HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-1973
FEBRUARY 6, 1973-
Present: Mayor Foxl Commissioners, Harper, Turner, Lyle,
Absentz None.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7102 P.M.
The minutes of the last meeting were read. Mr. Hamby asked
that the minutes reflect that Comm. Hamby seconded the mot-
ion to pay Glen Thomas' bill for the Zoning Board and Comm.
Lyle did not. Cornm,Harper made the motion to accept the
minutes as read, seconded by Comm. Hamby.
~ Julco Corp. - First reading of the Annexation and
Zoning Ordinance for Julco Corp.
Sobik's Sandwich shop- First reading of the Annexation
and Zoning Ordinance for Sobik's Sandwich Shop.
There was some discussion about the type sewage that
was to be used and Mr. Vignetti said hewould find out
the information concerning this.
Tom Day - Mr. Day is owner of Mid-State Plumbing Con-
tracters in Clermont. He has a contract with Mr. ,Stein
for Rodaway Inn. He requests that the Council accept
the Southern Standard Plumbing Code to use PVC under
the concrete slab instead of Cast Iron. Mr. Day :"'-"
has a bid for Roadway Inn for cast iron, but he would
like to use PVC.
Al Hurs~a PVC ReprBsenative~ came before the Council
to answer some of the questions the council had. He
stated that PVC was not pla~.t,itc,.~ It is Polly Vinyl
Chloride. Mr. Hurst gaveL, ___ ~ill1formation on PVC
and stated that the Government ~genies have approved
its use. He also stated that Orange County and Lake
County ere using it.
Comm. Lyle made the motion that Mr. Vignetti and Mr.
Beery investigate PVC and then make recomendations.
Discussions held on qualties of PVC. Comm. Turner
made the motion to table till the council could con-
sult with the city engineer, seconded by Comm. Lyle.
It was tabled until the next regular meeting~ Mayor
Fox asked Mr. Vignetti to get in touch with IYlr. Kuhrt.
Ocoee Hills Road Repairs - Mr. Samual Mann came represen-
ting the Ocoee Hills project. Mr. Mann stated that he
would have work on the repairs started within 10 days
if he could get Pipe & Paving to do ,the work. If they
could not do it , he stated he would bring workers
from out of state within 30 days.
Mr. Mann said he would,contact Mr. Vignetti
would be doing the work.
Mr. Pit Varnes asked council for the floor.
drainage from Ocoee Hills, Brentwood, Peach
flowing down Flewelling Ave. and going into
and tell him who
He stated that
Lake Manor was
his yard.
Building Code Violation - Mr. Warren T. Swinson, 802 W.
Ridgefield Ave, has built a utility shed without
proper setbacks. Comm. Lyle made a motion to rec~o-ommend
this to the adjustment board. Comm. Turner disagrees.
Mr. Caldwell said to wait and check the ordinance book
and he would tell the council what they could 80 at the
next regular meeting. Comm. Harper made the motion to
let the attorney find out what the council can do on the
violation and also to see if there is anything that can
be done to help Mr. Savage. Camm. Hamby seconded the
motion. There wer~ no nays.
Parking Problem on Kissimmee Ave. - Mr. 'Vignetti stated
that the area is cleared most of the timk. He did not'
see any problem..
~ Watson Co. - Mr. Vignetti said ther would be a meeting
at 9 A.M. Thursday morning with the architects on the
~,rvey on the new City Hall.
~ Boat Regatta - Mr. Breland came reporting that every-
thing was running smoothly. He requested a meeting
on Feb. 13 at 4 P.M.
Discussions held on new attornefs fee. It ,was decided
to go over this matter at the next meeting.
Announced - Open Meeting on Sewage Spray. E-ffluent that
Winter Garden is trying to get. The meeting will be
held at the Youth Center at 7 P.M.
The American Legion Past 109 came requesting a place
for their meetings. Comm. Turner made the motion to
let them use the Yo~th Center one night a month for
their regular meeting and one night week for bingo
free of charge as long as it doesn't interfere with
the youth activities. Comm. Harper seconded the mo-
tion. No Nays.
Comm. Lyle made the motion to adjourn the meeting,
Comm. Harper and Hamby seconded the motion. The meet-
ing was adjourned at 9:07 P.M.
Respectively Submitted
(ffl/& II- (J~piti^J
Joyce a. Compton
City Clerk