HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-1973 I 13. I MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD AUGUST 21, 1973 PRESENT: Mayor Fox, Comms. Turner, Harner, Hamby, and Lyle. ABson: ~IO[\JE . 1. The meeting beqan at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of the last meetinq were read. Comm. Turner moved there be a correction of the minutes, changing the Grass Clearing Ordinance to the Public Nusiance Lot Clearing Ordinance, seconded by Comm. Har8er. It was a unanimous vote. Harold Maguire came to council on his oetition for rezoning due to a misunderstanding in his zoninq request, he was ask to go bar.k to the Planning & Zoning board. The first reacing of Ordinance and Annexation zoning for Carrier Air Conditioning for 1-1 zoning was presented to council. Comm. Harper moved to accept Ordinance as read, Comm. Turner seconded. Unanimous vote. Ordinance adopted. First reading of Ordinance on zoning change of Garlington ~ronerty from R1AA to R-3 was presented to council. Comm. Harper moved to acceot ordinance as read, Comm. Turner seconded. Vote taken Comms. HarDer, Lylp, and Turner voted yes, Comm. Hamby nay. A second reading will be held September 18, 1973. First readinq on Grdinance for rezoning the Garlington oronerty from R1A2 to [-1 was oresentRd to council. Comm. Haroermoved to acce~t, seconded by Comm. Turner. Vote taken, [omm. HarDer Lyle, and Turner v~ted yes, [omm. Hamby nay. A second reading will be held September 18, 1973. First roadirg on Trash Ordinance presented to council. ~aldwell added a section on rrmoval of said nusiance to orininal ordinanco. Camm. WArper moved to accent ordinance as corrected, Comr'1. Lyle seconded. UnanimDlls. Ordinance adoptpd. r.irst r"!arling on nrr1~nanr,,; of Automatir. C)iQnal f)['vjrrs Railr("1~--1 "Jas ....r8s~llted -l-IJ council, S!ined lil""'its I"ere pstar-lisher.. Comm. Turn"'"':' ...,..."", i'llltion to accent as read, secrmrlnrl h" r....rnr. HaT''''ler. Unarimn!ls. OrjinC'nr8 Il'PS adopt8s. Cocnr1. Lylp. sugqes4:r:>rl '-'uttinr::, temp'lI'8ty st[1'"1 si'Jns at 0 ./). [l'Iims Rd. and Russell Dr. !lrani:TI....I1s Vote. 2. 4. 5 . 6. I I _I 10. 1 1 . -2- 7. ~irst reading on Junk Vehtclss nrdinAnce, Comm. HarDer moved to accp-.t as rearl, seconded hy Comm. Lyle. Ilnanimous vote. I Ordinance was adopted. City Manager read Resolution on Traffic Signal Maintenance. Comm. Lyle moved to accent, seconded by Comm. Harner. Unanimous vote. Resolution was adopted. Comm. Lyle suggestgd a letter be sent to parties involved, stating we had passed resolution and comolain about cost. It was agreed the City manager would send a letter. 8 . 9. Apoointment of Building Committee: Mayor Fox Chairman, Asst. Chairman Comm. Turner, L.R. McRoberts, Ray Lait, James Birdyshaw, Fire Chief Vandergrift, John Vignetti, and acting Police Chief Turner. Comm. Hamby moved to accept, seconded by [omm. Lyle. Unamious . Building committee will meet Friday August 24, 1973, at 8:00 o.M. the clerk will notify committee as such. A s~ecial meeting will he held on Sewerage Plant Agreement at 8:00 n.m. Thursday, August 23, 1973. Pefore discussions on the budgets were held, there was a ceneral discussions on tODics from the audience. Mr. Minor comolained about the trash truck going on other nrivate prDoerty, but not being able to go on his orooerty, he was informed a bill of thirty dollars would be sent to the other narty. rn r. 8 e e c has k c 0 u n c i 1 t 0 S 'J 0 n s 0 raY [11 CAD 0 P I II a r n e r F 00 t b a 11 tea m , the srnnsorshio being 5300.00 and a additional 3100.00 for equioment needed. [omm. Lyle moved to accept, Comm. Turner seconded. Unamious. Mrs. Stienly of 107 5Drinqlake Dr., came saying there was a 130 foot antenna in her neighborhood that was dangerous and ask what if anyth~ng the council could do. Mayor Fox suggested she try FCC first, if no action from them, then she was to come back. City Manager gave hriefing on third quarter budqet. City Manager gave briefing on budget oro'Josal for F/Y 73-~4 . There was a gGneral discussion. A work session will he held on August 23, 1973, at 6:00 'J.m. Em~loyees sick leave was discussed. Comm. Haroer made a motion to nay suoervisors above and beyond sick nay and vacation with reviews on individual at each meeting'lseconded by Comm. Lyle. Comms. Harner, Lyle, Hamby voted yes, Comm. Turner nay. Motion carried. Comm. Lyle moved to continue Chief Turners salary until next council meeting, seconded by Comm. Harper. LJnamious vote. Chief Turners salary is to be put on agenda for next meeting. I I ,I -3- [omm. Turner made a motion to' give a donation of ~35.00 to Ocoee Lions Club for banners; seconded by [omm. Lyle. ..I Unamious. motion carried. Comm. Harner ITade a motion to adjourn, seconded by [omm. Turne~ Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. S~JL~~- iJeotJ~ -LlerK