HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-1972 I I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY CO~WISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD NOVEMBER 21, 1972 . PRESENT: Mayor Hubert W. Fox, Comms. Frank Turner, Robert Lyle Carmon Hamby, O. David Harper ABSENT: NONE The meeting of-the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting held November 7, 1972 and the minutes of special meeting held November 8, 1972 were read. Comm. Harper made a motion to accept the minutes as read and the motion was seconded by Comm. Hamby. The motion was carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, Hamby, Harper, Lyle. No NO's. FROM THE GENERAL FUND: James McWaters-water dep. ref. Frank's Enco-police repair Bank of West Orange-with-holding tax James Coschignano-fire trk. Prudential Ins. Co.-dep. and emp. ins. Sam Oliver-water Otis G. Smith-water James Czarnecke-water James E. -Elmore-water Otis Hensley-sant. Harry Hensley-sant. Gary L. Smith-sante Mike Williams-sante Bobby H. ~aylor-sant. Buster J~ Smith-sante Roy Strickland-street Oscar H. Moore-street Randy Fischer-street Dorsen Strickland-street Jesse Bruce-sant. Melvin Wi~liams-sant. Donny Campbell-street Billy Roberts-street James E. Pickels-mechanic Clayton V. Gilbert-mechanic George H. Horton-cemetery Clark H. Beery-bldg. insp. Linda Watkins-dispatcher Mrs. James B. Clay-water dep. ref. Clayton V. Gilbert-water trk. insp. John L. Vignetti-city manager Peggy A. Scroggins-deputy clerk Joyce Ann Compton-assist. d. clerk Leroy Turner-police chief William S. Walker, Jr.-police Jesse Thompson-police Stephen Palacios, Sr.-police Larry Dodson-police John H. Boyd-police Paul Armstrong-police Robert Humphreys-police Randall Bell-police 4.97 80 . 75' 1 , 83 5 .3 0 3.00 1,499.99 117.23 108.12 101.59 83 .00 90.06 84.55 84.55 84.72 90.55 93 .22 99.71 91.26 81.62 84.72 87.41 107.04 88.62 84.72 111.46 93 . 97 3 2 . 23 118.50 182.22 5.42 10.00 331.20 206.10 173 .86 325.90 245.63 206.10 211.10 206.10 23 1 . 05 223 .37 23 0 . 23 201.00 Lawrence W. Fox-police Edward G. Loughlin-dispatcher Edward G. Loughlin-polcie reserve Ethel Mills-dispatcher : Mike Jernigan-dispatcher Barbara Jefferies-dispatcher James T. Vandergrift-fire chief James L. Coschignano-fire Rex Warr-fire Thomas G. Butler-fire Hubert W. Fox-mayor Robert H. Lyle-commissioner Carmon Hamby-co~issioner O. David Harper-commi,ssioner Frank W. Turner-commissioner John Green- police reserve Morris D. Richards-fire Ronald Strosnider-fire Paul Solomon-fire James R. .Meeks-fire Ray Ungarq-fire Gene Noblgs-fire Douglas Jones-fire Dohn D. Woods-fire Wayne Va~ghn-fire Earl Barnette-fire Robert Windham-fire Stephen ~nfinger-fire Vernon D. Trowell-fire Larry Walls-fire Jack T. Vandergrift-fire Timothy ~ones-fire Byron Rhodes-fire Hollis Dean~fire Donnie Aycdck-fire John Lindsey-fire Tommy Titten-fire Ronnie Fogarty-fire Roy White-fire Billy Parnell-fire 202.96 206.42 21.80 186.76 145.20 95.56 174.28 201.00 201.00 222.66 142.20 94.80 "94.80 94.80 94.,80 21.80. . 80.58 36.02 26.54 26.54 26.54 26.54 17.06 :17.06 17.06 17.06 17.06 1-7-. Q6 17.06 17.06 32.23. 17.06 17.06 3 2 ..23 17.06 17.06 .17.0b. .17.06 17.06 81.23 I I Principal Bob Williams of Ocoee High School came before the Commission asking for a contrlbution toward a sprinkling system fOT the Football field. Comm. Harper asked the principal if he had contacted the county to help pay for the system and was told that he had. ~ob Williams informed them that. bids had been gott~n and. the lowest pid accepted. Comm. Harper made ~ motion to have the City Commission contact the County Commissioners with a formal letter in an endeavor to appeal to them for money to put the. sprinkling system in. The motion was seconded by Comm. ~amby and carried with a YES vote from. Comms. Hamby, Lyle, Harper, Turner. No NO's . Mrs. Otto Van Schaick asked for the Commission!s approval to have meetings in a hall in the City for an organizational truth lecture. I (Eckankar Soul Travel Organization) Mayor Fox said that he. could see no problems in approving her request and tpe Commissioners agreed with the mayor. I Rex Warr, Boy Scout Leader, came' before the Commission to discuss their progress on the building they are in the precess of con- structing. He requested a lease on the building when completed so that there would be no problem of being put out. Since there are some plans of connecting Bluford to Maguire Road the Commissioners felt that the property they had choserl for the Boy Scout Building was unfavorable. There were several suggestions of possible places to erect the building. The City Commission asked that Rex Warr investigate these possibilities and report back to the