HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-1973 MINUTES OF THE CITY commISSION OF THE CITY OF WCOEE HELD SEPTEmBER 18, 1973 PRESENTs mAYOR rox, COMm. TURNER, HARPER, HAMBY, AND LYLE I ABSENTs NONE The meeting began at 7s00 p.m. The minutes of the last meeting were rea~. Comm. Harper moved to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Comm. Turner. 14. 1. Second reading of Ordinance on Garlington property zoning change R1AA to R-3 was read by City Manager. Comm. Harper moved to accept, seconded by Comm~ Turner. Vote taken, Comms. Harper, Turner, & Lyle voted yea, Comm. Hamby nay. Being a three to one vote motion was carried and Ordinance was adopted. 2. Second reading of Ordinance on Garlington property zoning change R1AA to C-1 was read by City manager. Comm. Harper moved to accept, seconded by Comm~ Turner, vote taken, Camms. Harper, Turner & Lyle voted yea, Comm. Hamby nay. Being a three to one vote motion was carried and Ordinance was adopted. 3.~First reading of Ordinance on the Time Limits of Filing Plans was read by Attorney Caldwell. Comm. Lyle moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous, Ordinance adopted. Resolution-Automatic Traffic, Signals at Railroad Crossings Attorney Caldwell suggested choosing the three ~ost dangerous crossings to be presented to Seaboard first, they are at Russell st., A.D. Mims Rd., Bluford St., and Rewis st. It was decided the City Attorney would draw up the resolution. 5. Sewerage Agreements Tyus vs City of Ocoee. There is a third party agreement stating the City has a ninety-nine year option to take over plant at their (the City) discretion, also the third party would have to take over plant if owner is unable to fulfill his commitment to operate plant. Comm. Harper moved to accept after a stated number of hook ups (540) was added to agreement, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Agreement adopted. 6. A progress report on the new City Hall was Watson & Co. Th'sre was a..'recommendation to accept the plans. Comm. Harper moved to I Turner. Motion c.:lrried. 7. presented to council by from the Building Committee accept, seconded by Comm. Resolution on Qualifing Deadline for Candidates be at close of Business 5 October 1973. Comm. Harper moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Turner Resolution adopted. 8. Tennis Court Contracts City Manager read bid of 511,300 for two 119. I I (2) 10. courts from Rick Sherve Inc. Comm. Lyle made motion to accept bid, seconded by Comm. Harper. Unanimous, motion carried. Amendment #3 to 72-73 Budget. City Manager explained amendment. Comm. Turner moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Harper, motion carried. This amendment sets budget at 5703,585. Personnel Policies - Comm. Turner made motion to adopt as written for lack of a second motion Comm. Turners motion died. Comm. Lyle made a motion to hold a work session on these policies, seconded by Comm. Harper. It was decided the work session would be held 25 September 73 at 7:30 p.m. The City Manager explained the bid from Basic Asphalt regarding the paving of White I~oad. The bid was for %52,465.80. The City is to ~ pay one half, Tyus is to pay one quarter, and Folsom is to pay one quarter. Comm. Turner moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Harper, Unanimous, bid accepted. Work to commence 24 September 1973. Comm. Lyle moved to continue Chief Turners salary for two more weeks seconded by Comm. Harper, unanimous - motion carried. It was suggested the City manager search for a proper place to use as a dump. Ccmm. Lyle moved to close the dump effective 19 Sept. 73 but not arrest any Dcoee citizens using dump until 1 Oct. 73, seconded by Comm. Harper. Motion carried. Month of October to be proclaimed as P.TA. & P.T.O. membership drive monbh. Comm. Turner moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Harper, motion carried. Mayor Fox read a proclamation from Orange County on Animal Control Week to be set for first week of October. Comm. Turner moved to adopt, seconded by Comm. Harper. Proclamation adopted. Mayor Fox ask if anyone in audience had anything to bring before council. Pete Flurry and Ivey Sloane came before council stating that Cliff Freeman was going to djg"a ten foot drainage ditch near Lee st. that would dump all drainage onto their property and ask what could they do about said ditch. It was decided the City Manager would check into this matter. Mr. Flurry also ask if Lee st. could be opened up so he could get a street to his property, he was told this matter would be investigated and the City Manager would make recom- mendations. Mrs. Bechler came before council complaining about the property at 907 Jamela being a health hazard and public nusiance. The City Manager is to investigate and take action. Camm. Lyle ask if anyone had checked on the drainage problem at the Thelma Davis property. The City Manager expla~ned that thBr.~~s 11. I I I (3) to be a twelve inch ditch dug on the Spurlin property (with his permission) in hopes that this would relJeve the problem. Comm. Lyle brought beforecouncil a motion from the Planning & Zoning Board to One Way the road at Minorville Crossing to Story Rd. Comm. Turner made motion to table discussion, seconded by Comm. Harper. Being no futher business Comm. Harper made motion to adjourn, ~ seconded by <<omm~ Turner. Meeting adjourned at 10s05 p.m. C~~k~~ 11::4 d~ ayor