HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-1972 ".t I ~ ~l,.. h l n~i.l ~ ~ I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOE~, -FLORIDA HELD :AUGUST 15, 1972 PRESENT: Mayor Hubert W. Fox, Comms. 'Frank Turner,' Lewis White- head, R~ymond Crawford, Jr, John W. Carter ABSENT: NONE The meeting of the City Commission was called to o~der ~y Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. 'The minutes of the last regular meeting held August 1, 1972 were read. Comm. Crawford made a motipn to accept the minutes as read. Motion was seconded by Comm. ,Whitehead. Motion was carried- with a YES Vote from Comms. Carter, Whitehead, Turner, Crawford. - No NO's. . - FROM THE GENERAL FUND: William Watson-re-wiring pump Ranel1e U. Hornsby-policewoman Edward G. Loughlin-dispatcher John L. Vignetti-city manager Peggy A. Scroggins-deputy clerk Helen M. Ross-Assist. D. Clerk Adron Claunch-police Leroy Turner~police chief William S. Walker, Jr.-police James D. Hood-police John H. Boyd~police Paul Armstrong-PQlice Robert Humphrys-police Ethel Mills-dispatcher Linda Watkins-dispatcher Shirley Walker-relief dispatcher James T. Vandergrift-fire chief James L. Coschignano-fireman Rex Warr-fireman JOhn Lindsay~fireman John Ray Wood-police David E. Cohen-water dep. ref. John Helton-water dep. ref. June Whigham~water d~p. ref. David Barrett-water dep. ref. Elbert E. Westbrooks-water dep. ref. Harold Cooper-water dep. ref. Robert Jocoy~water dep. ref. Donald Henke~water Dep. ref. Dougleas McCrummen-water dep. ref. . Randall Bell~police reserve Helen M. Ross-assist. D. Clerk Florida Power Corp. Bank of West 'Orange-C. D. Bonds Sam 01i ver-wa'ter James Czarnecke-water J. I. Jernigan-sant. Otis G. Smith-water Otis Hens1ey-sant. Harry Hensley-sant. 25.00 96.64 190.44 J 31.20 180.98 171./t8 266.37 305 .10 226.54 230.07 211.50 182.20 179.11 178.90 174.16 41.65 166.70 177.80 177.80 183 .06 332.88 4.70 1.+.97 4.42 5.25 5.25 10.00 4..50 10.00 5.25 18.96 140.46 1800.89 30,000.00 112.25 97.80 39.82 206.76 88.56 77.62 ,II IY Ij!; ";J~~" Lonnie Carter-sante Robert'Chandler-sant. ~tike Wil1iams-sant. JQseph Hite-sant. PHillip L. Durham-sant. Roy: Strickland-street . Dorsen Strick1and-s~reet Richard Chandler-stree~ Jesse Bruce-street Melvin Williams-sante Freeman L. Moore-street Benson L. Roberts-street James E. Picke1s-mechanic Clayton V. Gilbert-mechanic Rebecca Barnoske-1ifeguard Clark H. Beery-bldg. insp. Ray Q. Ungaro-lifeguard George H. Horton-cemetery James E. Elmore-water Adron Claunch-police Leroy Turner~po1ice William S. Walker, Jr.-police James D. Hood-police John H. ~oyd-police John R. Wood-police Paul Armstrong-police Robert Humphrys-police Jerry W. Hood-sant. Oscar H. Moore-street Phillip Durham-sant. U. S. Post Office-police stamps Hubert W. Fox-mayor Chief Bozett-subpoena Sam Oliver-water Otis G. Smith-water James Czarnecke-water James E. Elmore-water J. I. Jernigan-sant. Otis Hensley-sant. Harry Hens1ey-sant. Lonnie Carter-sante Mike Williams-sante Joseph Hite-sant. Phillip L. Durham-sant. Roy Strickand-street Mark L. Phillips-street Oscar H. Moore-stFeet Dorsen Strickland-street Richard Chandler-street Jesse Bruce-street Melvin Wil1iams-sant. Freeman L. Moore-street William F. Hood-street Benson L. Roberts-street James E. Pickels-mechanic Clayton V. Gilbert-mechanic Rebecca Barnoski-1ifeguard George H. HRrton-cemetery Clark H. Beery - Bldg. Insp. 68.20 93.40 84.72 39.82 77.37 99.44 61.37 77.69 75.62 102.66 85.13 81.29 105.97 81.40 66.74 100.99 74.32 30.72 71.22 23 .70 23 .70' 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 23 ~ 70 59.81' 87.42 5.00 8.00 7.70 3.00 112.25 103.38 97.80 71.22 39.82 8S.56 77.62 78.20 84.72 39.82 80.93 99.44 66.27 87.42 77.69 64.27 75.62 102.66 85 .13 77.69 81.29 105.97 81.40 66.74 . 30.72 100.99 I I .., I 1'111: III it I i I .1' , I I I Hoyt P. Ungaro-lifeguard Robert W. Chandler-sante Joseph Burns-fireworks Mark L. Phillips-street Randall Bell-reserve police John L. Vignetti-city manager Peggy A. Scroggins-deputy clerk Adron Claunch-police Leroy Turner-police chief William S. Walker, Jr.-police J~es D. Hood-police . , JUXln H. Boyd-police Paul Armstrong-police Robert Humphrys-police Rane11e U., Hornsby-policewoman Edward G. Loughlin-dispatcher Edward G. Loughlin-police reserve Ethel Mi11s-dispatcherC Linda Watkins-dispatcher Shir1y Walker-dispatcher James T. Vandergrift-fire chief James L. Coschignano-fireman Rex Warr-fireman John Lindsey-fireman Hubert W. Fox-mayor Raymond Crawford, Jr. Frank W. Turner Lewis Whitehead Morris D. Richards-fire drill Ronald D. Strosnider-fire drill Paul Solomon-fire drill Gene Nobles-fire drill Lawrence W. Fox-fire drill Thomas Butler-fire drill Douglas Jones-fire drill John D. Woods-fire drill Wayne Baughn-fire drill Earl Barnette, Jr.-fire drill Robert Windham-fire drill Stephen R. Enfinger-fire drill Wernon Trowell-fire drill . Larry Walls-fire drill Jack T. Vandergrift-fire drill Timothy Jones-fire drill Byron Rhodes-fire drill Hollis Dean-fire drill Donnie.Aycock-fire drill John Carter Emergency Medical Tech. David A. Harris- police reserve Mike Jernigan-police reserve . 