HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18-1973 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD DECEMBER 18, 1973 J PRESENT: ABSENT: MAYOR VANDERGRIFT, COMM. HAMBY,LYLE,AND CRAWFORD. COMM. HARPER ,. ]II Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with an offering of prayer followed by the Pledge Allegiance. Minutes of the last meeting were read. Comm. Lyle pointed out that paragraph 7 should read "a letter of final acceptance would be given after the sidewalks in Ocoee Hills subdivision were repaired to Citys' satisfaction and a maintenance bond double the cost of repairing Flewelling Street plus the normal maintenance bond on streets in said project was received". Comm. Hamby moved to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Motion carried. Mayor Vandergrift had to leave said meeting at 7:25 p.m. and Vice Mayor Lyle presided over said meeting until Mayor Vandergrif~s return at 7:40 Joe Bishop of Carrier Air-Conditioning came before council asking for a confirmation on a variance granted him by Planning & Zoning Board on 11 December 1973 (paragraph 3) he was told that no one except the Board of Adjustments could grant a variance. After much discussion it was decided that in order not to hold up Mr. Bishops building progress any longer an emergency meeting of the Board of Adjustments would be called. Mr.McRobert of the Planning & Zoning Board was in the audience and he was ask to contact Charles Tillman (who was also granted a variance on 12-11-73) and inform him he would also have to go before the Board of Adjustments for his variance. Mr. Zick Evans came before council asking for annexation and zoning of the South Springdale & North Springdale forty acre tract with RIA lot sizes with the construction of houses and duplexs of less than 1200 feet. Comm. Crawford made a motion to have said ordinance drawn up, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. 2. Sick Leave Plan- Comm. Lyle made a motion to terminate existing plan as of 31 October 1973 and to place in effect as of 1 November 1973 a disability oolicy that will give_~ch qualified permanent employee twelve (12) days oer year. To qualify a employee must be employed 180 days prior to joining said plan. Because of the change in the Fiscal Year of 73-74 each employee will receive eleven (11) days this Fiscal Year. To receive sick pay an employee must be ill and after three consecutive days of illn~ss on the fourth day the employee must present to his employer a doctors certificate. On the eighth consecutive day o.m. (2) J of an illness or the first day of an accident Prudential will pay all suoervisory or above employees 5125.00 per week and all other employees 5100.00 per week. Prudential will pay twenty six (26) consecutive weeks for each illness or injury. At the end of each Fiscal Year all sick leave days not taken will be dropped and each eligible employee will again be given twelve (12) days sick leave for the new Fiscal Year, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Comm. Lyle made a motion to authorize Doug Everd of Prudential to write said Disability Policy, effective as of 1 November 1973, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford made a motion to pay all employees having sick leave pay accumulated thru 31 October 1973 immediately (payoff is G20,490.27), seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. 3. Roland Lee of Watson and Company presented a picture of the new Orange County Courthouse Annex (which is to be constructed in the City) to council. 4. Mr. Roger Lovett of L.A. Melvin Associates of Titusville came before council requesting permission to construct road side swales instead of curbs and gutters in the Hidden Oaks Project. After much discussion Comm. Hamby made a motion to deny said request, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. 5. stone & Youngberg - Mr. Sheperd came before council on behalf oft ~ Mr. Powell, apologizing for his not being at Special Meeting and requesting that they be put on agenda for next scheduled meeting. 6. Employee Bonus - Comm. Lyle made a motion to give all regular employees with the exception of Commissioners and the Mayor a 515.00 Christmas Bonus, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Chief Turner came before council thanking them and the City for all help received during his illness and reported he was ready to go back to work. Chief Turner was ask to get3a work release from his doctors. Rex Warr came on behalf of the Boy Scouts and the Junior Firemen stating that the old jail building was notavailiable for their use. Camm. Hamby made a motion to allow said groups the use of the fire station at the Fire ChiefE; discretion for said meetings and also the Scouts and the Junior Firemen are to have first choice of the fire station building when the ~ew City Municipal building is constructed, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. 7. Auditors Report - The City Manager brifed said report for council. Comm. Lyle made a motion to change Commission meetings to 7:30 p.m. as oppose to the regular 7:00 p.m. time, seconded by Camm. Crawford. Unanimous. - ~ . II (3) City Attorney read rough draft of letter he had written in answer to Attorney Hamlins' letter on the request for a Quit Claim Deed to Cumberland street. Comm. Crawford made a motion to have City Attorney send said letter, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Comm. Hamby stated that stop signs at Palm & Pine Streets were missing. After much discussion as to why there was a stop sign at Spring & Center streets it was decided a four way stop sign would be best for said intersection. Comm. Hamby stated Mr. Phillips of Certi-Fine needed a load of dirt, the City Manager is to check into said situation. Comm. Crawford reported that many City employees were complaining about the Youth Center not being availiable for the City Employees New Years Eve party. Comm. Crawfor made motion for employees to use Youth Center for said night, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford made a motion to donate $150.00 to the City Christmas function to be held 22 December 1973, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Mayor Vandergrift explained that the various commissions set up by him were investigative committees only. John Boyd of the City Police Department came before council asking if it would be possible for the City to advance money for the initial cost (books & enrollment fee) to policemen taking college courses pertaining to their jobs, this money will eventually be repaid by the state. After much discussion it was decided said cost would be advanced by the City. The City Manager was given the authorization by the council to pay the following bills: Accounting-Billing Machine -S19,564.21, paid from the Federal Sharing Fund acct #1200. Employees Sick Leave -$20,490.27, oaid from the General Fund acct#1553. Basic Asphalt-$7,425.00 paid from the Reserve for Encumbrance acct#1525. Auditor Fee-$3,500.00 from the General Fund acct#3012. Comm. Hamby made a motion to adjourn meeting at 10:25 p.m., seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. ~,,~~ ~~'-!'<- ~ Clerk Mayor ..: ~1 .~