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OCTOBER 2, 1973
The meeting began at 7.00 p.m. The minutes of the last meeting were
read. Comm. Turner moved to accept the minutes as read, seconded
by Comm. Harper.
1. Resoluti on 011 Hazardous Ra ilroad crossings. Ci ty Ma nager read
a resolution orooosing automatic signal devices by put on three crossings,
at intersections located on Russell Drive, Mims Road/ Wurst Road and
Bluford Street/ Rewis Street. Motion made by Comm. Turner to adopt
resolution, seconded by Comm. Harper. Motion carried unanimous.
2. Progress Report Overhead Water Tank plans brought in by Walter
Khurt. He breifad commission on plans. Mayor Fox, suggested we go
ahead on this project. Motion made by Comm. Turner, Seconded by Comm.
Harper. Noo Neys. motion carried unanimous. Comm. Robert Lyle suggest-
ed City errect a sign on the site stating said property would be site
for Overhead watl3r tank and also the height of tank. City manager is
to write a letter requesting color change on water tank.
3. Melvin Assoc:lates - Hidden Oaks preliminary approval, City Manager
briefed comm. on plans. Mr. Lawson from Melvin Associates answered
questions on this project. Motion was made by Comm. Turner to approve
preliminary plans, seconded by Comm. Harper. Unanimous. Motion carried.
4. Lee Street drainage ditch. City Manager briefed commission on re-
sults of investigation, showing maps and pictures of property. Motion
made by Comm. Lyle to request Mr. Freeman's engineers submit a copy
of drainage plans. Comm. Hamby seconded and motion carried. Motion
made by Comm. Turner to have Mr. Griffin send us an explanation of
letter sent to City Manager, seconded by Comm. Harper. Motion carried.
Motion made by Comm. Harper to have engineer survey Lee Street to find
out exact location of street, seconded by Comm. Turner. Motion carried
5. Personnel Policies - Motion made by Comm. Lyle to table, Comm.
Harper seconded, Motion carried. Comm. Turner made a motion for
Attorney Caldwell to write an ordinance establishing a grievance board,
seconded by Comm. Harper. Motion carried.
6. Zoning Board Appointments, Mr. Wurst resigned from Zoning board.
Motion,made by Comm. Turner that Mr. Thomas by re-appointed and Mr.
Terry Schmoldt be appointed to replace Mr. Wurst. Comm. Harper
seconded, Motion carried.
White Road progress - Motion made by Comm. Harper to have a sidewalk
constructed alonq White Road, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Motion carried.
Mayor Fox reported on Chief Turner's progress. Comm. Lyle made a m6tion
to continue Chief Turner's salary at the old rate of pay for two weeks,
seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous motion carried.
It was suggested by Comm. Lyle that Mayor Fox contact Congressman Frey
to see what could be done about getting Chief Turner into Brooks Hospital
in Texas. Comm. Turner reported that the Chief of Police in Clermont
had dontacted him about the possibilities of his band holding a dance
at the Ocoee Youth Center with ~ll proceeds going to Chief Turner.
Mayor Fox reported on trip to Tallahassee with architect. There are some
changes in the plans for the new city Hill that will have to be made.
Comm. Lyle asked on progress report on Davis Property, City Manager
reported it is being worked on.
Comm. Hamby requested information regarding violations in Security
Mobile Home Park. City Manager claimed Mobile Home regulations not
clear and recommended Zoning Board look into the mobile park.
Comm. Turner recommended that a load of lime rock be put on Sanders
Rea d.
Comm. Harperasked City Manager to contact County to see if they would
do something about street at intersection of Center and 1st street.
Comm. Turner stated that Mr. Ziegler have culvert in front of his
property fixed by City. Mayor fox suggested by given top priority.
Motion made by Comm. Harper to look into annexation of un-incorporated
prope~y located N. of Silver star Road between Orange Ave. and Ocoee
Hills Road, baardered on North by Center street, seconded by Comm.
Turner, motion was carried unanimous.
There will be a Florida League Cities Convention. Comm. Harper,
Comm. Turner and City Manager will attend. Comm. Lyle to let City
Manager know if he can attend. Comm. Hamby not able to attend.
Convention on 25th, 26th and 27th of October.
Being no futher business Comm. Harper made motion to adjourn, seconded
by Comm. Turner. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
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