HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-1972 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE"CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD APRIL 18, 1972 PRESENT: Mayor Hubert W. Fox, Comms. Lewis Whitehead, John Carter, Frank Turner, Raymond Crawford Jr., ABSENT: None The meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Hubert W. Fox at 7:13 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held April 4, 1972 and the special meeting of April 11, 1972 were read. Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept the minutes of regular meeting as read. Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion carried by a ~ vote from Comms. Carter, Crawford, Turner, Whitehead. Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept the minutes of the special meeting as read. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Motion carried by a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Turner, Crawford, Whitehead. No ~.- FROM THE GENERAL FUND: Frankie Abercrombie (dep. ref.) Earl Speer-dep. ref. Eugene A11en-dep. ref. Vernon Turk-dep. ref. Majorie Cook-dep. ref. Lawrence Robenhorst-dep. ref. James Hammond-d~p. ref. Frederick Hormes-dep. ref. Willie H. Davidson-dep. ref. Donna Pace-dep. ref. Frank's Enco- police gas Sam Oliver-water Otis G. Smith-water James Czarnecke-water J. I. Jernigan-sant. Earl Rodgers, Jr.-sant. JerrY W. Hood-sant. Curtis Leger-sant. Raymond Davis-sant. Roy Strick1and~street Oscar H. Moore-street Jesse Bruce-street Melvin Williams-street Chester: 'Crawford-street J. W. Hood-street Freeman L. Moore-street James E. Pickels-mechanic Clayton V. gilbert-mechanic George H. Horton-cemetery Clark H. Be~ry-b1dg. Insp. Harry Hens1ey-sant. Mike Williams-sante Bob's Auto Glass-Youth Center Sherman Woodson- Grass for park Otis Hensley-sant. Melvin Wi11iams-sant. Prudential Ins.- group ins. Gladys Nickols-ref. on occup. 1ic. Harry Hensley-Sant. Paymaster Corp. 7.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 -i . 87 5.25 1.39 5.25 5.25 10.40 112.25 105.48 93 .86 39.82 96.06 80.10 67.32 82.45 98.06 86.82 75.62 80.32 87.20 75.77 85.53 106.37 81.40 30.72 10;.59 25.54 40.21 309.53 40.00 90.66 5.00 1,106.14 1;.00 17.06 85.00 j I John R. Wood-police school exp. Mike Wi11iams-sant. Satn Oliver-water Otis G. Smith-water James Czarnecke-water J." I. Jernigan-sant. Earl Rodgers, Jr.-sant. Otis Hensley-sant. Jerry W. Hood-sant. Raymond Davis-sant. Robert W. Chand1er-sant. Roy Strickland-street Oscar H. Moore-street Jesse Bruce-street Melvin Wil1iams-s~nt. Chester Crawford-street J. W. Hood-street Freeman L. Moore-stree' James E. Picke1s-mechanic Clayton V. Gilbert-mechanic George H. Horton-cemetery Clark H. Beery- Bldg. Insp. John L. Vignetti-city manager Peggy A. Scroggins-deputy clerk Helen M. Ross- assist. deputy clerk Adron Claunch-police Leroy Turner-police William S. Walker, Jr.-police James D. Hood-police John H. Boyd-police John R. Wood-disp. John R. Wood-police Paul Armstrong-police Robert Bumphrys-police Ranel1e U. Hornsby-policewoman Ann Fultz-dep. ref. BHward G. Lough1in-disp. Ethel Mills-disp. Linda Watkins-disp. Vaunita Babbs-disp. James T. Vandergrift-fire chief James L. Coschignano-fireman Rex Warr-fireman Ru~ert J. Warr-fireman Hubert W. Fox-mayor Raymond Caawford, Jr.-comm. Frank W. turner-comm. John W. Carter-comm. Lewis Whitehead-comm. Randall Bell-police reserve John Green-" " James Hens1ey-sant. Edward Hornsby-police reserve Morris Dean Richards-fire drill Ronald Strosnider- " " Paul Solomon- fire drill Lawrence W. Fox-" " 4.00 33.73 112.25 105.48 93 .86 39.82 96.06 90.66 5.00 82.45 85.32 98.06 86.82 75.62 89.43 87.20 75.77 85.53 106.37 81.40 "3 0 ~ 72 10S.59 329.50 178.28 160.00 267.37 196.30 227.54 231.'67 213.10 15.02 204.61 174.25 177.40 61.89 7.62 191.44 180.30 175.76 44.55 168.30 179.20 179.20 179.20 47.40 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 17.06 17.06 84,12 17.06 50.24 36.02 26.54 26.54 I I K. ,:. (} ~'O: II ~~ Ray Ungaro-fire Drill G~ne C. Nob1es-" " Thomas G. Butler Douglas G. Jones-fire drill John D. . Woods " " Earl E. Barnette, Jr. " " Robert Windham- "" Stephen R. Enfinger fire drill Vernon D. Trowell "" Albert J. Holloway Michael Jernigan I1arry Walls Ronald T. Lewis Edward G. Loughlin police reserve '"Jack T. Vandergrift fire drill Timothy D. Jones II" " Byron Rhodes "" Memorial Bronz.