HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-1972 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY CO~IISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD OCTOBER 3, 1972 PRESENT: MA10R HUBERT W. FOX, CO~~. JOHN CARTER, LEWIS vlliITEHEAD, FRANK TURNER, RAYMOND CRAWFORD, JR. NONE ABSENT: The meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the regular meeting held September 19, -1972 were read. Comm. Carter asked that the minutes be amended to reflect that the $25.00 deposit for the Youth Center was not to be returned until the Center was cleaned, instead of upon return of key. Comm. Turner made a motion to accept the amended minutes. Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion carried. with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Turner, vlliitehead, Crawford. ~NO's. The minutes of the Special meeting held September 27, 1972 were read. Comm. Carter made a motion to accept the. minutes as read. Seconded by Comm. vlliitehead and carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Whitehead, Turner and Crawford:--No NO's. Comm. Whitehead made a motion to pay all bills in order. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, ~hitehead, Turner, Crawford. No NO's. . FROM THE GENERAL FUND: Randall Bell- police physical Tommy Ritten-subpoena Florida Telephone John Rhodes-attorney Theordore Van Deventer-judge L. M. Zeigler-youth center air- conditioning Southern Truck Equip.-police 134.50 Bry-Tur, Inc.-shop 16.20 Johnson and Akins-fire dept. 24.95 Bowness Service-gasoline 734.87. Pine Hills Automotive 295.47 Al Ewing Ford-water dept. 82.15 Metts .Auto Wrecking-police dept. 4.00 B. H. Sales Inc.-water dept. 558.00 Carse Oil Company. 1).65 Bennetts Truck Equip. -street 55.80 Johnson Automotive 86.74 Motorola Inc. 47~00. The Bray Hardware Co. 55.25 Winter Garden, Lumber-recreation 68.64 Vermeer Southeast Sales-water dept. 17.32 Apperson Chemicals-water dept. 189.00 Sam Oliver-water dept. 112.25 Otis.G. Smith-water dept. 103.38 JameS Czarnecke-water dept. 97.80 JameS E. Elmore-water dept. .71.22 J. I: Jernigan-sant. 39.82 Otis.Hensley-sant. 88.56 Harry Hensley-sant. 77.37 Gary L. Smith-sante 77.62 10.00 3.00 43 .69 200.00 100.00 ),024.94 ...- - -....- _. -!Io_~ ---~ Mike Williams-sante Buster J. Smith-sante Oscar H. Moore-street Randy Fischer-street Dorsen Strickland~street Jesse Bruce-street Melvin Wil1iams-sant. Freeman L. Moore-street William F. Hood-street James Picke1s-mechanic Clayton V. Gilbert-mechanic George H. Horton-cemetery Clark H. Beery-bldg. Insp. Badger Meter, Inc.-meters Hughes Supply-water dept. Orlando Paving Co.-street Caldwell Mower Sales Approved Fire Equip. Glenn Joiner and Son-fire dept. Goodyear Service Stores Valbro Business Forms Engels-fire dept. Franks Enco Service Aamco Transmissions Rogers Sunoco-police dept; Boogaarts-police dept. Times Printing-police dept. Barnettes Janitor Supply Kar Products Solid Waste Disposal-sant. Hydraulic Supply-sante Howell Bros. Janitor Webb's Pharmacy Saxon Business Products, Inc. Jeans Florist R. L. Polk and Co. Roy Strickland-street Birmingham Letterhead - Pegrams Grocery George Stuart, Inc. F. And R. Office Supply Pitney-Bowes Whites Auto Store Crawford Tire Service Prudential Ins.'Co. Kustom Signals, Inc. Robert Humphreys- Adron C1aun~h-sick days J. I; Jernigan-sant. First National Bank of-We Sam Oliver-water dept. Joyce Ann Compton-assist.clerk Peggy A. Scroggins-d. clerk Clark H. Beery-bldg. insp. Otis ,G. Smith- water dept. James Czarnecke-water dept. James E. Elmore-water dept. Otis,G. Hensley-sant. Harry Hens1ey-sant. Gary L. Smith-sante 84.72 85.89 87.42 46.45 77.69 75.62 102.66 85 .13 77.69 105.97 90.08 30.72 106.99 1,889.70 590.80 12.24 456.00 9.25 151.30 115.92 3 5 .13 93 . 58 9.30 130.00 3.50 1~10 32.40 20.10 73 . 55 152.00 15.46 93 .00 1.04 63 .50 7.00 59.00 99.44 41.54 26.93 _ 7.27 19.75 30.00 23 .11 126.42 1 ,3 42 .05 1,154.28 20.00 274.14 39.82 G.