Commission. The Goodman Property Final plans were brought before the Commission for approval. . Walter Khurt said that since he was their engineer as well as the City Engineer that final approval of the engineering would be with the County Engineers. Comm. Turner made a motion to accept the final plans subject to a letter from the county engineer approving the drainage'pnd sewerage and a letter from the developers for assessment approval on road improvement over a 3 yr. period. The motion was seconded by Comm. Harper and carried with a YES vote from Comms. Harper, Hamby, Lyle, ~urner. No NO's. The developers were reminded of the 5% recreational agreement. Comm. Hamby made a motion to accept the tentative plans on the location, and design of the Wicker-Miller Property until further information is received. The motion was seconded by Comm. Harper and carried with a YES vote from Comms. Lyle, Harper, Hamby, Turner. No NO's. Attorney John Rhodes stated that he felt it was a rather dangerous act to vote on the Water Tank Purchase because it affects the finances of the City of Ocoee and could be considered invalid until the ruling on the elections is final.. Mayor Fox said that the past commission was aware of the urgency of the water tank and that the present commission was prepared to act on the matter. Comm. Turner made a motion to accept the services of the Chicago Iron and Bridge Works for the construction of the water tank. The motion was seconded by Comm. Lyle. Comm. Turner made a motion to amend the motion to be on the contention that they can get finance backing for the project. The motion was seconded by Comm. Lyle.. The motion to amend \vas carried with a YES vote from Comms. Turner, Lyle, Hamby, Harper.. No NO's. The original motion with the amendment was canried with a ~~~-vote from Comms. Turner, Hamby, Lyle, ,Harper. No NO's. Since there may be a conflict on the election Mayor Fox stepped down to vote YES on the motion. Cliff Freeman brought two mobile parks plans before the City Commission for final approval. Comm. Turner made a motion to give final approval on the plans. Motion was seconded by Comm. Harper and carried with a YES vote from Comms. Harper, Lyle, Hamby, Turner. No NO's. Comm. Harper made a motion to give Cliff Freeman a letter stating that the City of Ocoee would furnish water to the these projects. Motion was seconde.d ,by- .P.omm._ Turner and carried with a YES vote from Comms. Lyle, Hamby, Harper, Turner. No NO's. Comm. Hamby made a motion to put 8 mercury type lights on Rd. 439 I and Maguire Rd. to light the area. Motion was seconded by Comm. Harper and carried with a YES from Comms. Turner, Hamby, Lyle, Harper. No NO's . . I City Manager gave the Commission general i~formation on several subjects: Architects going ahead with plans on city hall, ,A~ditor I will be here the 1st of December, good reccommendat10n on Ja11 inspection, letter of approval on Amick water system, and Christmas lights to be erected November 22, 1972. The Zoning Board denied the Barker Petition Request for re-zoning and Barker withdrew his petition. The zoning board tabled the Vaughn Property issue until a later meeting. There was a first reading on .an ordinance .to annex and re-zone Lindland property, P~blic hearing to be on December 5, 1972. . - Mayor Fox appointed the Commissioners to be advisors to the following departments: Robert Lyle-fire dept. O. David Harper-water dept. Carmon Hamby-sanitation dept. Frank Turne~-street dept.. There was a discus.sion on hiring a book-keeper city manager. Comm. Lyle and Comm. Harper between the county and city of Winter G~rden and Ocoee. good possibility of getting Benham. and helper for the said there should be good relationship commissioners and between the two towns City Manager said that there was a together with County Commissioner Ben Bobby Taylor of the sanitation department thanked the City Commission I for the turkeys they received for Thanksgiving, and asked about an ordinance regulating the size and conditions of sanitation cans. City Manager stated that this matter was to be brought to him and not before the commission. Comm. Turner made a motion to have the City purchase blazers the city commissioners. Motion was seconded by Comm. Lyle. Turner and Lyle voted YES, Comm. Harper and Hamby voted~. Fox stepped down as mayor and voted YES ,to carry the motion. There being no further business to be brought before the Commission Comm. Harper made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Comm. Turner and carried with a YES vote .from Comms. Turner, Lyle, Hamby, Harper. City Commission Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. for Comm. Mayor ATTEST: D. CLERK 'Jt~ J2ifttOEE .... r I