector, needs our taxmmillage before the bills are sent out. This was tabled until next meeting. Mr. Vignetti reported taat a copy of all building permits, occupatinal license and annexations had been sent to the tax assessor. I The Chairman of the Tri-City Airport Authority pODposed that each City select one person to sign legal documents. Our attorney stated this could not be done. Mayor Fox reco~ended ourCity Manager, be appoi~ted on the airport co~ttee to repace Ben Gr1ffin. Comm. Turner made a motion to appoint Mr. Vignetti to this committee. Comm. White~ead seconded the motion. Comm. Turner, Whitehead, Crawford and Carter voted YES. No NO'S. Carri~d unanimously. The Florida League of Citj:es is haveing a Convention Oct. 24- 26, 1971. Comm. Whithead made a motion to send 2 people from Ocoee.- Comm. Carter seconded the motlhon. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter and Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Mr. Vignetti reported on the regiona~ planning council attended by he,. Mayor Fox and our engineer, Mr. Kuhrt. He stated we have no priority on construction money as we should have I applied for engineering grant first-. Winter Garden is askin$ for a grant to update their sewerage tt = ir s.t:arage plant ../ and had included Ocoee and Oakland. Mr. Vignetti stated we had applied for a engineering grant with the Farmers Home Administration. Also theCity could go ahead with a sewerage treatment system with their own money and when it is 25% completed the Federal Government will grant us money. The Regional Planning Commission is setting up anweeting with Ocoee and~~inter Garden to consider connecting with Winter Garden's system. Mr. Vignetti reported the water line was be~ng installed to the site of the Nazarene Church, Geiger Jones wants water run to their temporary office in the Industrial Park. We were informed the closing of Reba Avenue in March, 1963 had been recorded in the Courthouse. Our attorney was to check ,into the legality of this. ' Mr. Vignetti checked ontbhe description of our City limits that was voted on in 1969 and 1970 and found that the 1970 des- crmption was correct. West Orange Memorial Hospital has brought suit against the I City for the bill of 'Bernard Green. Our attorney has advised us to pay the bill. He states he does not believe in the case and wtll not defend the City to fight it. He will give the court the pertinent facts for a court decision. He suggested we let the courts rule on whether or not we should pay the bill. Comm. Turner made a motion to authorize our attorney to proceed I I I with proper papers to be filed. Mr. Wurst was asked to find out if our insurance covered this. Mr. Vignetti stated we have drainage problems in the Trailer Park, Spring Lake Circle and Ocoee Hills Road & Ipricot Dr. Comm. Crawford saated the drainage problem in Spring Lake Hills was the responsiblefor this as the engineer did not approve their drainage, but the contaactor is no long in business. Comm. Carter wants the Railroad flaging Ordinance enforced. A representative from H. A. Ross was present hoping the Commissioners would consider ~helping pave the portion of Apricot Drive that they do not own. He was informed a study was being made on the drainage and a decision would be made at that time. Comm. Carter made a motion to accept Ordinance tegula~ing garbage rates on commercial pick-ups. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Carter & Whitehead voted YES. Comm. Turner voted NO. Ordinance was not passed. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to accept Ordinance #531 annexing certain properties into the City of Ocoee. Comm. Crawford seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter, and White- head voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to accept Ordinance #532 annexing certain properties into the City of Ocoee. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Comm. Crawford, Turner, Carter & Whitehead voted YES. No NO'S. Carried unanimously. The first reading of an ordinance regulating junk yards in Ocoee was presented. Comm. Turner made a motion to authorize our attorney to draw an oriinance on oondemnation of buildings. The first reading of four ordinances was presented annexing certain road rights-of-way into the City of Ocoee. These right- of-ways are to be annexed by a referendum votedof the people and the election was set 'e~ September 29, 1971. There being no further business Comm. Turner made a motion to adjourn this meeting. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Commission meeting adjourned at 10:52 P.M. !h . ( r ~ ~1- {() '; t~ ( Mayor Attest~nLL x,{~ lerk