HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-1973 I I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA HELD JANUARY 19, 1973 Present: Mayor Fox: Commissioners, 'Harper, Turner, Lyle, & Hamby Absent: None The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:02 P.M. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Comm. Turner asked that the minutes reflect that the budget was amended to instead of.Qy. C omm. Turner made the mati on to accept the corrected min-. utes. Comm. Hamby seconded the motion. No objections. 1. The Second reading for the annexation of 17~ acres on A.D. mims Rd. was read by Mr. Vignetti. Comm. Harper made the motion to accept the ordinance on annexation. Comm. Turner seconded the t . CI."'~ ~<:l",i "''- . mo lone 0 2. Mr. Rhodes read the bond resolution title concerning the &400,00~00 loan. Comm. Harper made the motion to~accept the resolution. Comm. Turner seconded the motion and there were no nays. 3. Tri-City Airport - The option to purchase Beggs property, by Red Bug Lake for $44,000.oO,ComJ1l: Harper made the motion to buy 1/3 share of the land. Comm. Lyle seconded. No nays Comm. Turner made the motion to pay the Ctiy's share of the legal fees, seconded by Comm. Harper. 4.Florida Power - discussions were held on underground utilities. Comm. Hamby made the motion to table it for further study, sec- onded by Comm. Harper. No nays. ~. Scotty's Lumber yard Water Agreement- discussion held on this agreement. Comm. Lyle made the motion that we enter into the agreement with Scotty, seconded by Comm. Harper.. 6. Wurst Insurance renewal - discussions held oh the renewal of this insurance. Comm. Turner made the motion to continue on with it, seconded by Comm. Harper. No nays. ~ Roadway Inn - discussion on final approval of 151 unit motel. Comm. Lyle made the motion to issue the building permit to Roadway Inn, seconded by Cemm. Hamby. No nays. 8T Emergency Vehicle - discussion on ordering the new rescue truck. Comm. Turner made the motion to go ahead with the order of the rescue truck and borrow the money from the bank to be paid ann- ually and the Fireflies would continue to work toward raising funds to pay forthis, seconded by Comm. Lyle. As officer of the bank Comm. Harper abstained from voting. ~ Julco Cor.- Comm. Hamby made the motion to accept the Planning and Zoning reccomemdation to annex with proper zoning, seconded by Comm. Harper. No nays ~ Road Maintenance for Maguire Rd. Curve - discussion held on cost of maintenance of Maguire Rd. Comm. Harper asked that the Mayor and City Manager talk to the County Commission and find out if they will help and b~ing it up at the nest meeting. .1..L.. City Prosecutor -' Mr. tHgnetti said he talked to our. attorney. The attorney said he felt a part-time ~orker from the county office would work. Federal Sharing was $32,565 Beverage &liquor was 800.00. Mr. Vignetti resBarched the " , " .\\~. '. II 111//11111/1/1/1111 ,"" j~ ~. .....- /- _/ ili",., , , Jtl' " I ~l,: /' . ..; , Mr. H. t~. eownes~, C'I;' i I i....m p I ann I ng and Lon i nS LO/:III i ~ 5 i 0/' City of <koee, Flori,!;, 0." r Hr. Bowne ~i I I " '. I" This I ~ In "ns\~tlr to your q~Jt'..tlol\ il~; to \",t:~lh':1 or nCt t;le Ocoee Plannln~J nnd .'C)nin~) i.,'Jl:1ni~~I'HI -;I,Uid,\ c(msl,l/?r l:lf" second appl iC8t.lon for (1 1...1......f"(J{: uf ZOO!.l': L l;'l"~ i t i(ill ion on propertyowned tJ'J' :lr. :\~'P:' 'v~III,;',i1 on ~;; I,/.