71.22 78.14 3 25 .00 17.92 28.91 331.20 180.98 286.87 3 20 .00 244.64 247.48 230.40 201.10 208'.26 46.17 190.44 26.54 178.90 174.16 142.28 166.70 177.80 177.80' 183 .06 47.40 23 .70 23 .70 23 .70 50.24 36.02 26.'54 26.54- 26.54 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 23 .70 130 .00 17.06 21.80 There was a fin~l readinz and public readi~g on Ordinance No. 566 to-wit: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN.PROPERTY INTO MUNCIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AND ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF SUCH PROPERTY. Comm. Crawford made a motion to. accept the ordinance. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Turner, Crawford, Whitehead. No NO's. . , i.~:b !1!t~tgUij~II;L!1 There was a discussion on Ordinance No. 568- requesting a zoning change for Orange Properties, Inc. from A-I to R-1A. Comm. Crawford made a motion to table this ordinance until further study I could be made on zoning change problem. This was to be brought back up at Sept. 5 meeting. Motion was seconded py Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, Carter, Whitehead, Crawford~ No NO's . Letter of intent was reccommended by the Planing and Zoning Board to 1!e~:aGna,.,.Bernar.d .~operty from A-l to R-3 for apartments. Qomm. Turner made a motion to grant the letter of intent to Mr~. Breeze, representatiye for Bernard for re-zoning to R-3. Motion was seconded by Comm.. Whitehead. Motion was carried with a ~ vote from Comms. Whi~ehead, Turner, Crawford. Comm. Carter sustained from voting. Mayor Hubert W. Fox proposed to the council that a repreaentative should be present at next meeting to discuss CATV, bond re-uewal. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to have CATU representation at Sept. 5 meeting. Motion was seconded by Comm. Crawford. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Whitehead, Turner, Crawford. No NO's. There was a discussion with Jack Spradley about the street paving of his project on Hill Ave. John Rhodes told the council that any assessment has to be.done by the city, not an individual. Bids for the Air-con4itioning of the youth center were opened. I Bids from Comfort Control, All-Weather, L. M. Zeigler .were given to cOmmission. Comm~ Turner made a motion to accept the low bid of $3024.95 from L. M. Zeigler. Motion was seconded by Comm. Crawford. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Crawford, Turner, Whitehead, C~rter. No~. Roger Sargent and Johp Carter, Jr. came before the commission requesting that the commission think about the problem of activities for the young people pf Ocoee. John Vignetti. told them that a dance was planned for Friday night. Comm. Crawford suggested that parents, young people and commission get together for a meeting at the Youth Center Wednesday Aug., 23 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Fox thanked the young people for voicing their opinion to the commission.. City manage~ John. Vignetti ga~e the quarterly report to the commission. Comm. Crawford made a.motion ~o purchase $30,000 in C. D. Bonds. Motion was seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Whitehead, Carter, Whawford, .Turner. No ~ . Chief Vandergrift ope~ed the bids on the ,fire truck for the City of Ocoee and asked the D. Clerk to record them in the minutes. 1- American LaFrance - 145,692.00 2-Jack Cocke& Co. - 47,417.46 3-John Bean FMC - 50,882.80 . 60,948.80 4y American Fire Apparatus- $51,807.80 Comm. "Turner made a motion to have the City manager and Fire chief go over the ,bids and make sure they meet the specifications and I \"" t ," ! I '. I I report back to commission. Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Whitehead, Crawford, Turner. No~. Mayor Fox said that the City Commission needed a work session befoee any decision was made. Comm. Crawford made motion to turn over to John Rhodes job of getting letter requesting annexing Ocoee-Hi11s Rd. to Canter St. prepared and sent to County, so that people who have letter of . annexation requests on file can be annexed into the City of Ocoee. Motion was seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Motion was carrried with a YES vote fcom Comms. \Yhitehead, Turner, Carter, Crawford. NH NO's. . Bay Street was discussed but residents would have to be sent letters because majority is out of city before any action could be taken on annexing. There was a discussion on land proposals from the commissioners for possible purchasing by the City. There being no further business to discuss, Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn the Commission Meeting. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, Carter, Whitehead, Crawford. Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ATTEST: /hILto~ i~ DEPUTY CLERK