-chairs 40.00 112.25 165.66 180.98 106.99 103.38 97.80 -71.22 88.56 ' 77.37 77.62 I I I I ~I I , ... '" \ J. #OJ , ,; . l . . -I Mike Williams-sant. Bobby H. Taylor-sant. Buster J. Smith-sante Roy Strickland-street Oscar H. Moore-street Dorsen Strickland-street Jesse Bruce-street Melvin Williams-sante Freeman L. Moore-street William F. Hood-street Coy L. Windham-street James E. Pickels-mechanic Clayton V. Gilbert-mechanic George H. Horton -cemetery John L. Vignetti-city manager Leroy Turner-police William S. Walker, Jr.-police James D. Hood-police John H. Boyd-police Paul. Armstrong-police Robert Humphreys-police Bank of West Onnge-C. D. Bonds Edward G. Loughlin-dispatcher Ethel Mills-dispatcher Linda, Watkins-dispatcher Shirley Walker-dispatcher James T. Vandergrift-fire James L. Coschignano-fire Rex Warr-fire Thomas G. Butler-fire Buster J. Smith-sante Randy Fischer-street Ranaall Bell-police Bank of West Orange-Withholding tax Oasi Contribution Fund(S. S.) Social Security Tax There was a final reading and public hearing on' Ordinance N~. 574 (R. G. Amick),to-wit: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY INTO THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AND ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF SUCH PROPERTY. There being no objections to this ordinance, Comm. Crawford made a motion to accept ordinance. Motion was seconded by Comm. Carter. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Whitehead, Wrawford, Turner. No~. 84.72 84.12 31.85 99.44 87.42 77.69 75.62 102.66 85 .13 77.69 9.95 105.97 90.08 30.72 331.20 311.95 235.19 238.03 221.75 192.45 179.61 30,000.00 190.44 178.90 174.16 92.31 166.70 177.80 177.80 196.96 17.92 74.69 179.10 1,924.30 6,248.74 There was an annexation request from Mr. Boggan. City Attorney John Rhodes said that it was not feasible since it was not adjacent to city property. Comm. vfuitehead made a motion to table this request until further study. Motion was seconded by Comm. Crawford. Motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Carter, \Vhitehead, Crawford, Turner. No NO's--: Jim Gladen brought the plans for the apartments on Reese Property and presented them to the Commission. Mayor Fox asked City ~~nager to check the set backs and specifications on the plans before~.~v any actlon is to be taken. J , ,,1 ~.~ .~ ~. " . , The Oity Manager asked the Commission what their feelings were on/putting the group insurance out for bids. Comm. Crawford suggested that we get bids from different insurance companies to see how they.come up on prices. Commission agreed to put the insurance out for bids and asked the city manager to contact the insurance companies. .... .. ( ~ The City Manager presented the budget for 1972-73. Comm. Crawford made a ,motion to accept the budget. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with a ~ vote from Comms. Turner, Crawford and Carter. Comm. Whitehead voted NO . Comm. Crawford made a motion to get plans started on the water tank for the hill and get bids on it. Motion was seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried/With a YES vote from Comms. Carter, Turner, Whitehead, Crawford. ~myor Fox asked the City Manager to set up meeting with Farmers Home Admmns. and start getting plans for water tank and Lurn it ove~ to the City Engineer. Comm. Crawford asked Ed Brooklyn of the Planning and Zoning Board what was done with the A. .D. Mims Development. Mr. Brooklyn said that the Board s.ent the developers back for more detail plans on sewerage and zoning of the property. There being no further business to discuss, Comm. Crawford made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded-by Comm. Turner. Motion was carried with. a Y~ vote from Comms. Carter, Whitehead, Turner, Crawford. Meeting of the City Commission adjourned at $:40 P.M. ATTEST: D. CLERK I'; I I