~r' .Li)r Ilu:,(~. !t III my lJndf"rstandlnj t,l(ll trlf~ fUlh)\,in". f~'(,l." ,.\,~ i.I,,:dve'lo Tl~ InltlfJl dPpl i\:"tion rC'llJ0",lln~J p, ','!;o"'I(~ in .i'T,lllP; to l"~(' C-I cate~orl WAS Jis.!ppruv~"rj I., t'rt! pl<Inn::-I, ;\;)(( I)llill, COfTIlllssion after pili lie 'le;'rln,)o TiI.: dlsr.-pprcJ'.AI H.:';, i~ppedp.d to th~ City COIllnls!:lion. prior..o lll( "ppIICIl!.ion "cln':j :)f~.;!rd or ilcted upon Ly t".- 1,1 t Y lCJIII,il ~.' i,)n, It \.c.i~, \.: (, ':1" \'1) I,. tie applicl'lnt. The (i,',. (()f~ll!I:, ,lOr' 'lid t,Ll': i,~llf' 'If'. <'\ i 1')1' UP01, it. fhe second 8ppl:(.)lIOn ...,:('1.:'. I:,~ ',;Iii' ...pi,:" t,!i,~,':ifi(,,'I:lon hS the flr~t bu~ (,ppll '.... to,,1 s;:,fll ~f''', :,~I\,j ,'j'.', (, r-n tl'....; i irst. The 5ec:ond BpptlClltlur \:1", fir.,,' \\'1','11'1 k~ l'l.rV)lw'j";lr froflll.he rejf!ctloll of (lr' lir-,\. ''( Lit' ,'I'Hlldn: ,'"l :Ollj'I', Corrlill !t .. I On. and for Based upon tIIC:jC: f()Ll;. I: I.; /)1':' :1onln~ Corrrnl5sion <.:lol,ld con'iidcr rC.lonln~ of l;d~ prl.pt'rL,. ',)p;nior, 1;',,'1 t1lf' ,'li:1nnlnq l II. :,;r,(.on" ;''FplIC:Jt.lon M( reasons for (,().~d'n'J to tiil~i contl"!iio:l .l,',: l"i' fl)lIl)vdn:;. ^s tar as I hav" been .~I.it. to '.~(~tenllille, ti,'~r,~ i:,; nO 1,]ll(J"f.l~e In t.h~ zoninG ordinbn(,l~ 'Wc.:lln" spc<.i1'if.:II,. "iI.1 l:,i; ,!ffcct':"'/ \vltl1dra~vlJl of an appl iCi'lti(Jn !'O( "~~-":ll(,i,\,. ',in',l? t,,(~ ordln~ncr.~t does not "ipeclfict,il't lll~)os(' ,IIiY ~~~'l, ltle:; ,')I' /', ',tri",ic;ns Oil tlld act of \\'i lIlJn.:\\'i ,,~; sl/e ; flrl ,"PI, 1.ILdL i()!~, ()\ ".;' t,,<I' fOI-f(;' I L~Jre of (he f II lng fee, I do /lot I" (1 ill I C.3n ~_,(; i,;it'l\lSel! \lld(.~;~ tlH~ case comes within t.le lllldlittlor'ls provhion. ot ~"ijpt(',( II, Section 0 (S). ')':Ie porl ;Oll~. of l~ds ~e(,llo'~ ,,;it..:l 1;1 Illt- opinion are controlling on l,:I'; rhJrtic.:1.1r UlS(' .)rl~ ;",1(' loI10\..!l1q: i i h "\Jhenever tile ~I.:~nnir".j i'nd zonJI1'] C:'1IlI\liS~If)n IID5 taken action to recomTlt:nd lite der,J.:..1 llt Cl p('(lItlon for the rezonins or' properl,/ and l",'l rccOlrt\1end.. atlon has lJeen 8pprov.~d l.i' ttl~ elt,' ('0I:lnI5510n,***, the plannlny and zonln; ~onnlsslon s'lal I nOLI ,--=';.~" ,." (' 1Illr .... _"'~_,Y '--' - Iff, II. /1. Bownas.... "ye r...o Ju I y 2 ~ , I 972 (II) Con~ld('r rny furt'ler 1-',~t.l",lul) tor r,IU Sillllt' r~lOtl i n',1 or bn y pnr t or tit II of l! Ie ~nlTlc property for (j pC'r lOll of I)ne {I) YCi~r from the date of :;\1(,,1 8Ct /onl***. I . . , Because the 'en(lun~e of ttle ordinance I~. conjunctive r;It ler tilt'ln disjunctive, that III It calls for ucnlc!l lo, Llle lonill~J COlllnllslon and approvel of l".t denial by t')e Cltf Comilisslo''\, It I~, \;IY op1nlon t~t tIle eM year Ilmlt?itlon on rp-fil in'J doe~ not lltt8e.) untl' both luch events occur. I; I" I' I Plea.e note that I have mentlcmt!d liS ~' pt'rtlnent rnr..t 1'1 tllh csse that the two .ppl Icatlons des(;.ril;<! dlffer~nt amounts of land. It Is not my Intention to expre55 an opinion at thl!; tllllt! on wh.t the position of the PlennlnS/ and lonln'.; l:onmlsslon ~;110LJld be In the event a propflrty owner reflled:1n nppllcl!tlon for re- zonlny .fter en Identical .ppllcatlon Ilad been denied by l'l(' PI.nnlng end lonln:J cocm"~5Ion. Tills question could pOlslLI)' Involve.orne factors not pertinent In t:,e present cast'. I l'\ope t~t this opinion may be of asslstnnce to yOll. ~', Very truly your~, } '1 r 1 " " John H. Rhodes, Jr. .j ~1 JHR,JrJsm ", .