HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-1972 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEEj FLORIDA HELD SEPTEMBER 5, 1972 PRESENT: Mayor Hubert W. Fox " ,Comms. Frank Turner, Lewis Whitehead~ Raymond Crawf~~~ None .- ABSENT: The meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last ~egular meeting held August 15, 1972 and the special meeting held August 21, 1972 were read. Comm. Crawford .made a motion to accept .the minutes as read. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, Q~~~', Whitehead, Crawford. Comm. Crawford made a motion to pay all bills in order. Motion was secondeg"Ry"Rpmm. Whitehead. Motion carried with a YES vote from Commsn~, Turner,. Whitehead, Crawford. No NO's . FROM THE GENERAL FUND:- Hoyt Ungaro Sam Oliver Otis G. Smith James Czarnecke James E. Elmore, J. I. Jernigan' Otis Hensley Harry Hensley Lonnie Carter Eldon E. Gale Mike Williams Joseph Hite Phillip L. Durham Roy St ri ck1and . Oscar H. Moore . Dorsen Strickland Jesse Bruce Melvin Williams. Freeman L. Moore William F. Hood. Benson L. Roberts James E. Picke1s Clayton V. Gilbert Rebecca Barnoske George H. Horton Clark H. Beery . James O. Hensley Fred.Pettingil1- John H. Rhodes . Theodore Van Deventer Danny Richardson James U. Burney. Florida Power Corp. Florida Telephone William Watson . Carns Concrete Pipe Co. The Bray Hardware Co. Barnette's Janitor Supplies 71.22 112.25 103 .38 97.80 71.22 39.82 88.56 77.62 78.20 71.22 84.72 39.82 80.93 99.44 87.42 77.69 75.62 102.66 85 .13 77.69 81.29 215.86 90.08 66.74 30.72 100.99 89.59 3.00 200.00 100.00 3.00 .50 1736.25 117.65 45.00 66.12 62.26 166.00 Liquid Air Inc. Pounds Motor Co. Inc. Melvin D. Maddox Jack Cocke and Co. Inc. Comfort Control Engel's . Orlando Paving Solid Waste Disposal Radio Shack Carse Oil Inc. Consolidated Chemical Corp. Southeastern SupJly Kar Products Inc. John B. Newsom West Orange Lumber Jim's OEquipme~t Co. Times Printing Service H. M. Bowness Orlando Generator Jones Service Station Pitney-Bowes Frank's Enco W. H. Wurst Agency Aamco Transmissions Goodyear Servic~ Stores Mordern Station~ry Inc. Howell Janitor Service Saxon Business Products Craw~or.d Tire S~rvice Whites Auto Store Consolidated E1~ctric Supply Hughes Supply Badger Meter, Ipc. Johnson Automotive and Ind. Apperson Chemicals Winter Garden Lumber Co. Florida Metal Craft, Inc. Approved Fire Equip. Sam Oliver Otis G. Smith James Czarnecke James E. Elmore J. I. Jernigan Otis Hensley Harry Hensley Eldon E. Gale Mike Williams Joseph Hite Phillip L. Durham Roy Strickand 0 Oscar H. Moore Dorsen Strickland Jesse Bruce ' Melvin Williams Freeman L. Moore William F. Hood Banson L. Roberts Clayton v. Gilb~rt 40.00 50.41 26.51 9.E30 10.00 88.60 26.64 170.00 172.32 24.20 18.75 17.87 203 .23 100.65 92.30 97.00 21.00 836 . 80 76.85 13 .50 68.00 8.21 1893.36 165.00 217.36 43 .40 93.00 63 .50 473.72 6.65 33.81 450.80 82.44 28.50 241.50 9.60 5.08 3.80 112.25 103.38 97.80 63.84 39.82 88.56 77.62 71.22 84.72 39.82 80.93 99.44 87.42 77.69 75.62 102.66 85.13 77.69 81.29 90.08 I I I I George H. Horton Clark H. Beery Hoyt Ungaro Lonnie Carter James Hensley David P. Barron Ocoee High School Band Phillip L. Durham Jerry Hughes Benson L. Roberts Prudential Insurance Co. U. S. Post Office Benson L. Roberts Roy Strickland Sam Oliver Otis H. Smith Hames O. Hensley James E. Elmore J.I; Jernigan Otis Hensley Harry Hensley Joseph Hite Howard Roberts Buster J. Smith Oscar H. Moore Dorsen Strickland Jesse Bruce Melvin Williams Freeman L. Moore William F. Hood James E. Pickels Clayton V. Gilbert George H. Horton Clark H. Beery John L. Vignetti Peggy A. Scroggins Joyce Ann Compton- Leroy Turner William S. Walker, ,Jr. James D. Hood John H. Boyd Paul Armstrong Edward G. Loughlin Ethel Mills Linda Watkins Shirley Walker Robert Humphrys Rane11e U. Hornsby James T. Vandergrift James L. Coschignano Rex Warr John Lindsey James Cxarnecke Mike Williams Banlt:'.'of West Orange Pine Hills Automotive 30.72 100.99 30 .43 57.11 89.59 17.06 25.00 46.37 3.00 10.00 1697.34 1.10 81.29 99.44 112.25 103.38 89.59 72.72 49.77 88.56 77.62 49.77 3 4 .13 82.12 87.42 77.69 75.62 102.66 85.13 77.69 105.97 90.08 30.72 106.99 331.20 180.98 83 .72 311.95 23 5 .19 23 8 .03 221.75 192.45 207.05 194.75 1')0.01 67.18 199.61 84.62 166.70 177.80 177 . 80 . 