HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1972 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JULY 6, 1972 PRESENT: Mayor Hubert W. Fox, Comms. Raymond Crawford, Jr. Frank Turner, Lewis Whitehead, John Carter ABSENT: NONE The meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7: 03 po. M. The minutes of the last r.egular meeting held June 20, 1972' were read. Mayor Fox asked that the min~tes pe amended to reflect that the voting on water connection motion would be taken again because mayor could only vote in case of tie. Comm. Crawford made motion to accept the amended minutes. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, 'Crawford, Whitehead, Carter. No NO'S-: FROM THE GENERAL FUND: R.D. Strosnider(blades for Rep. saw) Theordore Van Deventer(judge) . John H. .Rhodes, Jr.(lawyerJ First National Bank of Chicago(interest) Florida ,Power Corp. Florida.Te1ephone Corp. Clayton'V. Gi1bert(Mechanic) Otis G. .Smith(Water) James Czarnecke(water) J. I. Jernigan(sant) Earl Rodgers, Jr.(sant) Jerry W.. Hood ( sant ) James Earl Hall(sant) Jesse Bain(sant) Mike Wil'liams (sant ) Roy Stri~k1and(street) Oscar H.. Moore(street) Jesse Bruce(street) Jesse Bruce(vacation Pay} Chester Crawford(streetJ J. W. Hood(street) Freeman L. Moore(street) James E.. Picke1s(Rechanic) Rebecca H. Thigpin(lifeguard) George H. Horton(cemetery) Clark H.- Beery(Bldg. Insp.) Ray Q. Ungaro (lifeguard) Melvin Williams(ssnt) Ocoee Country Kitchen(prisoner's meals) Scott's Swim & Scuba(fire Dept.) H. M. Bowness(gas) Motorola-Inc.(police dept.) Barnette's Janitor Supplies Enge1's(po1ice) Jim's Equipment(police) A. Aayers-Speedometer-Air conditioning John J. Yatsko(Shell Station) Semino1e'County Sheriffs Emp. Benefit Fund Orlando GeneratorService Ind.(Police) W. H. Wurst Agency(Notary Seal) 9.50 100.00 200.00 _969.26 1, 563 .97 57.10 81.40 105.48 93 .86 39.82 102.46 76.82 82.42 - 84.12 81.75 99.54 86.8'2 75.62 151.24 87.20 77.87 85.53 106.37 67.74 30.72 101.39 74.82 98.20' 481.00 4.00' 861.63 47.00 72.00 3.00 5.55 215.50 6.16 12.00 63.00 31.74 Whites Auto Glass & Radiators(police)' Boogaarts(Police) Griffith Tire Co. (police) Johnson Auto and Ind. Supply(police) Bob's Auto Glass(youth Center} Board of County Commissioners Orange(zoning) Pitney- Bowes(office) F. & R. Office Supply Inc.(office) Howell Janitor Service Board of County Commissioners(signs) Ze1lwood Peat Co. (Recreation) Hood -Tractor Co. (street) Overland Hau1ing(street) Orlando Paving Co. (street) Shands & Baker(street) Pounds Motor Co. (street) George Stuart(repair Machine) Whites Auto Store Dixie Uniform & linen Supp. Solid Waste Disposal System Carse Oil Co. Americana LaFrance(fire dept.) . Lotts Concrete Products(recreation) American Cryogenics(fire dept.) Sonny's -Marine Center(fire dept.) Winter 'Garden Lumber Co. Inc. (recreation) Apperson Chemica1s(water) . Bray Hardware Co. Inc.(fire dept) Consolidated Elect. Supply(water) Hughes Supply(water) Badger Meter, Inc(Water) John B. Newsom Adamson Cleaners Bry-Tur, 'lnc. Kar Products, Inc. Chester Crawford(street) Woodrow Heath(water Dep. ref) Franks Enco (police) James T.'Vandergrift(fire Chief) James L.-Coschignano(fire dept) Rex Warr(fire dept.) Rupert J. Warr(fire dept) Otis G. Smith(water) James Czarnecke(water) Ray Q. Ungaro (lifeguard) J. I. Jernigan(sant) Jerry W.'Hood(sant) Terry L.'Chandler(sant) James E.'Hall(sant) Robert W; Chandler(sant) Mike Williams(sant) Joseph Hite(sant) Phillip Durham(sant) Raoy Strick1and(street) Oscar H._Moore(street) 111.05 7.30 29.00 65.09 8.69 199.09 . 30~00 6.25 93 .00 97.80 5.00 11.33. 290.56 68.81 190.39 12.45 50.20 1.60 196.82 160.00 6.89 ).0.60 11.50 4.20 122.22 . 85.97 255..75 5.64 54.86 806.87 91.91 136..40 6.60 70.50 71.71 122,80 5.25 8.00 168.30 177.80 177~80 177.80_ 103 .38 93 .86 74.32 39.82 78.99 17.06 85.89 89.59 84.72 18.96 63 .76 99.54 87.42 I I I I I I Helen M. Ross(assist; D. Clerk) J. W. Hood(street) Freeman L. Moore(street) James E. Picke1s(mechanic) Clayton V. Gilbert(mechanic) Rebecca H. Thigpin(lilaguard) Adron C1aunch(police) Leroy Turner(police chief) William S. Walker, Jr.(police) James D. Hood(police) John H. Boyd(police) John_R. Wood(police) Paul Armstrong(folice) . . Robert Humphr,ys police) . Ranelle u. H~rnsby(po1icewoman) George H..Horton(cemetery) Clark H. Beery(Bldg.Insp.) John L.- Vignetti(city manager) Peggy A. Scroggins(deputy clerk) Edward G. Loughlin(head dispatcher) Ethel Mills(dispatcher) Linda Watkins(dispatcher) Vaunita E. Babb(relief dispatcher) Centtal Florida Bi-Centenial) Melvin Wi1liams(sant) Edward G. Loughlin(Ju1y 4) ~~e1 Mil1s(July 4) ~ L1nda Watkins(July 4) 171.48 77.37 85.13 105.97 81.40 66.74 266.37 305.10 226.54 230.07 211.50 204.61 182.20 179.11. 78.74 30.72. 100.99 331.20 180.98 190.44 178.90 174.16 41.65 100.00 102.26 16.61 15.85 16.85 I I Robert McQuil1en(represe~ting Florida Telephone Corp.) came before City Co~ission ~th the new licensing agreement. Comm. Crawford made motion toaaccept th~ Florida Telephone Agreement. Comm. Turner seconded the motion. