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,Ll.UGUST 7,1973
nRES~~T: ~ayo~ Fox, Comms. Turner, Har"er, Hamby, and Lyle.
The meptinq began at 7:00 P.M. Comm. Harper read the minutes of
the 1 as t me e till c: . Com m. H a r per m 0 v e d t 0 a c c e p t the m in u t 8 S a s
read, seconded by Comm. Turner. No nnys. Motion carried.
1 .
Ordinance 588 was presented tG the Council
2 .
The first reading of
by the City malager.
Comm. Turner. There
The first reading of the rezoning Ordinance for Herb Ross' oronerty
on LIJhite Rd, 1.'1:'lS 'Jresented to Council by the City ~?nager. Comm.
Turner moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Lyle. It was a unan-
imous vote and the ordinance was adopted.
Attorney Caldwell read a rough draft on an ordinance which es-
tablishes limitations on the height of grass. Discussions were
held. Grass height was decided at 10 inches for improved orooerty
and 24 inches for unimproved property. The Council also asked
that there be a clause stating that the city could remove said
nuisance and assess the owner for the cost. Mr. Caldwell will
bring the final draft to next meeting.
Attorney Caldwell read rough draft on an: ordinance on hazardous
railroad crossings and speed. The Council wants the speed set
at 15mph in residential areas and 25mph in commercial or other
areas. Council also wants to have penalties if the Railroad does
oat comply. Mr. Caldwell will bring final draft to the next
Attorney Caldwell read rough draft on an ordinance on junk cars.
The Council feels the ordinance is good. Comm. Harper moved to
acceot the three ordinances with corrections, seconded by Comm.
Lyle. No nays. Motion carried.
[omm. Harper moved to accept, seconded hy
was a unanimous vote and the ordinance was
5 .
Resolution charging the date of the fiscal year to Oct. 1,1973.
Comm. Turner moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Harper. No nays.
rn 0 t ion car r i e d .
Resolution on r-olice Standards. Comm. Turner moved to accept,
seconded by Corrm. Harper. No nays. Motion carried.
Resolution establishing tax millage for FY 73/74 at 8.34 mills.
Comm. Turner mcved to accept, seconded by Comm. Lyle. No nays.
Motion carried.
Mr. Haire came and asked Council to apDoint a building committee to
meet with him and his staff on the new city buildings. He brouqht
rough study drawings for the commission to have and then qave a
brief summary on what has been done. Camm. Lyle said there
should be a work session to decide about aopointing a committee.
It was decided to be on Aug. 13,1973
Mr. 80wness and Mr, lait came b~fore
and Zoning 8oard's ideas on rezoning
sp~t zoning. Mr. Lait presented the
Zoning Board should have a public hearing.
Comm. Turner made motion to raise the water rates to $3.00 plus tax
for the first 3000 gals. and $.35 plus tax oer 1000 gals. after.
Comm. Turner and Comm. Harper voted yes. Comm. Hamby and Comm.
Lyle voted nay. The Mayor broke the tie and voted yes. The
motion was carried. Customers outside the city limits that get
this service will pay double water and garbage rates and upon an-
nexation to the city the rates will be reduced to normal city
rates. Comm. Turner made the motion that if water and garbage
and trash ara availabl~ t~ey must take it. The motion died for
lack of a second. Comm. Harper made a motion for sanitation
to be n3.00 for residential, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Comms.
Lyle, Haroer, and Turner voted yes. Comm, Hamhy voted nay.
n~otion Carried.
9 .
at B: 15 P.M.
Council to give the Planning
part of the city to eliminate
ideas. The Council said the
1 .
The City Manager briefed the Commission on the Construction
Fund es ta b lished at the LIJes t Orange Ba nk . He indi ca ted t ha t
S275,OOO.OO worth of six months C.D.'s are ourchased at 6%.
$125,000.00 was deposited in the checking account and would be
used to pay for debts already incurred. $11,133.33 was deposited
into the Water Revenue Sinking Fund. He informed Council that
the heavy work load in keeping track of their various accounts
requires additj,onal skilled help in the Bookkeeping Department.
The City Manaqer gave information relative to the De~. 5,1972
Eouncil meeting to Vaughn's lawyer, Mr. John Rogers.
Police rental increase from $65.00 to ~90.00 per month
mr. Vignetti wants oermission to order two Ambassador Police
Cars with medium engines, oriced at ~3400.00 each. The city can
~ay for them in the new fiscal year. Comm. Turner made the mo-
tion to go ahearl, seconded hy [omm. Harner. No nays. Motion
The City will issue building oermit for Prima Vista Apartments.
Comm. Lyle suggested the Commission aoooint a committee to over-
see the ballfield: Rruce Goodson-Chairman, Jim Beech-Co-chairman,
LVillard OliverI IIJilliam Blair, and RilllY!eeks. Comm. Harper
made the motion to acceot, seconded by Comm. Hamby. No nays.
~1otion carrieEt.,
7, Aonroval for Industrial Park Plat-Phase 2. ~o ahead on issuing
3 .
4 .
5 .
pe rm.i t
Dublic Hearing-Auq.A-Rezone Mr. Garlin~ton property.
Citv manager is checking on oropsed FlY! Antenna Tower on Tri-City
~ayor Fox attended a meeting with 17 other mayors fro~ Oranoe County,
Seminole rnunty, and Oscen18 County. They want to Form q Tri-City
~avor Assa. It will cost somewhere around ~250.00 per year.
~ayor Fox will keen the Commission informed on any dsvelonements.
The Council th~nk this might be a good idea.
r~ayor Fox asked Attorney Caldwell vJhether the $5000.00 check
issued to the city and was Dut in a trust fund by the orevious
attorney should be transfered. Attorney Caldwell said the trust
fund LiJas fine LJhere it is.
The Commission dire~t8d City Manager not to issue permits to Horles
Construction until the matter of the str~et repair could be re-
Comm. Turner raised the issue of Leroy Turner sick leave. Comm.
Turner made th8 motion to continue to pay Leroy's salary though
his sic k I e a vet i me i sup, s e con d e d by Com m. L y 1 e . r,! 0 Nay s .
Motion carried.
A discussion was held on the ordinance the Planning and Zoning Board
had Attorney Caldl!lell drauJ up. The Zoning Boctrd request that a
time limit on nlans he olaced in the ordinance. The Council recom-
mended to Attorney Caldwell to add to the ordinance the time
limit of 6 months from time of rezoning to final olans with 30
day extensions from Council.
Comm. Turner made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Camm. Harper.
~J a nay s . Mot inn Car r i e d . The me e tin gad .i 0 urn e d a t 1 0 : rJ 5 P.!Y1,