183 .06 97.80 84.72 2031 .00 416.17 I I A. P. Clark Motors YMCA 21.51 400.00 I Rick Michaels- T. M. Communications- came before the City Commission to explain the bond renewal and to give a progress report on T. M. Communications. He informed the Commission that they were going to merge with Tele-Promp Ter. Comm. Crawford made a motion to table the merger situation until further study. Motion seconded by Comm. Whitehead. ~oti~n carried with a YES vote from Comms. Whi~ehead, Crawford and~~~ Comm. Turner voted~. Mayor Fox informed Rick MichaEls that they would have something for him at the next meeting. The Planning and Zoning Board made a recommendation to annex and rezone Lake Lotta property adjacent to land all ready annexed by Cliff Freeman. Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept the re- commendation from the Planning and Zoning Board and have publi~ hearing on Ordinance September 19, 1972. Motion was seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. ~, Whitehead, Turner, Crawford. No~. Kent Tyus Developers brought two more plats to be approved of by City Commission for Sleepy Harbour. He took the water engineering plans to Walter Kuhrt for approval. Comm. Crawford asked Kent Tyus about the 5% recreation donation developers have to make of their land. Mr. Tyus said that approval was made for all phases by a I former Commission, without the 5% request. After a further dis- cussion, Mayor Fox said that a special meeting could be arranged to make final decision about the 5% recreational donation. Jack Spradley asked the City Commission what decison had been made for street developing on.Hil1 Ave. Comm. Crawford made a motion to have the City of Ocoee come up with three bids for street paving on Hill Ave. including Miami curbing, and lowest bid would be accepted so W. H. Wurst would have an idea of the price. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion.was carried with a ~ vote from Comm~. Turner, ~, Whitehead, Crawford. No NO's. . Comm. Crawford made a motion to donate. $400.00 to the PeeWee Football League of Ocoee. Motion.was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, W##,~#, Whitehead, Craw- ford. No NO's.--check to be given to Bruce Goodson and made out to YMCA. ---- Citizen's Committee asked about a field for the Senior League Ball Team. Comm. Crawford said that the City Commission had several discussions on the William-Poole Property. Comm. Crawford asked Cliff Freeman about the Ellis Property. Mr. Freeman said that the land on A. D. Mims Rd. was more suited for this type of program and would check into asking the owners for a dedication of some land for the Senior League. . Mayor Fox proposed to the. City Commission to decide something about the William-Poole Property so that the Realtor Bill Breeze could go ahead with negotiations with other people about this property. It was a~reeable to all the City Commission with the except10n of Comm. Wh~tehead. I I Final reading on Ordinance No. 567 to-wit: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN AREA WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. Zoning to be changed from A-2 to R-3. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to accept the ordinance on the zoning change. Comrn. Crawford seconded the motion. Motion was carried with a ~ vote from Comms. ~~~, Turner, Whitehead, Crawford. No NO's. A representative from the Sleepy Harbour area asked changes for Orange Properties and Barnard Property. told them that they would have a chance to protest reading on Sept. 19, 1972. First Reading on Ordinance to Change Bernard Property zoning fr.om A-l to R-3. Final reading September 19. about the zoning Mayor Fox at the final First Reading on Ordinance to change zoning of Orange Properties, Inc. from A-l to R-IA. Final reading Septmmber 19. First reading on Building Ordinances amending Ordinance No. 497, 498, 499. There was a discussion on the Administrative Leave of Absence of Lt. Adron Claunch. Comm. Turner commended the Fireflies for the good work they did on the Labor Day Festivities. I Mayor Fox said that a special thanks was due to Carl Beavy for the chickens he fixed for Labor Day, and to Newy Breland for the Ferry Boa't. Mr. Vignetti told the CityCommission that a work session was needed to work on the budget for the new fiscal year. The work session was set for Wednesday September 13, at 7:30 P.M. There being no further business to discuss, Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn the City Commission Meeting. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner Crawford, ~,Whitehead. Meet~ng adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ATTEST: ~ 4tP""'J7tO'- DEP CLE ' J~/~ ~EE Minutes amended to reflect that Comm. John Carter was not present at the Commission meeting of September 5, 1972 I