~ f " " i! ,j {~~ .,' .." " " ... , L.;l~ ' '\ ~ ~ : ~ " " - ,1;' .., ~ ), ( ,I, Ii : ~ .(. " ~, " '~ l; r l. "j J~'l.. \ .~l , I.. FINANli:lI:IL STATEl\'IENT , CITY OF OCOEE FLORIDA FRON 1-2-73 TO 1-16-73 RECEIPTS: Water and Garbage Water Deposits Water Conn. Fines Oceup. Lie. (City) Fire Contracts Bldg. Permits Cemetery Accidents" Reports Real Estate Tax Personal Prop. Tax Penalities Telephone Tax Zoning Youth Center Strickland-Jacket Rent-Hall Federal Sharing State Revenue Sharing Utility Tax Gas- Cigarette Tax(.02) 5,671.99 140.00 1,500.00 2,398.60 150.00 165.00 1,086.10 15.00 21.00 12,212.76 2,560.18 3.83 1,12A-.79 8.00 14.00 9.00 10.00 32,565.69 13,152.00 3.33 2,121.98 DISBURSEMENTS: Frank Turner John H. Rhodes Theodore VanDeventer Hubert IV. Fox Richard Doss Leroy Turner William S. Walker ITeBs:e Thompson Larry Dodson John H. Boyd Robert Humphreys Randell Bell Lawrence v{. Fox James H. Sasser James T. Vandergrift James L. Coschignano Earl Turner Joyce A. Compton Rex Warr Byron Rhodes Billy Parnell Thomas G. Butler Edward G. Loughlin Ethel Mills Linda Watkins Mike Jernigan Barbara Jefferies Roy Strickland Oscar H. Moore Dorsen Strickland Barnard Roberts Billy W. Roberts James E. Pickels Clayton V. Gilbert Peggy A. Scroggins John L. Vignetti Clark.H. Beery George H. Horton Sam Oliver IDtms G. Smith James Czarnecke James E. Elmore Otis Hensley Mike Williams Buster J. Smith James E. Hale Charles R. Johnston Jesse Bruce James D. Crane Linda Watkins H. M. Bowness Frank's Enco Service \~ites Auto Store r( 75.00 200.00 100.00 3.60 3.00 149.B8 110.77 95.18 97.48 104.54 103 .47 110.45 91.01 102.15 80.98 92.78 128.42 75.96 92.78 81.40 78 . 83 100.01 95.14 85.41 87.31 64.16 55.74 99.71 88.86 84.72 84.72 84.72 109.06 91.57 95.19 165.78 120.84 32.23 121.30 105.72 99.19 83 .00 97.68 84.72 96.68 77.62 102.44 85.01 79.62 7.49 853 .41 5.40 94.95 Cordons Auto Parts Henry Plumbing Co. Boogaarts Boogaarts James D. Hood D P. Orwig Jack :Michael Martha McCoy Alice Shelton Albert Boddy Fire Dept. Hdgters. 1'1. H. 'VV'urst Engels Graham Gun & Pawn Howell Janitor Florida Telephone Pitney-Bowes Modern Stationery, Inc. Dictaphone Corp. Comfort Control F. & R. Office Pickerills Trophy Shop Adamson Cleaners Southeastern Supply Motorola Inc. West Orange Memorial Times Printing Service Pegrams Grocery George Stuart, Inc. Roger's Sunoco Mett's Auto Wrecking Yocam Batteries Solid Waste Disposal Consolidated Chemical Carse Oil Company Citizens National Bank H. M. Bowness Ed Brooklyn B. E. Stovall L. R. McRoberts W. H. Wurst Ray Lait Orlanod Paving Company Crawford Tire Service Apperson Chemicals Bray Hardware Davis Meter Badger IvTeter Hughes Supply Liquid .Air Barnettes Supply Anderson Surgical Jack Cocke and Co. Photosound of Orlando Highway Equip. Supply Elar Products Snap-On Tools Florida Power Co. Cake Law. Enforcement Johnson Automotive Prudential Insurance Goodyear Service Newsom Oil Co. 18.99 47.35 169.10 247.21 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 239.20 724.00 77.75 93 .00 129.13 31.50 11.70 14.00 11.50 14.53 34.85 2.10 10.20 47.00 10.00 122.85 13 .17 99.00 2.61 60.00 23 . 