HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-1974 I I 15. MINUTES OF THE CITY CO~MISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD JA N UA R Y 15, 19 74 PRESENT: MAYOR VANDERGRIFT, COMM. HAMBY, CRAWFORD, AND HARPER AaSENT: COM~. LYLE 1 . Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.with an offering of prayer from Rev. Bell, followed by the Pledge Allegiance. lYlinutes of the last meeting were read. Comm. Haroer stated that in paragraoh 5 (minutes of 1-3-74) should read "100~~ on 10. water lines." Comm. Hamby made a motion to accept minutes as corrected, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. The City Attorney read Ordinance on zoning of 40 Acres North Springdale sub-division. Comm. Harper made a motion to adoot said Ordinance, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Ordinance adopted. City Attorney read Ordinance on Annexation of the 40 acre North Spring- dale tract. Comm. Harper made a motion to adopt said Ordinance, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Ordinance adopted. Cliff Guillet of the East Central Florida Planning Council came befJre the City council explaining about the Planning Council and its' membership availibility and the cost. Mr. Guillet stated if he or his staff could be of any help in any area of which they were qualified they would be glad to do so. Comm. Hamby made a motion to table this discussion until a full council was present, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Coffman Apartments -Mr. Coffman came before council with recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Board to change zoning on his property from R-l to R-3, he also presented his apartment building olans to council · Mr. Sourlin came before council stating his objections to said project and presented to council a oetition against said project containing 55 names of area residents. Comm. Harper and Crawford stated they would be in favor of said oroject if Mr. Coffman would cut down to fifteen apart- ments and connect to a central sewerage system instead of using septic tanks. Comm. Hamby made a motion to deny said request, his motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Harper made a motion to table said discussion until next regular meeting (2-5-74), seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Civil Service Comm.Mr. Daughtry came before council asking that council appoint five persons from a list the Civil Service Comm. oresented to them to serve on said commission or to submit any names they might have. Charter Study Comm: Bill Breeze came before council with resolution drawn up by said commission to be presented to County Charter Study Comm. Comm. Harper moved to adopt said Resolution, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Resolution adopbed. Mayor and Mr. Breeze will present 2 . 3 . 6. 4. I I I (2 ) Resolution to County. Comm. Harper made a motion to approve payment of the new fire truck, $24,918.79 to be paid out of the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund acct#lOOO and 22,498.67 from the General Fund acct.#106l due from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund,seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Comm. Harper made a motion to approve partial payment of the paving of White Rd. in the amount of $24,054.48 from acct#1525 from Reserve for Encumberance, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford reported that Hodes Construction had not repaired Flewelling street as promised. After much discussion Comm. Harper made a motion to deny Hodes Construction any further building permits until Hodes came before council, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Comm. Hamby stated that Mrs. Blitch of Lakeview Ave. has a tree that needs to be taken down on the City ri~ht of way. Rev. Bill Marr was chosen as City Chaplin at a Ministers Meeting with the Mayor.The Mayor stated that every 4th Thursday of each month he will be meeting with the Ministers of the community. Comm. Hamby is to do some research onrecreational vehicles. The Mayor appointed a Special Aide to animal control her name is Vivian Rogers. The Mayor ask the council to consider having a meeting every week. Being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at lO:55 p.m. s~~ Q,~ ~'1erk