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Turner, Whitehead, Crawford. No NO's. Agreement .was signed and sealed with Ocoee Seal. Mr. Maltby came before the board representing citizens from Lake- wood Hills inquiring abo~t the &ewerage plant thought to be going up near Lake Moxie. He requested that the City Commission study it carefully before ~etting it go near the lake. . . Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept new Building Permit reg- ulations with the stipulation that any man operating under the grandfather clause would be able to get a license in the coming year. After thorough discussion, Comm. Crawford withdrew the motion. Comm. Carter made a motio~ t~ accept the building permit regulation as Jrritten and have them drawn up in an ordinance. Motion was. seconded by Comm. Turner. -Comm. Carte~, Turner voted YES. Comms. Crawford, Whiteheaa voted!2-. Mayor Fo! stepped down-a5 chairman to vote YES, breaking the tie and carrying the motion by three votes to-,wo. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to accept annexation request with C-3 zoning on Hudson-Vaughan Tract recommended by the Zoning Board, and have ordinance drawn up to reflect same. Motion was ~econded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried by YES vote from Comm. Carter, Whitehead, Turner, Crawford. No Nors- . -. Zoning Board sent letter of recommendation to go ahead with a high-rise water tower on the hill.City commission told Mr. Vignetti to contact Chic_go Iron Works to come out and discuss this matter with the City Commission. Zoning Board had a letter of recommendation on Rex Warr's request to build Boy Scout Building on his mother's property. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to deny this request and build the Boy Scout a building on ~ity property . Motion was seconded by Comm. Crawford. Comms. Crawford, Whitehead, Carter, Turner carried the motion unanimously. No~. Comm. e~~d:made motion to purchase William-Pool~~~c~ . Comm. ~,s}~~onded th9,'JP..otion. Comms. Turneltil Whi~~oted NO, CommSC:t;~rter, C~~~'C[ es. Mayor Fox asked that it be tabled for two,weeks for further study before he stepped down to vote. Commi.Whitehead made a motion to table motion.o Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion was carried by ~ vote from Comms. Whitehead, Carter, Crawford, Turner. No NO's. - \ \ The City Commission asked the city manager and the fire chief to negotiate with Windermere to raise the price of their fire protection for,the coming year. The matter was to be 'discussed with the Windermere Council before they began their budget for the next fiscal year. ' There was a final reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. 561 to-wit: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY INTO THE MUNCIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AND ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF SUCH PROPERTY. Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept the ordinanoe. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, Crawford, Whitehead and Carter. No EnTs . ' There was a final reading and public hearing-on Ordinance No. 562 to-wit: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY INTO THE MUNIClPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AND ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF SUCH PROPERTY. Comm. Carter made a motion to accept said ordinance. Motion was seconded by Comm. Crawford and motion was carried -with a X!2 vote from Comms. Carter, Crawford, Turner, Whitehead. No NO's. Because the procedUre of voting on the water connection fee motion of the last regular meeting could be considered illegal, a new motion was needed. Comm. Crawford made a motion to increase water connection fees for single family residences to $250.00. Motion was seconded' by Comm. Carter. Mc~ion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Crawford, Tur.ner, Carter. Comm. Whitehead voted !2-. ' ! " Bill Breeze asked for a letter of intent from City Commission to zone Bernard Property from A-1 to R-3. Comm. Crawford suggested he file petition for public hearing before the zoning board on the zoning change. Comm. Whitehead made- a motion to draw up an ordinance requiring builders to put proper pans in showers(copper or leadf to prevent damage to homes from leaMage. Motion was seconded by Comm. I I I I I I Carter. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter Whitehead, Crawford, Turner. No NO's. Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn there being no further business to be brought before the City Commission. Motion was seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Motion was carried with a I!2- vote from Comms. Carter, Turner, Crawford, Whitehead. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P. M. ATTEST: ~o ii. (l d>-Yt Ib Y- 0Y1 n:g CL RK . /14 lJ 60F OeOEE AMENDMENT TO MINUTES : Comm. Carter made motion to purchase William-Poole land. Comm. Whitehead seconded the motion. Comms. Turner, Crawford voted N~. Comms. Whitehead, Carter Voted YES . Mayor Fox asked that it be tabled for two weeks for further study before he stepped down to vote. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to table motion. Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion was carried by YES vote from Comma. Whitehead, Carter, Crawford, Turner.