- markers /Boogaarts-city party Florida Telephone Corp. W~ H. Wurst-addition of car Share Corp.- disinfectant W~ H. Wurst-bonding MRs. Ross Winter Garden Times-printing Pegrams Grocerytsupplies Dictaphone- office Jack Cocke and 60. Dixie Uniform Solid Waste Disposal William Watson Apperson Chemicals Atlantic Hoffman Equip. Hughes Supply Orlando Paving Co. Board of County Comm. Shand & Baker Adamson Cleaners-fire American Cryogenics Motorola Inc. Mike's Gun and Tackle-police Jones Equip. Motorola Inc. Share Corp.-Weed Control Johnson & Akins Henry Plumbing Co. Times Printing Service " n " " 26.54 26.54 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 375.00 107.53 45.75 104.00 73 .42 50.00 10.50 47.32 465.50 22.95 131.62 159.20 40.00 280.00 8.75 . S9S .33 996.49 41.04 315.19 3.85 4.20 47.00 116.34 95.00 41.75 " 468.85 48.30 8.50 12.50 I " " " " I Comm. Raymond Crawford made a motion to" accept the zoning board's reccommendation to annex with R-la Zoning Classification and Sewerage plant use, 44 acres on the corner of Adair and Wurst Rd. Comm. Carter seconded the motion. Motion carried by a YES vote from Comm. ~arter, Whitehead, Crawford, Turner. No ~s:- Comm. Crawford made motion to accept the zoning board reccommendation to annex the B. L. Adams property with the proper zoning of C-4. I I <I I Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion was carried by a YES vote from Comms.Carter, Crawford, Whitehead, Turner. No tfO" s. Comm. Whitehead made a motion for John Rhodes to draw up an ordinance to annex the B. L. Adams property with C-4 zoning and have public hearing May 2, 1972. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried by a YES vote from Comma. Ca~ter, Turner, Crawford, Whitehead. No NO's. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to give letter of intent to annex with the proper zoning to Ned Vick for the Hudson Property. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried by a YES vote from Comms. Turner, Crawford, Whitehead, Carter. No No's. Comm. Whitehead made motion to draw up an ordinance as re- ccommerided by the zoning board to change Ocoee Hills zoning from R1AA to RIA. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried by a YES mote from Comma. Turner, Carter, Crawford, Whitehead. No NO's. Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept Cliff Freeman's request to annex Parcel A and Parcel B property and draw up an ordinance for same. Motion was seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Motion carried by a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Crawford, Turner, Whitehead. No NO's. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to table Cliff Freeman's letter of request of annexation of Lake Lotta Property. Motion seconded by Comm. Crawford. Motion was carried by a ~ vote from Comms. Turner, Carter, Crawford, Whitehead. No No's. Com. Crawford. made a motion to draw up an ordinance for new subdivision regulations. Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion was carried by a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Whitehead, Turner, Crawford. No NO's. Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn the meeting as there was no further business to be brought before the council. ~otion was seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. ATTEST: 4~~ b~2YdA' ~ J l/--d/(J (() Ih--Zf: