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.JULY 17, 1971
~embers Present: Mayor Fox, [omms. Hamby, Turner, Lyle
Members Absent~ Comm. Harper
The Meeting of the rity Council was called to order by Mayor Fox
at 7:05 o. M. The minutes were read and Comm. Turner made the
motion to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by [omm. Hamby.
Motion carried" ~,IO nays,
The olanning an~ Zonino goard's request that the rouncil make
- I -'
a requirement that on any annexation and zoning request and Bny
zoning change that the aonlicant be made to ap~ly for building
nermits within a certain ~eriod of time was brought before tho
board, The Council suggested 90 days for oreliminary olans and
the final plans to be suhmitted in 60 days for apnroval. romm.
Lyle made a motion to accept the recommendation, seconded by
romm, Turn8r. Motion carried. No nays,
1. Resolution - Changing Fiscal Year from 1 Nov. to 1 Oct.
Attorney Cald'l.lpll read the rpsolution concerning the fiscal
year. 'ieginning with Seat. 30, 1973 the fiscal year shall
commence Oct. 1. romm. Turner made a motion to adopt the
resolution, Comm. Hamby seconded the motion. Motion carried.
r,lo naye;.
2 ,
Sanitation - Mr. I)!il~nn and ~lr. rra"'ford, reorec;pntatives of
rcntral Carbaoe Service gave the Commission an informational
tyoe briefing reqarrling 'various garbage and trash rollection
services, orovided by their ovganization. Additional informa-
tion regarding oricss for the garbage service were provided,
Problem areas this firm has Bnd is nncountering was discussed.
romm. Lyle made a fPotion to table the matter, y,'?conded by romm,
Turner. No nays, Motion carried. A work session was schedulerl
for 24 July 73 to furth~r discuss the matter.
). The rity Manager briefed Commission on the contents of House ~ill
1331, 8. n elll 1 a [)J tlJ hie h be c am e e f f e c t i ve 0 n 13 J u n 8 73, and i s a
Paoe 2
method of fixing millage. The fity ~anager stated that unless
IIJ 8 he 1 d a Pub 1 i [' He a r i n 9 Ii,] e co u 1 d not set 0 lJ r mill a 9 8 hi 9 her
than 8.~4. He pointed out that the City of OCOE~ at the last
Commission ~eeting established the millage for Fiscal Year
7~/74 as 9 mills per thousand dollars assessed value, and as
a rRsult of the new law we could not do this unless we held a
ruhlic Hearing. ~omm, Turner made a motion to rRscinrl his
motion of '\ July 71 to IJise 9 mills as the rat'? of taxation,
His motion riied for the lack of a second. rurther disrussion
on t his i s ~; u e LV 0 u 1 d t a k e p lac eat the w 0 r k s e s s ion s c h e d u led
2ft July.
4. :':;iting of the '}iatpr Tank - The r'ity ~lanager informed the r'ity
Commission the siting of the new water tank might not meet the
setback requirements and IMould he very close to !IJurst Road.
The ~ommission indicated this would not be a problem.
5. Hodes Construction fomoany - ~r. Phil Cowart and ~r. Sam ~ann
a 0 0 ear e d b EJ for e Com m i s s ion r e que s tin g lOb u i 1 din 9 per rn its 111 hie h
the City Manager had denied due to the unsatisfactory condition
of the Dcoee ~ills Road and failure to properly repair the
damage caused by the Hodes Construction fomoany, in a timely
manner. This road is still in a poor state of repair and has
been the source of numerous complaints from citizens who use
the road. ljodes rerlrp.sentatives claimed they could not get
a reliable naving contractor and the work that had been accom.
olished was unsatisfactory. They oromised, if issued building
nermits to continue the ooeration, that reeair of the road,
woulrl commence immnrliately, The rommission gave annroval to
issuE' builclinq oermits IJJith the oroviso that constructinn
I"OUJrl be halted if the road is not re~aired to the satisfaction
of the City of OCOEE.
6 i
miami Curbj,no VS Swale - A request was made to the rity ~anag9r
that swale curbino be authorized in the City of OeOEE. Following
a brief discussion on the merits of both types, Mayor Fox
recommended to deny the request and authorize Miami Curbing only
as the sub-division regulations indicate. Commission agreed.
7. Mrs.
Linda Pell appeared before the Commission and complained
pa g e 3
regarding noisy motorcycles, horses, parked trucks and buses
in thA housing area. In addition she complained about the
high grass in the rity. Comma Lyle made a motion to create an
ordinance prohibiting grass longer than 8" on improved areas
and 2' on unimproved areas. Comma Hamby seconded the motion.
[\!o nays. f1otion carried. Attorney CaldLuell Luas instructed to
write the ordinance.
(a) City ~anaqer reoorted that t12,081 was oaid into the Retire-
ment Fund for Sam Oliver.
(b) 'I,jatson &: l~omDany was paid the initial (;2,400 architect fee
and a orogress report would be rendered each month in the
(c) City Manager informed Commission of two bills received from
Chicago 3ridoe and Firm for tt54,022 and Ardamann's Associates
for "4,t+OO. These bills uJOuld be paid as soon as the "400,000
construction loan is placed on deposit.
( ,)
City Manager reported that a building permit was issued for a
Shoo and Go at the sito of Mr. Freeman's Cas Station on I;Jurst
(e) cton8 and Youngberg scheduled a meeting for 19 July, 9xact
time and Dlace to be decided later, for Mayor Fox, Comma
HarDer, Attorney Caldwell and the City manager. Meeting oer-
tains to the Bond Issue.
A general discussion was held regarding the two fatalities at the
railroad crossing on Russell Drive. Attorney Caldwell would research
and recommend to commission actions the City of OCOE~ could take to
reduce and prevent accidents of this nature. There being no further
business to ccnduct, Comma Hamby made a motion to adjourn, seconded
by Comma Turner. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P. M,
i!eputy Clerk