HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-03-1973 ~ 1 I I MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION HELD July 3, 1973 Members Present: Mayor Fox, Comms. Hamby, Lyle, Turner, Harper Members Absent: ~one The meeting of the Council was called to order by Mayor Fox at 7:05 O.M, The minutes were read and approved by Comm. Haraer, seconded by Comm. Turner. No nays. Motion carried. 1. Rezoning Ordinance - R-T to C-3 - Palms Mobile Home Dark. The first reajing took place on June 12, 1973. Ordinance 586 was read by Mr. Vignetti on request to change from R-T to C-3 (Cliff Freeman's Property). The legal description was read by Mr. Viqnetti also. The ordinance will become effective upon becomino a lalij. Comm. HarDer made a motion to accept the ordinance, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Motion carried. No nays, 2. Mr. Jay Doud of Teleprompter oave a briefing concerning the building program in the City of Dcoee and answered questions forthe commis3ioners concerning the cable. Mr. Doud stated that Dcoee Hill, Brentwood, Spring Lake Circle, and Freeman's Park would be completed in 73 and that 23.73 miles would be comoleted within the next two weeks. 3. House Bill 1176 - Change Fiscal Year to 1 October. The latest session of the legislature prooosed and oassed the law, House Bill 1176 to chanqe the Fiscal Year to October 1, A request that Attorney Caldwell draw up a resolution to change the City's Fiscal Year to October 1 was made by the Council. Comm. Turner made a motion that the resolution be drawn up. Comm. Harper 3econded the motion. Motion carried. No nays. 4. The q~estion of a franchise or increased fees was brouQht before the Council. A Public Hearing concerning the matter was held, but no action was taken. There were a lot of pros and cons on the subject. Comm. Harper suggested that the Council needed more information on franchising. Comm. Hamby and Comm. Lyle were against a franchise, Therefore, the consideration of the use of rollers was brought up. Mr. Vignetti stated that this system was expensive. Camm. Harper said it was a proven method and 1 I I fJa 0 e 2 l'.'as l\JOrkinq :~n some cities. ~lr. ViC]netti, City ~1anager sugnested a briefing on the bids from some franchise companys. Mr. Vignetti feels that the sprvice from the sanitation department has been bett~r lately. Comm. Lyle suggR~ted rAising the Day of the garbage men, hut Mr. Vignetti does not feel that the service ~oulrl i~orove by doing so. r.om~. Turner made a motion to table the matter for further discussion. The motion was spcon~8rl bv romm. Hamby. Motion carrind. No nays. Mr. Vignetti will oresent bids on franchise at th2 next meeting of the Council. 5. "later ratrJs l'JOre revislJJed by rnr. Vignetti, givinn the pr8'J?nt rates first and some discussion on new rates followinq. [omm. Haroer made a motion to tnhl~ the matter for further discussion. Comm. Hamby se~onded the motion. Motion carried. No nays, 6 . The discussion of a Bookkeeoing Machine was brought b~fore the Council. fllr. George i.'Jood, Office ~lanager of City Hall stated a need for the nachine dU8 to the problem of more resirlent~. Some discussion on th8 rosts were brought up. Purchase of a machine will be ~iscu9sed further at the beginning of the next fiscal year. 7. Casa de Lago - Final Approval - Building Permit ~r. rladin will bring in copies of approvals. He is trying to get the rounty's Aporoval. [omm, Turner made a motion to issue a huilding permit, seconded by romm. Har'Jer. Comm. Lyle and Comm. Hamby voted nay. 8 . Retroactive r~tirement briefing was given by Qoug ~verd. The rouncil has not acted on the proposed ~39,846.00 since the last meRting. A limit can be set on the number of years before an employee can receive retirement benefits. Ten years were suggested - - to be apnlicable. Mr. Everd stated that this should be written and legal if invested upon. Some comments were made on the dis- disability of an employee. If totally disabled the disabled person would be apolicable. [omm. Harper suogested there should be some control on the retroactive because of the problem of money. Comm. Harper sugges~8d that the council act on Sam Oliver now and the others later ~o comply with next year's budget in Ocbober. Comm. I I ~ I pa 9 e 3 I Harper made a motion to Day t12,OOO for Sam Olive~ now and review the oth8~ in October. The motion Luas seconded by Comm. Hamby. 9. The Thomas Butler request was read before the Council. The Planning and Zoning Soard recommended to issue a permit for a fence on his orooerty. Comm. Haroer made a motion to issue a permit, seconded by ~omm. Turner. Motion carried. No nays. Information 1. ~aguire Road Paving and SR 438 were comoleted. Mr. Vionetti gave a briefing on the subject, 2. City Safety Comoliance Inspection - Satisfactory. 3. Zoning goard Requests Legal Assistance - 10 July Meeting. 4 . The Tri-City Airport Authorized Meeting at Apopka - 10 July 7:30 P. M. 5. City Hall Closed - July 4. 6. (a) Insurance Rates Increase Reasons for: 1. Legislature has increased benefits (b) Legal Fees- Mr. Vignetti said thar was no way we could take CBre of it. A suggestion was made to send thR check back to doner and have him make another check in the same amount. (c) '!Jatson &. Comoany - lve LviII start paying them of the first ~2,400 once a month, 7 . It Fox Fir e It - c:: 1 e t t e r Lva sse n tau tho r i 7.: ins us t 0 hOD kin 0 n l'J ate r systems. 8. Oollution Control Board - Permission will have to granted to stoo illegal burning. Court can require the City to'take precautions. 9. Millage Assessment - Comm. Turner made a motion to keep the nine (9) mills, seconded by Comm. Hamby. One nay by Comm. Harper. Pa g G II 1 10. Hiting of Under 21 - Police Reserves They cannot make arrest and must be aided by a policeman. The purpose of the reserves is to aid as a back-up force. He can only function I.AJhile accompanied by an official officer. Comm. Turner made a motion to hire 18 year olds as reserves only. The motion was seconded by Comm. Harper with the understanding that no reserve has arrest power. ~10tion carried. rlJ 0 na y s . Some discussion on Hodes Construction Co. was brought ue. Comm. Lyle felt that there vms a need to fix tile roarl. Comm. Harper made a motion that the City Attorney investigate the matter, seconded by Comm. Turner. ~otion carried. No nays. Mr. Vignetti, City Manager feels that the stop light for SR 438 and SR 439 wil be installed within the next two months. 1 ~otion to adjourn was made by Comm. Hamby, seconded by [omm. Harper. No further business. Meeting adjourned 9:30 P. M. ATTEST: l4 ifT~_ 11eouty Clerk 1