80 152.00 105.00 11.35 13,600.00 23 . 70 23 . 70 23 . 70 ~~ .70 23 . 70 23 . 70 58.42 261.84 140 . 80 4.40 116.36 161.60 538.52 4.20 29.50 8.20 16.30 17.75 45.92 188.46 79.50 1,361.85 4.72 25.06 fu87.97 202.14- 112.23 ~ 1 CASH IN BANK 1-2-73 $47, 43 2 .90 8,293.33 936.91 $131,596.39 GENERAL FUND INTEREST & SINKING CEMETERY FUND ~ Pine Hills Automotive Al ETtTing Ford Public Gas Edvv"i,n Pounds Clark H. Beery John L. Vignetti Peggy A. Scroggins Joyce A. Compton Linda Watkins Sam Oliver Otis G. Smith James Czarneke James E. Elmore Otis Hensley Iflike vlilliams Buster J. Smith James E. Hale Charles R. Johnston Jesse Bruce Joseph A. Jones James D. Carne Leroy Turner Earl Turner William S. Walker, Jr. Roy Strickland Oscar H. Moore Dorsen Strickland Barnard Roberts Billy Roberts James E. Pickels Clayton V. Gilbert Jesse Thompson Larry Dodson John H. Boyd Edward G. Loughlin Ethel Mills Mike Jernigan Barbara Jefferies Robert Humphreys Randall Bell La'wrence \'1. Fox James H. Sasser James T. Vandergrift James L. Coschignano Rex Warr Bryon Rhodes Billy Parnell Thomas G. Butler George G. Horton Plastic Letters and Signs CASH IN BANK 1-16-73 GENERAL FUND INTEREST AND SINKING CEMETERY FUND 320.12 2.55 20.61 J 25.00 116.24 165.78 95.19 75.96 87.31 121 .30 105.72 99.19 83 .00 97.68 84.72 96.68 77.62 102.44 85.01 77.62 79.62 149.38 1~8.42 110.77 99.71 88.86 84.72 84.72 84.72 109.06 91.57 95.18 97.48 104.54 95.14 8:5.41 64.16 47.78 103.47 92.78 91.01 102.15 80.98 92.78 92.78 81 . 40 78.83 100.01 3 2 . 23 12.76 $91,588.58 8,293.33 936.91 $131,596.39 I I I -2- figures and found that we would b~ receiving an additional check. Glenn Thomas - discussion on the bill from Mr. Thomas. Comm. Harper made the motion to take funds out of the general goverment and pay Glen Thomas, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Traffic signal - Maintenance agreement.discussion. 12. Mr. Cowart from Winter Garden came requesting annexation and zoning of property adjacent to the Waters and across the street from Frank's Enco. He requests C-2 zoning for a Sobiks Sub-Shop. This was a reccommendatian from the Zoning Board that he bring a letter of request for annexation and zoning to the Commission. The Commission would draw up an ordinance. 13. Tom Ison approached Comm. Lyle and asked for pictures of IRe Commissioners, Mayor and City Manager. eomm. Lyle asded Mr. Vignetti to see if Gary Marsden could do it. 14. Kissimmee Ave.- discussion held on what to do about the driving problems on this road. Comm. Hamby said he would try to get a silver pass to Disney World for all ther commissioners. Cmrom. Hamby suggested painting the sanitation truck. Comm. Turner made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Comm. Harper. The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 P.M.. Respectively subimmited V~ Il. (lorn.p;mJ Joyce A. Compton ast. Clerk